How much less in taxes are you paying..? Whoohooo!!!!!

Its true, the individual tax rates are required to have a sunset clause because one cannot plan out deficits past their term. (AKA it's not fair to dump an impossible budget on the next group)

That said, the MSM's talking points on the matter do not account for the growth of the economy when they make that prediction; claiming that the economy won't grow enough to cover the lower individual tax rates. I have faith that they will, and that the money businesses bring into the USA will also. I suspect the next group is going to be hard pressed /not/ to extend the individual tax rates.
Yes I have faith republicans will increase the deficit. They lie and say they are cutting spending and increase it instead. Every time.

ALL politicians increase spending, it's what they have to do to pimp their votes. RINO's are awful about it though, they give R's a bad name.

Our options are to elect D's who kill businesses or elect R's who welcome businesses. Choose wisely...
I like it when the price of gas goes up for multiple reasons :)

Yeah actually I make it back on investments :)

But it's a fun RomneyRiff.

I'm actually not [intentionally] invested in oil; I have personal "issues" with the way they "backrub" our politicians up here. However, it's very good for my state economy, and my fellow Alaskan's, when oil prices go up so I'm obligated to celebrate on their behalf :p
Just got my first paycheck for the year that has the new tax rates applied.
I will pay $201 less a month.

If what I've read is correct, I will pay 22%, up from 15%. Fortunately, even before I posted (and Trump supporters found funny) my thread, which indicated Trump&Co would take away real estate tax, state income tax and mortgage insurance from deductions, caused me to move a substantial amount of my investments to tax free vehicles.

How much more I will need to pay to the Military Industrial Complex and the billionaire set is yet to be determined by my accountant.

The masses will find a pittance more in their pay check, but in six years they'll learn that Trump, Pence, Ryan and McConnell have created a much more massive spread in wealth in our country, and effectively killed the American Dream for most Americans, not only those being punished today.

Welcome to Plutocracy, brought to you by the Republican Party!
Just got my first paycheck for the year that has the new tax rates applied.
I will pay $201 less a month.

Enjoy it now.

Will the Republican tax law raise middle-class taxes?

Was she right that middle-class earners will see higher taxes under the Republican plan?

Research groups across the political spectrum agree that the middle class will benefit from provisions in the tax law -- at least at first.

The tax benefit shifts after 2025 when most changes for individual filers expire, including the lower tax brackets and cap on state and local tax deductions. After the individual provisions expire, all filers who make $75,000 or less annually will see a tax increase.

"Only those income ranges above $75,000 still see a cut by 2027," according to the PolitiFact analysis. "That’s a significantly different pattern than in 2019, when every group saves, on average."
The way i took it was, they COULDNT make those permanent because of the deficit.

They would need a 60 count vote on it.
And the hard reality for the D's to swallow:

"The last-minute change, unveiled by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) Tuesday night, was made to comply with Senate rules that forbid certain legislation from adding to the federal budget deficit after 10 years. Those rules, dictated by a process known as reconciliation, would allow Republicans to pass their bill with a simple majority instead of with 60 votes.

In short, Republicans were forced to alter the bill in order to more easily pass their tax cuts. In doing so, however, they weakened the talking point that the plan would primarily benefit the middle class.

Democrats were quick to cite the change as evidence of a double standard.

“Nothing highlights what this plan is truly all about more than the fact that its tax cuts for massive corporations are permanent, while the middle class gets crumbs that last only a few years,” Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) said in a statement.

Republicans countered by arguing that individuals and corporations alike could receive a permanent tax cut if Democrats agreed to work with them outside the reconciliation process.

“There’s a simple solution. If our Democratic colleagues work with us to get 60 votes,” Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) said during a Finance Committee markup hearing on Wednesday, “we could make it permanent.”

(Sorry can't pick out the entire link for this image for some reason to source it, I'm blaming my flu; It's somewhere on HuffingtonPost.)
Best put it in a saving account.

Untrue. Savings accounts get you less than 1% interest. (My banks offering 0.2% if I keep $10 grand in savings ~snorts~)

Go small and easy and let it grow a bit if you're not going to spend it:

Money markets are a decent option if you're going to "save" it; 1.5% with Marcus, I think UBF has 1.6% (most have a limit of 6 withdrawals a month)

If you want to grow it steady, A Roth IRA, fully funded right now (and every Jan 1) will capitalize on the low tax rates now. (No taxes on your gains could be huge later on down the road, but do be sure to check the income requirements; a tax deferred traditional IRA might be a better option for you depending on your estimated lifetime income down the road.)

