How many weeks before the shooting starts?

How many weeks til SHTF?

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I think secession is the easiest, IF the State being seceded from doesn't fight it (as the North did in the U.S. Civil War). When the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, that's how: secession of everyone, like an explosion. The whole recent Ukraine thing was Putin's effort to get that one valuable part tacked back on. Scotland tried to secede recently, but lost the vote, barely. Some of them are still agitating for secession. There are and have been secession movements all over the world, and they often work: Bangladesh seceding from Pakistan some decades ago, for instance. This country is deeply geographically unstable, with the Left Coast and the East Coast similar but widely separated, the South different from the Midwest, the northern plains nothing like the left coast. I figure six countries. In a weekend. It has to happen fast, as all those other secessions that seceded did -- a very few days. Because otherwise, people will stop it. But the economic and defense advantages to this large country are huge, so there's a lot of friction against it.

But it's too heterogeneous to survive now.

I am just suggesting that Secession is like trying to kick the can down the road.
I know a lot of people who want their country back more than wanting to build another one.

Perhaps they were foolish in letting people try to kick the can down the road thus far.

I am just suggesting that Secession is like trying to kick the can down the road.
I know a lot of people who want their country back more than wanting to build another one.

Perhaps they were foolish in letting people try to kick the can down the road thus far
Where do those “people” believe their country was taken and by whom? Where does their country need to be taken back from?
I know a lot of people who want their country back more than wanting to build another one.

Perhaps they were foolish in letting people try to kick the can down the road thus far.

Yeah, they were foolish, because there was a tipping point, and it's tipped now, in my opinion. I think we might have up to ten years, but not more, and maybe less. Too bad to have pushed the vote to more and more and more parasites. No state can survive that. Democracy has only survived when there were strong guards against impoverished people voting, because they will always vote to take all the money and then the government crashes. The same thing happening to us is happening in Britain --- they let in a nonviable amount of illegals and other immigrants and push them to vote, so the rioting and crime and terrorism is increasing.
Democracy has only survived when there were strong guards against impoverished people voting,
You were never an American.
LOL what are unarmed Dems going to do in a civil war, try and hurt our feelings on Twitter? :auiqs.jpg:
What are Trumpers going to do when they are found guilty of TREASON for taking up arms against the People of the United States and sentenced to death?

We are the people of the United States you CHINA collaborating traitors.
You and your tribe are the People of America, and taking up arms counter to the Law of the Land by your anarchist gang is somehow Constitutional? Give that dream a rest, Pup!
LOL what are unarmed Dems going to do in a civil war, try and hurt our feelings on Twitter? :auiqs.jpg:
What are Trumpers going to do when they are found guilty of TREASON for taking up arms against the People of the United States and sentenced to death?

We are the people of the United States you CHINA collaborating traitors.
You and your tribe are the People of America, and taking up arms counter to the Law of the Land by your anarchist gang is somehow Constitutional? Give that dream a rest, Pup!

Lib please enough with your BS. Who's been attacking law enforcement hmmm, yes the asshole Democrats that's who. Now bugger off.
LOL what are unarmed Dems going to do in a civil war, try and hurt our feelings on Twitter? :auiqs.jpg:
What are Trumpers going to do when they are found guilty of TREASON for taking up arms against the People of the United States and sentenced to death?

We are the people of the United States you CHINA collaborating traitors.
You and your tribe are the People of America, and taking up arms counter to the Law of the Land by your anarchist gang is somehow Constitutional? Give that dream a rest, Pup!
Lib please enough with your BS. Who's been attacking law enforcement hmmm, yes the asshole Democrats that's who. Now bugger off.
Lib please enough with your BS. Who's been attacking law enforcement hmmm, yes the asshole Democrats that's who. Now bugger off.
Enough with your fucked up labels, asswipe! I'm a Conservative Indy, you bloody fool! Stop reading and swallowing ALL the propaganda and try the hard path of searching for various sources on a topic of interest and ANALYZING those sources for the truth. Too hard for you?
LOL what are unarmed Dems going to do in a civil war, try and hurt our feelings on Twitter? :auiqs.jpg:
What are Trumpers going to do when they are found guilty of TREASON for taking up arms against the People of the United States and sentenced to death?

We are the people of the United States you CHINA collaborating traitors.
You and your tribe are the People of America, and taking up arms counter to the Law of the Land by your anarchist gang is somehow Constitutional? Give that dream a rest, Pup!
Lib please enough with your BS. Who's been attacking law enforcement hmmm, yes the asshole Democrats that's who. Now bugger off.
Lib please enough with your BS. Who's been attacking law enforcement hmmm, yes the asshole Democrats that's who. Now bugger off.
Enough with your fucked up labels, asswipe! I'm a Conservative Indy, you bloody fool! Stop reading and swallowing ALL the propaganda and try the hard path of searching for various sources on a topic of interest and ANALYZING those sources for the truth. Too hard for you?

Son if it walks like a liberal, talks like a liberal, it's a liberal.
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

You folks gonna kill your neighbors...OVE FRIGGIN TRUMP???
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

You folks gonna kill your neighbors...OVE FRIGGIN TRUMP???

No you didn't read his post.....

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

He's saying if the courts find that the election was fraudulent, and the results are overturned, that BLM/antifa would start burning down cities, and a civil war would start.

YOU people would start killing your neighbors...OVE FRIGGIN TRUMP!!!

And we already know your side would. They said as much.

Your side openly threatened mass violence if they didn't get what they want.

Do you think any of those stores that boarded up all over Washington DC and NYC and elsewhere before the election, that they were worried a bunch of Conservative pro-police, pro-law and order people were going to burn the city down if Biden won?

