How much less in taxes are you paying..? Whoohooo!!!!!

Yes. And did they help us get out of the recession he put us in? What's your point?

I remember Republicans said, "Obama's stimulus didn't work" Well no shit. And neither will tax breaks. They are just a temporary boost but our problems are still there.

Who knew all Obama had to do to improve his economy was bend over and let corporate America fuck him and us in the ass.

Wow.... I am impressed, truly. Congratulations on being an honest straight shooter. I think this is only....maybe twice i have seen a liberal call Obama out for what he is - a corporatist/globalist.
Refreshing....and i am not being sarcastic.

But Obama didn't bend over and give the corporations/rich/republicans what they wanted. That would be Bill Clinton. He did too much triangulation with the Republicans. He sold out us progressives too much. For example signing the Republicans invention called NAFTA.

Obama said fuck that. And the economy got better without bending over and giving all the power to the corporations.

Trumps a corporatist/nationalist. Sort of.

This is a weird president. He's not really a Democrat but he's not a real Republican either. But he's more republican than democrat because his tax breaks mostly benefit the rich and corporations and because of his supreme court pick. do realize that Obama's administration continued to give Wall Street/Investment banks and Super corporations taxpayer backed, interest free loans to the tune of $40 - $70 Billion PER MONTH even though Wall Street firms had 3 record years in a row? I would call that giving corporations what they want.
Not to mention buying up junk bonds 100 cents on the dollar, using taxpayer money to make sure the very people that caused the 2008 collapse got their profits.
Think about it....all the empty homes all over America (record number of empty homes)....the homeowners lost everything...but the investors that owned the mortgage on those homes were paid back their losses. That happened.

It sure did happen. I remember when Bush first passed TARP. It was NO STRINGS attached. It was, "here bankers, take as much as you want and pay back what you want"

But Obama and Elizabeth Warren stepped in and changed it so it wasn't such a rip off.

Did we still get ripped off? Sure. But don't think Republicans minded because they didn't.

And Trump gobbled up a lot of cheap real estate in those years.

The housing bubble was a perfect storm of Republicans and Democrats in Washington, and the entire financial apparatus colluding to extract as much money off of the American people AND AGAIN via sudo government corporations that used taxpayer dollars to cover losses in the process. So every single American was affected. Both in skyrocketing housing pricing causing everyone to pay more for less, and then again when your taxes were used to pay the losses to the financial system when people couldn't pay their mortgages. People lost everything, and the financial/political system ensured that the investors lost nothing.

Let me guess you are a Republican? Because this is the closest a Republican has ever come to admitting that their party is/was to blame for something. It's always "both parties were equally involved".
Wow.... I am impressed, truly. Congratulations on being an honest straight shooter. I think this is only....maybe twice i have seen a liberal call Obama out for what he is - a corporatist/globalist.
Refreshing....and i am not being sarcastic.

But Obama didn't bend over and give the corporations/rich/republicans what they wanted. That would be Bill Clinton. He did too much triangulation with the Republicans. He sold out us progressives too much. For example signing the Republicans invention called NAFTA.

Obama said fuck that. And the economy got better without bending over and giving all the power to the corporations.

Trumps a corporatist/nationalist. Sort of.

This is a weird president. He's not really a Democrat but he's not a real Republican either. But he's more republican than democrat because his tax breaks mostly benefit the rich and corporations and because of his supreme court pick. do realize that Obama's administration continued to give Wall Street/Investment banks and Super corporations taxpayer backed, interest free loans to the tune of $40 - $70 Billion PER MONTH even though Wall Street firms had 3 record years in a row? I would call that giving corporations what they want.
Not to mention buying up junk bonds 100 cents on the dollar, using taxpayer money to make sure the very people that caused the 2008 collapse got their profits.
Think about it....all the empty homes all over America (record number of empty homes)....the homeowners lost everything...but the investors that owned the mortgage on those homes were paid back their losses. That happened.

