How much do extremely wealthy people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?

We're talking simple survival skills here, and there's no question rednecks can handle outside life a lot better than someone whose wildest adventures involved concrete pathways and safety railings.

Surviving being put in the jungle takes more than simple survival skills.
definitely neither of them

These clowns are trying to suggest rednecks come standard with jungle survival skills. 99.9% of all people would be completely fucked if they got dropped off in the middle of an unknown jungle without supplies or directions.
We're talking simple survival skills here, and there's no question rednecks can handle outside life a lot better than someone whose wildest adventures involved concrete pathways and safety railings.

I highly doubt that.

But hey let's drop you into an Amazon rain forest with nothing but the clothes on your back ad see how you;ll do.
I highly doubt that.

But hey let's drop you into an Amazon rain forest with nothing but the clothes on your back ad see how you;ll do.

Maybe somewhere in India. It'll be interesting to see how he deals with the tigers.
definitely neither of them

These clowns are trying to suggest rednecks come standard with jungle survival skills. 99.9% of all people would be completely fucked if they got dropped off in the middle of an unknown jungle without supplies or directions.
We're talking simple survival skills here, and there's no question rednecks can handle outside life a lot better than someone whose wildest adventures involved concrete pathways and safety railings.

I highly doubt that.

But hey let's drop you into an Amazon rain forest with nothing but the clothes on your back ad see how you;ll do.
Ever watch Naked and Afraid? That's exactly what they do, except without the clothes.
Ever watch Naked and Afraid? That's exactly what they do, except without the clothes.

Have you ever seen somebody on that show not lose 20 or 30 pounds in the 21 days they're out there? That's because they can't find any food. They are a complete mess by the end, and most of those people are competent survivalists. You would have to be a survival god to find caloric stability in that situation. They're also a walkie call away from immediate evacuation and rescue. That alleviates some of the pressure I think.
definitely neither of them

These clowns are trying to suggest rednecks come standard with jungle survival skills. 99.9% of all people would be completely fucked if they got dropped off in the middle of an unknown jungle without supplies or directions.
We're talking simple survival skills here, and there's no question rednecks can handle outside life a lot better than someone whose wildest adventures involved concrete pathways and safety railings.

I highly doubt that.

But hey let's drop you into an Amazon rain forest with nothing but the clothes on your back ad see how you;ll do.
Ever watch Naked and Afraid? That's exactly what they do, except without the clothes.
with a film crew and medics and all kinds of support staff.

NOT real at all
Ever watch Naked and Afraid? That's exactly what they do, except without the clothes.

Have you ever seen somebody on that show not lose 20 or 30 pounds in the 21 days they're out there? That's because they can't find any food. They are a complete mess by the end, and most of those people are competent survivalists. You would have to be a survival god to find caloric stability in that situation. They're also a walkie call away from immediate evacuation and rescue. That alleviates some of the pressure I think.
Yet they survive, and the average redneck would survive a lot longer than the average city dweller. That's the point that you continue to ignore.

I will never understand poor people that support the Republicans.

You might if you ever stooped to actually talking to them.
Poor people who support the Republican Party don’t realize all the things democrats do for them. I know two people on disability who voted for trump. Even when I told them he would make cuts to Medicaid. Or my neighbor who has $100,000 in student loan debt. She liked trumps anti immigrant position.

And don’t forget trump gave them a very small tax break so in their minds they are doing better under Trump.
IOW, they don't let money concerns drive every decision they make. Some people are like that, you know.
They don’t realize the gop is screwing them financially. Trickle down since the 80s has failed the middle class.

Poor republicans have been duped by social wedge issues. God, guns, gays and racism.
Obviously they value freedom over cash handouts. Here's a clue. If democrats wouldn't try to compel conformity of thought, their Santa Claus act might actually catch on with more people.
It’s true what you say. Rednecks in the backwoods of Kentucky have no dental or healthcare. But they are free and happy. Love their guns, Christianity, hate gays blacks mexicans and Muslims. The Republican Party doesn’t have to benefit them financially. Democratic policies benefit them and yet they still vote republican.
then take them away and let them live by their own means,,, teach them a lesson,,
Thing is, most of them already do and have flourished quite nicely for generations without democrats "helping" them. Drop a redneck and a liberal tofu farting city dwelling democrat off in the jungle and see who walks out.
Poverty is higher in rural America. Incomes are lower. And job growth is non existent. Less educated people. They rely heavily on social safety nets (government).

The EITC is one of the most important anti poverty programs. 1/3rd of people in rural America take advantage of this.

16% of people in rural America take snap $. But in poor rural America, 40% take snap. Poor rural America is in the south. Not the northeast or northwest. Our rural citizens aren’t poor like in Appalachia
with a film crew and medics and all kinds of support staff.

NOT real at all

Nobody on that show has ever been seriously injured. Suspicious?
Oh, I'm sure they've had injuries. Did you think they air everything they shoot? I'm sure there have been failed attempts, people getting sick or injured. This is TV, remember? The point, however, remains that people can survive in the wild, and rednecks would survive a lot longer than the average city dweller.
Yet they survive, and the average redneck would survive a lot longer than the average city dweller. That's the point that you continue to ignore.

Who gives a fuck if you're better at camping?
with a film crew and medics and all kinds of support staff.

NOT real at all

Nobody on that show has ever been seriously injured. Suspicious?
Oh, I'm sure they've had injuries. Did you think they air everything they shoot? I'm sure there have been failed attempts, people getting sick or injured. This is TV, remember? The point, however, remains that people can survive in the wild, and rednecks would survive a lot longer than the average city dweller.
It's TV therefore it's not REAL
you do realize there are thousands if not millions of people that live in the jungle???

when you grow up you will learn these simple things

Living near or in a jungle you know with other people, supplies and relative safety is a lot different than being dropped off in a jungle you don't know without food, supplies or safety. There are isolated tribes surviving in the Amazon, but those people do that as a team. Even those jungle-attuned people would be in trouble in a jungle they don't know and without their tribe or supplies. The average redneck could not do what we're talking about; very few people could. That's elite special forces territory, and even then some of them would fail.
the jungle is full of food shelter and safety,,

you dont even know what an average redneck is let alone what he knows,,,
with a film crew and medics and all kinds of support staff.

NOT real at all

Nobody on that show has ever been seriously injured. Suspicious?
Oh, I'm sure they've had injuries. Did you think they air everything they shoot? I'm sure there have been failed attempts, people getting sick or injured. This is TV, remember? The point, however, remains that people can survive in the wild, and rednecks would survive a lot longer than the average city dweller.
It's TV therefore it's not REAL
Just how literal are you trying to be? Of course it's TV. Much more real than what politicians tell you, though. It does, however, illustrate that people are capable of surviving under extreme circumstances, and again, the average redneck will last a lot longer than the average city dweller if forced to survive in the wild. That's what you continue to ignore.

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