If you want to grow it a bit harder, check out the Lending Club; they average around 4-6% ROI and it helps other folks (who are well qualified) invest in the economy. (I enjoy tossing money at them fairly regularly because of the latter point, and I typically get around a 5% gain.)

Either way, have fun kids :)

Well put it somewhere safe for a rainy day.
Setting some aside is not bad advice. As Father always said; "Pay yourself first." He taught me to set aside 5% for a rainy day back when I first started working, a lesson that led to my later ability to invest heavily in the emergence of the PC market and "strike it rich" as they say.

However, tossing it in a mere savings account isn't the best thing to do with it :) MM's and IRA's are a better "safe" option for longer term savings, IMO ~shrug~


Regardless, I'm very happy to see that most are seeing benefits here. Hopefully it helps, no matter what you decide to do with it. :)
Its true, the individual tax rates are required to have a sunset clause because one cannot plan out deficits past their term. (AKA it's not fair to dump an impossible budget on the next group)

That said, the MSM's talking points on the matter do not account for the growth of the economy when they make that prediction; claiming that the economy won't grow enough to cover the lower individual tax rates. I have faith that they will, and that the money businesses bring into the USA will also. I suspect the next group is going to be hard pressed /not/ to extend the individual tax rates.
Yes I have faith republicans will increase the deficit. They lie and say they are cutting spending and increase it instead. Every time.

ALL politicians increase spending, it's what they have to do to pimp their votes. RINO's are awful about it though, they give R's a bad name.

Our options are to elect D's who kill businesses or elect R's who welcome businesses. Choose wisely...

D's kill business??? Wow, what a crock of shit. But maybe I react too quickly, maybe you have evidence to support your claim.

Here below is my first sortie in the google claims:

Which Party Is Better for the Economy?

Keep this in mind as you prepare your spin: we are a consumer driven economy. It's about Main St. not Wall Street that is the power.
Just got my first paycheck for the year that has the new tax rates applied.
I will pay $201 less a month.

Enjoy it now.

Will the Republican tax law raise middle-class taxes?

Was she right that middle-class earners will see higher taxes under the Republican plan?

Research groups across the political spectrum agree that the middle class will benefit from provisions in the tax law -- at least at first.

The tax benefit shifts after 2025 when most changes for individual filers expire, including the lower tax brackets and cap on state and local tax deductions. After the individual provisions expire, all filers who make $75,000 or less annually will see a tax increase.

"Only those income ranges above $75,000 still see a cut by 2027," according to the PolitiFact analysis. "That’s a significantly different pattern than in 2019, when every group saves, on average."

Why are you posting ridiculous stuff, did Bush Jr tax cuts expire on the middle class????.

Yes. And did they help us get out of the recession he put us in? What's your point?

I remember Republicans said, "Obama's stimulus didn't work" Well no shit. And neither will tax breaks. They are just a temporary boost but our problems are still there.

Who knew all Obama had to do to improve his economy was bend over and let corporate America fuck him and us in the ass.
Just got my first paycheck for the year that has the new tax rates applied.
I will pay $201 less a month.

Enjoy it now.

Will the Republican tax law raise middle-class taxes?

Was she right that middle-class earners will see higher taxes under the Republican plan?

Research groups across the political spectrum agree that the middle class will benefit from provisions in the tax law -- at least at first.

The tax benefit shifts after 2025 when most changes for individual filers expire, including the lower tax brackets and cap on state and local tax deductions. After the individual provisions expire, all filers who make $75,000 or less annually will see a tax increase.

"Only those income ranges above $75,000 still see a cut by 2027," according to the PolitiFact analysis. "That’s a significantly different pattern than in 2019, when every group saves, on average."
Just got my first paycheck for the year that has the new tax rates applied.
I will pay $201 less a month.

Enjoy it now.

Will the Republican tax law raise middle-class taxes?

Was she right that middle-class earners will see higher taxes under the Republican plan?

Research groups across the political spectrum agree that the middle class will benefit from provisions in the tax law -- at least at first.

The tax benefit shifts after 2025 when most changes for individual filers expire, including the lower tax brackets and cap on state and local tax deductions. After the individual provisions expire, all filers who make $75,000 or less annually will see a tax increase.

"Only those income ranges above $75,000 still see a cut by 2027," according to the PolitiFact analysis. "That’s a significantly different pattern than in 2019, when every group saves, on average."

