How Much You Wanna Bet We Put The Amount Of Troops Back In Iraq We Should've Left There?

EC 10001145 regarding NF 10001116, EC 10000930
You don't just drink Obama koolaid, you must add something else to that drink.

You are so devoid of an honest and comprehensible argument against Obama that you resort to dull unoriginal kool-aid insults.

EC 10001145 regarding NF 10001116, EC 10000930
Your assessment is so OUT THERE that I have to laugh.....just laugh...

It would be more interesting if you could respond to the developments that I have just pointed out. And why you think US policy would have been better served had we propped up the Maliki government with troops on the ground and operating on Maliki's behalf as a Shiite Air Force and army.

Hyenas laugh. It may be intelligible to their pack but it is hardly intelligible here.

I'm not surprised someone like you believes this photo-op foreign policy. So you think we're whooping ISIS's ass huh?
NY 0002088
In an odd way the OP has won her bet, because the number of troops we should've left in Iraq is zero.
That is true. But EconChick is a proponent of Americans dying so Iraqis don't have to. So she wants at least 10,000 to stay and fight on the ground for them.

Oh, hey....I want to see 100s of thousands of Americans die. Not only that, I'd like see ISIS kidnap thousands of Americans and behead them.

Let's sarcastic can my response get....
NY 0002088
In an odd way the OP has won her bet, because the number of troops we should've left in Iraq is zero.
That is true. But EconChick is a proponent of Americans dying so Iraqis don't have to. So she wants at least 10,000 to stay and fight on the ground for them.

Oh, hey....I want to see 100s of thousands of Americans die. Not only that, I'd like see ISIS kidnap thousands of Americans and behead them.

Let's sarcastic can my response get....

You support a US policy that would have kept thousands of US ground troops in Iraq after 2011 don't you. Had they remained in Iraq do you think getting in the middle of this fight with IS terrorists would get some of those Americans killed? Not hundreds of thousands, but some would certainly be in harms way when thousands of Iraqis won't fight.
EC 10001685
And why you think US policy would have been better served had we propped up the Maliki government with troops on the ground and operating on Maliki's behalf as a Shiite Air Force and army.

EconChick has failed to tell us why she thinks US policy would have been better served had we propped up the Maliki government with troops on the ground and operating on Maliki's behalf as a Shiite Air Force and army. Iraq is now in the process of reversing Daesh's momentum and the final phase of wiping them out will require cooperation by the Sunni Anbar tribes with the ISF and government to rid Iraq of the IS terrorist menace.
The troops will be going after the election. Stop being so naïve, hack.
I suspect he will hope the story dies down so he can forget all about it if this coalition or even the increased airstrikes happen I will be mildly shocked.

What people were saying 45 days ago and EconChick's diverson from the discussion as noted back then.

EC 9806545
Obama has already put the 1400 he publicly announced over the past few weeks. After the election he will certainly pour more in. By December 31, I predict at LEAST a Brigade will be sent. By next year there will be more.

GyS 9806605 regarding EC 9806545
Obama refused to keep troops in Iraq because Iraq insisted they be able to charge them with local crimes and Courts. That was Iraq's choice and it was a no go.

EC 9806614 regarding GyS 980660, EC 9806545
Roger, Gunny. I spent much time over there. I've also spent weeks here educating dumb ass libs on this board about the SOFA. Their small brains still can't comprehend what people like you and I are saying.

EC 9806619 regarding GyS 9806605, EC 9806614, GyS 980660, EC 9806545
Oh wait Gunny, I just reread your post. Are you saying it had nothing to do with Obama's poor negotiating skills?

NF 9825943 regarding EC 9806619, GyS 9806605, EC 9806614, GyS 980660, EC 9806545
It is too bad that RetiredGySgt has not responded to EconChick's question. Just look at her pathetic attempt to tie anything that ever happens to some sort of nefarious attack on the President of the United States no matter the facts and no matter the just plain common sense. Of course Obama refused to keep troops in Iraq over the immunity issue and RetiredGySgt is correct that it was in fact Iraq's choice and keeping troops in after the 2008 Bush deadline was a no go.