It sure did happen. I remember when Bush first passed TARP. It was NO STRINGS attached. It was, "here bankers, take as much as you want and pay back what you want"

But Obama and Elizabeth Warren stepped in and changed it so it wasn't such a rip off.

Did we still get ripped off? Sure. But don't think Republicans minded because they didn't.

And Trump gobbled up a lot of cheap real estate in those years.

The housing bubble was a perfect storm of Republicans and Democrats in Washington, and the entire financial apparatus colluding to extract as much money off of the American people AND AGAIN via sudo government corporations that used taxpayer dollars to cover losses in the process. So every single American was affected. Both in skyrocketing housing pricing causing everyone to pay more for less, and then again when your taxes were used to pay the losses to the financial system when people couldn't pay their mortgages. People lost everything, and the financial/political system ensured that the investors lost nothing.

Let me guess you are a Republican? Because this is the closest a Republican has ever come to admitting that their party is/was to blame for something. It's always "both parties were equally involved".

Your dodging.
There is no politician in Washington during the 80's-2000's that did not know that the American government was using taxpayer dollars to cover mortgage losses in every state, county and city in America. They also knew that the entire financial system was using this amazing condition to make $trillions. Same as the education bubble today. It is driving up tuition to ridiculous levels, backed by taxpayer dollars. And there is money being made hand over fist.
Agri-Business. Big Pharma. The list goes on and on. If you think for one moment that only Republicans are involved, or even the MOST involved then you are willfully ignorant.
But Obama didn't bend over and give the corporations/rich/republicans what they wanted. That would be Bill Clinton. He did too much triangulation with the Republicans. He sold out us progressives too much. For example signing the Republicans invention called NAFTA.

Obama said fuck that. And the economy got better without bending over and giving all the power to the corporations.

Trumps a corporatist/nationalist. Sort of.

This is a weird president. He's not really a Democrat but he's not a real Republican either. But he's more republican than democrat because his tax breaks mostly benefit the rich and corporations and because of his supreme court pick. do realize that Obama's administration continued to give Wall Street/Investment banks and Super corporations taxpayer backed, interest free loans to the tune of $40 - $70 Billion PER MONTH even though Wall Street firms had 3 record years in a row? I would call that giving corporations what they want.
Not to mention buying up junk bonds 100 cents on the dollar, using taxpayer money to make sure the very people that caused the 2008 collapse got their profits.
Think about it....all the empty homes all over America (record number of empty homes)....the homeowners lost everything...but the investors that owned the mortgage on those homes were paid back their losses. That happened.

It sure did happen. I remember when Bush first passed TARP. It was NO STRINGS attached. It was, "here bankers, take as much as you want and pay back what you want"

But Obama and Elizabeth Warren stepped in and changed it so it wasn't such a rip off.

Did we still get ripped off? Sure. But don't think Republicans minded because they didn't.

And Trump gobbled up a lot of cheap real estate in those years.

The housing bubble was a perfect storm of Republicans and Democrats in Washington, and the entire financial apparatus colluding to extract as much money off of the American people AND AGAIN via sudo government corporations that used taxpayer dollars to cover losses in the process. So every single American was affected. Both in skyrocketing housing pricing causing everyone to pay more for less, and then again when your taxes were used to pay the losses to the financial system when people couldn't pay their mortgages. People lost everything, and the financial/political system ensured that the investors lost nothing.

Let me guess you are a Republican? Because this is the closest a Republican has ever come to admitting that their party is/was to blame for something. It's always "both parties were equally involved".

Your dodging.
There is no politician in Washington during the 80's-2000's that did not know that the American government was using taxpayer dollars to cover mortgage losses in every state, county and city in America. They also knew that the entire financial system was using this amazing condition to make $trillions. Same as the education bubble today. It is driving up tuition to ridiculous levels, backed by taxpayer dollars. And there is money being made hand over fist.
Agri-Business. Big Pharma. The list goes on and on. If you think for one moment that only Republicans are involved, or even the MOST involved then you are willfully ignorant.

