How North Carolina Will Respond To Fed's Request For Stay: Re Tranny Lawsuits

Should the stays sought by both sides be in favor of:

  • Women's privacy in intimate hygiene areas denoted "women" by the door

  • Men who believe they are women using women's intimate hygiene areas denoted "women" by the door.

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What's a "transgender woman"? I don't understand the dialect you are using. Please clarify.

Look it up. If you are so ignorant of the topic that you don't even know what a transgender woman is......then you're clearly not prepared for this conversation.
The conversation is about clarity. So please clarify.

The conversation is about legal responses and legal predictions. You just admitted to starting a thread about a topic you don't understand.

And if you don't even know what the terms in question mean......what value are your latest round of pseudo-legal gibberish regarding them possibly have?

You have to make the subject of the legal arguments very clear before a decision can be rendered. And you say I'm ignorant! I know that much about law at least.

No, you made the thread about legal predictions and the law in the OP. And have just admitted.....that you didn't know what the fuck you were talking about.

Rendering your 'predictions' a little less than useful, wouldn't you say?
No, I wouldn't say. The issue is that North Carolina is seeking from the federal government clarification on what a "transgender woman" is for the purposes of allowing men in women's restrooms and showers. The Fed is legally obligated to clarify how they feel men pretending to be women qualify "as women" under these very intimate segregated areas in where one of the 17 million women rape survivors is surely to be at any given time..

So, the stay that is put in place will reflect the status quo that protects the most downtrodden or abused or disenfranchised litigant in normal scenarios. I'd say a rape survivor who has enjoyed that segregated privacy forever essentially behind a door marked 'women" will get the priority for the stay. Johnny-come-lately men wanting to pretend they're women are in no danger at all and in such tiny numbers will have to adjust with the help of therapy to the sex they were born as. Women don't take the hit for men playing pretend. We empathize with their clinical insane status (qualified by the DSM as a person who sees reality but is unable to process or deal with it on its terms); but we don't require women rape survivors to enable their illness or provide "therapy" for these delusional males by allowing them in the shower with them.

I assume you've read Ginsburg's position on this already? Might be a harbinger for which way the stay is going to come down..
No, I wouldn't say. The issue is that North Carolina is seeking from the federal government clarification on what a "transgender woman" is for the purposes of allowing men in women's restrooms and showers.

Show me any mention of that in the OP. You don't say a thing about 'clarification' as North Carolina's legal argument.

But now that you've blundered, admitting that you don't know what the hell you're talking about regarding transgender women, don't even know what a transgender woman *is*, you suddenly change your entire argument.

And now, contrary to your entire OP, North Carolina is merely asking for clarification on who is and isn't transgender. Huh. Odd you missed that the first time around.

How can you possible make legal predictions about transgender women....if you don't even know what a transgender woman is?

The Fed is legally obligated to clarify how they feel men pretending to be women qualify "as women" under these very intimate segregated areas in where one of the 17 million women rape survivors is surely to be at any given time..

Like the Supreme court is 'legally obligated' to have a 'representative' for 'all children' in a Supreme Court hearing? you ever get tired of just making shit up?
So you still won't clarify for me and the world what a "transgender woman" is. OK. Avoidance. Got it. You've read Justice Ginsburg's interview about how she thinks the equal rights issues affect segregated bathrooms for the two sexes, right? I notice you didn't address that either...

Do you even realize that North Carolina's lawsuit against the fed is a lawsuit asking for them to produce clarification for that state on what a "transgender woman" is? This isn't an odd inquiry. Either you have that clarification or you don't. Either AG Lynch has that clarification or she doesn't.
So you still won't clarify for me and the world what a "transgender woman" is. OK. Avoidance. Got it. just admitted that you don't know what a transgender woman is. How then can you possibly make any accurate legal predictions on transgender women.....when you have no idea what a transgender woman is?

You can't say. You avoid the topic like it were on fire. Okay. Avoidance. Got it.

Just FYI.....this is why your legal predictions are always wrong. You keep citing your imagination as the law. And it isn't.

Do you even realize that North Carolina's lawsuit against the fed is a lawsuit asking for them to produce clarification for that state on what a "transgender woman" is? This isn't an odd inquiry. Either you have that clarification or you don't. Either AG Lynch has that clarification or she doesn't.

Do you even realize that the North Carolina Complaint against the fed doesn't ask for them to produce clarification on what a transgender woman is? That the term 'transgender woman' doesn't appear anywhere in the complaint?

