How MSM Hilariously Avoided Embarrassing Spin on Dominion No Show in PA


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

How MSM Hilariously Avoided Embarrassing Spin on Dominion No Show in PA

The worst job in journalism might have been being assigned to spin why the Dominion Voting Systems bugged out of their scheduled meeting with a Pennsylvania state legislative committee on Friday while simultaneously lawyering up. How could anyone possibly provide such an impossible spin? Well, the answer is they avoided that task by simply tossing the Dominion no-show in PA down the memory hole. Yes, do a search of Dominion and Pennsylvania today and you will see NOTHING about it in the mainstream media. Orwellian journalism in action.
Software manipulating vote totals is the real issue, not any of the other noise being suggested. There will always be small issues and discrepancies, but a massive overnight swing doesn't pass the smell test.
Totally agree, that is the game changer and that is why the Left is tip toeing around the Dominion Software landmine.
Florida and Utah use Dominion.
Trump won them.

Was there a massive Trump gain from losing to winning in the wee morning hours?
The context inspires the skepticism in the other states.

How MSM Hilariously Avoided Embarrassing Spin on Dominion No Show in PA

The worst job in journalism might have been being assigned to spin why the Dominion Voting Systems bugged out of their scheduled meeting with a Pennsylvania state legislative committee on Friday while simultaneously lawyering up. How could anyone possibly provide such an impossible spin? Well, the answer is they avoided that task by simply tossing the Dominion no-show in PA down the memory hole. Yes, do a search of Dominion and Pennsylvania today and you will see NOTHING about it in the mainstream media. Orwellian journalism in action.

The statist left is getting dangerously close to the ole Humiliation Booth.

How MSM Hilariously Avoided Embarrassing Spin on Dominion No Show in PA

The worst job in journalism might have been being assigned to spin why the Dominion Voting Systems bugged out of their scheduled meeting with a Pennsylvania state legislative committee on Friday while simultaneously lawyering up. How could anyone possibly provide such an impossible spin? Well, the answer is they avoided that task by simply tossing the Dominion no-show in PA down the memory hole. Yes, do a search of Dominion and Pennsylvania today and you will see NOTHING about it in the mainstream media. Orwellian journalism in action.

Can you (or anyone) demonstrate with evidence that Dominion software change a single vote?

How MSM Hilariously Avoided Embarrassing Spin on Dominion No Show in PA

The worst job in journalism might have been being assigned to spin why the Dominion Voting Systems bugged out of their scheduled meeting with a Pennsylvania state legislative committee on Friday while simultaneously lawyering up. How could anyone possibly provide such an impossible spin? Well, the answer is they avoided that task by simply tossing the Dominion no-show in PA down the memory hole. Yes, do a search of Dominion and Pennsylvania today and you will see NOTHING about it in the mainstream media. Orwellian journalism in action.

No, it’s rightwing dishonesty and desperation in action.

The press – appropriately – isn’t going to report ridiculous, baseless conspiracy theories, save to expose them as such.

How MSM Hilariously Avoided Embarrassing Spin on Dominion No Show in PA

The worst job in journalism might have been being assigned to spin why the Dominion Voting Systems bugged out of their scheduled meeting with a Pennsylvania state legislative committee on Friday while simultaneously lawyering up. How could anyone possibly provide such an impossible spin? Well, the answer is they avoided that task by simply tossing the Dominion no-show in PA down the memory hole. Yes, do a search of Dominion and Pennsylvania today and you will see NOTHING about it in the mainstream media. Orwellian journalism in action.

No, it’s rightwing dishonesty and desperation in action.

The press – appropriately – isn’t going to report ridiculous, baseless conspiracy theories, save to expose them as such.

Why'd they not show....then lawyer up, Panty Boy?