Why are you posting ridiculous stuff, did Bush Jr tax cuts expire on the middle class????.

Yes. And did they help us get out of the recession he put us in? What's your point?

I remember Republicans said, "Obama's stimulus didn't work" Well no shit. And neither will tax breaks. They are just a temporary boost but our problems are still there.

Who knew all Obama had to do to improve his economy was bend over and let corporate America fuck him and us in the ass.

What do you mean what's my point ? No future president will let them expire
Just got my first paycheck for the year that has the new tax rates applied.
I will pay $201 less a month.

Enjoy it now.

Will the Republican tax law raise middle-class taxes?

Was she right that middle-class earners will see higher taxes under the Republican plan?

Research groups across the political spectrum agree that the middle class will benefit from provisions in the tax law -- at least at first.

The tax benefit shifts after 2025 when most changes for individual filers expire, including the lower tax brackets and cap on state and local tax deductions. After the individual provisions expire, all filers who make $75,000 or less annually will see a tax increase.

"Only those income ranges above $75,000 still see a cut by 2027," according to the PolitiFact analysis. "That’s a significantly different pattern than in 2019, when every group saves, on average."

Why are you posting ridiculous stuff, did Bush Jr tax cuts expire on the middle class????.

Yes. And did they help us get out of the recession he put us in? What's your point?

I remember Republicans said, "Obama's stimulus didn't work" Well no shit. And neither will tax breaks. They are just a temporary boost but our problems are still there.

Who knew all Obama had to do to improve his economy was bend over and let corporate America fuck him and us in the ass.

What do you mean what's my point ? No future president will let them expire

The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has consistently reported that the Bush tax cuts did not pay for themselves and represented a sizable decline in revenue for the Treasury:

  • The CBO estimated in June 2012 that the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 added approximately $1.5 trillion total to the debt over the 2002–2011 decade, excluding interest.
  • The CBO estimated in January 2009 that the Bush tax cuts would add approximately $3.0 trillion to the debt over the 2010–2019 decade if fully extended at all income levels, including interest.
Remember last year when Republicans cared so much about the debt?
Just got my first paycheck for the year that has the new tax rates applied.
I will pay $201 less a month.

Enjoy it now.

Will the Republican tax law raise middle-class taxes?

Was she right that middle-class earners will see higher taxes under the Republican plan?

Research groups across the political spectrum agree that the middle class will benefit from provisions in the tax law -- at least at first.

The tax benefit shifts after 2025 when most changes for individual filers expire, including the lower tax brackets and cap on state and local tax deductions. After the individual provisions expire, all filers who make $75,000 or less annually will see a tax increase.

"Only those income ranges above $75,000 still see a cut by 2027," according to the PolitiFact analysis. "That’s a significantly different pattern than in 2019, when every group saves, on average."

Why are you posting ridiculous stuff, did Bush Jr tax cuts expire on the middle class????.

Yes. And did they help us get out of the recession he put us in? What's your point?

I remember Republicans said, "Obama's stimulus didn't work" Well no shit. And neither will tax breaks. They are just a temporary boost but our problems are still there.

Who knew all Obama had to do to improve his economy was bend over and let corporate America fuck him and us in the ass.

Wow.... I am impressed, truly. Congratulations on being an honest straight shooter. I think this is only....maybe twice i have seen a liberal call Obama out for what he is - a corporatist/globalist.
Refreshing....and i am not being sarcastic.
Just got my first paycheck for the year that has the new tax rates applied.
I will pay $201 less a month.

Enjoy it now.

Will the Republican tax law raise middle-class taxes?

Was she right that middle-class earners will see higher taxes under the Republican plan?

Research groups across the political spectrum agree that the middle class will benefit from provisions in the tax law -- at least at first.

The tax benefit shifts after 2025 when most changes for individual filers expire, including the lower tax brackets and cap on state and local tax deductions. After the individual provisions expire, all filers who make $75,000 or less annually will see a tax increase.

"Only those income ranges above $75,000 still see a cut by 2027," according to the PolitiFact analysis. "That’s a significantly different pattern than in 2019, when every group saves, on average."

Why are you posting ridiculous stuff, did Bush Jr tax cuts expire on the middle class????.

Yes. And did they help us get out of the recession he put us in? What's your point?

I remember Republicans said, "Obama's stimulus didn't work" Well no shit. And neither will tax breaks. They are just a temporary boost but our problems are still there.

Who knew all Obama had to do to improve his economy was bend over and let corporate America fuck him and us in the ass.

