How much more BIAS against TRUMP can this Presidential Election Become?

To Billy000

This is Bob Dole's tweet; Dole is the person who characterizes the Debate Commission as being " biased" and "unfair."

The Commission on Presidential Debates is supposedly bipartisan w/ an equal number of Rs and Ds. I know all of the Republicans and most are friends of mine. I am concerned that none of them support @realDonaldTrump. A biased Debate Commission is unfair.

- Senator Bob Dole (@SenatorDole) October 9, 2020
Yeah, dude I get it. You’re taking something Bob Dole said who has no direct involvement in the debates as proof that there is a conspiracy to undermine Trump. You do realize how ridiculous this sounds right?
I don't know how many people are on the Debate Commission? The Rs and Ds are equal in number, so let us say 10, for the sake of the discussion. Now if 10 out of 10 or 9 out of 10 are voting for BIDEN, don't you think that is a problem?

In the first debate, Chris Wallace made up the questions himself and he NEVER asked Biden if he participated in the Russian Collusion Hoax. Now, if Tucker Carlson decided on the questions, that topic would have likely come up.

I'm not saying Tucker would have been the best moderator and I am not saying he would not have been the best moderator, but one can see the importance of balance in the Commission on Presidential Debates.

1) Dole said that that those on the commission did not like Trump. He didn’t say they liked Biden.

2) But sure, maybe they don’t like Trump, but what do you expect? I’m guessing if Dole has said the Dems didn’t like Biden instead, you’d be very okay with that. You can’t expect these people to be robots. Like any human being, they are going to have personal opinions on who is running for president. And as I said before, this is NOT proof they are deliberately trying to undermine the process. Your speculation on this is way off the charts.

3) Tucker Carlson? Are you kidding me? Yeah I’m sure you’d love that. How do you not see the hypocrisy of what you’re saying here? A far right nutbar moderating the debates? Chris Wallace himself isn’t ideal, but I would say, politically, he falls in the middle. I mean he’s a MODERATE on FOX NEWS. Obviously that’s enough. Carlson would waste no time interrupting Biden constantly as he does to any liberal guest on his show. He’s a fucking joke.
I just saw this tonight.

Bob Dole claims no Republicans on debate commission support Trump

He put out this tweet.

"The Commission on Presidential Debates is supposedly bipartisan w/ an equal number of Rs and Ds.
I know all of the Republicans and most are friends of mine.
I am concerned that none of them support @realDonaldTrump. A biased Debate Commission is unfair.

Trump victimization thread #5,000

You'd take a dump if no one on the commission supported Biden. Think about it, this is the DEBATE commission and they support only one side? You're a blob. A blob blobber blobbing blob of a blobber blob, LOL.

How old are you again?
To Billy000

This is Bob Dole's tweet; Dole is the person who characterizes the Debate Commission as being " biased" and "unfair."

The Commission on Presidential Debates is supposedly bipartisan w/ an equal number of Rs and Ds. I know all of the Republicans and most are friends of mine. I am concerned that none of them support @realDonaldTrump. A biased Debate Commission is unfair.

- Senator Bob Dole (@SenatorDole) October 9, 2020
Yeah, dude I get it. You’re taking something Bob Dole said who has no direct involvement in the debates as proof that there is a conspiracy to undermine Trump. You do realize how ridiculous this sounds right?
I don't know how many people are on the Debate Commission? The Rs and Ds are equal in number, so let us say 10, for the sake of the discussion. Now if 10 out of 10 or 9 out of 10 are voting for BIDEN, don't you think that is a problem?

In the first debate, Chris Wallace made up the questions himself and he NEVER asked Biden if he participated in the Russian Collusion Hoax. Now, if Tucker Carlson decided on the questions, that topic would have likely come up.

I'm not saying Tucker would have been the best moderator and I am not saying he would not have been the best moderator, but one can see the importance of balance in the Commission on Presidential Debates.

1) Dole said that that those on the commission did not like Trump. He didn’t say they liked Biden.

