How much did you pay per gallon the last time you fueled?

What happened to all the boot strap/ rugged/self made do it my self people? No one (in any political party) likes the increase in cost of anything. Half of the world would be happy to trade places with you. The lack of gratitude for what we do have, put on your big boy pants and roll with it, We have been here before.
Fuck anyone who voted for FJB.
I'm in a pretty rural section of Florida and I paid $4.19. It's even worse when you go into town. How bad do you think it will get? Biden just banned Russian exports apparently. Is sticking it to Russia worth bleeding the American public even more? I'm still over here not giving a fuck about Ukraine.
5.79 in Hayward California at 12 noon.

That equates to $16.50 per day for a 60 mile round trip 6 days a week.
My employer is paying me $24.00 a week plus $0.58 per mile to ease the cost.
Where’s the incentive to produce more of a product that they can charge whatever they want for?
My vehicle wants 89 octane so I just paid 4.35 yesterday.
Pissed off.
I saw diesel at 4.85.

We are Fucked!

At 4.66 a gallon.
Basically last weekends prices.

Think inflation is bad now, just wait.
He likes watching you suffer. So do I.
You know what, Candy? I'm actually NOT suffering! I'm lucky enough to have retired with enough money to live comfortably on. You know who IS suffering? The poor people that you on the left pretend to care about! You're going to get your asses handed to you come the midterms and you'll deserve every little bit of that!
You know what, Candy? I'm actually NOT suffering! I'm lucky enough to have retired with enough money to live comfortably on. You know who IS suffering? The poor people that you on the left pretend to care about! You're going to get your asses handed to you come the midterms and you'll deserve every little bit of that!
You sound miserable.
I'm living in a nice house in sunny Florida...playing golf and eating at nice restaurants with friends. My life is fine, Candy but I'm one of the lucky ones! You liberals have totally fucked the working class in this country!
Again, you sound completely miserable.
Again, you sound completely miserable. don't know a more content person than I, Candy! I worked hard for decades...invested well...I don't have money worries. Thank God, I didn't have to deal with a Biden Administration when I was young and starting out. How is anyone supposed to save money with the idiots we have running the country in charge of things?

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