How much of the Mix can Renewables be?

I keep reading the RW trolls here say that "subsidies" are the reason we are seeing Solar and Wind/Renewables.
this is False and has been for YEARS.
and why it was 2/3 of spending in 2016 climbing to 85% in 2021.
The Right Wingers (and even some Green supporters) are living in 2010.

FORBES - the Conservative Business Magazine. 2019

Renewable Energy Is Now The Cheapest Option - Even Without Subsidies

James Ellsmoor
Jun 15, 2019

Have a nice page!
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Fuck you, @abu afak ....Show your business plan that gets to a net gain, and show your math, or STFU.
False challenge clown.
I showed actual other large business are now putting 85% of their money into renewables.
You are both a hostile and empty @hole.

Once again the Troll ToadStoolParrot has embarrassed himself by giving your Jurk-off low IQ post a like.
False challenge clown.
I showed actual other large business are now putting 85% of their money into renewables.
You are both a hostile and empty @hole.

Once again the Troll ToadStoolParrot has embarrassed himself by giving your Jurk-off low IQ post a like.

"Large businesses" are putting their money into where the "free" money is....That's how human nature works.

Real challenge:

Show the profit model from the actual technology, less the massive subsidies, or STFU.
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I keep reading that "subsidies" are the reason we are seeing Solar and Wind/Renewables.
this is False and has been for YEARS.
and why it was 2/3 of spending in 2016 climbing to 85% in 2021.
The Right Wingers (and even some Green supporters) are living in 2010.

FORBES - the Conservative Business Magazine. 2019

Renewable Energy Is Now The Cheapest Option - Even Without Subsidies

James Ellsmoor
Jun 15, 2019


Renewable Energy Is Now The Cheapest Option - Even Without Subsidies​

Only when you leave out the cost of storage.
I keep reading that "subsidies" are the reason we are seeing Solar and Wind/Renewables.
this is False and has been for YEARS.
and why it was 2/3 of spending in 2016 climbing to 85% in 2021.
The Right Wingers (and even some Green supporters) are living in 2010.

FORBES - the Conservative Business Magazine. 2019

Renewable Energy Is Now The Cheapest Option - Even Without Subsidies

James Ellsmoor
Jun 15, 2019


Thanks for the link.


It was hilarious!!!
View attachment 695086

abu has some sand in his vag..........
Completely justified and board legal.
and All FOLLOWING a Neg from YOU.

You are a one-line Troll, heel nipper, and stalker, while I post all the Meat/Haymakers.
Show us your Paragraphs, Thread starts.
You are a TROLL unable to write any coherent explanatory/Conversant posts.
Nothing funnier than watching you and Ding put up 3 pages/60 posts of one-liners in an hour, (or 10/15 worthless pages between you) ruining threads instead of enhancing them
You degrade this board and yourself troll.
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Completely justified and board legal.
and All FOLLOWING a Neg from YOU.

You are a one-line Troll/heel nipper, while I post all the Meat/Haymakers.
Show us your Paragraphs, Thread starts.
You are a TROLL unable to write any coherent explanatory/Conversant posts.

Completely justified and board legal.

Your whining is completely legal. And hilarious.

You are a TROLL unable to write any coherent explanatory/Conversant posts.

Fine. Let's talk about the silly claim....

Renewable Energy Is Now The Cheapest Option - Even Without Subsidies​

There is a coal powerplant in Illinois, the Baldwin Generating Center.


According to this, its nameplate capacity is 1806 MW.

How many MW of nameplate capacity solar should be built to replace this plant?
Oh look I embarrassed Trollster into almost writing something.
I say 'almost' because he breaks up his opponents posts into less than full sentences/ideas and then disingenuously replies/Trolls them.
He can't write a paragraph though/still.
He can't help his Trolling self.

Enjoying getting outed for the low life you are son?


How's that sandy vag?

No answer?
Completely justified and board legal.
and All FOLLOWING a Neg from YOU.

You are a one-line Troll, heel nipper, and stalker, while I post all the Meat/Haymakers.
Show us your Paragraphs, Thread starts.
You are a TROLL unable to write any coherent explanatory/Conversant posts.
Nothing funnier than watching you and Ding put up 3 pages/60 posts of one-liners in an hour, (or 10/15 worthless pages between you) ruining threads instead of enhancing them
You degrade this board and yourself troll.