2) But sure, maybe they don’t like Trump, but what do you expect? I’m guessing if Dole has said the Dems didn’t like Biden instead, you’d be very okay with that. You can’t expect these people to be robots. Like any human being, they are going to have personal opinions on who is running for president. And as I said before, this is NOT proof they are deliberately trying to undermine the process. Your speculation on this is way off the charts.

3) Tucker Carlson? Are you kidding me? Yeah I’m sure you’d love that. How do you not see the hypocrisy of what you’re saying here? A far right nutbar moderating the debates? Chris Wallace himself isn’t ideal, but I would say, politically, he falls in the middle. I mean he’s a MODERATE on FOX NEWS. Obviously that’s enough. Carlson would waste no time interrupting Biden constantly as he does to any liberal guest on his show. He’s a fucking joke.

You're a brainless twat. Obviously the Democrats on the commission support Biden. You'd drop a load with candycorn the blobber blobbing blob if there were no Biden supporters
To Billy000

This is Bob Dole's tweet; Dole is the person who characterizes the Debate Commission as being " biased" and "unfair."

The Commission on Presidential Debates is supposedly bipartisan w/ an equal number of Rs and Ds. I know all of the Republicans and most are friends of mine. I am concerned that none of them support @realDonaldTrump. A biased Debate Commission is unfair.

- Senator Bob Dole (@SenatorDole) October 9, 2020
Yeah, dude I get it. You’re taking something Bob Dole said who has no direct involvement in the debates as proof that there is a conspiracy to undermine Trump. You do realize how ridiculous this sounds right?
I don't know how many people are on the Debate Commission? The Rs and Ds are equal in number, so let us say 10, for the sake of the discussion. Now if 10 out of 10 or 9 out of 10 are voting for BIDEN, don't you think that is a problem?

In the first debate, Chris Wallace made up the questions himself and he NEVER asked Biden if he participated in the Russian Collusion Hoax. Now, if Tucker Carlson decided on the questions, that topic would have likely come up.

I'm not saying Tucker would have been the best moderator and I am not saying he would not have been the best moderator, but one can see the importance of balance in the Commission on Presidential Debates.

1) Dole said that that those on the commission did not like Trump. He didn’t say they liked Biden.

2) But sure, maybe they don’t like Trump, but what do you expect? I’m guessing if Dole has said the Dems didn’t like Biden instead, you’d be very okay with that. You can’t expect these people to be robots. Like any human being, they are going to have personal opinions on who is running for president. And as I said before, this is NOT proof they are deliberately trying to undermine the process. Your speculation on this is way off the charts.

3) Tucker Carlson? Are you kidding me? Yeah I’m sure you’d love that. How do you not see the hypocrisy of what you’re saying here? A far right nutbar moderating the debates? Chris Wallace himself isn’t ideal, but I would say, politically, he falls in the middle. I mean he’s a MODERATE on FOX NEWS. Obviously that’s enough. Carlson would waste no time interrupting Biden constantly as he does to any liberal guest on his show. He’s a fucking joke.

You're a brainless twat. Obviously the Democrats on the commission support Biden. You'd drop a load with candycorn the blobber blobbing blob if there were no Biden supporters
I didn’t say they didn’t you idiot. I’m talking about if someone claimed they did. Try and keep up.
To Billy000

This is Bob Dole's tweet; Dole is the person who characterizes the Debate Commission as being " biased" and "unfair."

The Commission on Presidential Debates is supposedly bipartisan w/ an equal number of Rs and Ds. I know all of the Republicans and most are friends of mine. I am concerned that none of them support @realDonaldTrump. A biased Debate Commission is unfair.

- Senator Bob Dole (@SenatorDole) October 9, 2020
Yeah, dude I get it. You’re taking something Bob Dole said who has no direct involvement in the debates as proof that there is a conspiracy to undermine Trump. You do realize how ridiculous this sounds right?
I don't know how many people are on the Debate Commission? The Rs and Ds are equal in number, so let us say 10, for the sake of the discussion. Now if 10 out of 10 or 9 out of 10 are voting for BIDEN, don't you think that is a problem?

