How Much You Wanna Bet We Put The Amount Of Troops Back In Iraq We Should've Left There?

Jakey Fakey is scuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuured.

He ran away. LMAO.

Next time stay off the Iraq threads, moron.

But I'm going to stay on your ass for the 2000 buckaroos. Not getting away with that one.
Less than 24 hours from the OP and we have confirmation deploying troops is a real possibility. Looks pretty insightful to me.

Thanks, saveliberty. :)

I was in the neighborhood. I have a concealed facts permit. ;)

That's a good one. I'll have to borrow it one day. I'll forget it though. :)

No you won't. You'll forget where you got it, though. It will miraculously become something you created.
Some late breaking news....according to the chairman of the JCS...Obabble might approve boots on the ground in Iraq/Syria...on a case by case basis.THATS A NEW ONE ON ME....WAR ON A CASE BY CASE BASIS....stupid.

Obama will consider ground troops in Iraq on case-by-case basis Dempsey says Army Times

LOL, if people only knew how pathetic most of us military types view these idiots....even Dempsey pisses me off
I hear many in the active force agree. Are there any generals with balls?

No, there haven't been generals with balls in a long time. Gen Keane is a pretty good guy.
Obama has already put the 1400 he publicly announced over the past few weeks. After the election he will certainly pour more in. By December 31, I predict at LEAST a Brigade will be sent. By next year there will be more.
Obama refused to keep troops in Iraq because Iraq insisted they be able to charge them with local crimes and Courts. That was Iraq's choice and it was a no go.

Roger, Gunny. I spent much time over there. I've also spent weeks here educating dumb ass libs on this board about the SOFA. Their small brains still can't comprehend what people like you and I are saying.
No you havent, you havent done anything you sock.

Anyways a few beheadings and we play right into ISIL's hands.....The american public are rubes

LMAO, shit- for- said you had me on ignore.

This flows right into the point of my thread though.....liberals are lilly- livered pussies who never mean what they say.

Then they have to eat their words later. See how that applies to both you AND Obama, moron?
Ive been against Iraq from day one.

Here i will extend an olive branch for a second and ask you something. Lets see how you conduct yourself.

In your opinion what do you think would happen if we just didnt do anything at all. Let things play out and see what happens.

ISIL is no worse than Saddam, so its not like one can use the " we've never seen this before" card.

I never had you on ignore, i just said i was done with you, but the site is kinda slow sometimes so i decide to play with you.

anyways lets see your answer, please try not to be too partisan in your answer. It has nothing to do with left or right.
A half dozen 9-11's.
Obama refused to keep troops in Iraq because Iraq insisted they be able to charge them with local crimes and Courts. That was Iraq's choice and it was a no go.

Roger, Gunny. I spent much time over there. I've also spent weeks here educating dumb ass libs on this board about the SOFA. Their small brains still can't comprehend what people like you and I are saying.
No you havent, you havent done anything you sock.

Anyways a few beheadings and we play right into ISIL's hands.....The american public are rubes

LMAO, shit- for- said you had me on ignore.

This flows right into the point of my thread though.....liberals are lilly- livered pussies who never mean what they say.

Then they have to eat their words later. See how that applies to both you AND Obama, moron?
Ive been against Iraq from day one.

Here i will extend an olive branch for a second and ask you something. Lets see how you conduct yourself.

In your opinion what do you think would happen if we just didnt do anything at all. Let things play out and see what happens.

ISIL is no worse than Saddam, so its not like one can use the " we've never seen this before" card.

I never had you on ignore, i just said i was done with you, but the site is kinda slow sometimes so i decide to play with you.

anyways lets see your answer, please try not to be too partisan in your answer. It has nothing to do with left or right.
A half dozen 9-11's. your opinion is fear...very neo-con
If the neo-cons had power, the heavy units never would have left.

Kissinger's article Time explains why the neo-cons are bit players now.

Patently false idiot. No one wanted to keep 140,000 troops there IDIOT. The generals suggested about 30K so as to not squander the peace. (Even 10k could have helped.)

Let me repeat. Not squander the peace.

Let me repeat. Not squander the peace

Let me repeat. Not squander the peace

One more time, Fakey, not squander the peace like Obama has done.

Misfirection by you simply underlines your lack of understanding.

