How much more BIAS against TRUMP can this Presidential Election Become?

trump is done. DONE.
60% of America has had enough of this mistake, a yuge puke stain.

Dumbass. When you're standing there with that lit Molotov cocktail in your hand, ready to throw it, you're going to glance behind you and find out that 60% of America is not standing behind you.
You're right and if the leftists end up stealing this election like they're planning on, 60% of americans will be standing behind him for a different reason. A molotov cocktail wont be enough.

From the looks of things,, Rump is doing a lot more in trying to steal the election. It's all the Democrats and the Courts can do but thwart him at every step. If you were to work at trying to make the election as fair as possible I would salute you but you enable someone trying to do a Cuban Election.

If the dems aren't trying to steal the election how could I already the following?

There will be massive amounts of votes being counted for weeks after the election

The extended counts will only take place in key battleground states.

There will be cries of disenfranchisement and racism by the dems and their media allies extending the counts.

The dems and the media will blame it all on Trump.

When Rump and his backers took this to court, the Judge demanded concrete evidence. They had none and he ended up dismissing the suite. You have no proof, no facts, nothing. IF you had, it would have already been presented in Court and actions would be taken to prevent it from happening. We deal in Facts and Truths. You deal in 2014 Foreign created Conspiracies. Present facts, get it into the courts or no one sane will take your nonsense seriously.
I gu
trump is done. DONE.
60% of America has had enough of this mistake, a yuge puke stain.

Dumbass. When you're standing there with that lit Molotov cocktail in your hand, ready to throw it, you're going to glance behind you and find out that 60% of America is not standing behind you.
You're right and if the leftists end up stealing this election like they're planning on, 60% of americans will be standing behind him for a different reason. A molotov cocktail wont be enough.

From the looks of things,, Rump is doing a lot more in trying to steal the election. It's all the Democrats and the Courts can do but thwart him at every step. If you were to work at trying to make the election as fair as possible I would salute you but you enable someone trying to do a Cuban Election.

If the dems aren't trying to steal the election how could I already the following?

There will be massive amounts of votes being counted for weeks after the election

The extended counts will only take place in key battleground states.

There will be cries of disenfranchisement and racism by the dems and their media allies extending the counts.

The dems and the media will blame it all on Trump.

When Rump and his backers took this to court, the Judge demanded concrete evidence. They had none and he ended up dismissing the suite. You have no proof, no facts, nothing. IF you had, it would have already been presented in Court and actions would be taken to prevent it from happening. We deal in Facts and Truths. You deal in 2014 Foreign created Conspiracies. Present facts, get it into the courts or no one sane will take your nonsense seriously.
I guess we'll see if my prediction is correct.

I'll go ahead and make 1 more.

If I'm right, you wont admit it. In fact you and your leftists pals will go to great lengths lying to yourself that it never happened.
I just saw this tonight.

Bob Dole claims no Republicans on debate commission support Trump

He put out this tweet.

"The Commission on Presidential Debates is supposedly bipartisan w/ an equal number of Rs and Ds.
I know all of the Republicans and most are friends of mine.
I am concerned that none of them support @realDonaldTrump. A biased Debate Commission is unfair.

Well, see, naturally there would be a bias against Trump because smart people have a bias against idiots.
What is the debate commission doing that is unfair? The rules are same for both candidates.
What is unfair is that only pro Democratic Party moderators are chosen to ask questions so Joe Biden gets softballs and Donald Trump gets 100 mph fastballs with a crooked umpire calling every pitch a striker.
I gu
trump is done. DONE.
60% of America has had enough of this mistake, a yuge puke stain.

Dumbass. When you're standing there with that lit Molotov cocktail in your hand, ready to throw it, you're going to glance behind you and find out that 60% of America is not standing behind you.
You're right and if the leftists end up stealing this election like they're planning on, 60% of americans will be standing behind him for a different reason. A molotov cocktail wont be enough.

From the looks of things,, Rump is doing a lot more in trying to steal the election. It's all the Democrats and the Courts can do but thwart him at every step. If you were to work at trying to make the election as fair as possible I would salute you but you enable someone trying to do a Cuban Election.

