How much should a Police officer be paid?

I can save some time by telling you that the conservative consensus around here is that the police are overpaid, lazy parasites.


You haven't read the postings of the last week or so?

The hatred for the overpaid lazy parasitic public sector unionized employees is neck deep around here.

Now the Right wants to backtrack and kiss the ass of law enforcement, eh? Sorry, you don't get the free pass, you hypocrites.
How much? As much as they are worth and wanted. Here in my neck of the woods, that's all we have. Those in our small town LOVE our sheriffs. They were going to pull out due to budget cuts and rent on the building because it's just a substation. The town had a hissy. The building owner lowered the rent substantially and we got to keep them. Lucky us!

What is the preservation of Liberty, and the preservation of the Constitution worth?


What's the education of our children worth?
I can save some time by telling you that the conservative consensus around here is that the police are overpaid, lazy parasites.

I guess you're wrong again, as usual. Stick YOUR ass out there and get shot at. Got nothing to do with politics.

Then why do you want to want to take away their right to even bargain with their employer for better wages and benefits?

Why do you want to effectively bust their unions?
I can save some time by telling you that the conservative consensus around here is that the police are overpaid, lazy parasites.
I guess you're wrong again, as usual. Stick YOUR ass out there and get shot at. Got nothing to do with politics.
Then why do you want to want to take away their right to even bargain with their employer for better wages and benefits?
Unions exist to protect private interests against other competing private intersts.
Their employer is the state, not a private company.
That is, their competing interest is... you.
Thus, the difference.
I was talking to a guy at work the other day about this very thing. He knows two state troopers, who happened to be married, who retired awhile back,

at $100,000 a year pensions - each! They ran up their pension benefits with massive overtime amounts in their last 3 years working, which is what the pension is based on.
I guess you're wrong again, as usual. Stick YOUR ass out there and get shot at. Got nothing to do with politics.
Then why do you want to want to take away their right to even bargain with their employer for better wages and benefits?
Unions exist to protect private interests against other competing private intersts.
Their employer is the state, not a private company.
That is, their competing interest is... you.
Thus, the difference.

So you do support abolishing police unions. Okay, so how many here agree with M14?

(the same M14 who supports felons having firearms, lol, no wonder then your contempt for the police).
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I can save some time by telling you that the conservative consensus around here is that the police are overpaid, lazy parasites.


You haven't read the postings of the last week or so?

The hatred for the overpaid lazy parasitic public sector unionized employees is neck deep around here.

Now the Right wants to backtrack and kiss the ass of law enforcement, eh? Sorry, you don't get the free pass, you hypocrites.

The right respects men who are willing to strap on a gun and vest on behalf of our citizens to protect them from threats foreign and domestic.

Thats a bit different from the social studies teacher who preaches liberalism to the students and calls the police when his neighbor's dog barks because he's too chicken shit to knock on his neighbors door and ask them to put fido up.
Not one dime more than an American soldier gets paid. Not one damn dime.

Amen - Brother. Cops are the enforcers to those stupid rules the government criminals make for us citizens but exempt themselves from. Screw them. They never protect & serve the people, only their government masters. On one occasion my car quit & I needed assistance. The thug cop said he would call a tow-truck to impound my car after writing me a ticket for being stopped on the shoulder - WTF!!! They sure love to spray mace & tear-gas (chemical weapons) at people for exercising their first amendment rights.

Here is an example of what these millionaires get paid to crack us over the head with their batons.

Police Chief made $813,000 on retirement year.
- Richard Miranda. The ex-Tucson police chief is now the city's deputy city manager, whose responsibilities include overseeing the police department. He got $511,570 from DROP in June 2008. Salary: $166,941. Pension: $134,054.

- Jesse Locksa. The ex-Maricopa County Sheriff's Office deputy chief is now a dispatch commander. He received $576,463 from DROP in January 2007. Salary: $70,969. Pension: $97,890.

- Timothy Overton. The ex-Maricopa County Sheriff's Office deputy chief is now a forensics commander. He got $445,518 from DROP in August 2007. Salary: $70,969. Pension: $75,186.

- Gerard Sheridan. The ex-Maricopa County Sheriff's Office executive chief is now acting chief deputy. He got $440,441 from DROP in November 2008. Salary: $143,000. Pension: $77,239.

- Lawrence Black. The ex-Maricopa County Sheriff's Office deputy chief is now an administrator on paid leave amid an internal investigation. He received $386,955 from DROP in July 2007. Salary: $79,996. Pension: $64,089.

- Steven Werner. The ex-Maricopa County Sheriff's Office deputy chief is now an intelligence analyst. He received $365,272 from DROP in January 2008. Salary: $62,940. Pension: $62,261.

- Rollie Seebert. The ex-Maricopa County Sheriff's Office deputy chief is now a detention academy commander. He received $270,405 from DROP in November 2006. Salary: $82,894. Pension: $61,983.

