How much trash does Hillary carry?


Gold Member
Jun 26, 2008
It is possible that Hillary Clinton has more trash on her than any other politician in History. This thread is to be about her and those around her misdeeds as many of those things have been forgotten by most.

I will start off with her brother that lived in the White House much of the time with Bill, her, and occasionally Monica. Do we remember him taking money from an individual convicted of a crime to obtain a pardon from the President at the end of his presidency?
"The Bimbo Eruption Squad" aka "nuts and sluts" was her idea and she ran it like a freaking maniac. She traded her self respect by enabling her husband's adultery for most of her adult life in exchange for political power. She is everything sane feminists should hate. Why do they support her?
"The Bimbo Eruption Squad" aka "nuts and sluts" was her idea and she ran it like a freaking maniac. She traded her self respect by enabling her husband's adultery for most of her adult life in exchange for political power. She is everything sane feminists should hate. Why do they support her?

A joke I heard one time said that Hillary and Bill first met in college. They both dated the same girl. It may not have been a joke.
U idiots are not only ignorant...ur SICK.

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How much trash does Hillary carry?

You're kidding, right? I'm willing to bet she hasn't had her hand on a trash bag in at least 25 to 30 years.
It is possible that Hillary Clinton has more trash on her than any other politician in History. This thread is to be about her and those around her misdeeds as many of those things have been forgotten by most.

I will start off with her brother that lived in the White House much of the time with Bill, her, and occasionally Monica. Do we remember him taking money from an individual convicted of a crime to obtain a pardon from the President at the end of his presidency?

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: She is scaring you loons to death,isn't she? Funny!
Why not try and list any crimes she has been convicted of? Any one can make shit up & go on a witch hunt. How about proving something beyond a reasonable doubt?
It is possible that Hillary Clinton has more trash on her than any other politician in History. This thread is to be about her and those around her misdeeds as many of those things have been forgotten by most.

I will start off with her brother that lived in the White House much of the time with Bill, her, and occasionally Monica. Do we remember him taking money from an individual convicted of a crime to obtain a pardon from the President at the end of his presidency?

Hillary Clinton has so many skeletons in her closet that every time she sneezes a bone flies out of her mouth.
Nothing other than hard evidence to the contrary is going to convince me she had a hand in the death of Vince Foster.
It is possible that Hillary Clinton has more trash on her than any other politician in History. This thread is to be about her and those around her misdeeds as many of those things have been forgotten by most.

I will start off with her brother that lived in the White House much of the time with Bill, her, and occasionally Monica. Do we remember him taking money from an individual convicted of a crime to obtain a pardon from the President at the end of his presidency?

Hillary Clinton has so many skeletons in her closet that every time she sneezes a bone flies out of her mouth.
Nothing other than hard evidence to the contrary is going to convince me she had a hand in the death of Vince Foster.

Relieved to see you say "mouth" rather than "nose" or the racist police would be all over you like flies over shit!
Why not try and list any crimes she has been convicted of? Any one can make shit up & go on a witch hunt. How about proving something beyond a reasonable doubt?

Reasonable doubt is for a court room. The Clintons are protected. No one who wants to keep their job or continue their political career will go after them.
It is possible that Hillary Clinton has more trash on her than any other politician in History. This thread is to be about her and those around her misdeeds as many of those things have been forgotten by most.

I will start off with her brother that lived in the White House much of the time with Bill, her, and occasionally Monica. Do we remember him taking money from an individual convicted of a crime to obtain a pardon from the President at the end of his presidency?

Hillary Clinton has so many skeletons in her closet that every time she sneezes a bone flies out of her mouth.
Nothing other than hard evidence to the contrary is going to convince me she had a hand in the death of Vince Foster.

Relieved to see you say "mouth" rather than "nose" or the racist police would be all over you like flies over shit!

Fuck 'em...Did you hear the latest? It is now considered to be racist if one does not care for Mexican food.
Hillary Clinton has so many skeletons in her closet that every time she sneezes a bone flies out of her mouth.
Nothing other than hard evidence to the contrary is going to convince me she had a hand in the death of Vince Foster.

Relieved to see you say "mouth" rather than "nose" or the racist police would be all over you like flies over shit!

Fuck 'em...Did you hear the latest? It is now considered to be racist if one does not care for Mexican food.
I have to go with them on that one. Just kidding.
Why not try and list any crimes she has been convicted of? Any one can make shit up & go on a witch hunt. How about proving something beyond a reasonable doubt?

Reasonable doubt is for a court room. The Clintons are protected. No one who wants to keep their job or continue their political career will go after them.

25 years of witch hunting investigations & there are no facts & none of the charges have been proven. LOL Why would anyone continue to listen to, much less believe any of the bullshit trash trumped up charges against Hillary Clinton. She should sue talk radio for slander.
It is possible that Hillary Clinton has more trash on her than any other politician in History.

Don't worry. The media will bury all of it. She'll look like Cinderella during the campaign.

There will never be one mention of

Saul Alinsky (she wrote her college thesis on him)
Getting kicked off the Watergate committee for ethical violations
Whitewater Development Company
Billy Dale and the White House Travel Office
Bimbo Eruptions Unit
Hillarycare 1993
Cursing out the Secret Service to their faces
Throwing ashtrays
Stealing the White House furniture when she left
Unconstitutional co-Presidents
Vince Foster
Narcissistic Loony Tunes
Webb Hubbell
Rose Law Firm billing records
Not responsible for every undercapitalized business
Magical cattle futures trading
Knowing nothing before Congressional investigators
Vast right-wing conspiracy

Fear not. Her secret(s)(s)(s) are safe with them.

Back then, Democrats stonewalled, evaded, refused to comply with subpoenas, concealed evidence, and lied till they were blue in the face to conceal what they had done.

Now, if/when any of these things are brought up, they will reply, "These things were discussed long ago, and all the facts were brought out then. It's old news, we need to move on."

(Sound familiar?)
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