If the dems aren't trying to steal the election how could I already the following?

There will be massive amounts of votes being counted for weeks after the election

The extended counts will only take place in key battleground states.

There will be cries of disenfranchisement and racism by the dems and their media allies extending the counts.

The dems and the media will blame it all on Trump.

When Rump and his backers took this to court, the Judge demanded concrete evidence. They had none and he ended up dismissing the suite. You have no proof, no facts, nothing. IF you had, it would have already been presented in Court and actions would be taken to prevent it from happening. We deal in Facts and Truths. You deal in 2014 Foreign created Conspiracies. Present facts, get it into the courts or no one sane will take your nonsense seriously.
I guess we'll see if my prediction is correct.

I'll go ahead and make 1 more.

If I'm right, you wont admit it. In fact you and your leftists pals will go to great lengths lying to yourself that it never happened.

On Rump trying to (and already has) interfere with the election, I wished I were wrong but it's reality. When you Party of the Rumpers so hard to interfere with the elections are so apparent it is no wonder that you want to divert attention away from your own divisive behavior. There are enough of these actions from your bunch that we pretty well know what's going on. The American People aren't as dumb as you give them credit for.

There is proof that the Party of the Rumpers are constantly interfering in the Election. Now it's your turn to provide the proof that the Democrats are interfering in it as well. Or are they just countermanding your own efforts.
I just saw this tonight.

Bob Dole claims no Republicans on debate commission support Trump

He put out this tweet.

"The Commission on Presidential Debates is supposedly bipartisan w/ an equal number of Rs and Ds.
I know all of the Republicans and most are friends of mine.
I am concerned that none of them support @realDonaldTrump. A biased Debate Commission is unfair.

Well, see, naturally there would be a bias against Trump because smart people have a bias against idiots.
What is the debate commission doing that is unfair? The rules are same for both candidates.
What is unfair is that only pro Democratic Party moderators are chosen to ask questions so Joe Biden gets softballs and Donald Trump gets 100 mph fastballs with a crooked umpire calling every pitch a striker.
That’s not even what Dole said lol. He specifically said they were republicans but they simply didn’t like Trump. Either way, this isn’t somehow evidence that they are trying to tip the scales in Biden’s favor. It’s incredible how you people take these tiny details from a third hand account and blow it up into some scandal lol. It’s ridiculous.
I gu
trump is done. DONE.
60% of America has had enough of this mistake, a yuge puke stain.

Dumbass. When you're standing there with that lit Molotov cocktail in your hand, ready to throw it, you're going to glance behind you and find out that 60% of America is not standing behind you.
You're right and if the leftists end up stealing this election like they're planning on, 60% of americans will be standing behind him for a different reason. A molotov cocktail wont be enough.

From the looks of things,, Rump is doing a lot more in trying to steal the election. It's all the Democrats and the Courts can do but thwart him at every step. If you were to work at trying to make the election as fair as possible I would salute you but you enable someone trying to do a Cuban Election.

If the dems aren't trying to steal the election how could I already the following?

There will be massive amounts of votes being counted for weeks after the election

The extended counts will only take place in key battleground states.

There will be cries of disenfranchisement and racism by the dems and their media allies extending the counts.

The dems and the media will blame it all on Trump.

When Rump and his backers took this to court, the Judge demanded concrete evidence. They had none and he ended up dismissing the suite. You have no proof, no facts, nothing. IF you had, it would have already been presented in Court and actions would be taken to prevent it from happening. We deal in Facts and Truths. You deal in 2014 Foreign created Conspiracies. Present facts, get it into the courts or no one sane will take your nonsense seriously.
I guess we'll see if my prediction is correct.

I'll go ahead and make 1 more.

If I'm right, you wont admit it. In fact you and your leftists pals will go to great lengths lying to yourself that it never happened.