How MSM Hilariously Avoided Embarrassing Spin on Dominion No Show in PA

The worst job in journalism might have been being assigned to spin why the Dominion Voting Systems bugged out of their scheduled meeting with a Pennsylvania state legislative committee on Friday while simultaneously lawyering up. How could anyone possibly provide such an impossible spin? Well, the answer is they avoided that task by simply tossing the Dominion no-show in PA down the memory hole. Yes, do a search of Dominion and Pennsylvania today and you will see NOTHING about it in the mainstream media. Orwellian journalism in action.

No, it’s rightwing dishonesty and desperation in action.

The press – appropriately – isn’t going to report ridiculous, baseless conspiracy theories, save to expose them as such.

Liar, they have been doing so for the past four years.
Florida and Utah use Dominion.
Trump won them.

Was there a massive Trump gain from losing to winning in the wee morning hours?
The context inspires the skepticism in the other states.
But first, you would have to show, that there was a massive dump for Biden in the wee hours of the night, which put Biden ahead overnight. Make certain you fact check all of the claims, because all the right wing allegations have been disproved or clerical errors, that I've seen? And nothing changed overnight from Trump to Biden, I believe it took 2 or 3 days before Biden overtook Trump, in the popular vote.

Depending on the State, and their election law, many of the battleground states were not allowed to begin counting their millions of absentee ballots, until election day, according to their election law. Democrats in Pennsylvania as example, tried to legislate a change in their law, that would allow the State to begin counting absentee ballots earlier, and the Republican legislators in majority, shot the bill down.

The votes, came in segments. The first votes counted, were election day votes, then the early voting counts, absentee votes, military votes and lastly I believe, were cured provisional ballots....

During the two candidate's campaign's, Pres.Trump urged his constituent to vote in person, on election day and discouraged them from casting absentee ballots.... He did this, as a plan, to claim victory on election night, before the absentee ballots were counted, which democratic voters were encouraged to use, so to stay safe from the virus.

OF COURSE pres trump would have the lead on election night! AND OF COURSE the tallies would change drastically when all the absentee ballots were being counted! Everyone knew this AHEAD of the election that the absentee ballots WOULD weigh in heavily for Biden.
Give it a friggin rest. Trump lost.
He may well have, but not if the Dominion software was compromised. Will you accept a Trump victory if that is proven the case?
In Detroit, Michigan and in Philadelphia, PA... Joe Biden got less votes than Hillary Clinton did in the 2016 presidential election. If there was going to be cheating, whomever....did NOT do a good job in swapping votes for Biden favor.

Trump got more votes in those 2 cities in 2020 vs 2016. And the numerous votes in those two cities, pretty much solidified the wins in each....

Also, it is a closed election system, NOT CONNECTED to the internet for all of the ballot casting and counting...and have lots of checks and balances that helps spot all the clerical errors that may occur, and even printed results for each precinct as they are counting... and a closed system when transferring to get county totals.

I believe it is some other program, that then transfers these counts to the Associated Press etc., and this transfer is where the internet may be used.... So, my thought is even if someone or some entity were to hack in to the tallies and switch votes, it would be in this transfer....

BUT NOTE, all the individual precincts, already have a paper trail with counts of how people voted, along with ballot back ups....

So if dominion switched votes as you fear, these states can do a hand recount audit, and discern the will of the people.
Last edited: woke up...and Trump still lost. Too bad but thanks for playing!
Your own media/political mouths told people what you are going to do. They were in their usual glass ivory tower supreme attitudes. You have to be pretty sure of yourself to act that way. That is what made 2016 extraordinary. The impossible happened. This time around you made sure the improbable happened.
Give it a friggin rest. Trump lost.
He may well have, but not if the Dominion software was compromised. Will you accept a Trump victory if that is proven the case?
Florida and Utah use Dominion.
Trump won them.

I doubt they even tried to do shit in Utah, but Florida was obvious. Trump beat the fuck out of Joe so goddamn bad that the manipulation was too small to overcome the ass kicking. You can see that it follows the same trend as other states. They just didn't have the magic overnight ballot fairies show up in FL because they already did it in MI, WA, and PA, at a minimum.

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