EC 9806808 regarding (diversionary accusation that Obama double-speaks)
Yes. <> And either Gunny misspoke or he's woefully misinformed. I'm trying to give him an opportunity to clarify before I respond. I suspect he was just not clear. <> But yes, one minute Obama has no power over Iraqi leaders and the next minute he's claiming credit for having pressured Maliki out. <> These double speaking libs keep backing themselves into a corner.
EC 10085777 regarding NF 10085660, NF10001685
The troops will be going after the election. Stop being so naïve, hack.

And now it appears that anyone asking EconChick, with all her self-proclaimed experience and acumen on Iraq, a question on topic such as this
Why do you think US policy would have been better served had we propped up the Maliki government with troops on the ground and operating on Maliki's behalf as a Shiite Air Force and army.
means that one is a hack.

It certainly looks like another way to dodge the question to me. And I am sure we will see EconChick dodge this question and many others as here ignorance about Iraq continues to become more and more exposed.
Does OP like the prospect of spending more borrowed $$$ on top of the TRILLIONS already spent on that country where the people throw down their guns and walk away at the first hint of trouble AFTER the Repub admin spent how many BILLIONS of TAXPAYER money training them for years?

Why did Bu$hCo go in there when his daddy wrote a book on why NOT to go in & then Sen. Obama said it was a fools errand to go in as well. :eusa_think: WHY?!!! :(


I wonder, how many of our troops signed up to do extended and repeated tours of duty in the middle east.
Democraps have created a real war on Iraq.

Hundreds of women and girls have been kidnapped by ISIS to be raped and sold as sex slaves.

Meanwhile Democraps ignore the mess they have created in Iraq and lie about the GOP trying to ban condoms in Colorado.
EC 10003498 regarding NF 10001685, EC 10001145, NF 10001116, EC 10000930
I'm not surprised someone like you believes this photo-op foreign policy. So you think we're whooping ISIS's ass huh?

There is a solid foreign policy which I support. Your opinions on foreign policy are trash. Actually shallow trash. And secondly I have not expressed a single thought that Daesh is being 'whooped' because we are not 'whooping' them. This is another example of your inability to read what your choice has been for a response. What has happened so far is that Daesh had been stopped in their advances in Iraq and Syria and now the slow long term (perhaps two year) process of destroying them, or in your shallow terminology 'whooping' them has just begun. Of course I wrote that before but for shallow people it must be repeated over and over again.
EC 10003498 regarding NF 10001685, EC 10001145, NF 10001116, EC 10000930
I'm not surprised someone like you believes this photo-op foreign policy. So you think we're whooping ISIS's ass huh?

There is an ongoing solid foreign policy which I support. Your opinions on foreign policy are trash. Actually shallow trash. And secondly I have not expressed a single thought that Daesh is being 'whooped' because we are not 'whooping' them. This is another example of your inability to read what your choice has been for a response. What has happened so far is that Daesh had been stopped in their advances in Iraq and Syria and now the slow long term (perhaps two year) process of destroying them, or in your shallow terminology 'whooping' them has just begun.
EC 9806545
After the election he will certainly pour more in. By December 31, I predict at LEAST a Brigade will be sent. By next year there will be more.

Why would Iraqis want a brigade of Americans to fight on the ground with them? You make no sense. They have chosen their allies for the ground war.

Soleimani and his commanders are on the front lines and would assume a key role in the retaking of major cities.

Soleimani and the ISF had a key victory last week.

BAGHDAD — When Islamic State militants retreated from the embattled town of Jurf al-Sakher last week, the Iraqi military was quick to flaunt a rare victory. State television showed tanks and Humvees parading through the town and soldiers touring government buildings that the Sunni extremist group had occupied since August.

breaking news Philstar Mobile
EC 9806545
Obama has already put the 1400 he publicly announced over the past few weeks. After the election he will certainly pour more in. By December 31, I predict at LEAST a Brigade will be sent. By next year there will be more.