Of course not. They were worried left-wing terrorists were going to burn the city down if Trump won.

It's not our side that will kill people if we don't get what we want. It's yours.

Screenshot_2020-11-20 New Reporting Shows Kenosha Riots Hit Minority Communities Hardest.png

That's your side killing and harming and wrecking their neighbors lives. Not ours.

You need to know your place on this. It's not our side that threatens violence. It's yours.
LOL what are unarmed Dems going to do in a civil war, try and hurt our feelings on Twitter? :auiqs.jpg:
What are Trumpers going to do when they are found guilty of TREASON for taking up arms against the People of the United States and sentenced to death?

We are the people of the United States you CHINA collaborating traitors.
You and your tribe are the People of America, and taking up arms counter to the Law of the Land by your anarchist gang is somehow Constitutional? Give that dream a rest, Pup!
Lib please enough with your BS. Who's been attacking law enforcement hmmm, yes the asshole Democrats that's who. Now bugger off.
Lib please enough with your BS. Who's been attacking law enforcement hmmm, yes the asshole Democrats that's who. Now bugger off.
Enough with your fucked up labels, asswipe! I'm a Conservative Indy, you bloody fool! Stop reading and swallowing ALL the propaganda and try the hard path of searching for various sources on a topic of interest and ANALYZING those sources for the truth. Too hard for you?
Son if it walks like a liberal, talks like a liberal, it's a liberal.
Son if it walks like a liberal, talks like a liberal, it's a liberal.
I'm nearly 78 so obviously, there is no way someone as fucking dumb as your ass could be a father of someone my age and discernment. And that is just one reason of dozens I'm certainly not related to your ignorant ass!
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

Holy shit, shut the fuck up already with the Civil War Civil War Civil War Civil War Civil War dumb ass adolescent self indulgent bullshit. Enough already. You didn’t walk home from DC, you didn’t go down in a hail of dramatic it really dramatic gunfire like Dally from the outsiders. You’re just being an annoying little drama queen at this point. We got enough trouble with a potential incoming Democrat administration without dealing with stupid little children like you. Shut the fuck up already.
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

This kinda crap is why we will take your guns.

You are not taking anyone’s guns. Shut up.
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

This kinda crap is why we will take your guns.

You are not taking anyone’s guns. Shut up.

If they keep threatening violence we will.
Actually it already started when antifa assassinated that Patriot Prayer guy a few months back.
The question is when is the right going to start hitting back?

You should plan on ZERO backup......The Right simply has no stomach for a fight. Of any kind.
The left knows this and has no fear stealing elections or trampling rights. They KNOW there will be no resistance. And they've been 100% correct.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
I'm not a soldier anymore, I'm an Outlaw.

And I do dirt alone, because almost everyone I ever trusted not to snitch is dead.

I can relate. A few of us guys are left—from our regular Army days—but we're spread out far and wide and most of us have families and lives and would rather not "see" each other again, in person. I just talked one of my old buddies down a couple of weeks ago from burning a local meth cooker and his whole operation. One day he's teaching his girls to rappel in a local park, and the next he's about relive the old days and that will be the end of him. That's what we're still good for . . . talking each other down.
I'm not talking anyone down, I'm helping them get clear afterwards, lol.
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

How many weeks before the shooting starts?
You dopes are all talk.

Who would you shoot/murder first, loser?

Actually it already started when antifa assassinated that Patriot Prayer guy a few months back.
The question is when is the right going to start hitting back?

Actually it already started when antifa assassinated that Patriot Prayer guy a few months back.
The question is when is the right going to start hitting back?
Better get out there then. You’re gonna take that, cuck?

Way ahead of you, lol

Holy shit, shut the fuck up already with the Civil War Civil War Civil War Civil War Civil War dumb ass adolescent self indulgent bullshit. Enough already. You didn’t walk home from DC, you didn’t go down in a hail of dramatic it really dramatic gunfire like Dally from the outsiders. You’re just being an annoying little drama queen at this point. We got enough trouble with a potential incoming Democrat administration without dealing with stupid little children like you. Shut the fuck up already.

This is actually pretty accurate.
The Right is ALL TALK.
About as scary as a newborn rabbit

But they are tough as nails..... over the Internet.
All this bullshit about civil war are just masturbatory fantasies of losers who own a lot of guns that they wish they could use to shoot other human beings.

As opposed to the masturbatory fantasies of wanna-be authoritarians who wish they could exile to a gulag, cage, or outright kill anyone who doesn't think the way they demand, right?

I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

This kinda crap is why we will take your guns.

You are not taking anyone’s guns. Shut up.

If they keep threatening violence we will.

No you won't, princess. Shut up.
I'm giving it ten weeks max before we're in a full blown civil war.

It's obvious this election dispute will resolved at the ammo box instead of the courts and ballot/jury box.

Courts rule in Trump's favor, election is overturned, BLM/antifa begin to burn down entire cities (not just portions of them like over the summer...the entirety of the cities).

This kinda crap is why we will take your guns.

You are not taking anyone’s guns. Shut up.

If they keep threatening violence we will.

No, you really won't.
And we both know it, don't we?
Holy shit, shut the fuck up already with the Civil War Civil War Civil War Civil War Civil War dumb ass adolescent self indulgent bullshit. Enough already. You didn’t walk home from DC, you didn’t go down in a hail of dramatic it really dramatic gunfire like Dally from the outsiders. You’re just being an annoying little drama queen at this point. We got enough trouble with a potential incoming Democrat administration without dealing with stupid little children like you. Shut the fuck up already.

This is actually pretty accurate.
The Right is ALL TALK.
About as scary as a newborn rabbit

But they are tough as nails..... over the Internet.

You shut the fuck up too, big mouth.

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