How about more involved. Would you admit that?
But Obama didn't bend over and give the corporations/rich/republicans what they wanted. That would be Bill Clinton. He did too much triangulation with the Republicans. He sold out us progressives too much. For example signing the Republicans invention called NAFTA.

Obama said fuck that. And the economy got better without bending over and giving all the power to the corporations.

Trumps a corporatist/nationalist. Sort of.

This is a weird president. He's not really a Democrat but he's not a real Republican either. But he's more republican than democrat because his tax breaks mostly benefit the rich and corporations and because of his supreme court pick. do realize that Obama's administration continued to give Wall Street/Investment banks and Super corporations taxpayer backed, interest free loans to the tune of $40 - $70 Billion PER MONTH even though Wall Street firms had 3 record years in a row? I would call that giving corporations what they want.
Not to mention buying up junk bonds 100 cents on the dollar, using taxpayer money to make sure the very people that caused the 2008 collapse got their profits.
Think about it....all the empty homes all over America (record number of empty homes)....the homeowners lost everything...but the investors that owned the mortgage on those homes were paid back their losses. That happened.

It sure did happen. I remember when Bush first passed TARP. It was NO STRINGS attached. It was, "here bankers, take as much as you want and pay back what you want"

But Obama and Elizabeth Warren stepped in and changed it so it wasn't such a rip off.

Did we still get ripped off? Sure. But don't think Republicans minded because they didn't.

And Trump gobbled up a lot of cheap real estate in those years.

The housing bubble was a perfect storm of Republicans and Democrats in Washington, and the entire financial apparatus colluding to extract as much money off of the American people AND AGAIN via sudo government corporations that used taxpayer dollars to cover losses in the process. So every single American was affected. Both in skyrocketing housing pricing causing everyone to pay more for less, and then again when your taxes were used to pay the losses to the financial system when people couldn't pay their mortgages. People lost everything, and the financial/political system ensured that the investors lost nothing.

Let me guess you are a Republican? Because this is the closest a Republican has ever come to admitting that their party is/was to blame for something. It's always "both parties were equally involved".

Your dodging.
There is no politician in Washington during the 80's-2000's that did not know that the American government was using taxpayer dollars to cover mortgage losses in every state, county and city in America. They also knew that the entire financial system was using this amazing condition to make $trillions. Same as the education bubble today. It is driving up tuition to ridiculous levels, backed by taxpayer dollars. And there is money being made hand over fist.
Agri-Business. Big Pharma. The list goes on and on. If you think for one moment that only Republicans are involved, or even the MOST involved then you are willfully ignorant.

Which party was the deregulation party? So this is what happens when you loosen regulations.

What Caused the Housing Bubble? | RealClearPolitics

If Wall Street's bad behavior was the only problem, the cure would be stricter regulatory policing that would catch dangerous characters and practices before they do too much damage. This seems to be the view of the public and many "experts."
But Obama didn't bend over and give the corporations/rich/republicans what they wanted. That would be Bill Clinton. He did too much triangulation with the Republicans. He sold out us progressives too much. For example signing the Republicans invention called NAFTA.

Obama said fuck that. And the economy got better without bending over and giving all the power to the corporations.

Trumps a corporatist/nationalist. Sort of.

This is a weird president. He's not really a Democrat but he's not a real Republican either. But he's more republican than democrat because his tax breaks mostly benefit the rich and corporations and because of his supreme court pick. do realize that Obama's administration continued to give Wall Street/Investment banks and Super corporations taxpayer backed, interest free loans to the tune of $40 - $70 Billion PER MONTH even though Wall Street firms had 3 record years in a row? I would call that giving corporations what they want.
Not to mention buying up junk bonds 100 cents on the dollar, using taxpayer money to make sure the very people that caused the 2008 collapse got their profits.
Think about it....all the empty homes all over America (record number of empty homes)....the homeowners lost everything...but the investors that owned the mortgage on those homes were paid back their losses. That happened.