I said if the neo cons had had their way, the heavy units would not have left.

hint: they are not going back

You have no idea what you're talking about when you say "heavy units." You know nothing about military logistics either.

Your are wrong, as usual. Spend six years with 1st Cav and going to Europe every year, or go on spring maneuvers in Korea with 2d ID and the ROKS.

You were an office clerk in DC, nothing more.

Oh , you went on maneuvers?

LOL, I've seen actual combat on 3 continents fool.

Obama got caught with his pants down in Iraq. It is what it is, but no one over there is going to be happy with "on a case by case basis" I assure you. We seen that shit in Somalia.
EconChick, once again, makes an affirmative statement about logistics without any evidence at all, then defies me to prove her wrong. The failure her, as it was for economic malaise, is that she thinks she gets to give an opinion as evidence then the other side has to give evidence against her opinion.

She was flatly nothing more than a SP4 in an office in DC, if that.

Stop changing the subject; Fakey. You're scared to lose 2000 buckaroos now aren't ya.

Hell, you can't even get ranks right. How you expect to analyze the complex Iraq situation.
Roger, Gunny. I spent much time over there. I've also spent weeks here educating dumb ass libs on this board about the SOFA. Their small brains still can't comprehend what people like you and I are saying.
No you havent, you havent done anything you sock.

Anyways a few beheadings and we play right into ISIL's hands.....The american public are rubes

LMAO, shit- for- said you had me on ignore.

This flows right into the point of my thread though.....liberals are lilly- livered pussies who never mean what they say.

Then they have to eat their words later. See how that applies to both you AND Obama, moron?
Ive been against Iraq from day one.

Here i will extend an olive branch for a second and ask you something. Lets see how you conduct yourself.

In your opinion what do you think would happen if we just didnt do anything at all. Let things play out and see what happens.

ISIL is no worse than Saddam, so its not like one can use the " we've never seen this before" card.

I never had you on ignore, i just said i was done with you, but the site is kinda slow sometimes so i decide to play with you.

anyways lets see your answer, please try not to be too partisan in your answer. It has nothing to do with left or right.
A half dozen 9-11's. your opinion is fear...very neo-con
It is an opinion based on their threats dumbass. Your opinion on the other hand is based on pixie dust & fairy tales.
No you havent, you havent done anything you sock.

Anyways a few beheadings and we play right into ISIL's hands.....The american public are rubes

LMAO, shit- for- said you had me on ignore.

This flows right into the point of my thread though.....liberals are lilly- livered pussies who never mean what they say.

Then they have to eat their words later. See how that applies to both you AND Obama, moron?
Ive been against Iraq from day one.

Here i will extend an olive branch for a second and ask you something. Lets see how you conduct yourself.

In your opinion what do you think would happen if we just didnt do anything at all. Let things play out and see what happens.

ISIL is no worse than Saddam, so its not like one can use the " we've never seen this before" card.

I never had you on ignore, i just said i was done with you, but the site is kinda slow sometimes so i decide to play with you.

anyways lets see your answer, please try not to be too partisan in your answer. It has nothing to do with left or right.
A half dozen 9-11's. your opinion is fear...very neo-con
It is an opinion based on their threats dumbass. Your opinion on the other hand is based on pixie dust & fairy tales.
no its the neo-con answer to things. Submit to my opinion because of fear.
If the neo-cons had power, the heavy units never would have left.

Kissinger's article Time explains why the neo-cons are bit players now.

Patently false idiot. No one wanted to keep 140,000 troops there IDIOT. The generals suggested about 30K so as to not squander the peace. (Even 10k could have helped.)

Let me repeat. Not squander the peace.

Let me repeat. Not squander the peace

Let me repeat. Not squander the peace

One more time, Fakey, not squander the peace like Obama has done.

Misfirection by you simply underlines your lack of understanding.

I said if the neo cons had had their way, the heavy units would not have left.

hint: they are not going back

You have no idea what you're talking about when you say "heavy units." You know nothing about military logistics either.

Your are wrong, as usual. Spend six years with 1st Cav and going to Europe every year, or go on spring maneuvers in Korea with 2d ID and the ROKS.

You were an office clerk in DC, nothing more.

Oh , you went on maneuvers?

LOL, I've seen actual combat on 3 continents fool.