On Rump trying to (and already has) interfere with the election, I wished I were wrong but it's reality. When you Party of the Rumpers so hard to interfere with the elections are so apparent it is no wonder that you want to divert attention away from your own divisive behavior. There are enough of these actions from your bunch that we pretty well know what's going on. The American People aren't as dumb as you give them credit for.

There is proof that the Party of the Rumpers are constantly interfering in the Election. Now it's your turn to provide the proof that the Democrats are interfering in it as well. Or are they just countermanding your own efforts.

1) leftists are changing the voting laws during an election.

2) leftists are changing the debate rules during an election.

Just 2 easy ones.
I gu
trump is done. DONE.
60% of America has had enough of this mistake, a yuge puke stain.

Dumbass. When you're standing there with that lit Molotov cocktail in your hand, ready to throw it, you're going to glance behind you and find out that 60% of America is not standing behind you.
You're right and if the leftists end up stealing this election like they're planning on, 60% of americans will be standing behind him for a different reason. A molotov cocktail wont be enough.

From the looks of things,, Rump is doing a lot more in trying to steal the election. It's all the Democrats and the Courts can do but thwart him at every step. If you were to work at trying to make the election as fair as possible I would salute you but you enable someone trying to do a Cuban Election.

If the dems aren't trying to steal the election how could I already the following?

There will be massive amounts of votes being counted for weeks after the election

The extended counts will only take place in key battleground states.

There will be cries of disenfranchisement and racism by the dems and their media allies extending the counts.

The dems and the media will blame it all on Trump.

When Rump and his backers took this to court, the Judge demanded concrete evidence. They had none and he ended up dismissing the suite. You have no proof, no facts, nothing. IF you had, it would have already been presented in Court and actions would be taken to prevent it from happening. We deal in Facts and Truths. You deal in 2014 Foreign created Conspiracies. Present facts, get it into the courts or no one sane will take your nonsense seriously.
I guess we'll see if my prediction is correct.

I'll go ahead and make 1 more.

If I'm right, you wont admit it. In fact you and your leftists pals will go to great lengths lying to yourself that it never happened.

On Rump trying to (and already has) interfere with the election, I wished I were wrong but it's reality. When you Party of the Rumpers so hard to interfere with the elections are so apparent it is no wonder that you want to divert attention away from your own divisive behavior. There are enough of these actions from your bunch that we pretty well know what's going on. The American People aren't as dumb as you give them credit for.

There is proof that the Party of the Rumpers are constantly interfering in the Election. Now it's your turn to provide the proof that the Democrats are interfering in it as well. Or are they just countermanding your own efforts.

1) leftists are changing the voting laws during an election.

2) leftists are changing the debate rules during an election.

Just 2 easy ones.

The Left is upholding the voting laws during the election. You Rumpers are trying to change the laws during the election. But since you can't seem to do that, you go back to your old tricks and also tie thing up in the court system.

Leftists are not changing the debating rules. The Spoiled little 8 year old Man-child forced those changes. And they don't know if he can or cannot spread Covid 19 right now. We already learned that his "Doctor" lies out his ass if Rump tells him to.
I just saw this tonight.

Bob Dole claims no Republicans on debate commission support Trump

He put out this tweet.

"The Commission on Presidential Debates is supposedly bipartisan w/ an equal number of Rs and Ds.
I know all of the Republicans and most are friends of mine.
I am concerned that none of them support @realDonaldTrump. A biased Debate Commission is unfair.

Trump is a total asshole as proven with each of his lies. Recognizing that is not bias.

Voters are free to make up their minds, but they have a right to hear both sides of an issue.

I don't think BIDEN has been asked a tough question since he got the nomination and thanks to the Un-Fairness of the Commission on Presidential Debates, BIDEN escapes evaluation.

Biden has been out of office for 4 years. So how can you question him on his actions the last 4 years?
I gu
trump is done. DONE.
60% of America has had enough of this mistake, a yuge puke stain.

Dumbass. When you're standing there with that lit Molotov cocktail in your hand, ready to throw it, you're going to glance behind you and find out that 60% of America is not standing behind you.
You're right and if the leftists end up stealing this election like they're planning on, 60% of americans will be standing behind him for a different reason. A molotov cocktail wont be enough.