It sure did happen. I remember when Bush first passed TARP. It was NO STRINGS attached. It was, "here bankers, take as much as you want and pay back what you want"

But Obama and Elizabeth Warren stepped in and changed it so it wasn't such a rip off.

Did we still get ripped off? Sure. But don't think Republicans minded because they didn't.

And Trump gobbled up a lot of cheap real estate in those years.

The housing bubble was a perfect storm of Republicans and Democrats in Washington, and the entire financial apparatus colluding to extract as much money off of the American people AND AGAIN via sudo government corporations that used taxpayer dollars to cover losses in the process. So every single American was affected. Both in skyrocketing housing pricing causing everyone to pay more for less, and then again when your taxes were used to pay the losses to the financial system when people couldn't pay their mortgages. People lost everything, and the financial/political system ensured that the investors lost nothing.

Let me guess you are a Republican? Because this is the closest a Republican has ever come to admitting that their party is/was to blame for something. It's always "both parties were equally involved".

Your dodging.
There is no politician in Washington during the 80's-2000's that did not know that the American government was using taxpayer dollars to cover mortgage losses in every state, county and city in America. They also knew that the entire financial system was using this amazing condition to make $trillions. Same as the education bubble today. It is driving up tuition to ridiculous levels, backed by taxpayer dollars. And there is money being made hand over fist.
Agri-Business. Big Pharma. The list goes on and on. If you think for one moment that only Republicans are involved, or even the MOST involved then you are willfully ignorant.

When it happens again, who will you blame? Pelosi? Obama?

It’s Good to Be a Bank in the Trump Era

Under cover of darkness, the Senate voted Tuesday night, with a tie-breaker from Vice President Mike Pence, to undo a rule that had been a major win for consumers against banks.

The rule, implemented by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in July, banned financial institutions from including what are known as forced arbitration clauses in their contracts. These provisions, usually buried deep in the fine print of agreements consumers sign when opening a bank account or signing up for a credit card, take away a consumer’s right to band together with others and file a class action lawsuit over any wrongdoing, or even just sue a bank in open court. Instead, consumers are pushed into a private arbitration process when they have a complaint, where the odds are steeply stacked against them.

For a Republican Congress that’s had a difficult time getting anything major accomplished, overturning this consumer protection stands out as one deed done. It also furthers the GOP’s agenda of undermining financial regulations that were put in place in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis.
While Republicans and the president have failed to enact so many of the policies they promised, they have actually made great progress on loosening the rules that govern Wall Street.
But Obama didn't bend over and give the corporations/rich/republicans what they wanted. That would be Bill Clinton. He did too much triangulation with the Republicans. He sold out us progressives too much. For example signing the Republicans invention called NAFTA.

Obama said fuck that. And the economy got better without bending over and giving all the power to the corporations.

Trumps a corporatist/nationalist. Sort of.

This is a weird president. He's not really a Democrat but he's not a real Republican either. But he's more republican than democrat because his tax breaks mostly benefit the rich and corporations and because of his supreme court pick. do realize that Obama's administration continued to give Wall Street/Investment banks and Super corporations taxpayer backed, interest free loans to the tune of $40 - $70 Billion PER MONTH even though Wall Street firms had 3 record years in a row? I would call that giving corporations what they want.
Not to mention buying up junk bonds 100 cents on the dollar, using taxpayer money to make sure the very people that caused the 2008 collapse got their profits.
Think about it....all the empty homes all over America (record number of empty homes)....the homeowners lost everything...but the investors that owned the mortgage on those homes were paid back their losses. That happened.

