How Obama Is Robbing The Suburbs To Pay For The Cities


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
As many Americans do not know, in the eyes of the leftist community organizers who trained Obama, suburbs are instruments of bigotry and greed — a way of selfishly refusing to share tax money with the urban poor. Obama adopted this view early on, and he has never wavered from this ideological commitment, as a review of his actions in office goes to show.

President Obama’s plans for a second-term include an initiative to systematically redistribute the wealth of America’s suburbs to the cities. It’s a transformative idea, and deserves to be fully aired before the election. But like a lot of his major progressive policy innovations, Obama has advanced this one stealthily–mostly through rule-making, appointment, and vague directives. Obama has worked on this project in collaboration with Mike Kruglik, one of his original community organizing mentors.

How Obama Is Robbing The Suburbs To Pay For The Cities - Forbes
Informative article. I had not heard the term regional tax base sharing before, but certainly can see it as simple redistribution.
To this day, Obama quietly coordinates his administration’s policies on urban/suburban issues with Kruglik, Orfield, and Rusk. Kruglik’s anti-suburban battle is set to become one of the defining themes of Obama’s second term. Although calls for “regional tax-base sharing” will strike the public as something entirely new, the program is the fulfillment of the president’s lifetime ambition. Still trying to avoid being mistaken for a middle-class, suburban “sellout,” Obama has hit upon the ultimate solution: a massive redistribution of suburban tax money to America’s cities.

That would not be in the interests of America’s suburbanites or, ultimately, anyone else. Redistribution kills the growth that benefits everyone. Once voters realize that there has never been a president more ideologically opposed to the suburbs, or more reliant on redistribution as a policy, they should know what to do – especially all those suburbanites on whose judgment the election itself will turn.

This right here is all anyone needs to know...
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Informative article. I had not heard the term regional tax base sharing before, but certainly can see it as simple redistribution.

That's what it is. Redistribution of wealth.

What I find interesting is that our closest city, Nashville, has a property tax rate of almost twice what we have here. Don't you think they might be able to figure out why people are moving out?
Informative article. I had not heard the term regional tax base sharing before, but certainly can see it as simple redistribution.

That's what it is. Redistribution of wealth.

What I find interesting is that our closest city, Nashville, has a property tax rate of almost twice what we have here. Don't you think they might be able to figure out why people are moving out?

It seems one would consider that but in some cities the move is gradual to the suburbs. That's the reason I moved out of San Antonio, closer towards the Hill Country. Property taxes were almost halved.
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That's what it is. Redistribution of wealth.

What I find interesting is that our closest city, Nashville, has a property tax rate of almost twice what we have here. Don't you think they might be able to figure out why people are moving out?

It seems one would consider that but in some cities the move is gradual to the suburbs. That's the reason I moved out of San Antonio, closer towards the Hill Country. Property taxes were almost halved.

That's how it is here. Every county surrounding Nashville has much lower rates.
As many Americans do not know, in the eyes of the leftist community organizers who trained Obama, suburbs are instruments of bigotry and greed — a way of selfishly refusing to share tax money with the urban poor. Obama adopted this view early on, and he has never wavered from this ideological commitment, as a review of his actions in office goes to show.

President Obama’s plans for a second-term include an initiative to systematically redistribute the wealth of America’s suburbs to the cities. It’s a transformative idea, and deserves to be fully aired before the election. But like a lot of his major progressive policy innovations, Obama has advanced this one stealthily–mostly through rule-making, appointment, and vague directives. Obama has worked on this project in collaboration with Mike Kruglik, one of his original community organizing mentors.

How Obama Is Robbing The Suburbs To Pay For The Cities - Forbes

This shit is unreal.
Such ideas strike at the very heart of hard work, achievement and success.
Take those things away plus the removal of the freedom to live where one sees fit removes all incentive to improve one's self. This is the same nonsense that crushed the USSR and continues to implode all other socialist/marxists states.
However, several locations have tried these ideas.
For example, Portland, OR had "smart growth" regulations. The thought there was to limit building of homes in certain areas( presumably for preservation of the close in wooded areas) but actually the idea was to prevent people from "voting with their feet". POrtland leaders seeing frustration with growing crime, increasing taxes and dissatisfaction with schools, were moving out of the central city.
Of course the plan backfired. Because of the virtual moratorium on home construction, a housing shortage was created. Home prices skyrocketed and long with that taxes. MIddle call people could no longer afford to live there. So middle and low income people were forced to move to far flung suburbs.
The other more popular method is annexation.
Most states require "voluntary annexation". This type requires the consent of a majority of property owners in the targeted area.
Some states, allow "involuntary annexation". This type requires only permission from the state. There are few requirements. In either case the theory was to prevent erosion of the tax base, cities could simply "reach out and grab" residents that had moved out to close in suburbs.
In most northern and midwestern states, the township system exists where boundaries are already set and thus it is impossible for cities to change their boundaries.
This is most likely where Obama and his cronies got the idea that suburbs were evil.
The federal government has to far over reach is Constitutional authority to accomplish what is described in the article.
But with Obama's propensity to "do exactly as he pleases" I guess anything is possible.
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Robbing the burbs to pay for the cities?
They are building a big arena downtown?

They are in building a new convention center in Nashville and just had a tax increase of around $.50 . I'm not certain what the exact figure turned out to be. I know part of the reason for the tax increase was due to the stimulus money that Karl Dean took from Obama. The money came with long strings.
Informative article. I had not heard the term regional tax base sharing before, but certainly can see it as simple redistribution.

That's what it is. Redistribution of wealth.
It's much more than that. It is the removal of freedom and liberty. It violates the very concept on which this nation was built... which is spelled out in the Declaration of Independence
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,"

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