From the looks of things,, Rump is doing a lot more in trying to steal the election. It's all the Democrats and the Courts can do but thwart him at every step. If you were to work at trying to make the election as fair as possible I would salute you but you enable someone trying to do a Cuban Election.

If the dems aren't trying to steal the election how could I already the following?

There will be massive amounts of votes being counted for weeks after the election

The extended counts will only take place in key battleground states.

There will be cries of disenfranchisement and racism by the dems and their media allies extending the counts.

The dems and the media will blame it all on Trump.

When Rump and his backers took this to court, the Judge demanded concrete evidence. They had none and he ended up dismissing the suite. You have no proof, no facts, nothing. IF you had, it would have already been presented in Court and actions would be taken to prevent it from happening. We deal in Facts and Truths. You deal in 2014 Foreign created Conspiracies. Present facts, get it into the courts or no one sane will take your nonsense seriously.
I guess we'll see if my prediction is correct.

I'll go ahead and make 1 more.

If I'm right, you wont admit it. In fact you and your leftists pals will go to great lengths lying to yourself that it never happened.

On Rump trying to (and already has) interfere with the election, I wished I were wrong but it's reality. When you Party of the Rumpers so hard to interfere with the elections are so apparent it is no wonder that you want to divert attention away from your own divisive behavior. There are enough of these actions from your bunch that we pretty well know what's going on. The American People aren't as dumb as you give them credit for.

There is proof that the Party of the Rumpers are constantly interfering in the Election. Now it's your turn to provide the proof that the Democrats are interfering in it as well. Or are they just countermanding your own efforts.

1) leftists are changing the voting laws during an election.

2) leftists are changing the debate rules during an election.

Just 2 easy ones.

COVID-19 You fucking asshole.
I just saw this tonight.

Bob Dole claims no Republicans on debate commission support Trump

He put out this tweet.

"The Commission on Presidential Debates is supposedly bipartisan w/ an equal number of Rs and Ds.
I know all of the Republicans and most are friends of mine.
I am concerned that none of them support @realDonaldTrump. A biased Debate Commission is unfair.

Trump is a total asshole as proven with each of his lies. Recognizing that is not bias.

Voters are free to make up their minds, but they have a right to hear both sides of an issue.

I don't think BIDEN has been asked a tough question since he got the nomination and thanks to the Un-Fairness of the Commission on Presidential Debates, BIDEN escapes evaluation.

Biden has been out of office for 4 years. So how can you question him on his actions the last 4 years?

You can't. But you certain can question Rump about his 4 and beyond circus.
I gu
trump is done. DONE.
60% of America has had enough of this mistake, a yuge puke stain.

Dumbass. When you're standing there with that lit Molotov cocktail in your hand, ready to throw it, you're going to glance behind you and find out that 60% of America is not standing behind you.
You're right and if the leftists end up stealing this election like they're planning on, 60% of americans will be standing behind him for a different reason. A molotov cocktail wont be enough.

From the looks of things,, Rump is doing a lot more in trying to steal the election. It's all the Democrats and the Courts can do but thwart him at every step. If you were to work at trying to make the election as fair as possible I would salute you but you enable someone trying to do a Cuban Election.

If the dems aren't trying to steal the election how could I already the following?

There will be massive amounts of votes being counted for weeks after the election

The extended counts will only take place in key battleground states.

There will be cries of disenfranchisement and racism by the dems and their media allies extending the counts.

The dems and the media will blame it all on Trump.

When Rump and his backers took this to court, the Judge demanded concrete evidence. They had none and he ended up dismissing the suite. You have no proof, no facts, nothing. IF you had, it would have already been presented in Court and actions would be taken to prevent it from happening. We deal in Facts and Truths. You deal in 2014 Foreign created Conspiracies. Present facts, get it into the courts or no one sane will take your nonsense seriously.
I guess we'll see if my prediction is correct.

I'll go ahead and make 1 more.

If I'm right, you wont admit it. In fact you and your leftists pals will go to great lengths lying to yourself that it never happened.