It sure did happen. I remember when Bush first passed TARP. It was NO STRINGS attached. It was, "here bankers, take as much as you want and pay back what you want"

But Obama and Elizabeth Warren stepped in and changed it so it wasn't such a rip off.

Did we still get ripped off? Sure. But don't think Republicans minded because they didn't.

And Trump gobbled up a lot of cheap real estate in those years.

The housing bubble was a perfect storm of Republicans and Democrats in Washington, and the entire financial apparatus colluding to extract as much money off of the American people AND AGAIN via sudo government corporations that used taxpayer dollars to cover losses in the process. So every single American was affected. Both in skyrocketing housing pricing causing everyone to pay more for less, and then again when your taxes were used to pay the losses to the financial system when people couldn't pay their mortgages. People lost everything, and the financial/political system ensured that the investors lost nothing.

Let me guess you are a Republican? Because this is the closest a Republican has ever come to admitting that their party is/was to blame for something. It's always "both parties were equally involved".

Your dodging.
There is no politician in Washington during the 80's-2000's that did not know that the American government was using taxpayer dollars to cover mortgage losses in every state, county and city in America. They also knew that the entire financial system was using this amazing condition to make $trillions. Same as the education bubble today. It is driving up tuition to ridiculous levels, backed by taxpayer dollars. And there is money being made hand over fist.
Agri-Business. Big Pharma. The list goes on and on. If you think for one moment that only Republicans are involved, or even the MOST involved then you are willfully ignorant.

The bill would allow hundreds of smaller banks to avoid certain elements of federal oversight, including stress tests, which measure a bank’s ability to withstand a severe economic downturn. Under current law, banks with assets of $50 billion or more are considered “systemically important financial institutions” and therefore governed by stricter rules. The bill would raise that threshold to institutions with assets of $250 billion or more, leaving fewer than 10 big banks in the United States subject to the stricter oversight.

Banks with assets of $50 billion to $100 billion would be immediately freed from those requirements. Financial institutions with $100 billion to $250 billion in assets, such as BB&T and American Express, would no longer be subject to tougher rules after 18 months

So when it happens again and banks are "too big to fail" again, don't blame us. do realize that Obama's administration continued to give Wall Street/Investment banks and Super corporations taxpayer backed, interest free loans to the tune of $40 - $70 Billion PER MONTH even though Wall Street firms had 3 record years in a row? I would call that giving corporations what they want.
Not to mention buying up junk bonds 100 cents on the dollar, using taxpayer money to make sure the very people that caused the 2008 collapse got their profits.
Think about it....all the empty homes all over America (record number of empty homes)....the homeowners lost everything...but the investors that owned the mortgage on those homes were paid back their losses. That happened.

It sure did happen. I remember when Bush first passed TARP. It was NO STRINGS attached. It was, "here bankers, take as much as you want and pay back what you want"

But Obama and Elizabeth Warren stepped in and changed it so it wasn't such a rip off.

Did we still get ripped off? Sure. But don't think Republicans minded because they didn't.

And Trump gobbled up a lot of cheap real estate in those years.

The housing bubble was a perfect storm of Republicans and Democrats in Washington, and the entire financial apparatus colluding to extract as much money off of the American people AND AGAIN via sudo government corporations that used taxpayer dollars to cover losses in the process. So every single American was affected. Both in skyrocketing housing pricing causing everyone to pay more for less, and then again when your taxes were used to pay the losses to the financial system when people couldn't pay their mortgages. People lost everything, and the financial/political system ensured that the investors lost nothing.

Let me guess you are a Republican? Because this is the closest a Republican has ever come to admitting that their party is/was to blame for something. It's always "both parties were equally involved".

Your dodging.
There is no politician in Washington during the 80's-2000's that did not know that the American government was using taxpayer dollars to cover mortgage losses in every state, county and city in America. They also knew that the entire financial system was using this amazing condition to make $trillions. Same as the education bubble today. It is driving up tuition to ridiculous levels, backed by taxpayer dollars. And there is money being made hand over fist.
Agri-Business. Big Pharma. The list goes on and on. If you think for one moment that only Republicans are involved, or even the MOST involved then you are willfully ignorant.

