How much do extremely wealthy people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?

definitely neither of them

These clowns are trying to suggest rednecks come standard with jungle survival skills. 99.9% of all people would be completely fucked if they got dropped off in the middle of an unknown jungle without supplies or directions.
OH tell us more little boy how we are the ones that dont know what we are talking about???

I doubt youve ever paid for your own food let alone had to go find it in the woods,,,
you do realize there are thousands if not millions of people that live in the jungle???

when you grow up you will learn these simple things

Living near or in a jungle you know with other people, supplies and relative safety is a lot different than being dropped off in a jungle you don't know without food, supplies or safety. There are isolated tribes surviving in the Amazon, but those people do that as a team. Even those jungle-attuned people would be in trouble in a jungle they don't know and without their tribe or supplies. The average redneck could not do what we're talking about; very few people could. That's elite special forces territory, and even then some of them would fail.
the jungle is full of food shelter and safety,,

you dont even know what an average redneck is let alone what he knows,,,
I don't think they've ever met a redneck or even seen one in his natural habitat. They believe what they see on the boob tube or their favorite hate sites.
definitely neither of them

These clowns are trying to suggest rednecks come standard with jungle survival skills. 99.9% of all people would be completely fucked if they got dropped off in the middle of an unknown jungle without supplies or directions.
OH tell us more little boy how we are the ones that dont know what we are talking about???

I doubt youve ever paid for your own food let alone had to go find it in the woods,,,
Find it, kill it, field dress it, tote it back to the fire, butcher it and cook it. Only then eat it.
It's TV therefore it's not REAL

And now that I'm thinking about it they go out there with at least one partner. They both get to bring a tool as well, so they'll often have things like fishing nets and fire starting tools.
it isnt about me little boy,,, your attempting to make it about me proves you got nothing left and are full of shit,,

I would expect that most people that would undermine the difficulty of surviving in that situation have never actually been in it.
quit lying about what I said,, I never said any random redneck I said a real redneck could survive easily,, and yes a random one could walk out if one after being dropped off,,,

Nobody could survive that easily. Some of the greatest survivalists in the world could probably survive that with a lot of effort. How long do you think it would take you to navigate your way out of the middle of the Amazon without tools? You're going to be out there for a while.
quit lying about what I said,, I never said any random redneck I said a real redneck could survive easily,, and yes a random one could walk out if one after being dropped off,,,

Nobody could survive that easily. Some of the greatest survivalists in the world could probably survive that with a lot of effort. How long do you think it would take you to navigate your way out of the middle of the Amazon without tools? You're going to be out there for a while.
back to making it about me,,

you dont even realize the jungles of the world are full of tools food shelter and just about every other thing a person needs to survive,,,

not so much in your moms basement,,
back to making it about me,,

you dont even realize the jungles of the world are full of tools food shelter and just about every other thing a person needs to survive,,,

not so much in your moms basement,,

You're not keeping up. It would take a long time and an incredible amount of effort for even the most gifted people in the world to survive that situation. What you suggested was stupid. What you should have said is "Rednecks are better at camping."
back to making it about me,,

you dont even realize the jungles of the world are full of tools food shelter and just about every other thing a person needs to survive,,,

not so much in your moms basement,,

You're not keeping up. It would take a long time and an incredible amount of effort for even the most gifted people in the world to survive that situation. What you suggested was stupid. What you should have said is "Rednecks are better at camping."
maybe you should list your qualifications so we have a reason to listen to you???

have you ever killed and eaten your own food?? if so what and how many??

whats the longest period of time youve lived in any of the jungles of the world on your own without help??
maybe you should list your qualifications so we have a reason to listen to you???

have you ever killed and eaten your own food?? if so what and how many??

whats the longest period of time youve lived in any of the jungles of the world on your own without help??

You're ignorant.
with a film crew and medics and all kinds of support staff.

NOT real at all

Nobody on that show has ever been seriously injured. Suspicious?
Oh, I'm sure they've had injuries. Did you think they air everything they shoot? I'm sure there have been failed attempts, people getting sick or injured. This is TV, remember? The point, however, remains that people can survive in the wild, and rednecks would survive a lot longer than the average city dweller.
It's TV therefore it's not REAL
Just how literal are you trying to be? Of course it's TV. Much more real than what politicians tell you, though. It does, however, illustrate that people are capable of surviving under extreme circumstances, and again, the average redneck will last a lot longer than the average city dweller if forced to survive in the wild. That's what you continue to ignore.
Those survival shows are all bullshit.

And you have absolutely no proof for your claims.

The average redneck is pretty far below average in a lot of ways and just because some idiot spends his time drinking around a trash fire instead of in a bar in no way means he is some typw of survival guru

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