Obama got caught with his pants down in Iraq. It is what it is, but no one over there is going to be happy with "on a case by case basis" I assure you. We seen that shit in Somalia.

Jakey Fakey thought he'd get away with slander or accusations of poser.....................but now that I'm calling his bluff and betting him 2000 bucks, he's scared to fucking death. LOL.

He's a carbon copy of Obama. As spineless and cowardly as they come. Like the Pillsbury doughboy. He can't string two sentences together about Iraq either.
LMAO, shit- for- said you had me on ignore.

This flows right into the point of my thread though.....liberals are lilly- livered pussies who never mean what they say.

Then they have to eat their words later. See how that applies to both you AND Obama, moron?
Ive been against Iraq from day one.

Here i will extend an olive branch for a second and ask you something. Lets see how you conduct yourself.

In your opinion what do you think would happen if we just didnt do anything at all. Let things play out and see what happens.

ISIL is no worse than Saddam, so its not like one can use the " we've never seen this before" card.

I never had you on ignore, i just said i was done with you, but the site is kinda slow sometimes so i decide to play with you.

anyways lets see your answer, please try not to be too partisan in your answer. It has nothing to do with left or right.
A half dozen 9-11's. your opinion is fear...very neo-con
It is an opinion based on their threats dumbass. Your opinion on the other hand is based on pixie dust & fairy tales.
no its the neo-con answer to things. Submit to my opinion because of fear.
And just where the fuck did I say submit? The jackass YOU voted for is the one bombing them so don't bitch at me about it.
Ive been against Iraq from day one.

Here i will extend an olive branch for a second and ask you something. Lets see how you conduct yourself.

In your opinion what do you think would happen if we just didnt do anything at all. Let things play out and see what happens.

ISIL is no worse than Saddam, so its not like one can use the " we've never seen this before" card.

I never had you on ignore, i just said i was done with you, but the site is kinda slow sometimes so i decide to play with you.

anyways lets see your answer, please try not to be too partisan in your answer. It has nothing to do with left or right.
A half dozen 9-11's. your opinion is fear...very neo-con
It is an opinion based on their threats dumbass. Your opinion on the other hand is based on pixie dust & fairy tales.
no its the neo-con answer to things. Submit to my opinion because of fear.
And just where the fuck did I say submit? The jackass YOU voted for is the one bombing them so don't bitch at me about it.
its a method of arguing gramps. You try to force the person you are arguing against to "submit" to your viewpoint by creating a checkmate.
You are using fear in order to try to get the upperhand.
LOL. As usual, the libs can't win the debate. They never win it on this board.

Members are going along having a good debate, and then the scum like Jakey Fakey derail the thread so they can hide that they're losing.

You have no idea what you're talking about on this topic Fakey, that part's not a surprise, but now I'm holding you to the $2000 bucks.

You're welcome to donate it to USMB, blubber boy.


LOL, Fakey's now trying to pretend he never said it.

Too late Fakey, you owe 2 Gs.

I suspect he will hope the story dies down so he can forget all about it if this coalition or even the increased airstrikes happen I will be mildly shocked.

It's why he's focused on EBOLA! He's hoping people will be more freaked out about getting Ebola, that they'll lose interest in ISIS/ISIL.
No you havent, you havent done anything you sock.

Anyways a few beheadings and we play right into ISIL's hands.....The american public are rubes

LMAO, shit- for- said you had me on ignore.

This flows right into the point of my thread though.....liberals are lilly- livered pussies who never mean what they say.

Then they have to eat their words later. See how that applies to both you AND Obama, moron?
Ive been against Iraq from day one.

Here i will extend an olive branch for a second and ask you something. Lets see how you conduct yourself.

In your opinion what do you think would happen if we just didnt do anything at all. Let things play out and see what happens.

ISIL is no worse than Saddam, so its not like one can use the " we've never seen this before" card.

I never had you on ignore, i just said i was done with you, but the site is kinda slow sometimes so i decide to play with you.

anyways lets see your answer, please try not to be too partisan in your answer. It has nothing to do with left or right.
A half dozen 9-11's. your opinion is fear...very neo-con
It is an opinion based on their threats dumbass. Your opinion on the other hand is based on pixie dust & fairy tales.

Pulled that oldie out of your ass-nick?

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