On Rump trying to (and already has) interfere with the election, I wished I were wrong but it's reality. When you Party of the Rumpers so hard to interfere with the elections are so apparent it is no wonder that you want to divert attention away from your own divisive behavior. There are enough of these actions from your bunch that we pretty well know what's going on. The American People aren't as dumb as you give them credit for.

There is proof that the Party of the Rumpers are constantly interfering in the Election. Now it's your turn to provide the proof that the Democrats are interfering in it as well. Or are they just countermanding your own efforts.

1) leftists are changing the voting laws during an election.

2) leftists are changing the debate rules during an election.

Just 2 easy ones.

The Left is upholding the voting laws during the election. You Rumpers are trying to change the laws during the election. But since you can't seem to do that, you go back to your old tricks and also tie thing up in the court system.

Leftists are not changing the debating rules. The Spoiled little 8 year old Man-child forced those changes. And they don't know if he can or cannot spread Covid 19 right now. We already learned that his "Doctor" lies out his ass if Rump tells him to.

You got owned and you know it. Your anger is the proof.
I just saw this tonight.

Bob Dole claims no Republicans on debate commission support Trump

He put out this tweet.

"The Commission on Presidential Debates is supposedly bipartisan w/ an equal number of Rs and Ds.
I know all of the Republicans and most are friends of mine.
I am concerned that none of them support @realDonaldTrump. A biased Debate Commission is unfair.

Well, see, naturally there would be a bias against Trump because smart people have a bias against idiots.
What is the debate commission doing that is unfair? The rules are same for both candidates.
What is unfair is that only pro Democratic Party moderators are chosen to ask questions so Joe Biden gets softballs and Donald Trump gets 100 mph fastballs with a crooked umpire calling every pitch a striker.
Chris Wallace, Anchor, Fox News Sunday if anything leans right. He would only be considered pro democrat in comparison to Hannity or Limbaugh.
Steve Scully, Senior Executive Producer & Political Editor, C-SPAN Networks is about as middle of road as you can get.
Kristen Welker, Co-Anchor Weekend TODAY, White House Correspondent, NBC News and the same can be said of her.

Trump would consider anybody any further to the left than Hannity as pro democrat. As far as hardball questions, how in the world can you not serve up a hardball question for Trump on Covid when he has managed an epidemic in which the US has 5 times the deaths of the rest world relative to population , whose has told the public it's just the flu and opposed just about every preventive measure to come out the CDC.
You defend BIAS, also known as cheating.

It is obvious that the Commission on Presidential Debates wants to make sure Biden is given easy questions.
What easy questions? The right wing in the Senate voted to keep Your guy in office regardless of the findings.

The "findings" of the Democrats in the Senate were base on hatred for TRUMP, not actual facts.

Ironically, although BOTH President Obama and President TRUMP gave aid to UKRAINE to defend itself against Russia, IT WAS TRUMP who gave them MILITARY FIRE POWER,

As to TRUMP looking into Biden's overt corruption in UKRAINE, that is part of the chief law enforcement officer's job and the evidence of a quid pro quo by BIDEN is beyond dispute.

I just saw this tonight.

Bob Dole claims no Republicans on debate commission support Trump

He put out this tweet.

"The Commission on Presidential Debates is supposedly bipartisan w/ an equal number of Rs and Ds.
I know all of the Republicans and most are friends of mine.
I am concerned that none of them support @realDonaldTrump. A biased Debate Commission is unfair.

Well, see, naturally there would be a bias against Trump because smart people have a bias against idiots.
What is the debate commission doing that is unfair? The rules are same for both candidates.
What is unfair is that only pro Democratic Party moderators are chosen to ask questions so Joe Biden gets softballs and Donald Trump gets 100 mph fastballs with a crooked umpire calling every pitch a striker.
Chris Wallace, Anchor, Fox News Sunday if anything leans right. He would only be considered pro democrat in comparison to Hannity or Limbaugh.
Steve Scully, Senior Executive Producer & Political Editor, C-SPAN Networks is about as middle of road as you can get.
Kristen Welker, Co-Anchor Weekend TODAY, White House Correspondent, NBC News and the same can be said of her.

