How much will your premiums increase under Obamacare? See table for each state


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
The bureaucrats fumbling their way through Obamacare have come up with complicated formulas to decide how much each of us will pay for Obamacare, once the mandate forces us to comply. The formulas have not been released, having been kept secret for some reason.

But some people have sat down and gone through the Federal and State exchanges to find the rates required for a young person, an older person, and a family of four, for each state.

Most people in most states will see large increases. A few will see decreases.


Enrollment in Obamacare Exchanges: How Will Your Health Insurance Fare?
From the article:
Some state-based exchanges have data releases that are more limited than the 36 federal exchanges. For state exchanges, some premiums must be estimated. As is the case with all studies built to address the changes in exchange premiums, it is important to note that when more data becomes available, results could vary slightly.

This study considers the data as released by HHS. States with little data released are omitted from this study.

Individuals in most states will end up spending more on the exchanges. It is true that in some states, the experience could be the opposite. This is because those states had already over-regulated insurance markets that led to sharply higher premiums through adverse selection, as is the case of New York. Many states, however, double or nearly triple premiums for young adults. Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Kansas, and Vermont see some of the largest increases in premiums.
The bureaucrats fumbling their way through Obamacare have come up with complicated formulas to decide how much each of us will pay for Obamacare, once the mandate forces us to comply. The formulas have not been released, having been kept secret for some reason.

But some people have sat down and gone through the Federal and State exchanges to find the rates required for a young person, an older person, and a family of four, for each state.

Most people in most states will see large increases. A few will see decreases.


Enrollment in Obamacare Exchanges: How Will Your Health Insurance Fare?

American Action Forum? :lol:

Which figures are being used and being crunched by whom?

This is why America laughs at the far right.
It says right in their methodology this from the link in op:

This comparison is different from others in that, rather than comparing specific plans, it is designed to capture the difference in premium levels between the exchange and what could be acquired in the market.
So this IS NOT an apple to apple comparison, and the figures shown in the chart tell us nothing...

I truly wish someone out there would show us an apple to apple comparison, so we can see what it truly is....instead of this meaningless crud.....

I'd really like to know, how much it has gone up for an EQUAL policy, before and after exchange, if indeed it has gone up for 'an equal in' benefit coverage, deductible, and copay plan....
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Uh, FOXNews had a real man and his family of 4 from TN on this week where he said his insurance plan for his family went from $400 a month to over $1100 a month with a $24,000 deductible.

Yes, I said $24,000 deductible. Why the fuck even have insurance if you have to spend $24,000 before the insurance covers your expenses....
Heritage? The same Heritage Orrin Hatch was complaining about it being too extreme?
Uh, FOXNews had a real man and his family of 4 from TN on this week where he said his insurance plan for his family went from $400 a month to over $1100 a month with a $24,000 deductible.

Yes, I said $24,000 deductible. Why the fuck even have insurance if you have to spend $24,000 before the insurance covers your expenses....

You're dealing with Yankee, mostly New Yawk sleaze on this site. They couldn't give a a damn about the plight of someone in TN.
Uh, FOXNews had a real man and his family of 4 from TN on this week where he said his insurance plan for his family went from $400 a month to over $1100 a month with a $24,000 deductible.

Yes, I said $24,000 deductible. Why the fuck even have insurance if you have to spend $24,000 before the insurance covers your expenses....

You're dealing with Yankee, mostly New Yawk sleaze on this site. They couldn't give a a damn about the plight of someone in TN.
Well, some of us care enough about the "plight of someone in Tn'' to actually spend some time researching the Law and how it affects various States and various incomes, with the subsidy and without the subsidy....and I would suggest you do the same...if you truly do care about the "plight of someone in Tennessee"....

here's a calculator that will give you an idea of what the estimates would be if for someone in Tenn, and if they ask for a zip code for Tenn. you can google and get put in the can change various incomes to get an idea of how much out of pocket they will have to spend before the policy comes in and pays etc....these estimates are for a "silver Plan" of 30/70%....

but if the family makes less than $35000 a year, which is likely in tennessee for those seeking insurance from the exchange, their deductible is reduced to $500 as a yearly Deductible or even less if they make less, and around a $1000-$1500 out of least that is what is showing in my State's calculator at one of the sites of one of the Insurance companies participating on the if you make over $35k for a fam of 2 or more you get no further assistance other than the assistance with your premiums, but under $35 k for 2 or more people, the gvt comes in and pays most of the deductibles and out of pocket expenses for the family's plan as well....

This is the Kaiser calculator which does not show what I am talking about with what my state shows but it gives a good idea on how it all works, play around with'll learn a lot.

let me go and see if I can get the link for my state's non profit insurance company on the exchange so you can do some calculating on their site... it may not be your state, but it still can give you an idea of how the ACA and exchange will work for various different ages and incomes....

my state is a very very expensive health insurance state...and is nearly double up here for a health care policy than it would be if I lived in Florida for example, because my state is unpopulated and very spread out, and not enough Doctors want to live here, with a peaceful life but less money, they want the fast lane and bigger money....and the Lord knows they will need the bigger money to pay off their school we are in a real bind way up here....

basically, the plights for those families earning little money above the poverty level, will be subsidized nearly in full....
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I know that my family plan went up $180 for Oct, Nov, and December. In Jan it goes up an additional $20.
many and most without insurance and/or those buying full coverage individual plans on their own, can and will benefit from the Exchange, via subsidies or via a lower costing plan with equal ded, out of poc, and coverage as their existing plan....

here is who will not be helped that I can gather:

-Adults without children earning less than the poverty level, whose State does not offer the expanded medicaid coverage the ACA offered to each State.

