How Merkel imposed the fake scamdemic and murdered Germany by lies, neverend lockdowns and police terror


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
After the revolution of humanity against Corona criminals Merkel and her gang shall be send at first to the International Corona Tribunal Nuernberg 2.0
Don't believe governements, all of them are cheating you, they simple want to reduce humanity by the killer 'vaccine'
Merkel and her criminal gang are an example.

Speech by Dr. Gottfried Curio (AfD) "Incomprehensible revelations: this is how the government has panicked the population" on Feb. 11, 2021 in the German Bundestag

"Dear Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen.

As reported by the newspaper "Die Welt", the government has already given the desired result at the Corona expert opinion in March 20: A presentation as threatening as possible of the type - "Find out that the following is the case..."

The intention was to obtain legitimacy for "repressive political measures" instead of purely scientific information.
The goal was a shock effect with a horror scenario: "More than one million people in Germany die at home struggling for breath in agony" It was not about scientific foundation, but, true to Greta: "I want you tu panic!"
Our inquiry in the committee of the interior whether one could publish the correspondence with the experts - perhaps rather exculpatory - (it is present to the "world") was ignored. A telling silence!
Ladies and gentlemen, this government orders unprecedented restriction of freedom. Just without deducing precisely how necessary this really is for the maintenance of our health system, for the protection of the population in an infectious situation. The appropriateness, the accuracy of such also destructive measures is to be demanded!
- Has the government made an effort to find out whether cultural events with a hygiene concept are really the spreader events?
- Is it appropriate to lock away school and daycare children at home?
- To bankrupt restaurant and business owners who are trying to save their business, often their life's work, by following all the hygiene rules?
- And still waiting for their November aid at the end of January?
- Has there been a sense of proportion everywhere?
- Is an incidence value of 50 even scientifically justifiable?

All this should have been found out if basic rights were abolished for it!

But none of this has happened. Instead, a chancellor - as is well known, politically socialized in a dictatorship - simply orders all this with the help of a non-constitutional subsidiary parliament! And there is for this government obviously the most exciting question: How does one make now the population docile? A monstrosity, ladies and gentlemen! The "Welt" report shows:
- The argumentation deficit is to be covered up by emotionalization.
- Fear-mongering is supposed to fill the justification gap.
- Experts who think controversially are excluded from Merkel's advisory panel.
- A report that is not open-ended is ordered.
- And the commissioners deliver.
One must "argue from the goal". The "impression" of strong state interventionism is at stake.
And if the RKI delivers a lower death rate, one has another world orphan. that RWI gives the double value: Then we take nevertheless that. One sees what should have been a sober scientific opinion: Pure factual information is already - deliberately politically preformed - retrieved. And then also still immediately for this, already falsified fact situation, the Framing is handed along for the psychological enforcement campaign. So much manipulation was rare. So much will to lead the citizens on the nose ring, too, ladies and gentlemen.

Part 2

It is frightening how science, the gold standard for independence, is harnessed here by the ruling politicians, made subservient to a politically predetermined result.
Similar, by the way, with the Office for the Protection of the Constitution: The government instructs an agency to prepare an expert opinion against the opposition party, which it then wants to pass off as an objective neutral voice. Final marching orders from the Interior Ministry are expected right now. The real horror scenario must put the fear-mongers to shame:

- Every third child already isolated and psychologically conspicuous.
- Pupils have lost a year.
- Hundreds of thousands of companies threatened by insolvency.
- The lockdown costs tens of billions every month.
- An entire national economy driven to the wall.

That is, in contrast to the Seehoferpapier, no fear mongering! This is really happening right now. But one wants to keep the population further at the curb, wants that Corona remains topic number one up to the federal election. That is too high a price to pay for panic-bought poll percentages, ladies and gentlemen!
The fact is that this federal government cannot give any concrete reasons for its violations of fundamental rights. It is all too easy to resort to panic. But the end does not justify every means!
They treat people like underage children who want to frighten and intimidate them. We want a sober discussion: Measures with a sense of proportion for our economy, for our children and the special protection of our elderly. We don't want to inoculate people with fear, but with hope again. Our alternative offer is ready. Thank you."
After the revolution of humanity against Corona criminals Merkel and her gang shall be send at first to the International Corona Tribunal Nuernberg 2.0
Don't believe governements, all of them are cheating you, they simple want to reduce humanity by the killer 'vaccine'
Merkel and her criminal gang are an example.

Speech by Dr. Gottfried Curio (AfD) "Incomprehensible revelations: this is how the government has panicked the population" on Feb. 11, 2021 in the German Bundestag

"Dear Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen.

As reported by the newspaper "Die Welt", the government has already given the desired result at the Corona expert opinion in March 20: A presentation as threatening as possible of the type - "Find out that the following is the case..."

The intention was to obtain legitimacy for "repressive political measures" instead of purely scientific information.
The goal was a shock effect with a horror scenario: "More than one million people in Germany die at home struggling for breath in agony" It was not about scientific foundation, but, true to Greta: "I want you tu panic!"
Our inquiry in the committee of the interior whether one could publish the correspondence with the experts - perhaps rather exculpatory - (it is present to the "world") was ignored. A telling silence!
Ladies and gentlemen, this government orders unprecedented restriction of freedom. Just without deducing precisely how necessary this really is for the maintenance of our health system, for the protection of the population in an infectious situation. The appropriateness, the accuracy of such also destructive measures is to be demanded!
- Has the government made an effort to find out whether cultural events with a hygiene concept are really the spreader events?
- Is it appropriate to lock away school and daycare children at home?
- To bankrupt restaurant and business owners who are trying to save their business, often their life's work, by following all the hygiene rules?
- And still waiting for their November aid at the end of January?
- Has there been a sense of proportion everywhere?
- Is an incidence value of 50 even scientifically justifiable?

All this should have been found out if basic rights were abolished for it!

But none of this has happened. Instead, a chancellor - as is well known, politically socialized in a dictatorship - simply orders all this with the help of a non-constitutional subsidiary parliament! And there is for this government obviously the most exciting question: How does one make now the population docile? A monstrosity, ladies and gentlemen! The "Welt" report shows:
- The argumentation deficit is to be covered up by emotionalization.
- Fear-mongering is supposed to fill the justification gap.
- Experts who think controversially are excluded from Merkel's advisory panel.
- A report that is not open-ended is ordered.
- And the commissioners deliver.
One must "argue from the goal". The "impression" of strong state interventionism is at stake.
And if the RKI delivers a lower death rate, one has another world orphan. that RWI gives the double value: Then we take nevertheless that. One sees what should have been a sober scientific opinion: Pure factual information is already - deliberately politically preformed - retrieved. And then also still immediately for this, already falsified fact situation, the Framing is handed along for the psychological enforcement campaign. So much manipulation was rare. So much will to lead the citizens on the nose ring, too, ladies and gentlemen.

Its very conservative.

Die Welt (Herzl) - Wikipedia

Die Welt (The World) was a weekly newspaper founded by Theodor Herzl in May 1897 in Vienna. It was designed to promote Zionism. From 1897 to 1914 it was the principal organ of the Zionist movement. From 1897-1900, the paper was edited by Erwin Rosenberger.

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