How much to get rid of racist old men?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
How much will it cost to make these racist old men go away? -

One of America’s foremost problems is that old racist white men are still a very powerful and entrenched force, and as they get older, they are only getting madder and more racist. They do not seem to have much of a desire to simply go away on their own. In some cases, as distasteful as it will be, we will have to give them an incentive.

I used to believe that ignorance is curable. By definition, if one learns about whatever it is they're ignorant of, they are no longer ignorant. Problem is, most racists don't want to learn and they sure as hell don't want the rest of us to learn.

Getting rid of them would have enormous implications and, IMO, would benefit all people.

It really is true that some people are alive only because its illegal to kill them.
I like your posts and think that your heart is in the right place, but this Country is great because we allow people to be who they are as long as it's not anything illegal. Being a racist is not illegal and those bastards are the minority of people in this country.
We are moving forward day after day, sometimes those people who want to go backward actually act as a valuable "counter-balance" for us going to far in one direction. So while I loathe those assholes, they do serve a purpose; they are a series of "teachable moments" that show us where we don't want to go as a Country.
How much will it cost to make these racist old men go away? -

One of America’s foremost problems is that old racist white men are still a very powerful and entrenched force, and as they get older, they are only getting madder and more racist. They do not seem to have much of a desire to simply go away on their own. In some cases, as distasteful as it will be, we will have to give them an incentive.

I used to believe that ignorance is curable. By definition, if one learns about whatever it is they're ignorant of, they are no longer ignorant. Problem is, most racists don't want to learn and they sure as hell don't want the rest of us to learn.

Getting rid of them would have enormous implications and, IMO, would benefit all people.

It really is true that some people are alive only because its illegal to kill them.
Sounds like you're suggesting violence against white people with whom you disagree or that you deem to be "racist".
[ame=]The Beautiful White Women of The Future Will Be Descended From White Racists - YouTube[/ame]
How much will it cost to make these racist old men go away? -

One of America’s foremost problems is that old racist white men are still a very powerful and entrenched force, and as they get older, they are only getting madder and more racist. They do not seem to have much of a desire to simply go away on their own. In some cases, as distasteful as it will be, we will have to give them an incentive.

I used to believe that ignorance is curable. By definition, if one learns about whatever it is they're ignorant of, they are no longer ignorant. Problem is, most racists don't want to learn and they sure as hell don't want the rest of us to learn.

Getting rid of them would have enormous implications and, IMO, would benefit all people.

It really is true that some people are alive only because its illegal to kill them. thinks that "old racist white men" is America's problem? :wtf::lmao:

Has the hack "journalist" that wrote this POS article forgotten (or ignored) the increase in Black on White violence since the Zimmerman trial? Apparently so, but not surprised. But then, so has the retards at the NAACP, the CBC, the DOJ, the White House, Sharpie and Jack(ass)son.
I like your posts and think that your heart is in the right place, but this Country is great because we allow people to be who they are as long as it's not anything illegal. Being a racist is not illegal and those bastards are the minority of people in this country.
We are moving forward day after day, sometimes those people who want to go backward actually act as a valuable "counter-balance" for us going to far in one direction. So while I loathe those assholes, they do serve a purpose; they are a series of "teachable moments" that show us where we don't want to go as a Country.

I would have to agree Pheonix. The operative word is "illegal". Having a clear memory of the pre civil rights era, I would have to say that today's older generation is not the same "establishment" that kept our elders at the back of the bus....legally.

No one is using German Shepard's and water hoses anymore to keep "the blacks" under control.

I think there will always be a segment of society that will be the designated lunatic fringe.

There will always be some whites who believe that every black man wants to rob their house and rape their wives and daughters, and that affirmative action is some evil plot concocted by liberals to allow "the blacks" to
"cheat" poor maligned white males out of the right to earn a living.

There will also be some blacks who feel that someone being white equals them being "the enemy", which is just as bad.

What the root cause of much of this rift is based on IMO is economic class and the fact that people of all races need to realize that a very small percentage in America controls the majority of the nations wealth, and that currently this country is more than ever divided category of classes. Wealthy, on the cusp of impoverished, or impoverished, with the "middle and upper middle" rapidly shrinking.
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About three more election cycles and the old white racists will be gone, and their replacement lot is about 1 newbie for every 10 feet up losers.
How much will it cost to make these racist old men go away? -

One of America’s foremost problems is that old racist white men are still a very powerful and entrenched force, and as they get older, they are only getting madder and more racist. They do not seem to have much of a desire to simply go away on their own. In some cases, as distasteful as it will be, we will have to give them an incentive.

I used to believe that ignorance is curable. By definition, if one learns about whatever it is they're ignorant of, they are no longer ignorant. Problem is, most racists don't want to learn and they sure as hell don't want the rest of us to learn.

Getting rid of them would have enormous implications and, IMO, would benefit all people.

It really is true that some people are alive only because its illegal to kill them.

I'm sorry that you have had a crappy life. :smiliehug:

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