How Much Is The "Tithe"?


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Oct 6, 2008
I've always been involved in "tithing," but always thought of same in connection with Christianity. I understand by that Jewish folk were very active in philanthropy, but just read a publication which reminded me that it is based on the Old Testament, is both religious- and politically-based ....and that it required more than ten percent!

You might find it interesting.

1. " Tithing is an Old Testament practice. God accepted the tithes of Abraham and Jacob (Genesis 14:18-24; 28:20-22). Later, he used the tithing system to finance the religious and secular needs of his people, the nation of Israel (Numbers 18:21; Leviticus 27:30).

a. . “Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. He was priest of God Most High, and he blessed Abram, saying, ‘Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth. And blessed be God Most High, who delivered your enemies into your hand.’ Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything” (Genesis 14:18-20). Giving God back a tenth of what is his was a way of recognizing God’s ultimate ownership of everything.

2. Tithing, in patriarchal times, was an act or expression of worship. Tithing is not again discussed in the Pentateuch until the time of Moses — with the establishment of a priesthood in Israel. Mosaic law required the Israelites to pay tithes to the Levites, who did not own land, the usual means of support (Numbers 18:21-24). The Levites, in turn, gave one tenth of what they received to the Aaronic priesthood (verses 25-32).

3. Although the Levites received tithes, it did not belong to them. The tithe belonged to God. It was “holy” (verse 32), sanctified for God’s use and purpose. God was simply defining how his tithe was to be used.

4. God also instituted a program to help the needy, such as orphans and widows. Those who had the means were to set aside a tithe every third year (Deuteronomy verses 28-29)."
Tithing in Israel | Grace Communion International

5. "The Mosaic Law required the children of Israel to pay three different tithes: Israelites were commanded to pay upwards of ~23% in tithes, not a mere 10%.

a. The levitical tithe (Lev 27:30-32; Num 18:21,24), The levitical tithe was the standard tithe. It required all Israelites to give 10% of their increase (crops, fruit, livestock) to the Levites.

b. The annual festival tithe (Dt 14:22-27), The festival tithe was to be “paid” annually when the Jews gathered in Jerusalem for one of the national festivals. The worshipper was instructed to take 10% of his annual increase to Jerusalem and consume it together with his family and the Levites, at the festival. They feast would consist of grains, meat, and drink.

c. And tri-annual poor tithe (Dt 14:28-29). The poor tithe was paid every three years. Like the festival tithe, this tithe was intended to feed others, including Levites. Unlike the festival tithe, however, this meal was intended to feed foreigners, orphans, and widows—not at Jerusalem, but within one’s own city. Rather than tithing on the past three years, the worshipper only had to tithe on his increase for the year in which the poor tithe was required.

6. How much do all these tithes add up to over a three year period?
It depends on how it was calculated. If the festival and poor tithes were based on what remained after paying the levitical and festival tithes, then for the first and second year every Israelite would pay 19% in tithes, and for the third year they would pay 27.1%, for an average of 21.7% per year.
If the festival and poor tithes were based on one’s gross increase, then for the first and second year every Israelite would pay 20% in tithes, and for the third year they would pay 30%, for an average of 23.3% per year.

7. We should give according to need, and according to our ability (Acts 11:29; 2 Corinthians 8:3; 9:7). As Paul said, “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully” (2 Corinthians 9:6, ESV)."
Tithing Cost Israelites More than 10% Under the Mosaic Covenant | Theo-sophical Ruminations
If you look up on google articles against tithing, it is interesting because they claim that Abraham only gave 10 percent of his increase (spoils of war).

Abraham gave 10% of the spoils of war while Israel was required to give less from the spoils of war. (Hebrews 7:4; Numbers 31:28-30)

10 Solid Arguments Against Tithing

If you live under a farming system where the ground gives you fruit and vegetables every years, you can afford to tithe.
Ya better tip God, lest He smite thee.

I know of a church that requires you to give them a copy of your 1040 form in order to be a member but the fact is that God only wants a cheerful giver and that He really doesn't need your money and the New Testament supports giving and not tithing. The principal of the New Testament is that to whom much is given, much more is required. The Church doesn't want a tithe from people who can't afford diapers and some people can give by mowing lawns of people who are shut ins.

What caused me to investigate tithing is pastors who want to be supported under the Levitical system but don't want to live as the Levites do.
I've always been involved in "tithing," but always thought of same in connection with Christianity. I understand by that Jewish folk were very active in philanthropy, but just read a publication which reminded me that it is based on the Old Testament, is both religious- and politically-based ....and that it required more than ten percent!

