How much should the rich pay in taxes ??


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
this is a question for for libbs and conservatives .how much should the rich pay ?? what % of their income should they pay in taxes ?? please be honest !!! if you are a libb and think 50% is the fair amount say it !! if you are a repub and believe 5% is the fair amount say it !!:eusa_whistle:
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The same rates that Americans paid under that PINKO COMMIE Eisenhower!!!

90% for top earners. It discouraged profit-taking at the expense of worker wages.
i've always believed that everyone should pay the same % but have come to realize that the top 1% should be taxed a bit higher. the problem is that politicians, from period to period, will play with that % to their advantage.

so, to answer your question, i don't have a clue.
i've always believed that everyone should pay the same % but have come to realize that the top 1% should be taxed a bit higher. the problem is that politicians, from period to period, will play with that % to their advantage.

so, to answer your question, i don't have a clue.
what % should the top 1% pay ??
this is a question for for libbs and conservatives .how much should the rich pay ?? what % of their income should they pay in taxes ?? please be honest !!! if you are a libb and think 50% is the fair amount say it !! if you are a repub and believe 5% is the fair amount say it !!:eusa_whistle:

I have to defer on this. I don't want anything to change until the politicians get hell bent serious about reducing the debt...AND I MEAN REDUCING THE BOTTOM LINE! The additional revenue they would recieve would just end up with more out of control spending. Until then, fuck em.
The same rates that Americans paid under that PINKO COMMIE Eisenhower!!!

90% for top earners. It discouraged profit-taking at the expense of worker wages.

I'd suggest killing yourself but you'd probably find a way to screw that up resulting in death of bystanders so I'll just applaud you for your ability to count to potato.
41.5% then erase:

1. Bush tax cuts forever

2. corporate subsidies forever

3. off shore stashes forever

4. all special interest campaign contributions

5. taxpayer assistance of any sort = insist on the Free Market aka pay your own way

6. self investigation of congressional members

I'd suggest it is time to clean house!!!
41.5% then erase:

1. Bush tax cuts forever

2. corporate subsidies forever

3. off shore stashes forever

4. all special interest campaign contributions

5. taxpayer assistance of any sort = insist on the Free Market aka pay your own way

6. self investigation of congressional members

I'd suggest it is time to clean house!!!

So you want everyone to pay the 41.5%?
41.5% then erase:

1. Bush tax cuts forever

2. corporate subsidies forever

3. off shore stashes forever

4. all special interest campaign contributions

5. taxpayer assistance of any sort = insist on the Free Market aka pay your own way

6. self investigation of congressional members

I'd suggest it is time to clean house!!!

So you want everyone to pay the 41.5%?

That was not the question...
this is a question for for libbs and conservatives .how much should the rich pay ?? what % of their income should they pay in taxes ?? please be honest !!! if you are a libb and think 50% is the fair amount say it !! if you are a repub and believe 5% is the fair amount say it !!:eusa_whistle:
My rough guess is something like this:
People making less then $40,000 should not have to pay taxes, it is enough that they contribute by working, paying taxes on food, gas etc.
Person making $100,000+ after expenses could/should pay about 15% - this is after any investments he made in his business...
Person making $250,000+ after expenses could/should pay about 25%
Person making $500,000+ after expenses could/should pay about 40%

I believe there should be absolutely no property tax, it is inhumane to push people out of their homes after they have been working all their lives to pay for it. I believe government is way overtaxing us, only many of us are idiots and do not realise it because we ourselves don't make enough, but every time we pay a toll, or high gas, even the internet bill - consider yourself being taxed, because ISP's bought internet from the government - it was invented by military, and at first the charge was $5/month - this is also tax. all these things drain our economy.
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41.5% then erase:

1. Bush tax cuts forever

2. corporate subsidies forever

3. off shore stashes forever

4. all special interest campaign contributions

5. taxpayer assistance of any sort = insist on the Free Market aka pay your own way

6. self investigation of congressional members

I'd suggest it is time to clean house!!!

So you want everyone to pay the 41.5%?

That was not the question...

That was a question. Direct to ewe from the Miester. Can ewe answer it?
Everyone who has greater than 10 million in assets should be taxed on their assets. I believe 10% annually would be fair.

We peons should be grateful to be able to support their every little whim.

Okay, serious answer isn't possible because you don't say what kind of tax.

The problem is that people seem to believe that what we're talking about is "income" tax which is ot the case at all.

Wealth is taxed at a much lower rate that income. The uber wealthy take their wealth out of the country and hidden in off shore banks and/or businesses - as we've seen this past week with Mittens.

That's why the anti-American scum bag won't show his financial records. We already know he's got at least $13MILLION a year being invested off-shore in order to avoid taxation but is that all?

You wanna see where President Obama invests their money? It available for you to see, but not Sneaky Mitt's.
If cutting tax rates actually increases tax revenues, imagine how much money the government could take in if the big earners didn't have to pay anything.
It's a very tough question, and also a good one (much better than binary questions such as "should taxes be higher or lower?").

I'm an incrementalist, so I don't want to return to 90% marginal tax rates on the rich. That being said, I do think that tax revenues, including personal income tax revenues, should be both higher and more progressive (in the sense that the rich should pay an even larger fraction than they do now). In the long term, I think that a highest marginal tax rate of 45%-50% might be appropriate, with a possible reassessment after we see how that goes. In addition to overall rates of taxation, I think of course that restructuring of credits, deductions, etc. is in order.

In the short run, however, there's a clear Keynesian argument to be made that taxes should not be raised on anyone due to the fragility of the economy. Perhaps the best economic plan (and perhaps the most politically palatable) would be to commit as much as possible now to raising taxes a few years in the future.
I think we have the cut off at 23% for income. Unless your talking a consumption tax or a flat tax. Then it should be 12% Fixed on all goods and services regardless.

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