How many weeks before the shooting starts?

How many weeks til SHTF?

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

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I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

:p Its not going to happen. If there was going to be open civil war it would have been at many points during the last 4 years while Obama and the Democrats were engaging in illegal collusion with our enemies against our President, sedition, FISA Court crimes, illegal spying / investigations, failed coup attempts, and the 1st ever admitted politically partisan faux Impeachment based on zero crime, evidence, and witnesses.

Conservatives don't cry after losing elections. They don't run out into the streets and scream at the sky. They don't engage in years of pparty-1st treason. After Obama was elected America moved on, and the PRIMARY focus was on the good of the country, nothing like what we saw from Democrats after Trump defeated Hillary.

What we are seeing from President Trump right now is the same legal process for contesting an election Gore used for weeks / months after his loss...despite what Democrats, fake news media, and snowflakes are trying to convince people is happening.

Why fight to ensure the Trojan/Beijing Horse, China Joe doesn't go in - he won't be there long: Not long after Joe is sworn in the extremists, led by Pelosi, will use the 25th Amendment to remove poor dementia-suffering Joe from office and Make Kamala - the DNC candidate only 2% of Democrats wanted as President durnig the DNC primaries - President.
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

I think that only happens when people have nothing left to lose.

People will not give up the security and assets they have now for an uncertain future.

Just my opinion. I am wrong often.
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

:p Its not going to happen. If there was going to be open civil war it would have been at many points during the last 4 years while Obama and the Democrats were engaging in illegal collusion with our enemies against our President, sedition, FISA Court crimes, illegal spying / investigations, failed coup attempts, and the 1st ever admitted politically partisan faux Impeachment based on zero crime, evidence, and witnesses.

Conservatives don't cry after losing elections. They don't run out into the streets and scream at the sky. They don't engage in years of pparty-1st treason. After Obama was elected America moved on, and the PRIMARY focus was on the good of the country, nothing like what we saw from Democrats after Trump defeated Hillary.

What we are seeing from President Trump right now is the same legal process for contesting an election Gore used for weeks / months after his loss...despite what Democrats, fake news media, and snowflakes are trying to convince people is happening.

Why fight to ensure the Trojan/Beijing Horse, China Joe doesn't go in - he won't be there long: Not long after Joe is sworn in the extremists, led by Pelosi, will use the 25th Amendment to remove poor dementia-suffering Joe from office and Make Kamala - the DNC candidate only 2% of Democrats wanted as President durnig the DNC primaries - President.

I see it the other way around.

The courts rule in Trump's favor and the election is overturned and BLM/antifa go nuts and burn down cities (again) and then try to move into the suburbs and rurals areas.
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

:p Its not going to happen. If there was going to be open civil war it would have been at many points during the last 4 years while Obama and the Democrats were engaging in illegal collusion with our enemies against our President, sedition, FISA Court crimes, illegal spying / investigations, failed coup attempts, and the 1st ever admitted politically partisan faux Impeachment based on zero crime, evidence, and witnesses.

Conservatives don't cry after losing elections. They don't run out into the streets and scream at the sky. They don't engage in years of pparty-1st treason. After Obama was elected America moved on, and the PRIMARY focus was on the good of the country, nothing like what we saw from Democrats after Trump defeated Hillary.

What we are seeing from President Trump right now is the same legal process for contesting an election Gore used for weeks / months after his loss...despite what Democrats, fake news media, and snowflakes are trying to convince people is happening.

Why fight to ensure the Trojan/Beijing Horse, China Joe doesn't go in - he won't be there long: Not long after Joe is sworn in the extremists, led by Pelosi, will use the 25th Amendment to remove poor dementia-suffering Joe from office and Make Kamala - the DNC candidate only 2% of Democrats wanted as President durnig the DNC primaries - President.

I see it the other way around.

The courts rule in Trump's favor and the election is overturned and BLM/antifa go nuts and burn down cities (again) and then try to move into the suburbs and rurals areas.

The lack of concrete and fresh air will freak them out.
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

This kinda crap is why we will take your guns.
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

Thank you.
The courts rule in Trump's favor and the election is overturned and BLM/antifa go nuts and burn down cities (again) and then try to move into the suburbs and rurals areas.

Without 100% evidence that 1) not only was there massive election fraud but 2) that overturning it all would give Trump the Presidency there is no way the courts - even the USSC - will step in and be seen as the entity that decided who the President, not the American people, will be for the next 4 years.

The mere impression that it was a Trump-appointed USSC who decided / 'stole' the election in favor of Trump will prevent them from making such a decision. If people lose faith in the courts the power of the USSC is tainted / compromised. Not only Roberts but the vast majority of the current Justices will not allow that to happen....IMHO...
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

This kinda crap is why we will take your guns.

Hey, ASSHOLE, come and TRY to take MY gun..........................................................................................:ahole-1:
The war is going to be in the Democrat party when the Squad, blm, and the rest of the looney toons demand their agenda be a priority and they don't get everything they want.
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

This kinda crap is why we will take your guns.

"This kinda crap is why we will take your guns."

Because he thinks Trump will win in court and BLM/Antifa will violently revolt? Well aren't you a good little authoritarian.
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

This kinda crap is why we will take your guns.

Hey, ASSHOLE, come and TRY to take MY gun..........................................................................................:ahole-1:

And you think that kinda rhetoric helps?

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