How about more involved. Would you admit that?

There is nothing to admit other than Washington, BOTH parties are wholly and completely corrupt.
People love to use the word "Constitutional Crises" these days. For f*cks sake America has been in a constitutional crises for almost 40 years now!!!
Pretty much everyone agrees that we are no longer a Democratic Republic. In name only. Pretty much everybody knows that BOTH parties do the bidding of the elites WAY-WAY-WAY more than represent the average American's interest.
F*ck the parties. Both of them. I don't want to talk about Democrats and Republicans. That is nothing more than shit for the mushrooms. It is pointless. The only people who gain from the constant whose party is worse useless argument is the corrupt system. As long as we blame each other...the real issues are lost.
It sure did happen. I remember when Bush first passed TARP. It was NO STRINGS attached. It was, "here bankers, take as much as you want and pay back what you want"

But Obama and Elizabeth Warren stepped in and changed it so it wasn't such a rip off.

Did we still get ripped off? Sure. But don't think Republicans minded because they didn't.

And Trump gobbled up a lot of cheap real estate in those years.

The housing bubble was a perfect storm of Republicans and Democrats in Washington, and the entire financial apparatus colluding to extract as much money off of the American people AND AGAIN via sudo government corporations that used taxpayer dollars to cover losses in the process. So every single American was affected. Both in skyrocketing housing pricing causing everyone to pay more for less, and then again when your taxes were used to pay the losses to the financial system when people couldn't pay their mortgages. People lost everything, and the financial/political system ensured that the investors lost nothing.

Let me guess you are a Republican? Because this is the closest a Republican has ever come to admitting that their party is/was to blame for something. It's always "both parties were equally involved".

Your dodging.
There is no politician in Washington during the 80's-2000's that did not know that the American government was using taxpayer dollars to cover mortgage losses in every state, county and city in America. They also knew that the entire financial system was using this amazing condition to make $trillions. Same as the education bubble today. It is driving up tuition to ridiculous levels, backed by taxpayer dollars. And there is money being made hand over fist.
Agri-Business. Big Pharma. The list goes on and on. If you think for one moment that only Republicans are involved, or even the MOST involved then you are willfully ignorant.

How about more involved. Would you admit that?

There is nothing to admit other than Washington, BOTH parties are wholly and completely corrupt.
People love to use the word "Constitutional Crises" these days. For f*cks sake America has been in a constitutional crises for almost 40 years now!!!
Pretty much everyone agrees that we are no longer a Democratic Republic. In name only. Pretty much everybody knows that BOTH parties do the bidding of the elites WAY-WAY-WAY more than represent the average American's interest.
F*ck the parties. Both of them. I don't want to talk about Democrats and Republicans. That is nothing more than shit for the mushrooms. It is pointless. The only people who gain from the constant whose party is worse useless argument is the corrupt system. As long as we blame each other...the real issues are lost.

Sorry pal but you don't get to be a partisan hack for years and then the one time Republicans cause a housing bubble and great recession, try to come at us with that "both sides are to blame" bullshit.

I read through 17 pages of your bullshit right wing breitbart threads you've created and no where do I see a fair and balanced person who's judgement should be trusted.

If a guy like you is saying both sides are to blame that basically means Republicans are guilty as fuck.
Its true, the individual tax rates are required to have a sunset clause because one cannot plan out deficits past their term. (AKA it's not fair to dump an impossible budget on the next group)

That said, the MSM's talking points on the matter do not account for the growth of the economy when they make that prediction; claiming that the economy won't grow enough to cover the lower individual tax rates. I have faith that they will, and that the money businesses bring into the USA will also. I suspect the next group is going to be hard pressed /not/ to extend the individual tax rates.
Yes I have faith republicans will increase the deficit. They lie and say they are cutting spending and increase it instead. Every time.