In the first debate, Chris Wallace made up the questions himself and he NEVER asked Biden if he participated in the Russian Collusion Hoax. Now, if Tucker Carlson decided on the questions, that topic would have likely come up.

I'm not saying Tucker would have been the best moderator and I am not saying he would not have been the best moderator, but one can see the importance of balance in the Commission on Presidential Debates.

1) Dole said that that those on the commission did not like Trump. He didn’t say they liked Biden.

2) But sure, maybe they don’t like Trump, but what do you expect? I’m guessing if Dole has said the Dems didn’t like Biden instead, you’d be very okay with that. You can’t expect these people to be robots. Like any human being, they are going to have personal opinions on who is running for president. And as I said before, this is NOT proof they are deliberately trying to undermine the process. Your speculation on this is way off the charts.

3) Tucker Carlson? Are you kidding me? Yeah I’m sure you’d love that. How do you not see the hypocrisy of what you’re saying here? A far right nutbar moderating the debates? Chris Wallace himself isn’t ideal, but I would say, politically, he falls in the middle. I mean he’s a MODERATE on FOX NEWS. Obviously that’s enough. Carlson would waste no time interrupting Biden constantly as he does to any liberal guest on his show. He’s a fucking joke.

You're a brainless twat. Obviously the Democrats on the commission support Biden. You'd drop a load with candycorn the blobber blobbing blob if there were no Biden supporters
I didn’t say they didn’t you idiot. I’m talking about if someone claimed they did. Try and keep up.

You justified that no Trump supporters are on the commission organizing the debates. Cut the stupid shit
The debate moderators were all well chosen, straight shooting, no bias individuals. Their work speaks for themselves. The rules were fair to both sides, applied to both sides.

There is no unfairness. Just Trump whining because he can’t always get away with his BS.
trump is done. DONE.
60% of America has had enough of this mistake, a yuge puke stain.
Here's hoping.

The problem, though, is that 40% is fine with this embarrassing abomination. We need to examine that, win or lose.

You hate Trump, you really hate Trump. It's all you post, Jake. I mean dblack . I mean Mac. Which one of the triplets are you again?
Please get me out of your head.

Please stop trolling.

Well, since I never seek out your posts but only read them when I come across them or when you quote mine, how exactly are you in my head? Reading your posts on the board means you're in my face, not my head.

I'm just amazed that every time I read your posts, it's the same post.

You hate Trump, Biden is the solution, you suck up to Democrats.

EVERY post you write is the same. No one who posts regularly on the board doesn't know that, Jake. Er, Mac
Please stop trolling, request 2.

Please stop spamming, request 2
Reported, trolling

You got beat up a lot in school, didn't you? How many people have you reported now?

You know even teachers hate snitches.

Your spamming is also against board rules. You simply post the same thing over and over and over
The debate moderators were all well chosen, straight shooting, no bias individuals. Their work speaks for themselves. The rules were fair to both sides, applied to both sides.

There is no unfairness. Just Trump whining because he can’t always get away with his BS.
You must be a really highly paid shill. If you can't see those mods were biased as hell then you are an idiot or working for them.
The Washington establishment is UNHINGED that an outsider has taken control of their $4 trillion a year slush fund.
It is Donald Trump that uses the money congress allocated for specific items as his slush fund, building walls with money allocated for specific defense projects, shifting money from social programs to economic stimulus, shifting foreign aid to countries he favors.
The debate moderators were all well chosen, straight shooting, no bias individuals. Their work speaks for themselves. The rules were fair to both sides, applied to both sides.

There is no unfairness. Just Trump whining because he can’t always get away with his BS.
You must be a really highly paid shill. If you can't see those mods were biased as hell then you are an idiot or working for them.