-People who don't want insurance, never wanted insurance will be hurt slightly with the tax penalty if they are middle class and above, (lower income will get exceptions for the penalty.) providing both continue to not have insurance

-People who are middle income and above, who have bought insurance plans each year, that have minimal coverage for the basic things, or very high deductibles, but cover them with catastrophic/hospitalization, because those plans are not meeting minimum coverage...many are being dropped....though I do know a few people who have chosen the catastrophic plans still and chose to pay the penalty as well, with still savings from not having to buy a full coverage plan.

help me, if I left anyone out?

Regardless of subsidies, plans are still cheaper in group plans at employers for the middle income every day Joe....

I don't understand why our gvt, once more people sign up for insurance policies from the companies on the exchange, should not be able to negotiate a "group policy" plan from these Insurance guys....just like any group of company can.....???
Uh, FOXNews had a real man and his family of 4 from TN on this week where he said his insurance plan for his family went from $400 a month to over $1100 a month with a $24,000 deductible.

Yes, I said $24,000 deductible. Why the fuck even have insurance if you have to spend $24,000 before the insurance covers your expenses....

Something you REALLY need to read.

Sean Hannity's Obamacare 'Train Wreck' Lies Exposed - NewsHounds
The bureaucrats fumbling their way through Obamacare have come up with complicated formulas to decide how much each of us will pay for Obamacare, once the mandate forces us to comply. The formulas have not been released, having been kept secret for some reason.

But some people have sat down and gone through the Federal and State exchanges to find the rates required for a young person, an older person, and a family of four, for each state.

Most people in most states will see large increases. A few will see decreases.


Enrollment in Obamacare Exchanges: How Will Your Health Insurance Fare?

It is much more than that in my state.

and that is only about premiums, they do not count skyrocketing deductibles of 7,500-15,000$ per INDIVIDUAL
The bureaucrats fumbling their way through Obamacare have come up with complicated formulas to decide how much each of us will pay for Obamacare, once the mandate forces us to comply. The formulas have not been released, having been kept secret for some reason.

But some people have sat down and gone through the Federal and State exchanges to find the rates required for a young person, an older person, and a family of four, for each state.

Most people in most states will see large increases. A few will see decreases.

www.[b][/b]/research/reports/2013/10/enrollment-in-obamacare-exchanges-how-will-your-health-insurance-fare]Enrollment in Obamacare Exchanges: How Will Your Health Insurance Fare?

I hate to be the one to break this to you but the Heritage Foundation has demonstrated itself to be entirely inept at economic modelling.

Heritige Report Bush Tax Cut Predictions => The Economic Impact of President Bush's Tax Relief Plan

"Under President Bush's plan, an average family of four's inflation-adjusted disposable income would increase by $4,544 in fiscal year (FY) 2011, and the national debt would effectively be paid off by FY 2010."

And, the reality is that the economy tanked in a recession of 2009 which forced massive stimulus spending.

So, that didn't work out very will, as predictions go.

We should stick with Kaiser.

Kiaser Report => Average Obamacare Premiums Will Be Lower Than Projected - Kaiser Health News
It says right in their methodology this from the link in op:

This comparison is different from others in that, rather than comparing specific plans, it is designed to capture the difference in premium levels between the exchange and what could be acquired in the market.
So this IS NOT an apple to apple comparison, and the figures shown in the chart tell us nothing...

I truly wish someone out there would show us an apple to apple comparison, so we can see what it truly is....instead of this meaningless crud.....

I'd really like to know, how much it has gone up for an EQUAL policy, before and after exchange, if indeed it has gone up for 'an equal in' benefit coverage, deductible, and copay plan....

It is EXACTLY apple to apple - what we HAD and what we will be forced to have
Uh, FOXNews had a real man and his family of 4 from TN on this week where he said his insurance plan for his family went from $400 a month to over $1100 a month with a $24,000 deductible.

Yes, I said $24,000 deductible. Why the fuck even have insurance if you have to spend $24,000 before the insurance covers your expenses....

I don't need news or sites to know that in my state it is going to be sky-high.

Because I have checked myself - for the plan I have now ( PPO/dental/vision) that I pay ~ 300$ er month and 2500 deductible I will have to pay at least 700$ per month and with 7500 deductible plus 20% after deductible if out-of-the network, plus numerous copays, which are higher than now.
I do not have out of the network at all now - i can choose whomever I want nationally.

so that is more than 100% increase in premiums, more than 300% in deductible and a rip-off after the deductible if out-of the network facility or physician.
At what point will the lies stop?

Nutters. These things can be verified. We know you are lying. Please...stop embarrassing yourselves.
That's a bullshit chart from the Heritage Foundation. Just one single group of white people, an idiot party, and those are the only people anywhere on the earth that listen to that nonsensical Heritage Foundation. You would think they would learn.

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