How Patriotic Are The Liberals If They're Willing To Take The States And Move Them To Canada

james bond

Gold Member
Oct 17, 2015
The liberal patriotism is disgusting. In my state, they're calling for Calexit being led by the governor. The libs hate the earth so much that they're willing to move to Mars if possible.

Let the libs move to Canada while they still can! Just leave the states here. If Canada wants the states, then they'll have to try and take them. You can have the libs though.

Canadians are inviting four US states to join Canada
The cons were talking about seceding from California.

No one is going anywhere.
The cons were talking about seceding from California.

No one is going anywhere.
The reason why liberals wont leave the US for the Socialist Utopian Paradise of Cuba, is that as long as there is a United States of America, the land of the free and home of the brave, there will always be a bastion of HOPE for people who are depressed by Liberalism/Progressivism/Marxism/Communism/Fascism/Socialism. So the libdrones must destroy US from within, and almost succeeded with 8 years of Obama, but then the sleeping giant woke up and voted out the slimy crooked vagina candidate, and now you are seeing the truth of liberalism and how they aren't for the little person. They, liberals, must destroy the opposition, because even during the USSR people were not JUMPING over the wall or facing down guys with guns and dogs, to go into the Communist country, but were fleeing communism because they saw how bad it was. Jake, is just a goosestepping, kool aid drinking, low information, mind numbed useful idiot, publicly educated to hate free people.

What a total group of hypocrites . Teabaggers have a corner on the market for whining like little babies

When Tex-ass was talking about leaving you two-bit liars were all about it.
Get over your little whiny asses.

The liberal patriotism is disgusting. In my state, they're calling for Calexit being led by the governor. The libs hate the earth so much that they're willing to move to Mars if possible.

Let the libs move to Canada while they still can! Just leave the states here. If Canada wants the states, then they'll have to try and take them. You can have the libs though.

Canadians are inviting four US states to join Canada
What a total group of hypocrites . Teabaggers have a corner on the market for whining like little babies

When Tex-ass was talking about leaving you two-bit liars were all about it.
Get over your little whiny asses.

The liberal patriotism is disgusting. In my state, they're calling for Calexit being led by the governor. The libs hate the earth so much that they're willing to move to Mars if possible.

Let the libs move to Canada while they still can! Just leave the states here. If Canada wants the states, then they'll have to try and take them. You can have the libs though.

Canadians are inviting four US states to join Canada
I still support Texas leaving. It would be a Win/Win for us all.
There is absolutely nothing patriotic about being a member of today's Democrat Party.
There is absolutely nothing patriotic about being a member of today's Democrat Party.
You write that when the alt right is engaged in sedition?
Kudos, except your allegation is nonsense.
That is exactly what one like you would say. :)
Yep, that IS what a patriotic American would say.
Exactly, a patriotic American would say that the alt right is engaged in sedition.
There is absolutely nothing patriotic about being a member of today's Democrat Party.
You write that when the alt right is engaged in sedition?
Kudos, except your allegation is nonsense.
That is exactly what one like you would say. :)
Yep, that IS what a patriotic American would say.
Exactly, a patriotic American would say that the alt right is engaged in sedition.
I have never considered exercising your first amendment rights to be sedition, Jake-off!
You write that when the alt right is engaged in sedition?
Kudos, except your allegation is nonsense.
That is exactly what one like you would say. :)
Yep, that IS what a patriotic American would say.
Exactly, a patriotic American would say that the alt right is engaged in sedition.
I have never considered exercising your first amendment rights to be sedition, Jake-off!
No 1st Amendment protection extends to libel and or protects knowing, voluntary, and willing aiding and abetting sedition.
The liberal patriotism is disgusting. In my state, they're calling for Calexit being led by the governor. The libs hate the earth so much that they're willing to move to Mars if possible.

Let the libs move to Canada while they still can! Just leave the states here. If Canada wants the states, then they'll have to try and take them. You can have the libs though.

Canadians are inviting four US states to join Canada
We already settled this issue back in 1865.

Even though many of us in the USA would be glad to see the West Coast go to Canada (or even back to Russia for that matter like they used to belong in the 1600's) there is no way DC is going to let go of the Federal tax revenue from taxing the communists in California, Oregon, and Wash State.
Kudos, except your allegation is nonsense.
That is exactly what one like you would say. :)
Yep, that IS what a patriotic American would say.
Exactly, a patriotic American would say that the alt right is engaged in sedition.
I have never considered exercising your first amendment rights to be sedition, Jake-off!
No 1st Amendment protection extends to libel and or protects knowing, voluntary, and willing aiding and abetting sedition.
Funny though, neither Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis, nor any other Confederate general was hanged by Lincoln, Johnson, or Grant.

Could have.

Should have.

But did not.
There is absolutely nothing patriotic about being a member of today's Democrat Party.
You write that when the alt right is engaged in sedition?
Kudos, except your allegation is nonsense.
That is exactly what one like you would say. :)
Yep, that IS what a patriotic American would say.
Exactly, a patriotic American would say that the alt right is engaged in sedition.
To be a "patriotic American" all you have to do is encourage others to vote and agree to abide by the majority rule.

You can be either far right wacko or far left wacko or somewhere in the middle, no problem.
What a total group of hypocrites . Teabaggers have a corner on the market for whining like little babies

When Tex-ass was talking about leaving you two-bit liars were all about it.
Get over your little whiny asses.

The liberal patriotism is disgusting. In my state, they're calling for Calexit being led by the governor. The libs hate the earth so much that they're willing to move to Mars if possible.

Let the libs move to Canada while they still can! Just leave the states here. If Canada wants the states, then they'll have to try and take them. You can have the libs though.

Canadians are inviting four US states to join Canada
I still support Texas leaving. It would be a Win/Win for us all.
Texas provides a lot of oil and a lot of oil tax revenue.

Makes no sense to let it go.

Mississippi would be the only sh!t hole state making sense to let go, and they are stuck in the middle of the Mississippi River traffic thoroughfare.
View attachment 117736
That is exactly what one like you would say. :)
Yep, that IS what a patriotic American would say.
Exactly, a patriotic American would say that the alt right is engaged in sedition.
I have never considered exercising your first amendment rights to be sedition, Jake-off!
No 1st Amendment protection extends to libel and or protects knowing, voluntary, and willing aiding and abetting sedition.
I call this move the "Jake Starkey". You keep on pumping until you make a big mess that nobody wants to clean up.

Jake-off, I am not even going to ask you to clarify your allegations of sedition because you are so full of shit your asshole is jealous of you.
Most people who consider themselves liberals are really just useful idiots.


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