No, it’s not bias. It’s just that you can’t always get away with Trump’s brand of bullshitting. That may work when he’s being interviewed by a sycophant like Hannity or giving one of his little rally speeches for his adoring fans, but when he’s across from someone with a good understanding of reality, like Wallace, it seems to you like he’s being hard on him.
To Billy000

1) Biden and the Establishment Republicans take their orders from the GLOBALIST Super Rich....that is the problem.

2) You are speculating and you are incorrect. I would like to see a debates where those asking questions are
BOTH Democrats and Republicans...Conservatives and Liberals.

3) Carlson does not badly interrupt his guests...Hannity does that, a weak point of his.

Tucker Carlson has a penetrating perspective that calls out hypocrisy and he is far more honest in his beliefs then left-wing Chris Wallace. Tucker would push Biden to answer questions.
Speaking of "Fake news, Goebbels." it is clear that the US Media IS, in reality, very much like the Goebbels' Media in NAZI Germany.

Joseph Goebbels On the "Big Lie" - Jewish Virtual Library › joseph-goebbels-on-the...

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

The democrats, the main-stream media and the DEEP STATE get further instructions from Goebbels.

"It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Speaking of "Fake news, Goebbels." it is clear that the US Media IS, in reality, very much like the Goebbels' Media in NAZI Germany.

Joseph Goebbels On the "Big Lie" - Jewish Virtual Library › joseph-goebbels-on-the...

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

The democrats, the main-stream media and the DEEP STATE get further instructions from Goebbels.

"It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Mainstream media rarely lies, they slant the news, and report what their audience wants to hear. Trump on the other hand, simply creates his own facts to support his rhetoric in order to please his audience. Both mainstream media and Trump do this so much that it has become acceptable to their audience.

The problem is not so much with original lie or twisting of the truth but what others do with it. For example:

Discussing voter fraud, Trump said, "Did you see what's going on?" Trump said onstage. "They are being dumped in rivers. This is a horrible thing for our country. "I suppose Trump ballots are thrown away"

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany amplifying the Trump statement said "The other day [Mr Trump] said 'they found a lot of ballots in a river.'

A Trump ad on TV shows a truck full of what appears to be bags of ballots being thrown in a ditch.

Rush Limbaugh suggests ballots across the country are being destroyed in huge numbers.

Finally the truth emerges.
  • Three trays of mail were found in a ditch in Outagamie County, Wisconsin
  • The local sheriff initially said “several” ballots were included among the pieces of mail. But a state election official later said no Wisconsin ballots were found.
  • Regardless, the mail was not found in a river or creek, and there’s no evidence linking this to mail voting fraud, as Trump implied.
The bottom line is you can trust mainstream media facts but can not trust them to present a fair and accurate picture. Trump rarely presents any real facts. His facts are usually, "Did you hear.....", I read that,..... We all know that,.... A lot of people say,.... The Democrats say,....... This is a clear signal to treat anything that follows with a grain of salt.

Speaking of "Fake news, Goebbels." it is clear that the US Media IS, in reality, very much like the Goebbels' Media in NAZI Germany.

Joseph Goebbels On the "Big Lie" - Jewish Virtual Library › joseph-goebbels-on-the...

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

The democrats, the main-stream media and the DEEP STATE get further instructions from Goebbels.

"It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Mainstream media rarely lies, they slant the news, and report what their audience wants to hear. Trump on the other hand, simply creates his own facts to support his rhetoric in order to please his audience. Both mainstream media and Trump do this so much that it has become acceptable to their audience.

The problem is not so much with original lie or twisting of the truth but what others do with it. For example:

Discussing voter fraud, Trump said, "Did you see what's going on?" Trump said onstage. "They are being dumped in rivers. This is a horrible thing for our country. "I suppose Trump ballots are thrown away"

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany amplifying the Trump statement said "The other day [Mr Trump] said 'they found a lot of ballots in a river.'

A Trump ad on TV shows a truck full of what appears to be bags of ballots being thrown in a ditch.

Rush Limbaugh suggests ballots across the country are being destroyed in huge numbers.