Trump would consider anybody any further to the left than Hannity as pro democrat. As far as hardball questions, how in the world can you not serve up a hardball question for Trump on Covid when he has managed an epidemic in which the US has 5 times the deaths of the rest world relative to population , whose has told the public it's just the flu and opposed just about every preventive measure to come out the CDC.

Chris Wallace is pro Democratic Party by the way. The PROOF would be in that unfair, idiotic question about having TRUMP condemn "White Supremacists" and Biden condemn Antifa, trying to draw an equivalent to their destructive behavior.

Wallace knew, and TRUMP pointed out, that the violence was almost exclusively left wing. Wallace pressed the case because a group know as the PROUD BOYS had stood up tp Antifa thugs.

TRUMP then said, referring to the PROUD BOYS, saying "Stand down and Stand by". The MSM then went ballistic, saying TRUMP did not condemn white supremacists. Of course the PROUD BOYS are not White Supremacists, but when does the MSM care about actual facts?

Biden said that ANTIFA was an idea more then an actual group...of course Wallace accepted that nonsense with no follow-up.
To Billy000

This is Bob Dole's tweet; Dole is the person who characterizes the Debate Commission as being " biased" and "unfair."

The Commission on Presidential Debates is supposedly bipartisan w/ an equal number of Rs and Ds. I know all of the Republicans and most are friends of mine. I am concerned that none of them support @realDonaldTrump. A biased Debate Commission is unfair.

- Senator Bob Dole (@SenatorDole) October 9, 2020
To Billy000

This is Bob Dole's tweet; Dole is the person who characterizes the Debate Commission as being " biased" and "unfair."

The Commission on Presidential Debates is supposedly bipartisan w/ an equal number of Rs and Ds. I know all of the Republicans and most are friends of mine. I am concerned that none of them support @realDonaldTrump. A biased Debate Commission is unfair.

- Senator Bob Dole (@SenatorDole) October 9, 2020
Yeah, dude I get it. You’re taking something Bob Dole said who has no direct involvement in the debates as proof that there is a conspiracy to undermine Trump. You do realize how ridiculous this sounds right?
To Billy000

This is Bob Dole's tweet; Dole is the person who characterizes the Debate Commission as being " biased" and "unfair."

The Commission on Presidential Debates is supposedly bipartisan w/ an equal number of Rs and Ds. I know all of the Republicans and most are friends of mine. I am concerned that none of them support @realDonaldTrump. A biased Debate Commission is unfair.

- Senator Bob Dole (@SenatorDole) October 9, 2020
Yeah, dude I get it. You’re taking something Bob Dole said who has no direct involvement in the debates as proof that there is a conspiracy to undermine Trump. You do realize how ridiculous this sounds right?
I don't know how many people are on the Debate Commission? The Rs and Ds are equal in number, so let us say 10, for the sake of the discussion. Now if 10 out of 10 or 9 out of 10 are voting for BIDEN, don't you think that is a problem?

In the first debate, Chris Wallace made up the questions himself and he NEVER asked Biden if he participated in the Russian Collusion Hoax. Now, if Tucker Carlson decided on the questions, that topic would have likely come up.

I'm not saying Tucker would have been the best moderator and I am not saying he would not have been the best moderator, but one can see the importance of balance in the Commission on Presidential Debates.
Even Pew research said 93% of the media is LIBERAL! It's absolutely CRIMINAL that the mainstream media is basically an ARM of the Democratic party!!
You’re biased, I’m biased and the person to your left and right are biased and there's nothing wrong with that as along as we recognize it. America is probably the only nation on earth where the public entertains the idea of a neutral media. Media in regard to politics has always been biased but when a politician lies to the public on an epic scale, media bias increases on an epic scale. This is due to the simple fact that anyone that considers themselves a journalists can't report obvious lies without pointing them out as such.
The Washington establishment is UNHINGED that an outsider has taken control of their $4 trillion a year slush fund.

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