As a former cop of 8 years, I wanna say thanks to all of you who posted positive things about law enforcement. Yes, it's an incredibly tough job and getting harder thanks to sleazy lawyers. But they do the job anyway.

As far as pay, I have an interesting perspective on this. Yes, I was among the officers who was sure we deserved to be paid more.

BUT I had an old veteran sergeant put it into perspective for me in a really awesome way. Here is what he said:

"Yeah, we'd all like to make $80,000 a year. But if we did, how many people would become cops for the money? And if your daughter is in a school shooting like Columbine, who do you want coming to save her ? A cop who is in it for the money? Or a cop is in it despite the money?"

And that summed it up all I needed. Cops do the job despite the money. Risk getting killed for strangers, a lot of times for strangers who hate cops. And that is what makes cops, soldiers and firemen different from anyone else. They risk death on behalf of others. The safety of all of us depends on cops, soldiers, and firemen taking that risk. Thus, if we pay them $100,000 a year, we'll inevitably end up with a few cops who are in it ONLY for the pay, and at the first call where they must risk their life, they will not do it. They'll back out and show cowardice, and a citizen is hurt or killed. We cannot afford to have anyone in a police, military or fire uniform that hesitates to take that risk. Thus, the pay must be modest in order to only attract and retain the people who are willing to take that risk and are only in the job for the honor and duty of the job, not the pay.

That is why they are different than teachers, politicians, or the "most dangerous job in the world" of a crab fisherman, miner, logger, etc. All of those jobs are either important or dangerous. But none of them are both important, dangerous AND causes each citizens safety to be dependent on them performing that job.

So trying to compare cops, soldiers or firemen to a teacher, politician, steel worker, logger, or fisherman is just a bad comparison because no other job in society puts the direct safety of all citizens at the mercy of the person being willing to risk their lives to do the job. And thats why none of them can be very highly paid, because we can't risk people in those 3 jobs who are in it only for the money, because they'll fail and not take that risk.

So, a modest, average wage for cops is fair. $40,000 or so. Good benefits. They deserve a good wage, but the profession cannot attract those in it for the money. Thats my take.
I can save some time by telling you that the conservative consensus around here is that the police are overpaid, lazy parasites.

I could have saved you making an ass of yourself if you'd told me you were gonna post this bullshit before you did so.

Oh well, too late now. Carry on speaking on behalf of people you don't know and continue making yourself look ridiculous. It's vaguely entertaining.
Not one dime more than an American soldier gets paid. Not one damn dime.

Amen - Brother. Cops are the enforcers to those stupid rules the government criminals make for us citizens but exempt themselves from. Screw them. They never protect & serve the people, only their government masters. On one occasion my car quit & I needed assistance. The thug cop said he would call a tow-truck to impound my car after writing me a ticket for being stopped on the shoulder - WTF!!! They sure love to spray mace & tear-gas (chemical weapons) at people for exercising their first amendment rights.

Here is an example of what these millionaires get paid to crack us over the head with their batons.

Police Chief made $813,000 on retirement year.
- Richard Miranda. The ex-Tucson police chief is now the city's deputy city manager, whose responsibilities include overseeing the police department. He got $511,570 from DROP in June 2008. Salary: $166,941. Pension: $134,054.

- Jesse Locksa. The ex-Maricopa County Sheriff's Office deputy chief is now a dispatch commander. He received $576,463 from DROP in January 2007. Salary: $70,969. Pension: $97,890.

- Timothy Overton. The ex-Maricopa County Sheriff's Office deputy chief is now a forensics commander. He got $445,518 from DROP in August 2007. Salary: $70,969. Pension: $75,186.

- Gerard Sheridan. The ex-Maricopa County Sheriff's Office executive chief is now acting chief deputy. He got $440,441 from DROP in November 2008. Salary: $143,000. Pension: $77,239.

- Lawrence Black. The ex-Maricopa County Sheriff's Office deputy chief is now an administrator on paid leave amid an internal investigation. He received $386,955 from DROP in July 2007. Salary: $79,996. Pension: $64,089.

- Steven Werner. The ex-Maricopa County Sheriff's Office deputy chief is now an intelligence analyst. He received $365,272 from DROP in January 2008. Salary: $62,940. Pension: $62,261.

- Rollie Seebert. The ex-Maricopa County Sheriff's Office deputy chief is now a detention academy commander. He received $270,405 from DROP in November 2006. Salary: $82,894. Pension: $61,983.

All but 1 of your examples are Maricopa County. The MC citizens must not mind, because they keep re-electing Sheriff Joe at Maricopa County. The taxpayers like the service they are paying for, so get over it. When the MC citizens vote him out, then complain.