You might find it interesting.

1. " Tithing is an Old Testament practice. God accepted the tithes of Abraham and Jacob (Genesis 14:18-24; 28:20-22). Later, he used the tithing system to finance the religious and secular needs of his people, the nation of Israel (Numbers 18:21; Leviticus 27:30).

a. . “Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. He was priest of God Most High, and he blessed Abram, saying, ‘Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth. And blessed be God Most High, who delivered your enemies into your hand.’ Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything” (Genesis 14:18-20). Giving God back a tenth of what is his was a way of recognizing God’s ultimate ownership of everything.

2. Tithing, in patriarchal times, was an act or expression of worship. Tithing is not again discussed in the Pentateuch until the time of Moses — with the establishment of a priesthood in Israel. Mosaic law required the Israelites to pay tithes to the Levites, who did not own land, the usual means of support (Numbers 18:21-24). The Levites, in turn, gave one tenth of what they received to the Aaronic priesthood (verses 25-32).

3. Although the Levites received tithes, it did not belong to them. The tithe belonged to God. It was “holy” (verse 32), sanctified for God’s use and purpose. God was simply defining how his tithe was to be used.

4. God also instituted a program to help the needy, such as orphans and widows. Those who had the means were to set aside a tithe every third year (Deuteronomy verses 28-29)."
Tithing in Israel | Grace Communion International

5. "The Mosaic Law required the children of Israel to pay three different tithes: Israelites were commanded to pay upwards of ~23% in tithes, not a mere 10%.

a. The levitical tithe (Lev 27:30-32; Num 18:21,24), The levitical tithe was the standard tithe. It required all Israelites to give 10% of their increase (crops, fruit, livestock) to the Levites.

b. The annual festival tithe (Dt 14:22-27), The festival tithe was to be “paid” annually when the Jews gathered in Jerusalem for one of the national festivals. The worshipper was instructed to take 10% of his annual increase to Jerusalem and consume it together with his family and the Levites, at the festival. They feast would consist of grains, meat, and drink.

c. And tri-annual poor tithe (Dt 14:28-29). The poor tithe was paid every three years. Like the festival tithe, this tithe was intended to feed others, including Levites. Unlike the festival tithe, however, this meal was intended to feed foreigners, orphans, and widows—not at Jerusalem, but within one’s own city. Rather than tithing on the past three years, the worshipper only had to tithe on his increase for the year in which the poor tithe was required.

6. How much do all these tithes add up to over a three year period?
It depends on how it was calculated. If the festival and poor tithes were based on what remained after paying the levitical and festival tithes, then for the first and second year every Israelite would pay 19% in tithes, and for the third year they would pay 27.1%, for an average of 21.7% per year.
If the festival and poor tithes were based on one’s gross increase, then for the first and second year every Israelite would pay 20% in tithes, and for the third year they would pay 30%, for an average of 23.3% per year.

7. We should give according to need, and according to our ability (Acts 11:29; 2 Corinthians 8:3; 9:7). As Paul said, “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully” (2 Corinthians 9:6, ESV)."
Tithing Cost Israelites More than 10% Under the Mosaic Covenant | Theo-sophical Ruminations

What a blessing you are, Political Chick! Number 7 is the one I live by. I believe it is the teaching for the New Testament church. Great thread! :eusa_angel: - Jeri
God expects 10%
Medieval Rulers collected 30%

Reactionary Liberals want 100%

What piqued my interest in the subject was how it related charity and you have in this post.

Americans are both the most religious of the Western nations, and far and away the most charitable.

Yet that is not only not true for Liberals, but they wish to prevent the rest of us exhibiting the expressions of charity.....

1. "Obama Makes Fifth Attempt to Reduce Charitable Tax Deduction
Ryan Messmore

Once again, President Barack Obama has proposed lowering the income tax deduction for charitable giving. In his proposed budget for fiscal year 2013, the President calls for reducing the charitable deduction rate from 35 percent to 28 percent for those in the top tax bracket (individuals making $200,000 or more or families making $250,000 or more). By decreasing the value of itemized tax deductions for higher-income taxpayers, Obama’s proposal would weaken the incentive for the wealthy to give to organizations that help the poor."
Obama Makes Fifth Attempt to Reduce Charitable Tax Deduction | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

Nor should this design come as any surprise.....