Wow.... I am impressed, truly. Congratulations on being an honest straight shooter. I think this is only....maybe twice i have seen a liberal call Obama out for what he is - a corporatist/globalist.
Refreshing....and i am not being sarcastic.

But Obama didn't bend over and give the corporations/rich/republicans what they wanted. That would be Bill Clinton. He did too much triangulation with the Republicans. He sold out us progressives too much. For example signing the Republicans invention called NAFTA.

Obama said fuck that. And the economy got better without bending over and giving all the power to the corporations.

Trumps a corporatist/nationalist. Sort of.

This is a weird president. He's not really a Democrat but he's not a real Republican either. But he's more republican than democrat because his tax breaks mostly benefit the rich and corporations and because of his supreme court pick.
Just got my first paycheck for the year that has the new tax rates applied.
I will pay $201 less a month.

Enjoy it now.

Will the Republican tax law raise middle-class taxes?

Was she right that middle-class earners will see higher taxes under the Republican plan?

Research groups across the political spectrum agree that the middle class will benefit from provisions in the tax law -- at least at first.

The tax benefit shifts after 2025 when most changes for individual filers expire, including the lower tax brackets and cap on state and local tax deductions. After the individual provisions expire, all filers who make $75,000 or less annually will see a tax increase.

"Only those income ranges above $75,000 still see a cut by 2027," according to the PolitiFact analysis. "That’s a significantly different pattern than in 2019, when every group saves, on average."

Why are you posting ridiculous stuff, did Bush Jr tax cuts expire on the middle class????.

Yes. And did they help us get out of the recession he put us in? What's your point?

I remember Republicans said, "Obama's stimulus didn't work" Well no shit. And neither will tax breaks. They are just a temporary boost but our problems are still there.

Who knew all Obama had to do to improve his economy was bend over and let corporate America fuck him and us in the ass.

Wow.... I am impressed, truly. Congratulations on being an honest straight shooter. I think this is only....maybe twice i have seen a liberal call Obama out for what he is - a corporatist/globalist.
Refreshing....and i am not being sarcastic.

But Obama didn't bend over and give the corporations/rich/republicans what they wanted. That would be Bill Clinton. He did too much triangulation with the Republicans. He sold out us progressives too much. For example signing the Republicans invention called NAFTA.

Obama said fuck that. And the economy got better without bending over and giving all the power to the corporations.

Trumps a corporatist/nationalist. Sort of.

This is a weird president. He's not really a Democrat but he's not a real Republican either. But he's more republican than democrat because his tax breaks mostly benefit the rich and corporations and because of his supreme court pick. do realize that Obama's administration continued to give Wall Street/Investment banks and Super corporations taxpayer backed, interest free loans to the tune of $40 - $70 Billion PER MONTH even though Wall Street firms had 3 record years in a row? I would call that giving corporations what they want.
Not to mention buying up junk bonds 100 cents on the dollar, using taxpayer money to make sure the very people that caused the 2008 collapse got their profits.
Think about it....all the empty homes all over America (record number of empty homes)....the homeowners lost everything...but the investors that owned the mortgage on those homes were paid back their losses. That happened.
Enjoy it now.

Will the Republican tax law raise middle-class taxes?

Was she right that middle-class earners will see higher taxes under the Republican plan?

Research groups across the political spectrum agree that the middle class will benefit from provisions in the tax law -- at least at first.

The tax benefit shifts after 2025 when most changes for individual filers expire, including the lower tax brackets and cap on state and local tax deductions. After the individual provisions expire, all filers who make $75,000 or less annually will see a tax increase.

"Only those income ranges above $75,000 still see a cut by 2027," according to the PolitiFact analysis. "That’s a significantly different pattern than in 2019, when every group saves, on average."

Why are you posting ridiculous stuff, did Bush Jr tax cuts expire on the middle class????.

Yes. And did they help us get out of the recession he put us in? What's your point?

I remember Republicans said, "Obama's stimulus didn't work" Well no shit. And neither will tax breaks. They are just a temporary boost but our problems are still there.

Who knew all Obama had to do to improve his economy was bend over and let corporate America fuck him and us in the ass.

Wow.... I am impressed, truly. Congratulations on being an honest straight shooter. I think this is only....maybe twice i have seen a liberal call Obama out for what he is - a corporatist/globalist.
Refreshing....and i am not being sarcastic.