Finally the truth emerges.
  • Three trays of mail were found in a ditch in Outagamie County, Wisconsin
  • The local sheriff initially said “several” ballots were included among the pieces of mail. But a state election official later said no Wisconsin ballots were found.
  • Regardless, the mail was not found in a river or creek, and there’s no evidence linking this to mail voting fraud, as Trump implied.
The bottom line is you can trust mainstream media facts but can not trust them to present a fair and accurate picture. Trump rarely presents any real facts. His facts are usually, "Did you hear.....", I read that,..... We all know that,.... A lot of people say,.... The Democrats say,....... This is a clear signal to treat anything that follows with a grain of salt.

You made a very valid point about the number of ballots found, NONE according to a state election official.

What bothers me is how those "Three trays of mail were found in a ditch in Outagamie County, Wisconsin". Bad news for those who sent that mail and for those who were set to receive that mail.

But the election angle is that (1) how those treys got there & (2) is there anymore missing mail?

Maybe the answer is a lazy postal worker decided to same himself or herself some work and tossed them into the ditch, but there should be a resolution to these questions; hopefully by an honest, hard-working reporter.
Speaking of "Fake news, Goebbels." it is clear that the US Media IS, in reality, very much like the Goebbels' Media in NAZI Germany.

Joseph Goebbels On the "Big Lie" - Jewish Virtual Library › joseph-goebbels-on-the...

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

The democrats, the main-stream media and the DEEP STATE get further instructions from Goebbels.

"It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Mainstream media rarely lies, they slant the news, and report what their audience wants to hear. Trump on the other hand, simply creates his own facts to support his rhetoric in order to please his audience. Both mainstream media and Trump do this so much that it has become acceptable to their audience.

The problem is not so much with original lie or twisting of the truth but what others do with it. For example:

Discussing voter fraud, Trump said, "Did you see what's going on?" Trump said onstage. "They are being dumped in rivers. This is a horrible thing for our country. "I suppose Trump ballots are thrown away"

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany amplifying the Trump statement said "The other day [Mr Trump] said 'they found a lot of ballots in a river.'

A Trump ad on TV shows a truck full of what appears to be bags of ballots being thrown in a ditch.

Rush Limbaugh suggests ballots across the country are being destroyed in huge numbers.

Finally the truth emerges.
  • Three trays of mail were found in a ditch in Outagamie County, Wisconsin
  • The local sheriff initially said “several” ballots were included among the pieces of mail. But a state election official later said no Wisconsin ballots were found.
  • Regardless, the mail was not found in a river or creek, and there’s no evidence linking this to mail voting fraud, as Trump implied.
The bottom line is you can trust mainstream media facts but can not trust them to present a fair and accurate picture. Trump rarely presents any real facts. His facts are usually, "Did you hear.....", I read that,..... We all know that,.... A lot of people say,.... The Democrats say,....... This is a clear signal to treat anything that follows with a grain of salt.

You made a very valid point about the number of ballots found, NONE according to a state election official.

What bothers me is how those "Three trays of mail were found in a ditch in Outagamie County, Wisconsin". Bad news for those who sent that mail and for those who were set to receive that mail.

But the election angle is that (1) how those treys got there & (2) is there anymore missing mail?

Maybe the answer is a lazy postal worker decided to same himself or herself some work and tossed them into the ditch, but there should be a resolution to these questions; hopefully by an honest, hard-working reporter.

In order to prevent something like that from happening, I am not mailing in my vote. I am taking it to the nearest drop box. And not a fake one like the Party of the Rumpers are placing. I am taking it to the County Courthouse. And we have more than a few in this county much to the chagrin of the Party of the Rumpers who have tried to only have one in each county. The Courts didn't think much of that idea. And the party of the rumpers keep telling us how the Dems are faking the election when they keep getting slapped down for these boners.
Bob Dole, 97, one of the few WWII war heroes still with us and the most fiery of V.P. candidates ('76) that I can remember.

It sure was a much kinder time.
Speaking of "Fake news, Goebbels." it is clear that the US Media IS, in reality, very much like the Goebbels' Media in NAZI Germany.

