How Many?


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
How many who come here shouting (one way or the other) about immigration issues know even one immigrant? Even one illegal immigrant? A few? Some? Many? Hundreds?

Emotion is all well and good for movies and sappy music, but the other stuff is more important.
Ignorance concerning immigration is comprehensive.

It would nonetheless be interesting if one of the board's more hateful opponents of immigration were to meet face to face with an undocumented immigrant to learn his story, who he is, and why he felt compelled to seek refuge in this country.
How often does a friend's immigration status come up in conversation?

Or do we just come out and ask "hey- you illegal or whaaa?" :dunno:

Or maybe they be like "I'm an illegal immigrant, nice to meet you".

Get real :slap:
How often does a friend's immigration status come up in conversation?

Or do we just come out and ask "hey- you illegal or whaaa?" :dunno:

Or maybe they be like "I'm an illegal immigrant, nice to meet you".

Get real :slap:

That's another "no."
How often does a friend's immigration status come up in conversation?

Or do we just come out and ask "hey- you illegal or whaaa?" :dunno:

Or maybe they be like "I'm an illegal immigrant, nice to meet you".

Get real :slap:
Interesting. I've known two illegals personally. One was the cousin of a friend from Nicaragua who worked as a trash collector since the first year in which he got into the US (he likes the pay and having free afternoons so he hasn't changed his job now that he is a legal citizen). In spite of the high pay of that particular job the demand is rather low. I met him while he was still an illegal.
The other one was a Mexican who had been working as an illegal for five years but had been granted legal status a couple of years before I met him. He had elevated himself from factory worker to programmer at a mid sized firm.
Most of the people I hang around with are Immigrants. Many of my Immediate Family and many of my Relatives are Immigrants.

But that doesn't matter. The OP only wants to pick a fight.

Don't have Immigrant friends? Then you cant talk about it. You have many Immigrant friends but are still against illegal immigration? You're just wrong. End of discussion.

OP has the Mentality of a typical, miserable American Idiot.
I've known hundreds if not thousands since the early 1980's..I worked as a mason in high school,college and after for about 25 years......and they were not just people from south of our border, some were from Europe, Africa,,,Japan Korean......
Most of the people I hang around with are Immigrants. Many of my Immediate Family and many of my Relatives are Immigrants.

But that doesn't matter. The OP only wants to pick a fight.

Don't have Immigrant friends? Then you cant talk about it. You have many Immigrant friends but are still against illegal immigration? You're just wrong. End of discussion.

OP has the Mentality of a typical, miserable American Idiot.

If you want to look like less of an idiot next time, you could try asking for confirmation before posting stupid assumptions.
you can tell those who have never met any by the way they describe "all" of Katz and shootspeados do.....
I sponsored one..............he is now my Son N Law..................

any more questions...................
silly appeal to emotion , All types of immigration are ruining the USA no matter what their silly stories are , Let them build their homelands is my opinion !!
How many who come here shouting (one way or the other) about immigration issues know even one immigrant? Even one illegal immigrant? A few? Some? Many? Hundreds?

Emotion is all well and good for movies and sappy music, but the other stuff is more important.

Using the same logic you would dismiss the doctor treating you for cancer unless he himself had first had cancer. That aside the empathy argument does you no good. I know plenty of people who want to come to this country but gave up petitioning because the wait is 23 years and by the time they get here they will be in their 50's. Still, you give illegals preference before these law abiding petitioners? How dare you.

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