But Obama didn't bend over and give the corporations/rich/republicans what they wanted. That would be Bill Clinton. He did too much triangulation with the Republicans. He sold out us progressives too much. For example signing the Republicans invention called NAFTA.

Obama said fuck that. And the economy got better without bending over and giving all the power to the corporations.

Trumps a corporatist/nationalist. Sort of.

This is a weird president. He's not really a Democrat but he's not a real Republican either. But he's more republican than democrat because his tax breaks mostly benefit the rich and corporations and because of his supreme court pick. do realize that Obama's administration continued to give Wall Street/Investment banks and Super corporations taxpayer backed, interest free loans to the tune of $40 - $70 Billion PER MONTH even though Wall Street firms had 3 record years in a row? I would call that giving corporations what they want.
Not to mention buying up junk bonds 100 cents on the dollar, using taxpayer money to make sure the very people that caused the 2008 collapse got their profits.
Think about it....all the empty homes all over America (record number of empty homes)....the homeowners lost everything...but the investors that owned the mortgage on those homes were paid back their losses. That happened.

It sure did happen. I remember when Bush first passed TARP. It was NO STRINGS attached. It was, "here bankers, take as much as you want and pay back what you want"

But Obama and Elizabeth Warren stepped in and changed it so it wasn't such a rip off.

Did we still get ripped off? Sure. But don't think Republicans minded because they didn't.

And Trump gobbled up a lot of cheap real estate in those years.
Setting some aside is not bad advice. As Father always said; "Pay yourself first." He taught me to set aside 5% for a rainy day back when I first started working, a lesson that led to my later ability to invest heavily in the emergence of the PC market and "strike it rich" as they say.

However, tossing it in a mere savings account isn't the best thing to do with it :) MM's and IRA's are a better "safe" option for longer term savings, IMO ~shrug~


Regardless, I'm very happy to see that most are seeing benefits here. Hopefully it helps, no matter what you decide to do with it. :)

Agree, I remember in the 80's and early 90's once could make a good bit of interest off a savings account, now its nothing.
Why are you posting ridiculous stuff, did Bush Jr tax cuts expire on the middle class????.

Yes. And did they help us get out of the recession he put us in? What's your point?

I remember Republicans said, "Obama's stimulus didn't work" Well no shit. And neither will tax breaks. They are just a temporary boost but our problems are still there.

Who knew all Obama had to do to improve his economy was bend over and let corporate America fuck him and us in the ass.

Wow.... I am impressed, truly. Congratulations on being an honest straight shooter. I think this is only....maybe twice i have seen a liberal call Obama out for what he is - a corporatist/globalist.
Refreshing....and i am not being sarcastic.

But Obama didn't bend over and give the corporations/rich/republicans what they wanted. That would be Bill Clinton. He did too much triangulation with the Republicans. He sold out us progressives too much. For example signing the Republicans invention called NAFTA.

Obama said fuck that. And the economy got better without bending over and giving all the power to the corporations.

Trumps a corporatist/nationalist. Sort of.

This is a weird president. He's not really a Democrat but he's not a real Republican either. But he's more republican than democrat because his tax breaks mostly benefit the rich and corporations and because of his supreme court pick. do realize that Obama's administration continued to give Wall Street/Investment banks and Super corporations taxpayer backed, interest free loans to the tune of $40 - $70 Billion PER MONTH even though Wall Street firms had 3 record years in a row? I would call that giving corporations what they want.
Not to mention buying up junk bonds 100 cents on the dollar, using taxpayer money to make sure the very people that caused the 2008 collapse got their profits.
Think about it....all the empty homes all over America (record number of empty homes)....the homeowners lost everything...but the investors that owned the mortgage on those homes were paid back their losses. That happened.

It sure did happen. I remember when Bush first passed TARP. It was NO STRINGS attached. It was, "here bankers, take as much as you want and pay back what you want"

But Obama and Elizabeth Warren stepped in and changed it so it wasn't such a rip off.

Did we still get ripped off? Sure. But don't think Republicans minded because they didn't.

And Trump gobbled up a lot of cheap real estate in those years.

The housing bubble was a perfect storm of Republicans and Democrats in Washington, and the entire financial apparatus colluding to extract as much money off of the American people AND AGAIN via sudo government corporations that used taxpayer dollars to cover losses in the process. So every single American was affected. Both in skyrocketing housing pricing causing everyone to pay more for less, and then again when your taxes were used to pay the losses to the financial system when people couldn't pay their mortgages. People lost everything, and the financial/political system ensured that the investors lost nothing.

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