You're literally hallucinating entire paragraphs of text into the complaint.'re genuinely ill. These passages you're reading in the complaint where North Carolina 'requests clarification for what a transgender woman is'.....they're not real. They're phantoms of your mind. And we can't see them.

We can only read the actual complaint. And it doesn't say what you've hallucinated.
Hmmm...lots of ad hominems...lots of diversions. Pretending that clarification isn't part of the NC lawsuit.... Are you seeing a therapist Sklyar-troll?
Hmmm...lots of ad hominems...lots of diversions. Pretending that clarification isn't part of the NC lawsuit.... Are you seeing a therapist Sklyar-troll?

Then show us where in the NC complaint they ask for clarification on what a transgender woman is. I'm looking right at the complaint.

Remembering of course that we can't see your hallucinations. We can only read the *actual* complaint.

Show us. Don't tell us.

And if you don't know what a transgender woman can you possibly make accurate legal predictions about transgender women?

No answer for that one, I notice. And you wonder why your record of predicting legal outcomes is zero. You've literally never been right.
So enlighten me. What is a transgender woman? You realize of course the longer you postpone describing that, the more it looks like you are unable to and are deflecting so no one will notice your premise is make out of smoke and fairy dust.
So enlighten me. What is a transgender woman? You realize of course the longer you postpone describing that, the more it looks like you are unable to and are deflecting so no one will notice your premise is make out of smoke and fairy dust.

You cry like a little bitch when Skylar participates in your threads and then cry like a little bitch when he doesn't. Too funny.

Cut the crap, you don't believe transgender people even exist so there isn't any definition that you would be willing to accept.
Oh, Skylar-troll's sock is here. OK "mdk"... YOU describe exactly what a transgender woman is.
So enlighten me. What is a transgender woman? You realize of course the longer you postpone describing that, the more it looks like you are unable to and are deflecting so no one will notice your premise is make out of smoke and fairy dust.

You cry like a little bitch when Skylar participates in your threads and then cry like a little bitch when he doesn't. Too funny.

Cut the crap, you don't believe transgender people even exist so there isn't any definition that you would be willing to accept.

Transgender people do NOT exist. NO ONE can transition from one gender to another.
So enlighten me. What is a transgender woman? You realize of course the longer you postpone describing that, the more it looks like you are unable to and are deflecting so no one will notice your premise is make out of smoke and fairy dust.

You cry like a little bitch when Skylar participates in your threads and then cry like a little bitch when he doesn't. Too funny.

Cut the crap, you don't believe transgender people even exist so there isn't any definition that you would be willing to accept.

Transgender people do NOT exist. NO ONE can transition from one gender to another.

I'm waiting for either Skylar or his sock puppet mdk to define exactly in their words what a "transgender woman" is.

Still waiting....
So enlighten me. What is a transgender woman? You realize of course the longer you postpone describing that, the more it looks like you are unable to and are deflecting so no one will notice your premise is make out of smoke and fairy dust.

You cry like a little bitch when Skylar participates in your threads and then cry like a little bitch when he doesn't. Too funny.

Cut the crap, you don't believe transgender people even exist so there isn't any definition that you would be willing to accept.

Transgender people do NOT exist. NO ONE can transition from one gender to another.

I'm waiting for either Skylar or his sock puppet mdk to define exactly in their words what a "transgender woman" is.

Still waiting....

Don't group MDK in with that moron Skylar.
I bet if a majority of leftist kooks at the APA said eating shit is an indicator of solid mental health, all these faggot and tranny worshipping morons would believe it. They'd probably even start eating shit themselves just so they would appear mentally healthy.
So enlighten me. What is a transgender woman? You realize of course the longer you postpone describing that, the more it looks like you are unable to and are deflecting so no one will notice your premise is make out of smoke and fairy dust.

You cry like a little bitch when Skylar participates in your threads and then cry like a little bitch when he doesn't. Too funny.

Cut the crap, you don't believe transgender people even exist so there isn't any definition that you would be willing to accept.

Transgender people do NOT exist. NO ONE can transition from one gender to another.

Sil doesn't really care one way or the other as her only goal is to find a way to harm people in LBGT community. That is her entire sad and pathetic shtick here.
The leftists are really dumb here.
I know, right? They actually believe that 17 million rape survivor's rights to expectation of segregated privacy from their PTSD triggers behind a door marked "women" will take a back seat to men pretending to be women getting in there.

Hilarious. They should collectively start their grieving process now, so when the bomb is dropped, they won't be so shocked. They pushed it too far this time. That's the long and the short of it. Just ask Justice Ginsburg..

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