Pointing out your idiocy gets you upset.

Don't cry.
Completely justified and board legal.
and All FOLLOWING a Neg from YOU.

You are/remain a one-line Troll, heel nipper, and stalker, while I post all the Meat/Haymakers.
Show us your Paragraphs, Thread starts.
You are a TROLL unable to write any coherent explanatory/Conversant posts.
Nothing funnier than watching you and Ding put up 3 pages/60 posts of one-liners in an hour, (or 10/15 worthless pages between you) ruining threads instead of enhancing them
You degrade this board and yourself troll.


You won't tell me how many MW of solar are needed to replace this coal plant?


Is it because you can't see the screen through your tears?

Maybe you can backup the claim about "the heavily-subsidized fossil fuel industry"?


After you change your tampon?
You won't tell me how many MW of solar are needed to replace this coal plant?

View attachment 695089

Is it because you can't see the screen through your tears?

Maybe you can backup the claim about "the heavily-subsidized fossil fuel industry"?


After you change your tampon?

Oh look a stupid Riddle/False challenge!

I embarrassed Trollster into almost writing something.
I say 'almost' because he breaks up his opponents posts into less than full sentences/ideas and then disingenuously replies/Trolls them.
He can't write a Paragraph though/still.
He can't help his Trolling self.

Enjoying getting outed for the non-conversant low life you are son?

NOTE his usual/Always LAST-WORDING Troll/MEME Below.
He is/remains non-conversant on ANY topic.
Cannot write a Paragraph or make a Thread start in the section!
Last edited:
Oh look I embarrassed Trollster into almost writing something.
I say 'almost' because he breaks up his opponents posts into less than full sentences/ideas and then disingenuously replies/Trolls them.
He can't write a Paragraph though/still.
He can't help his Trolling self.

Enjoying getting outed for the non-conversant low life you are son?


Oh look a stupid Riddle/False challenge!

I embarrassed Trollster into almost writing something.
I say 'almost' because he breaks up his opponents posts into less than full sentences/ideas and then disingenuously replies/Trolls them.
He can't write a Paragraph though/still.
He can't help his Trolling self.

Enjoying getting outed for the non-conversant low life you are son?

NOTE his usual/Always LAST-WORDING Troll/MEME Below.
He is/remains non-conversant on ANY topic.
Cannot write a Paragraph or make a Thread start in the section!

You should stop posting so much "meat". Durr
False challenge clown.
I showed actual other large business are now putting 85% of their money into renewables.
You are both a hostile and empty @hole.

Once again the Troll ToadStoolParrot has embarrassed himself by giving your Jurk-off low IQ post a like.
Show your math or STFU, sandy.
50-80% looks very possible to me. After that, it's very tricky.
We have been adding renewables in Vast majority last 5 years: 2/3 (2016) - 85% (2021).
How much of the mix is possible/can they ultimately be.. how soon.
I posted this pair years ago as part of my series of the most Major issues in the debate.
Two opinions:

1. Is 100% renewable energy realistic? Here’s what we know.

"...Today’s models, at least, appear to agree that “a diversified mix of low-CO2 generation resources” add up to a more cost-effective path to deep decarbonization than 100% renewables. This is particularly true above 60% or 80% decarbonization, when the costs of the renewables-only option rise sharply.​
Again, it’s all about balancing out VRE. The easiest way to do that is with fast, flexible natural gas plants, but you can’t get past around 60% decarbonization with a large fleet of gas plants running. Getting to 80% or beyond means closing or idling lots of those plants. So you need other balancing options."..."​
Some say 100% os possible, I don't see it any time soon without new technology.

2. 100% renewable energy - Wikipedia

"...Two potentially large sources of dispatchable carbon-free power are nuclear and fossil fuels with carbon capture and sequestration (CCS). Suffice it to say, a variety of people oppose one or both of those sources, for a variety of reasons.​
So then the question becomes, can we balance out VRE in a deeply decarbonized grid without them? Do our other dispatchable balancing options add up to something sufficient?
That is the core of the dispute over 100% renewable energy: whether it is possible (or advisable) to decarbonize the grid without nuclear and CCS."..."​

Carbon capture is going to be too expensive.

We need to double down on the next generation of nuclear reactors

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