How many weeks before the shooting starts?

How many weeks til SHTF?

  • Total voters
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

The bulk of the tens of millions of people who voted for Trump are already prepared to accept his loss. My own father is one of them—or rather he was—until I showed him a certain letter sent by a certain Catholic Archbishop to our President, but that is beside the point. Point is, as someone else mentioned above, Americans have too much to lose if they fight back with anything other than a television remote; using it to mute CNN or MSNBC, and next gen. game consoles just came out so patriotism takes a far back seat to tech toys, don't ya know?

Then there's the actual act of "fighting" back. Even well trained, elite soldiers must, before firing a shot at the enemy, get themselves psychologically over a mental "hump" or obstacle which naturally prevents human beings from taking potshots at each other. If an Army Ranger with months and months of extreme combat training has to talk himself into engaging the enemy, Joe American gun owner patriot is never going to get there, at least not until the "enemy" is kicking down his front door—and maybe not even then.

A shooting war could break out in tiny pockets around the country, but if it does it will be in response to implementation of draconian COVID restrictions—not because the man an American voted for was cheated out of a second term. See . . . people in general need to work themselves up to violence (unless they are very drunk or very angry) and the other thing they need in order to fight is company, lots of it, and assurances. They need other like minded individuals to sort of hold their hands and they need some kind of permission, be it from God, the President or their wives, to quake it up in the streets. Soldiers are no different; it is much easier to fight and kill in war when 127 or 11 other sorry pricks just like you have been given the short end of the same shaft. Been that way in all deployed armies since the beginning of time.

My new and improved prediction is similar to yours but deviates in important areas. I also believe the election will be called for Donald Trump. And I believe mass riots could ensue. But I also believe the mainstream media will never call it for Trump—not unless they want the country to burn. So I think what will happen is they will find some way to let us know Trump actually won but still certify the election for Biden. This will put the "ball" in the hands of Trump supporters and the minute one lowly Trump supporter hints at doing something about it a very nasty example will be made out of that poor guy which will put the renewed fear of Jesus into all other Trump voters.

And then the Great Reset continues to pick up momentum and you have to open the Bible and read the end book to understand what happens next.

I've been saying almost exactly what you said in the first 3 paragraphs when this topic of a shooting civil war is brought up. No chance of a full blown civil war anytime in the near future. Things would have to get very bad for the vast majority of Americans...hunger, loss of property/possessions, societal breakdown, etc. As long as people have access to bigscreen TVs with 24/7 streaming entertainment, stocked grocery stores, the internet, food delivery, and unlimited electricity and air conditioning/heat, there's no chance those people are going to risk death, jail time, and losing their families to be among the first to shoot people as combatants in this shooting civil war. That kind of thing just doesn't happen in countries with a populous that is nearly as comfortable, insulated and pacified as the average American.

I also had a similar prediction to yours about what would happen to the first person to pull a trigger in any anomolous pocket of escalated tension, and that prediction has already come true. His name is Kyle Rittenhouse, and he is currently locked up in jail facing murder charges, while being characterized as a lunatic white supremacist by the media (and Joe Biden's campaign ads). Few on the right are even talking about him anymore, he got lipservice support for one news cycle, and now he's basically alone on an island, yesterday's newspaper.
Yeah I’m afraid you are right,the American people as long as they have all those things are too lazy to start a civil war.
When is this civil war going to happen? Trump supporters have been talking about it for a while now.

I don't know...I'm starting to think it isn't going to happen.
How many weeks before the shooting starts

Ask Trump, he's directing this show.
You never cease to amaze me, Care. Here, I always thought you fair minded and intelligent but you continue to show otherwise. Are you truly that blinded?
I know,she USED to be reasonable until this past year,this pst year her posts just consists of trolling refusing to look at the evidence and facts that prove her wrong.she must have got into drugs this past year,it’s the only thing that makes any sense why si is all of a sudden biased and non objective.
Meanwhile..I read somewhere that Lynn Wood says Trump won by 400 electoral votes and they can prove it.

Time will tell.

tRump got schlonged and that has already been proven!!!!


And what’s being proven now is how Democrats cheated...You didn’t win shit.

Show me all these winning court cases so far.

You can't because they do not exist except in yours and tRump's mind.