Joseph Goebbels On the "Big Lie" - Jewish Virtual Library › joseph-goebbels-on-the...

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

The democrats, the main-stream media and the DEEP STATE get further instructions from Goebbels.

"It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Mainstream media rarely lies, they slant the news, and report what their audience wants to hear. Trump on the other hand, simply creates his own facts to support his rhetoric in order to please his audience. Both mainstream media and Trump do this so much that it has become acceptable to their audience.

The problem is not so much with original lie or twisting of the truth but what others do with it. For example:

Discussing voter fraud, Trump said, "Did you see what's going on?" Trump said onstage. "They are being dumped in rivers. This is a horrible thing for our country. "I suppose Trump ballots are thrown away"

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany amplifying the Trump statement said "The other day [Mr Trump] said 'they found a lot of ballots in a river.'

A Trump ad on TV shows a truck full of what appears to be bags of ballots being thrown in a ditch.

Rush Limbaugh suggests ballots across the country are being destroyed in huge numbers.

Finally the truth emerges.
  • Three trays of mail were found in a ditch in Outagamie County, Wisconsin
  • The local sheriff initially said “several” ballots were included among the pieces of mail. But a state election official later said no Wisconsin ballots were found.
  • Regardless, the mail was not found in a river or creek, and there’s no evidence linking this to mail voting fraud, as Trump implied.
The bottom line is you can trust mainstream media facts but can not trust them to present a fair and accurate picture. Trump rarely presents any real facts. His facts are usually, "Did you hear.....", I read that,..... We all know that,.... A lot of people say,.... The Democrats say,....... This is a clear signal to treat anything that follows with a grain of salt.

You made a very valid point about the number of ballots found, NONE according to a state election official.

What bothers me is how those "Three trays of mail were found in a ditch in Outagamie County, Wisconsin". Bad news for those who sent that mail and for those who were set to receive that mail.

But the election angle is that (1) how those treys got there & (2) is there anymore missing mail?

Maybe the answer is a lazy postal worker decided to same himself or herself some work and tossed them into the ditch, but there should be a resolution to these questions; hopefully by an honest, hard-working reporter.
I doubt there will be an answer. Once it was determined no ballots were in the trays and none were lost, the media dropped it and doubt anybody will investigate except the post office and they're not likely to contact the media to explain how they lost mail. Each day the post office processes over a 180 million pieces of mail. The estimate I have seen on lost mail is .5%. This includes mail delivered to the wrong address or is undeliverable and unreturnable.

I worked for the post office part time many years ago and also collected stamps for many years and thus developed an interest in the post office. I read a piece about how the New York post office handled lost mail in the early 19th century. Every piece of mail in the post office was counted everyday as it moved from place to place. One particular day, the count was off by one letter. The staff worked through the night looking for the lost letter. In the morning it had not been found and the post office opening was delayed for 4 hours. The letter was finally found behind a desk. The post office has always taken the safety of the mail seriously but today with the huge volume, losses are going to happen.
Speaking of "Fake news, Goebbels." it is clear that the US Media IS, in reality, very much like the Goebbels' Media in NAZI Germany.

Joseph Goebbels On the "Big Lie" - Jewish Virtual Library › joseph-goebbels-on-the...

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

The democrats, the main-stream media and the DEEP STATE get further instructions from Goebbels.

"It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Mainstream media rarely lies, they slant the news, and report what their audience wants to hear. Trump on the other hand, simply creates his own facts to support his rhetoric in order to please his audience. Both mainstream media and Trump do this so much that it has become acceptable to their audience.

The problem is not so much with original lie or twisting of the truth but what others do with it. For example:

Discussing voter fraud, Trump said, "Did you see what's going on?" Trump said onstage. "They are being dumped in rivers. This is a horrible thing for our country. "I suppose Trump ballots are thrown away"

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany amplifying the Trump statement said "The other day [Mr Trump] said 'they found a lot of ballots in a river.'

A Trump ad on TV shows a truck full of what appears to be bags of ballots being thrown in a ditch.

