How Much You Wanna Bet We Put The Amount Of Troops Back In Iraq We Should've Left There?

Your 'could haves' come way late in the quagmire that Iraq became when Bush chose invasion over peaceful disarmament through the UN.

This reads like an alternate history to me. Before the drumbeat of war ramped up the Iraq sanctions regime was on it's last leg, same with the No-Fly Zones. If Bush had taken a different approach and never sounded the war drums on Iraq, Saddam would have won on his waiting it out gambit.
.023.a.09 9831330
Are you aware of how both sides danced around the immunity issue for "domestic consumption in Iraq" in the 2008 SOFA? <> The wording was done in a way to appease certain "domestic" factions while our allies there and our State Dept people actually put enough ambiguity in the language to make everyone think they were getting what they wanted.

You have defined the Bush Administration which apparently included you, as acting like a bunch of two-bit charlatans that had no respect for the Iraqis and pulled off some kind of trickery to make them think they were getting what they wanted but were not. If anything you ever said was true and this was it, then you are admitting that the Bush Administration caused the Iraqis to never trust the US again when writing treaties and security agreements. Bush was a disgrace and the fact that you think bamboozling an entire nation of people to get your way is something to be proud of, well that tells us a lot about you and the political faction that you represent. And it is not good.
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This reads like an alternate history to me. Before the drumbeat of war ramped up the Iraq sanctions regime was on it's last leg, same with the No-Fly Zones. If Bush had taken a different approach and never sounded the war drums on Iraq, Saddam would have won on his waiting it out gambit.

I've said many times that I agreed with Bush in the post-911 environment that Iraq needed to be confronted militarily if Iraq did not let the UN inspectors in. Iraq was in violation of international law when no inspectors were allowed in. The recorded history is exactly what I cite because it was Bush who appealed to the UN to commit to resuming tough inspections and giving Iraq a FINAL OPPORTUNITY TO COMPLY with all those violations that so many cite. I suppose it would appear to be an alternate to history if one has no clue what the FINAL OPPORTUNITY TO COMPLY language in UN Resolution 1441 was all about.

The conclusion that Iraq had no WMD was a conclusion that the UN could have peacefully determined without all the bloodshed and terror, death and destruction and financial costs that the Bush invasion caused. So sanctions would have been rightfully lifted (NO WMD) and for that reason you have no point.

And Neither Kurds in the North nor Shiites in the south were under any kind of impending threat because of the deterioration of the NFZ operations. Even if they were maintained after the UN set up its long term monitoring regime in Iraq, the NFZ would still be much less expensive to operate than the nine year quagmire that was Iraq.

Bush also beat some drums for peace and according to him the UN was they way to remove the threat and do it peacefully. So your strict 'drumbeat for war' is a mess if you think that it is the true history.
This reads like an alternate history to me. Before the drumbeat of war ramped up the Iraq sanctions regime was on it's last leg, same with the No-Fly Zones. If Bush had taken a different approach and never sounded the war drums on Iraq, Saddam would have won on his waiting it out gambit.

I've said many times that I agreed with Bush in the post-911 environment that Iraq needed to be confronted militarily if Iraq did not let the UN inspectors in. Iraq was in violation of international law when no inspectors were allowed in. The recorded history is exactly what I cite because it was Bush who appealed to the UN to commit to resuming tough inspections and giving Iraq a FINAL OPPORTUNITY TO COMPLY with all those violations that so many cite. I suppose it would appear to be an alternate to history if one has no clue what the FINAL OPPORTUNITY TO COMPLY language in UN Resolution 1441 was all about.

The conclusion that Iraq had no WMD was a conclusion that the UN could have peacefully determined without all the bloodshed and terror, death and destruction and financial costs that the Bush invasion caused. So sanctions would have been rightfully lifted (NO WMD) and for that reason you have no point.

And Neither Kurds in the North nor Shiites in the south were under any kind of impending threat because of the deterioration of the NFZ operations. Even if they were maintained after the UN set up its long term monitoring regime in Iraq, the NFZ would still be much less expensive to operate than the nine year quagmire that was Iraq.

Bush also beat some drums for peace and according to him the UN was they way to remove the threat and do it peacefully. So your strict 'drumbeat for war' is a mess if you think that it is the true history.

I'm talking about before Bush turned his attention on Iraq. The Oil-For-Food sanctions were nearly dead, Iraq was trading it's oil with France, Russia, China and other nations. What had started as a unified global effort was approaching an end where opinion was that it should be winding down.