And I suppose you want our highways to look like Mexico with abandoned and busted down cars littering the roads, making it an obstacle course to drive through? No? Thats why they tow busted and abandoned cars from out of the road. That AND the fact that it is extremely dangerous to be out of a car on a highway with passing traffic. I suppose it'd be better if he stood there with you for 2 hours and risked getting killed by a passing car? Nope. Next time, maintain your vehicle in proper working order, or keep enough gas in your car.
How much should a Police officer by paid?

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You haven't read the postings of the last week or so?

The hatred for the overpaid lazy parasitic public sector unionized employees is neck deep around here.

Now the Right wants to backtrack and kiss the ass of law enforcement, eh? Sorry, you don't get the free pass, you hypocrites.

The right respects men who are willing to strap on a gun and vest on behalf of our citizens to protect them from threats foreign and domestic.

Thats a bit different from the social studies teacher who preaches liberalism to the students and calls the police when his neighbor's dog barks because he's too chicken shit to knock on his neighbors door and ask them to put fido up.

If education is of little worth,

why are policemen required to have a high school diploma to even apply for the job?
I can save some time by telling you that the conservative consensus around here is that the police are overpaid, lazy parasites.

I could have saved you making an ass of yourself if you'd told me you were gonna post this bullshit before you did so.

Oh well, too late now. Carry on speaking on behalf of people you don't know and continue making yourself look ridiculous. It's vaguely entertaining.

I already proved that The T thinks public employees are parasites. Do you wish to actually state your own position for once?
You haven't read the postings of the last week or so?

The hatred for the overpaid lazy parasitic public sector unionized employees is neck deep around here.

Now the Right wants to backtrack and kiss the ass of law enforcement, eh? Sorry, you don't get the free pass, you hypocrites.

The right respects men who are willing to strap on a gun and vest on behalf of our citizens to protect them from threats foreign and domestic.

Thats a bit different from the social studies teacher who preaches liberalism to the students and calls the police when his neighbor's dog barks because he's too chicken shit to knock on his neighbors door and ask them to put fido up.

If education is of little worth,

why are policemen required to have a high school diploma to even apply for the job?

Well, it they are a CALEA accredited department (which any reputable dept is) then they must have an equivalent of a 2 yr college degree.

To the next point.......and education is important. But what liberal teachers are spewing in our classrooms these days is not education. Teaching a student, as in instructing them, disciplining them, teaching them people skills, etc, is important. But turning on an Al Gore movie and reading straight from the book while counting down minutes til lunch is not that tough. Get rid of tenure, and maybe our gets will get a real education. Get rid of tenure AND unions, and it'll be even better. Thats why private schools are so much better than public ones.
: But none of them are both important, dangerous AND causes each citizens safety to be dependent on them performing that job.


And yet, ironically, I've never heard a conservative condemn Ronald Reagan for breaking the air traffic controllers' union.

In fact, wasn't that one of the actions that made Ronald Reagan the conservative HERO that he is?

How soon we forget...

...hypocrisy is often merely an exercise in absentmindedness.
: But none of them are both important, dangerous AND causes each citizens safety to be dependent on them performing that job.


And yet, ironically, I've never heard a conservative condemn Ronald Reagan for breaking the air traffic controllers' union.

In fact, wasn't that one of the actions that made Ronald Reagan the conservative HERO that he is?

How soon we forget...

...hypocrisy is often merely an exercise in absentmindedness.

Huh? Why would we? Where did I say police or fire should have a union???? Neither should.

For one, how can an organization be founded on a chain of command in which one must follow orders.....but also be in a union that can strike or "slow down"?

I absolutely believe police and fire and military should not be unionized (military can't anyway) because they are basically holding the citizen's physical safety hostage until their demands are met. Thats wrong.

I 100% do not think police or fire should be unionized. If my daughter was being stalked by an insane ex, I do not want a union officer handling her case, who might take part in a "work slowdown" if his police union says to.

So not sure where you saw I said police should be union. They shouldn't. Our safety depends on cops, firemen, soldiers, air traffic control. They shouldn't be union, as that takes our safety hostage. And if a city treats cops like crap, they'll quit, because PD's are ALWAYS hiring due to job turnover, and a city will thus have poor performance, higher crime, etc, until they make the move to attract and retain better officers. Police work values experience above all else in that job, and a non-union dept still must treat it's people good or they'll lose experienced officers to a dept that will treat them right. No need for a union.
So you do support abolishing police unions.
Nothnig I said supprts this statement.
the same M14 who supports felons having firearms
This is, of course, is a outright lie.
Do you want to go through that again? Do you want to see your quote again about background checks being unconstitutional?
Yes - I would very much like to see you again embarass yourself by trying to show that from the argument that background checks are a form of prior restraint and therefore unconstitutional necessarily follows the position that the prohibition agaiinst felons owning firearms is unconstitutional.

Show us, oh grand master of the non-sequitur, how this is.

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