ALL politicians increase spending, it's what they have to do to pimp their votes. RINO's are awful about it though, they give R's a bad name.

Our options are to elect D's who kill businesses or elect R's who welcome businesses. Choose wisely...

D's kill business??? Wow, what a crock of shit. But maybe I react too quickly, maybe you have evidence to support your claim.

Here below is my first sortie in the google claims:

Which Party Is Better for the Economy?

Keep this in mind as you prepare your spin: we are a consumer driven economy. It's about Main St. not Wall Street that is the power.

Dude... you just linked me to a socialist Bernie Sander's fan blog written by a guy who claims that a 2003 (!!!) survey 1000 economists represents "enough" of a sample to make bullshit claims like "71% of economists" favor D policies... Where have I heard this kind of bullshit twisting claim before? Oh yea, the global warming climatologists...

Out of the 10 articles this guy Nathan Salminen has put up on that website since he apparently became a Bernie fan in 2016, every single one of them is socialist bent. Here's some of this other work: Why Are These Three Liberal States So Hard On The Poor? - Which complains extensively about "income inequality" and basically how more socialism is needed to "equalize the distributions to the poor". So now this apparently failed computer geek, turned law clerk, turned lawyer, is now proclaiming himself some kind of economic expert?

I'm not taking advice than the likes of this one guy who apparently can't even get his buddies to help fund his socialist propaganda website there; he hasn't made a penny on Fundly for it yet and has one supporter who gave not a cent...

In any event, the article you link isn't even relevant to my statement - Nathan there isn't even talking about anything /close/ to what Trump is doing, which is removing the massive wads of red tape that were strangling businesses and forcing them out of the country. You're only cutting off your nose to spite your face here - when you should be taking advantage of the huge uptick of consumer confidence around the planet because of President Trump's pro-business policies, and pro-American profit.

What's truly ironic here is that your very actions, the act of putting all your money into tax shelters in "retaliation" for Trump's tax cuts, prove that you're a fucking capitalist you claim to despise, while simultaneously proving exactly why the socialist bullshit the D's [and socialist] policies will never actually solve all the invented "problems" they claim it will. Greed and the pursuit of profits. Instead of actually following your espoused "socialist" Democratic ideals of "paying your fair share" you elect to /hide/ your money from taxes instead of "helping" your poor fellow American's like Democratic tax policies would supposedly do. This only proves my original point, which I'll expand a bit for you.

In a global economy there is no way to prevent businesses from pulling out of America; D' policies (socialist policies) just bury businesses in red tape and attempt to extract money from them to pay the poor, causing them to leave (and pull their money from the US economy.) Trump's policies in particular cut away all that shit and welcome businesses to come here for profit. It's not really an R policy per say, it's a Trump policy, a businessman's policy, and if you drop your partisan filters you'd see the reality that's going on - businesses are coming back to America, they're bringing money, they're bringing jobs, they're bringing prosperity.

While I do appreciate taking lessons from history, there is zero comparison between the pro-business policies that Trump is implementing and GOP policies. The argument that the "tax cut benefit" is going to go away proposed by [rather biased and dishonest] economists are based entirely on historical factors that included strangling businesses with regulations and unnecessary hoops to jump through (as evidenced by how many regulations that Trump has gotten rid of so far - and he says they're only about half way done with removing all that bullshit too) There will be little resemblance between the business environment created by the Bush's and the one being created by Trump so historical comparison's are not actually all that useful here.

What we do know is that American's say they need more money and frankly the only entities that have money to blow right now are businesses (governments are fucked by their own socialist policies and out of control spending, as is the nature of government.) Our options are to try to get businesses to spend their money here, or continue to chase them out of America and suffer. It's not a hard choice...
You know you are telling the truth when both sides here attack you.