Same with the No-Fly-Zones:

The policy was enforced by U.S., British, and French aircraft patrols until France withdrew in 1998. While the enforcing powers had cited United Nations Security Council Resolution 688 as authorizing the operations, the resolution contains no explicit authorization. The Secretary-General of the UN at the time the resolution was passed, Boutros Boutros-Ghali called the no-fly zones "illegal" in a later interview with John Pilger.
What you're commenting on is much further down the stream of history than what I'm talking about. There was no peaceful disarmament in the works.
So some Americans might be alive today thanks to Obama's troop pull-out.

And because of his troop pull out THOUSANDS of Christians, and muslims have been killed by FANATIC ISLAMISTS that would not have been able to otherwise....

Stop the ignorant bullshit. Most of those Christians were killed or driven out under Bush. Everyone knows it. So just stop with such bullshit lies. It makes you look unAmerican.
So some Americans might be alive today thanks to Obama's troop pull-out.

And because of his troop pull out THOUSANDS of Christians, and muslims have been killed by FANATIC ISLAMISTS that would not have been able to otherwise....

Stop the ignorant bullshit. Most of those Christians were killed or driven out under Bush. Everyone knows it. So just stop with such bullshit lies. It makes you look unAmerican.

That's a fucking LIE, and everybody that isn't an obuma cock sucker knows it! You commie pond scum, think you can bullshit your way through life and praise the POS in the WH!

So some Americans might be alive today thanks to Obama's troop pull-out.

And because of his troop pull out THOUSANDS of Christians, and muslims have been killed by FANATIC ISLAMISTS that would not have been able to otherwise....

Stop the ignorant bullshit. Most of those Christians were killed or driven out under Bush. Everyone knows it. So just stop with such bullshit lies. It makes you look unAmerican.

That's a fucking LIE, and everybody that isn't an obuma cock sucker knows it! You commie pond scum, think you can bullshit your way through life and praise the POS in the WH!

You are a major idiot and you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Learn dipshit. You are an embarrassment to common sense.

Over the last week in publicity trailing the release of his autobiography, former president George W Bush admitted that when it came to Iraq he felt a "sickening feeling". Sadly for those looking for greater remorse he was only referring to the failure to discover weapons of mass destruction. But as a man of devout Christian faith it would be interesting to discover what Bush's thoughts are on the fact that one of the consequences of his war is that Iraq's Christian community of 1 million pre-war has shrunk by 60% since 2003, as its members have fled abroad or been killed.

Bush s Christian Legacy in Iraq James Denselow

Pope Benedict XVI has pleaded with Bush to do something about the plight of Iraqi Christians.

Does Bush want to go down in history as the U.S. President who launched a war that resulted in the destruction of the Christian community in Iraq?

But what exactly is being done to protect Christians in Iraq?

Bush calls Iraq a democracy, but its Constitution, crafted with U.S. help, says no law should be contrary to Islam.

“The battle in Iraq is noble, it is necessary, and it is just,” Bush said in his speech on the anniversary of the start of the Iraq War. But how can this be if it leads to the destruction of the Christian community in Iraq? It is an absolute outrage for this to be occurring under the auspices of a conservative Republican President who claims to be a born-again Christian.

Pope Benedict XVI can be expected to raise this issue with Bush when he comes to the U.S. for a visit in April.

U.S. Troops Should Protect Iraqi Christians

How the Iraq War Became a War on Christians The American Conservative

I even put a video together about Bush's tragic failure to protect Christians all the way back in 2008:

So some Americans might be alive today thanks to Obama's troop pull-out.

And because of his troop pull out THOUSANDS of Christians, and muslims have been killed by FANATIC ISLAMISTS that would not have been able to otherwise....

Stop the ignorant bullshit. Most of those Christians were killed or driven out under Bush. Everyone knows it. So just stop with such bullshit lies. It makes you look unAmerican.

Idiot, ISIS is STILL KILLING THOUSANDS of Christians every week.... You think ANYONE CAN STOP THEM NOW? Obuma certainly can't, we can't even get troops on the ground! The asshole pulled out ALL OUR TROOPS leaving the minorities of Iraq, and Syia completely helpless against Islamic terrorists! Obuma will make Bush look like Bush league, after this debacle!

