How much of a positive or negative difference have you noticed in the economy under Trump?

In my experience I've seen...

  • No difference as I sit behind a desk and don't really work with consumers to notice a difference.

  • A mild uptic in consumer confidence

  • A large jump in consumer confidence

  • No change from my perspective

  • A slow down in the economy

  • Trump is fucking everything up

  • My welfare checks stopped/went unchanged

  • I am incapable of honest reflections

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Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Everyone has a perspective, what's yours?

Personally I noticed a difference in customer calls even before Trump took office. Within a week of his victory the uptick in remodeling requests jumped quite dramatically.
401k stopped losing money and gained it all back and more. More jobs, more businesses opening. Oil production has gone up..
From a personal perspective, it was a great first year under Trump. Portfolios and 401ks were kicking ass and I was even doing some of my own penny stock trading on the side for the fun.

That all has come to a screeching halt. The DJI is at where it was in early Dec, the S&P where it was in early Jan and the NASDAQ where it was in mid-Jan. And our investments are in the same boat, stagnant.

On a work level, I work in the Ag industry so the POTUS has just about zero impact on my work, though we had a bump in data request at the start of the Trump Trade war, that has now leveled off and it is business as usual.
2017 was the worse year for jobs since 2012.
Inflation is increasing the price of food big time
Gas prices are the highest since 2014

Not good
I work in housing in the Twin Cities. Huge market boom with major labor shortage of skilled workers.
Most housing going up is higher end.
I have seen no real change but somewhat down...however my state’s been an economic mess.
Gasoline prices are creeping back to $3 a gallon at the pump. Probably be back to $5 a gallon in no time.
2017 was the worse year for jobs since 2012.
Inflation is increasing the price of food big time
Gas prices are the highest since 2014

Not good
Gas is not something affected much by presidents, but I have felt the increase and really notice the higher cost of food.
2017 was the worse year for jobs since 2012.
Inflation is increasing the price of food big time
Gas prices are the highest since 2014

Not good
Gas is not something affected much by presidents, but I have felt the increase and really notice the higher cost of food.
And with tariffs on incoming cars they'll be going up too That tax cut is Puffffffff
2017 was the worse year for jobs since 2012.
Inflation is increasing the price of food big time
Gas prices are the highest since 2014

Not good
Gas is not something affected much by presidents, but I have felt the increase and really notice the higher cost of food.
And with tariffs on incoming cars they'll be going up too That tax cut is Puffffffff
Tax cut has made no difference to me at this point.
I'm not a cheerleader for a bubble and/or feel good economy

Trump is sowing the seeds of economic disaster

effin' wall street 1%er

2017 was the worse year for jobs since 2012.
Inflation is increasing the price of food big time
Gas prices are the highest since 2014

Not good
Gas is not something affected much by presidents, but I have felt the increase and really notice the higher cost of food.
And with tariffs on incoming cars they'll be going up too That tax cut is Puffffffff
Tax cut has made no difference to me at this point.
And to most Americans,,,,,,, Billionaires are doing well though

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