No. You know you are telling the truth when what you say is true.

In 2010, every nutbag here claimed that their insurance premiums were doubling or tripling and that they could not keep their doctor or lost their plan. That was 97% bullshit because that only happened to about 3% of Americans.

Now, every fucking nutbag is posting details about how HUGE their paychecks are now that the GOP cut taxes for billionaires. Incredible since the vast majority of companies haven’t even come close to working out the fucking details.

Watch what happens in April. We will have a run of people claiming that the tax cuts that effect their income in 2018 miraculously gave them a huge refund for their 2017 income. Bank on it.

I believe that if you say your savings is $201 per month, your are really saving about $80. And since those cuts expire over time, you ought to put every cent of that into whatever investment plan you have.
There's not enough gotdamned money the feds could give me or anybody for that matter that cares about this country and the soon to be shit hole the TRumps are gonna leave us all in a few more months hopefully....You will find as we always do...SOMEBODY HAS TO FEED THE REVENUE BEAST....and in the end, its always the fuckin idiot like you, the little guy
You know you are telling the truth when both sides here attack you.

No. You know you are telling the truth when what you say is true.

In 2010, every nutbag here claimed that their insurance premiums were doubling or tripling and that they could not keep their doctor or lost their plan. That was 97% bullshit because that only happened to about 3% of Americans.

Now, every fucking nutbag is posting details about how HUGE their paychecks are now that the GOP cut taxes for billionaires. Incredible since the vast majority of companies haven’t even come close to working out the fucking details.

Watch what happens in April. We will have a run of people claiming that the tax cuts that effect their income in 2018 miraculously gave them a huge refund for their 2017 income. Bank on it.

I believe that if you say your savings is $201 per month, your are really saving about $80. And since those cuts expire over time, you ought to put every cent of that into whatever investment plan you have.
Wait until benefits enrollment rolls around, with the mandate gone.....wait until the tariff war Trump is waging against China, Mexico and Canada comes a calling$$$$$ and other country's stop buying our shit...that's what isolation does, folks, wait until the environment gets so fuckin polluted, the cleaning costs will be massive.....that 200 bucks will pale, dumb money hungry fuck nuts just don't know, do they?
You know you are telling the truth when both sides here attack you.

No. You know you are telling the truth when what you say is true.

In 2010, every nutbag here claimed that their insurance premiums were doubling or tripling and that they could not keep their doctor or lost their plan. That was 97% bullshit because that only happened to about 3% of Americans.

Now, every fucking nutbag is posting details about how HUGE their paychecks are now that the GOP cut taxes for billionaires. Incredible since the vast majority of companies haven’t even come close to working out the fucking details.

Watch what happens in April. We will have a run of people claiming that the tax cuts that effect their income in 2018 miraculously gave them a huge refund for their 2017 income. Bank on it.

I believe that if you say your savings is $201 per month, your are really saving about $80. And since those cuts expire over time, you ought to put every cent of that into whatever investment plan you have.

Only 3% what are you smoking crack?
You know you are telling the truth when both sides here attack you.

No. You know you are telling the truth when what you say is true.

In 2010, every nutbag here claimed that their insurance premiums were doubling or tripling and that they could not keep their doctor or lost their plan. That was 97% bullshit because that only happened to about 3% of Americans.

Now, every fucking nutbag is posting details about how HUGE their paychecks are now that the GOP cut taxes for billionaires. Incredible since the vast majority of companies haven’t even come close to working out the fucking details.

Watch what happens in April. We will have a run of people claiming that the tax cuts that effect their income in 2018 miraculously gave them a huge refund for their 2017 income. Bank on it.

I believe that if you say your savings is $201 per month, your are really saving about $80. And since those cuts expire over time, you ought to put every cent of that into whatever investment plan you have.

Only 3% what are you smoking crack?

Nope. It only effected people who didn’t have insurance via their job. Dumb ass.

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