2. Up until recent years when their income increased sharply from book revenues and a Senate salary, Obama's family donated a relatively minor amount of its earnings to charity. From 2000 through 2004, the senator and his wife never gave more than $3,500 a year in charitable donations -- about 1 percent of their annual earnings.(Sam Stein Huffington Post)

3. Looking at the ten-year total of Biden’s giving, one percent would have been $24,500. One half of one percent would have been $12,250. One quarter of one percent would have been $6,125. And one eighth of one percent would have been $3,062 — just below what Biden actually contributed.

“The average American household gives about two percent of adjusted gross income,” says Arthur Brooks, the Syracuse University scholar, soon to take over as head of the American Enterprise Institute, who has done extensive research on American giving. “On average, [Biden] is not giving more than one tenth as much as the average American household, and that is evidence that he doesn’t share charitable values with the average American.”
Joe Biden and American Charity | National Review Online
We have three excellent priests at our church.
We are lucky.
Giving the church $1200 a year is a pleasure.
I have no problem doing that at all for all they do.
Ya better tip God, lest He smite thee.

I know of a church that requires you to give them a copy of your 1040 form in order to be a member but the fact is that God only wants a cheerful giver and that He really doesn't need your money and the New Testament supports giving and not tithing. The principal of the New Testament is that to whom much is given, much more is required. The Church doesn't want a tithe from people who can't afford diapers and some people can give by mowing lawns of people who are shut ins.

What caused me to investigate tithing is pastors who want to be supported under the Levitical system but don't want to live as the Levites do.

I gotcha, Chucky.....I understand what you are saying.

I saw this during the week:

"At Lakewood Church, Joel Osteen proclaims,"It's God's will for you to live in prosperity instead of poverty." The pastor of the Houston megachurch and wife Victoria certainly practice what they preach.

The couple has moved to a $10.5 million mansion in River Oaks, while keeping their former Tanglewood residence, valued at $2.9 million."
After move to $10.5 million River Oaks mansion, Joel Osteen offers ... - CultureMap Houston

.....and had the same prob with it.

Seems to me, folks like Joel Osteen should view his work as a calling rather than a profession.

This made no difference to me:
"According to reports, Osteen hasn't drawn a salary from the church since 2005. His income comes from best-selling books and related products, such as calendars, daybooks and inspirational pamphlets."
I gotcha, Chucky.....I understand what you are saying.

I saw this during the week:

"At Lakewood Church, Joel Osteen proclaims,"It's God's will for you to live in prosperity instead of poverty." The pastor of the Houston megachurch and wife Victoria certainly practice what they preach.

The couple has moved to a $10.5 million mansion in River Oaks, while keeping their former Tanglewood residence, valued at $2.9 million."

If you had 1,000 or 2,000 people giving you $5.00 every week, consider how rich you could be. Joel Osteen may not be drawing a salary but you have to understand he has the largest Church in America and he is seen in around 100 countries (source: Wikipedia):

Joel Osteen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If all he has to do is sell his books, it is my opinion he is probably making a billion dollars off of his books and I would base that off of a figure that I saw from the Bible Answerman broadcast and how much they are making.

Anyway, I found this video by John Piper which I posted in this link on Joel Osteen on "Why
I Abominate The Prosperity Gospel":

The perfect scam.

"Give me 10% of you income or you will go to hell."

Who said that?
I give 10 percent to help cover expenses, such as feeding the poor, educating the kids, assisting the elderly, keeping the church and parish grounds under repair, providing loans to families who need it, etc.

What do you do for others?
Less then 5% that xstians give goes to actual "charitable" causes. The vast majority goes to the trappings of, buildings, golden chalices, stained glass windows, choirs, choir robes, religious retreats, religious education, rectories, convents and evangelism in foreign lands.

Even your response is revealing as 3 of the items you mention are not close to charitable causes...religious schools, maintaining church grounds and "Loans" to cchurch members.

How many of those loans went to muslims or jews?
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This is "charitable giving" to a xtian...



Less then 5% that xstians give goes to actual "charitable" causes. The vast majority goes to the trappings of, buildings, golden chalices, stained glass windows, choirs, choir robes, religious retreats, religious education, rectories, convents and evangelism in foreign lands.

Even your response is revealing as 3 of the items you mention are not close to charitable causes...religious schools, maintaining church grounds and "Loans" to cchurch members.

How many of those loans went to muslims or jews?

I know someone who lives in the slums. He doesn't go to the churches that offer free food. Do you know why? He says he doesn't want to listen to what they have to say.
10%. That's what a tithe is.

Will a man rob God?

We are only accountable to God. When you are in front of the Lord on judgment day, will you be able to say you were honest with Him?
I refuse to tithe until they can reserve me the best seats in heaven

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