That is almost as good as EconChick's Route Irish FAIL:

Latest news out of Iraq:

. Austin also said in response to questions about the adequacy of the U.S. military presence in Iraq that he is confident of defeating the Islamic State in Iraq without having to deploy large U.S. ground combat units.
Read more: Dempsey says Iranian hand in Iraq could turn out well - Washington Times

This is what? March? And Route Irish is quite absent of any DAIISH terrorist scum taking it over.
It aint gonna happen. GW sent troops to Iraq to pad his buddy's pockets. Obama is letting the Iraq fight their own war. The Shia and the Sunni are joining up to take back Tikrit. Itis the beginning of the end of ISIS in Iraq.

BBC News - Iraq moves against Islamic State in Tikrit

The operation involving up to 20,000 government troops is being backed by an alliance of volunteers mainly from the Shia community but also Sunni tribal fighters.
The Iraq dingbat sure didnt stay around to pay off her bet did she?

By Abdelhak Mamoun on March 11, 2015.

Tikrit fully under control, says Secretary-General of Nojaba’ Movement
( On Wednesday, the secretary-general of Nojaba’ Movement, a faction within the Volunteer Fighters (al Hashd al-Sha’bi), confirmed that the city of Tikrit has become fully under the security forces control. The secretary general of the movement, Sheikh Akram al-Kaabi said in an interview for, “The…

Tikrit fully under control says Secretary-General of Nojaba Movement - Iraqi News
Obama has already put the 1400 he publicly announced over the past few weeks. After the election he will certainly pour more in. By December 31, I predict at LEAST a Brigade will be sent. By next year there will be more.
Maybe this time we will have a plan. And dont forget the GOP want Iran in the war next. How many troops will we need then? A draft maybe?
The plan is to let the ME grow up and fight their own battles and learn to stop letting religious whackos run their politics....It takes time, so ADHD hater dupes don't get the idea from their BS infotainment Faux Noise etc etc jackasses...
Obama has already put the 1400 he publicly announced over the past few weeks. After the election he will certainly pour more in. By December 31, I predict at LEAST a Brigade will be sent. By next year there will be more.
Maybe this time we will have a plan. And dont forget the GOP want Iran in the war next. How many troops will we need then? A draft maybe?

Republican Senator Rand Paul suddenly wants to change borders in the Middle East by arming the Kurds so I guess the plan is to have the Kurds fight Iran and Iraq (both Sunni and Shiite) while fighting Daesh and the Syrian Army too - and Turkey (a NATO member since 1952) - All with American weapons directly given to Kurds while violating the sovereign government to which they belong.

Has Republican Senator Rand Paul checked with our NATO ally Turkey which has a large Kurdish population as well. Do US weapons carve off a chunk of Turkey to create this new Kurdish sovereign state.

I wonder if Paul's border changing fervor will apply to Crimea and eastern parts of Ukraine as well.
Obama has already put the 1400 he publicly announced over the past few weeks. After the election he will certainly pour more in. By December 31, I predict at LEAST a Brigade will be sent. By next year there will be more.
Maybe this time we will have a plan. And dont forget the GOP want Iran in the war next. How many troops will we need then? A draft maybe?

Republican Senator Rand Paul suddenly wants to change borders in the Middle East by arming the Kurds so I guess the plan is to have the Kurds fight Iran and Iraq (both Sunni and Shiite) while fighting Daesh and the Syrian Army too - and Turkey (a NATO member since 1952) - All with American weapons directly given to Kurds while violating the sovereign government to which they belong.

Has Republican Senator Rand Paul checked with our NATO ally Turkey which has a large Kurdish population as well. Do US weapons carve off a chunk of Turkey to create this new Kurdish sovereign state.

I wonder if Paul's border changing fervor will apply to Crimea and eastern parts of Ukraine as well.
I hate it we arent more sophisticated and evolved than we are. These stupid wars. Still fighting with Russia. God I just want to cut off the borders and not let anyone in unless they are rich. Rich because most rich people have too much to lose.

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