How Partisanship Has Destroyed Cooperation Between the Two Party's For The Country's Best Interest!


VIP Member
Nov 30, 2016
I believe the extreme partisanship in Washington D.C. that has caused both political party's to focus on scoring political points, rather than cooperating for what is best for the country, began in the 1980's by Senator Ted Kennedy with the "Borking" of Robert Bork's Supreme Court nomination and then the "High Tech Lynching" of Clarence Thomas! Before this, SC judges were routinely confirmed if the American Bar Association (ABA) declared them as qualified. An example of how this is supposed to work is Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who in the opinion of many in the legal profession, is considered to be one of the most radical leftist's ever appointed to the SC! She is on record as saying the U.S.Constitution should not be recommended to other countries and that the SC should consider foreign law in their deliberations of cases that come before them!
The left has always been the party who practices the politics of personal destruction and it's been pretty effective over the years. If Republicans engage in the same tactics, it's in self defense.
I believe the extreme partisanship in Washington D.C. that has caused both political party's parties to focus on scoring political points, rather than cooperating for what is best for the country, began in the 1980's 1980s by Senator Ted Kennedy with the "Borking" of Robert Bork's Supreme Court nomination and then the "High Tech Lynching" of Clarence Thomas! Before this, SC judges were routinely confirmed if the American Bar Association (ABA) declared them as qualified. An example of how this is supposed to work is Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who in the opinion of many in the legal profession, is considered to be one of the most radical leftist's leftists ever appointed to the SC! She is on record as saying the U.S.Constitution should not be recommended to other countries and that the SC should consider foreign law in their deliberations of cases that come before them!
By Design, Unstructured Grammar Leads to Unstructured Thought

I'd like to see SCROTUS declare that using apostrophe s for the plural is unConstitutional.
Partisanship is healthy and give and take in politics is good for the Country. If both sides "cooperated" in everything instead of debating the issues we would end up with non-stop legislation that would strangle the Country. We have what used to be called "the 4th estate" to keep politicians aware and focused on issues. The problem comes when the media becomes the propaganda arm of a political party. That means one party's extremism is tolerated and even encouraged while another party (usually a republican administration) is continually undermined. A political party in power which has total cooperation from the media can just about get away with any violation of the Constitution or outrageous act. Case in point FDR placing American citizens in concentration camps without due process or Bill Clinton bombing Europe when he was caught with his pants down.
I believe the extreme partisanship in Washington D.C. that has caused both political party's to focus on scoring political points, rather than cooperating for what is best for the country, began in the 1980's by Senator Ted Kennedy with the "Borking" of Robert Bork's Supreme Court nomination and then the "High Tech Lynching" of Clarence Thomas! Before this, SC judges were routinely confirmed if the American Bar Association (ABA) declared them as qualified. An example of how this is supposed to work is Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who in the opinion of many in the legal profession, is considered to be one of the most radical leftist's ever appointed to the SC! She is on record as saying the U.S.Constitution should not be recommended to other countries and that the SC should consider foreign law in their deliberations of cases that come before them!

That alone is proof that RBG should be thrown from the SC, rescinded all benefits and put on trial as a subversive, not celebrated in the highest court in the land. But I believe it was the Left who began the trend of scoring political points ahead of country--- for one thing, it is how they rally their base to have any hope of winning; look at Johnny Carson who never mixed politics with his show other than to take the most good-humored, well-intended barbs at both sides to now where Stephen Colbert routinely assassinates Trump, eviscerates him for any excuse, even if he has to lie to do it. The GOP has many times tried reaching across the aisle, it is always the Left who refuse to make even the smallest concession--- they truly believe that their not being in power is some unjust usurpation of natural law! Democrats: BORN to control!

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