Yazidis and Christians Have Been Abandoned by Obama s Iraq Retreat - US News
What sane person would be a Christian in the middle of the Muslim world?
What sane person would be a Christian in the middle of the Muslim world?
Fewer by the day, IMHO.
"As of 21 June 2007, the UNHCR estimated that 2.2 million Iraqis had been displaced to neighbouring countries with a large majority of them Christians, and 2 million were displaced internally, with nearly 100,000 Iraqis fleeing to Syria and Jordan each month.[11][12]

"A 25 May 2007 article notes that in the past seven months only 69 people from Iraq were granted refugee status in the United States.[13]

"After the 2003 invasion of Iraq, violence against Christians rose, with reports of abduction, torture, bombings, and killings.[14]

"Some Christians were pressured to convert to Islam under threat of death or expulsion, and women were ordered to wear Islamic dress.[14]"

Christianity in Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
So EconChick is turning out to be ever so wrong on Iraq and as expressed on this thread.

Obama was right. Maliki needed to go. Iraq now has a Sunni Defense Minister from Mosul and approved by Iraq's Parliament. Khaled al-Obeidi was an officer in Saddam's military so he will likely provide a level of trust for Sunnis who could never trust Maliki.

Iraq Appoints Final Government Ministers In Boost To Fight Against ISIS
AP 10/18/14 03:50 PM ET
BAGHDAD (AP) -- Iraqi lawmakers approved Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's remaining Cabinet nominees on Saturday, including for the critical defense and interior portfolios, completing the formation of a government that will strive to push the Islamic State extremist group out of the sprawling territory it has seized in recent months. ... Khaled al-Obeidi, a Sunni lawmaker from Mosul, was selected for the post of defense minister, by a vote of 175-85. He had served as an officer in Saddam Hussein's military and holds a PhD in political science.

Iraq Appoints Final Government Ministers In Boost To Fight Against ISIS

More proof that EconChick is a fraud when it comes to Iraq.

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So EconChick is turning out to be ever so wrong on Iraq and as expressed on this thread.

Obama was right. Maliki needed to go. Iraq now has a Sunni Defense Minister from Mosul and approved by Iraq's Parliament. Khaled al-Obeidi was an officer in Saddam's military so he will likely provide a level of trust for Sunnis who could never trust Maliki.

Iraq Appoints Final Government Ministers In Boost To Fight Against ISIS
AP 10/18/14 03:50 PM ET
BAGHDAD (AP) -- Iraqi lawmakers approved Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's remaining Cabinet nominees on Saturday, including for the critical defense and interior portfolios, completing the formation of a government that will strive to push the Islamic State extremist group out of the sprawling territory it has seized in recent months. ... Khaled al-Obeidi, a Sunni lawmaker from Mosul, was selected for the post of defense minister, by a vote of 175-85. He had served as an officer in Saddam Hussein's military and holds a PhD in political science.

Iraq Appoints Final Government Ministers In Boost To Fight Against ISIS

More proof that EconChick is a fraud when it comes to Iraq.


You get the biggest GULLIBLE trophy of all.

Everyone knows he's waiting till after the elections. That's because everything he does is done primarily for political reasons.

Everyone knows that. LOL
EC 10000930 regarding
You get the biggest GULLIBLE trophy of all. Everyone knows he's waiting till after the elections. That's because everything he does is done primarily for political reasons. Everyone knows that.

More fraud from EconChick. Obama has maintained a strong US military, NATO, ISAF, war policy in Afghanistan which was carried on with very deep opposition from the left and a major part of his political base. So no, everyone does not 'know that'.

The new Sunni former officer in Saddam's military will make a significant difference with respect to Sunnis in Anbar coordinating the fight with the Iraqi government military units and the Peshmerga. It looks at though an inclusive government in Iraq has been formed. No need for US combat troops is likely now or after the US mid-term elections. IS terrorists have been pretty much reduced to suicide bombers being sent into Baghdad. Their days of massive open military assaults are over. US ground troops will not be effective in curbing that.

But keep up your political attack of wanting to see Americans die on the ground in Iraq so that the Iraqis themselves don't have to fight. Perhaps some Iraqis are waiting to see how the political situation in the US turns out with respect to Americans desire to send in ground troops before they decide to put their lives on the line to help defeat and destroy ISIS.

I prefer to stand by Obama's message to Iraqi politicians and soldiers.... You fight on the ground because Americans are not going to kill and die for you any more. We did enough. If you want security ... fight for it.
EC 10000930 regarding
You get the biggest GULLIBLE trophy of all. Everyone knows he's waiting till after the elections. That's because everything he does is done primarily for political reasons. Everyone knows that.