Rush Limbaugh suggests ballots across the country are being destroyed in huge numbers.

Finally the truth emerges.
  • Three trays of mail were found in a ditch in Outagamie County, Wisconsin
  • The local sheriff initially said “several” ballots were included among the pieces of mail. But a state election official later said no Wisconsin ballots were found.
  • Regardless, the mail was not found in a river or creek, and there’s no evidence linking this to mail voting fraud, as Trump implied.
The bottom line is you can trust mainstream media facts but can not trust them to present a fair and accurate picture. Trump rarely presents any real facts. His facts are usually, "Did you hear.....", I read that,..... We all know that,.... A lot of people say,.... The Democrats say,....... This is a clear signal to treat anything that follows with a grain of salt.

You made a very valid point about the number of ballots found, NONE according to a state election official.

What bothers me is how those "Three trays of mail were found in a ditch in Outagamie County, Wisconsin". Bad news for those who sent that mail and for those who were set to receive that mail.

But the election angle is that (1) how those treys got there & (2) is there anymore missing mail?

Maybe the answer is a lazy postal worker decided to same himself or herself some work and tossed them into the ditch, but there should be a resolution to these questions; hopefully by an honest, hard-working reporter.
I doubt there will be an answer. Once it was determined no ballots were in the trays and none were lost, the media dropped it and doubt anybody will investigate except the post office and they're not likely to contact the media to explain how they lost mail. Each day the post office processes over a 180 million pieces of mail. The estimate I have seen on lost mail is .5%. This includes mail delivered to the wrong address or is undeliverable and unreturnable.

I worked for the post office part time many years ago and also collected stamps for many years and thus developed an interest in the post office. I read a piece about how the New York post office handled lost mail in the early 19th century. Every piece of mail in the post office was counted everyday as it moved from place to place. One particular day, the count was off by one letter. The staff worked through the night looking for the lost letter. In the morning it had not been found and the post office opening was delayed for 4 hours. The letter was finally found behind a desk. The post office has always taken the safety of the mail seriously but today with the huge volume, losses are going to happen.
My only concern was that the three trays might be the tip of an iceberg. It is quite probable that this incident has nothing to do with the election, but the optics of mail being put in a ditch is disconcerting in an election year.
I just saw this tonight.

Bob Dole claims no Republicans on debate commission support Trump

He put out this tweet.

"The Commission on Presidential Debates is supposedly bipartisan w/ an equal number of Rs and Ds.
I know all of the Republicans and most are friends of mine.
I am concerned that none of them support @realDonaldTrump. A biased Debate Commission is unfair.


The Trump administration can't even conduct the census count without involving the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court on Tuesday granted a request from the Trump administration to halt the census count while an appeal plays out over a lower court's order that it continue.

The administration had asked the high court for "immediate relief" because a lower court order would have required the census count to continue until October 31. The Trump administration argued that would have prevented Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross from delivering a count of the nation's population to President Donald Trump by December 31.

Supreme Court grants Trump administration's request to halt census count while appeal plays out

Trump wanted to cut down on the trade deficit to create jobs at home.

The U.S. trade deficit surged in July to $63.6 billion, the highest level in 12 years, as imports jumped by a record amount.

U.S. trade deficit surged in July to highest in 12 years

Trump promised us a wall which Mexico would pay for.

As of Aug. 7, work had been completed on 30 miles of barriers where none had existed prior to Trump’s presidency, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. [Americans taxes paid for the work, not Mexico.]

The Border Wall That the U.S., Not Mexico, Is Paying For

Has anyone noticed? The U.S. is completely isolated. There has not been any diplomacy involving America and its allies in several months. Why? We no longer have any allies, unless you count Russia. We know Putin is enormously pleased with Trump's performance, chaos in Washington, racial violence in our streets, and a shattered economy.

From Putin's point of view, what's not to like?

Our once great economy is in shatters because Trump viewed the coming pandemic through the lens of his fantasies.

Did Trump do anything right?

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