Ya know...when someone is so childish and idiotic that they have to use stupid names like tRump..they aren't worth reading to get their own viewpoint.

On iggie you go.
Penelope specializes in that,very few people here listen to her babble because of that and her obvious bias towards the dem party same as care.
When is this civil war going to happen? Trump supporters have been talking about it for a while now.

I don't know...I'm starting to think it isn't going to happen.
EVen talking about it is going to push some of these crazy Trumpers to do violent crazy shit...
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).


You guys have been hoping for a civil war for about a decade now. Grow the fuck up.

And you people have been testing the limits for far longer.

Less yaking, more attacking... bring it on dick less.

I really hope we don’t see that in this country, you should too.

But we have heard everything from grabbing our guns, to imprisioning us for voting for Trump...You people are sick, so idk

Dude this guy is a shill from Langley,of course he is sick,best thing to do is follow this advise:trolls:
You don't need the
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

The bulk of the tens of millions of people who voted for Trump are already prepared to accept his loss. My own father is one of them—or rather he was—until I showed him a certain letter sent by a certain Catholic Archbishop to our President, but that is beside the point. Point is, as someone else mentioned above, Americans have too much to lose if they fight back with anything other than a television remote; using it to mute CNN or MSNBC, and next gen. game consoles just came out so patriotism takes a far back seat to tech toys, don't ya know?

Then there's the actual act of "fighting" back. Even well trained, elite soldiers must, before firing a shot at the enemy, get themselves psychologically over a mental "hump" or obstacle which naturally prevents human beings from taking potshots at each other. If an Army Ranger with months and months of extreme combat training has to talk himself into engaging the enemy, Joe American gun owner patriot is never going to get there, at least not until the "enemy" is kicking down his front door—and maybe not even then.

A shooting war could break out in tiny pockets around the country, but if it does it will be in response to implementation of draconian COVID restrictions—not because the man an American voted for was cheated out of a second term. See . . . people in general need to work themselves up to violence (unless they are very drunk or very angry) and the other thing they need in order to fight is company, lots of it, and assurances. They need other like minded individuals to sort of hold their hands and they need some kind of permission, be it from God, the President or their wives, to quake it up in the streets. Soldiers are no different; it is much easier to fight and kill in war when 127 or 11 other sorry pricks just like you have been given the short end of the same shaft. Been that way in all deployed armies since the beginning of time.

My new and improved prediction is similar to yours but deviates in important areas. I also believe the election will be called for Donald Trump. And I believe mass riots could ensue. But I also believe the mainstream media will never call it for Trump—not unless they want the country to burn. So I think what will happen is they will find some way to let us know Trump actually won but still certify the election for Biden. This will put the "ball" in the hands of Trump supporters and the minute one lowly Trump supporter hints at doing something about it a very nasty example will be made out of that poor guy which will put the renewed fear of Jesus into all other Trump voters.

And then the Great Reset continues to pick up momentum and you have to open the Bible and read the end book to understand what happens next.
It ain't that hard.... people around here will kill over a road rage dispute.
It doesn't take a lot.

If things get out of hand the US military will be dispatched. That’s a far different kettle of fish.
I think the US military is smart enough to stay the hell out of it.
Over half of them all live off post. How many of their houses need to catch fire before they decide to stay on post and let the civilians sort it out?
Marshall Law. They start burning again, and Trump is named winner...he won't be fucking around any more waiting for mayors and governors to ask for help.
Military to handle riots, just pull the cops out and tell the locals they have to do it themselves.

Then go around in the morning and pick up all the bodies.

Not gonna happen that way.
Yeah, government is always against people solving their own problems.
Indeed,they hate that.
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

The bulk of the tens of millions of people who voted for Trump are already prepared to accept his loss. My own father is one of them—or rather he was—until I showed him a certain letter sent by a certain Catholic Archbishop to our President, but that is beside the point. Point is, as someone else mentioned above, Americans have too much to lose if they fight back with anything other than a television remote; using it to mute CNN or MSNBC, and next gen. game consoles just came out so patriotism takes a far back seat to tech toys, don't ya know?

Then there's the actual act of "fighting" back. Even well trained, elite soldiers must, before firing a shot at the enemy, get themselves psychologically over a mental "hump" or obstacle which naturally prevents human beings from taking potshots at each other. If an Army Ranger with months and months of extreme combat training has to talk himself into engaging the enemy, Joe American gun owner patriot is never going to get there, at least not until the "enemy" is kicking down his front door—and maybe not even then.

