How Much Does Obama Have To Lose By To Keep TM From Claiming The Election Was Stolen?

I really doubt there is any margin so high she won't accept the election was legit.

If every voter in America told her how they voted, and they ALL voted for Romney, she'd claim they lied and actually voted for Obama.


Remember, we're talking about a woman so deranged she claims Romney is a three-syllable word rather than accept what she hears with her own ears.

You fail to give credit where credit is due!

Just as the Lefties on the board regularly refuse to read opposing amazing time-saver, and one carried over from their college efforts, .....the result is an entire week left over at the end of the year!

Since any loss by Obama- no matter the margin- is to be met with the term "racist"- imagine the immense number of permutations and combinations of thought patterns obviated! The energy alone....

It's actually sheer genius- when viewed from the, left...perspective!
Oh, if ONLY we could harness the power of such retardery and use its power for good! :(

A Liberal hamster wheel???

And yet it's Republicans being charged with "fraud" and admitting to racial targeting. Imagine that.

Pssst....deanie....for an entire century, from the Civil War on, the Democrat party fought to kill, torture, and deprive blacks of civil rights.

True story.

Hey....forgive and forget.
And blame Bush.

So you are arguing that blacks shouldn't forget what white conservatives did to them for an entire century?

You mean free them from slavery, support civil rights, that kind of stuff?

No they should remember that. It's just the lies the Democrats are feeding them that they should put ouf of their minds.
Just to show you how stupid TDM is... she rejects ID's for voting because there is no voter fraud, then yammers on and on about rampant voter fraud.

That is one seriously stupid motherfucker.
Pssst....deanie....for an entire century, from the Civil War on, the Democrat party fought to kill, torture, and deprive blacks of civil rights.

True story.

Hey....forgive and forget.
And blame Bush.

So you are arguing that blacks shouldn't forget what white conservatives did to them for an entire century?

You mean free them from slavery, support civil rights, that kind of stuff?

No they should remember that. It's just the lies the Democrats are feeding them that they should put ouf of their minds.

How's the modern black family fairing under liberalism?

How about throwing out some numbers there TM. 3%..5%. How much before you realize that this country has had enough "hope' and wants a change?

It will make no difference whether it's a squeaker or a landslide. To Stupidmatters, the only way Barry can possibly lose the election is by Republicans cheating, again. Like they, and only they, always do. She's hardwired that way.
Im bookmarking this thread :D just in case Obama wins, and the righties start whining about stolen elections, and how he only won because of white guilt.

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