More fraud from EconChick. Obama has maintained a strong US military, NATO, ISAF, war policy in Afghanistan which was carried on with very deep opposition from the left and a major part of his political base. So no, everyone does not 'know that'.

The new Sunni former officer in Saddam's military will make a significant difference with respect to Sunnis in Anbar coordinating the fight with the Iraqi government military units and the Peshmerga. It looks at though an inclusive government in Iraq has been formed. No need for US combat troops is likely now or after the US mid-term elections. IS terrorists have been pretty much reduced to suicide bombers being sent into Baghdad. Their days of massive open military assaults are over. US ground troops will not be effective in curbing that.

But keep up your political attack of wanting to see Americans die on the ground in Iraq so that the Iraqis themselves don't have to fight. Perhaps some Iraqis are waiting to see how the political situation in the US turns out with respect to Americans desire to send in ground troops before they decide to put their lives on the line to help defeat and destroy ISIS.

I prefer to stand by Obama's message to Iraqi politicians and soldiers.... You fight on the ground because Americans are not going to kill and die for you any more. We did enough. If you want security ... fight for it.

You don't just drink Obama koolaid, you must add something else to that drink.

Your assessment is so OUT THERE that I have to laugh.....just laugh...
Dumbfuck liberals still whining about Buuuuuuuush going into Iraq when the entire point is Obama took credit himself for "Iraq being secure" thus giving him his out to run away from Iraq with his lies that the ISF was ready to defend Iraq from foreign threats like Iran and Islamic terrorist groups like ISIS.

That is the fucking point, Obama and Biden lied about Iraq being ready to operate on their own and they were personally responsible for that success they lied about. When ISIS started cutting off heads, raping women and children....well Obama got exposed by the media in Iraq that he was lying the entire time when dupes here went on in life believing his lies.

Those of us with clearances knew he was lying the entire time and that he ignored the DoD and CIA warnings....
Dumbfuck liberals still whining about Buuuuuuuush going into Iraq when the entire point is Obama took credit himself for "Iraq being secure" thus giving him his out to run away from Iraq with his lies that the ISF was ready to defend Iraq from foreign threats like Iran and Islamic terrorist groups like ISIS.

That is the fucking point, Obama and Biden lied about Iraq being ready to operate on their own and they were personally responsible for that success they lied about. When ISIS started cutting off heads, raping women and children....well Obama got exposed by the media in Iraq that he was lying the entire time when dupes here went on in life believing his lies.

Those of us with clearances knew he was lying the entire time and that he ignored the DoD and CIA warnings....
The point is, Poseur, Bush and Cheney lied to inflict a war of aggression on the people of Iraq that maimed, murdered, and displaced millions of innocent Muslims; IS rose from those ashes the same way the Taliban took over in Afghanistan.

All your imaginary clearances can't rewrite that history.
EC 10001145 regarding NF 10001116, EC 10000930
You don't just drink Obama koolaid, you must add something else to that drink.

You are so devoid of an honest and comprehensible argument against Obama that you resort to dull unoriginal kool-aid insults.

EC 10001145 regarding NF 10001116, EC 10000930
Your assessment is so OUT THERE that I have to laugh.....just laugh...

It would be more interesting if you could respond to the developments that I have just pointed out. And why you think US policy would have been better served had we propped up the Maliki government with troops on the ground and operating on Maliki's behalf as a Shiite Air Force and army.

Hyenas laugh. It may be intelligible to their pack but it is hardly intelligible here.
SS 10001345
Those of us with clearances knew he was lying the entire time and that he ignored the DoD and CIA warnings....

That's not true. This confirms what the Obama Admin has been saying since June when the IS terrorist assault broke loose.

Harvey, a former top intelligence adviser to David H. Petraeus, who served as commander of the allied forces in Iraq, said the military’s problems are a symptom of a much deeper crisis in Iraqi society created largely by Maliki’s mishandling of delicate sectarian tensions.

“The core of all this is political,” Harvey said. “What we’re facing today is not al-Qaeda, and Prime Minister Maliki wants us to focus on ISIS as the primary threat. The vanguard is ISIS. The breadth and depth of this is basic Sunni Arabs who are fed up.”

Collapse of Iraqi army a failure for nation s premier and for U.S. military - The Washington Post
In an odd way the OP has won her bet, because the number of troops we should've left in Iraq is zero.
NY 0002088
In an odd way the OP has won her bet, because the number of troops we should've left in Iraq is zero.
That is true. But EconChick is a proponent of Americans dying so Iraqis don't have to. So she wants at least 10,000 to stay and fight on the ground for them.

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