A shooting war could break out in tiny pockets around the country, but if it does it will be in response to implementation of draconian COVID restrictions—not because the man an American voted for was cheated out of a second term. See . . . people in general need to work themselves up to violence (unless they are very drunk or very angry) and the other thing they need in order to fight is company, lots of it, and assurances. They need other like minded individuals to sort of hold their hands and they need some kind of permission, be it from God, the President or their wives, to quake it up in the streets. Soldiers are no different; it is much easier to fight and kill in war when 127 or 11 other sorry pricks just like you have been given the short end of the same shaft. Been that way in all deployed armies since the beginning of time.

My new and improved prediction is similar to yours but deviates in important areas. I also believe the election will be called for Donald Trump. And I believe mass riots could ensue. But I also believe the mainstream media will never call it for Trump—not unless they want the country to burn. So I think what will happen is they will find some way to let us know Trump actually won but still certify the election for Biden. This will put the "ball" in the hands of Trump supporters and the minute one lowly Trump supporter hints at doing something about it a very nasty example will be made out of that poor guy which will put the renewed fear of Jesus into all other Trump voters.

And then the Great Reset continues to pick up momentum and you have to open the Bible and read the end book to understand what happens next.

I've been saying almost exactly what you said in the first 3 paragraphs when this topic of a shooting civil war is brought up. No chance of a full blown civil war anytime in the near future. Things would have to get very bad for the vast majority of Americans...hunger, loss of property/possessions, societal breakdown, etc. As long as people have access to bigscreen TVs with 24/7 streaming entertainment, stocked grocery stores, the internet, food delivery, and unlimited electricity and air conditioning/heat, there's no chance those people are going to risk death, jail time, and losing their families to be among the first to shoot people as combatants in this shooting civil war. That kind of thing just doesn't happen in countries with a populous that is nearly as comfortable, insulated and pacified as the average American.

I also had a similar prediction to yours about what would happen to the first person to pull a trigger in any anomolous pocket of escalated tension, and that prediction has already come true. His name is Kyle Rittenhouse, and he is currently locked up in jail facing murder charges, while being characterized as a lunatic white supremacist by the media (and Joe Biden's campaign ads). Few on the right are even talking about him anymore, he got lipservice support for one news cycle, and now he's basically alone on an island, yesterday's newspaper.
Yeah I’m afraid you are right,the American people as long as they have all those things are too lazy to start a civil war.
But all those things are going away..... every year the average person has less, their quality of life gets a bit worse, their options shrink, etc.
And they see it happening, and they really don't like it, and they really really don't like some smug shitbag parasites telling them they deserve it.

Now historically, people wait until they are disarmed, outmaneuvered and helpless to effectively fight back before they make the conscious decision to fight..... but this country just has too many arms floating around for that to really happen. It simply isn't possible to disarm enough of us for the state to even have a chance of surviving an uprising.
Every person on a government payroll would be shot to doll rags in a matter of a few days, once it kicked off.

Look at Mexico, for instance; they have extremely restrictive gun laws and yet their LEOs and government officials get shot to pieces regularly, in spite of that.
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

Reason I don't believe that is leftists are pussies. They only fight when their enemy is defenseless, from windows to old people. Please, conservatives striking up against leftists? What's Biden going to bring in the Chinese now? I suppose that's an option for him, he's such a cock.
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

This kinda crap is why we will take your guns.

Hey, ASSHOLE, come and TRY to take MY gun..........................................................................................:ahole-1:
you don’t have a gun you pussy. You have cats and live with your sister.

Winnie, you are an EXTREMELY stupid MOTHERFUCKER. Please get help for your SERIOUS lack of intelligence.....................:springbed:

Love triggering you.
Now, go pet your cat .
or your sister if you prefer.
The parasites are beginning to mass at our southern border again. 69k caught last month, a significant increase. Coyotes are drumming up business by telling illegals Biden is going to let them stay.

I'm sure he will let them stay. Illegals have turned a number of once-beautiful European islands into squalid and dangerous, overcrowded refugee centers --- Lesbos, one of the Canaries, I was just reading. They are destroying everything, wherever these illegals go.

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