How Patriotic Are The Liberals If They're Willing To Take The States And Move Them To Canada

Rob has given up the argument.

Yes, you alt right better understand the 1st amendment does not protect libelous or seditious publications.
View attachment 117736
Exactly, a patriotic American would say that the alt right is engaged in sedition.
I have never considered exercising your first amendment rights to be sedition, Jake-off!
No 1st Amendment protection extends to libel and or protects knowing, voluntary, and willing aiding and abetting sedition.
I call this move the "Jake Starkey". You keep on pumping until you make a big mess that nobody wants to clean up.

Jake-off, I am not even going to ask you to clarify your allegations of sedition because you are so full of shit your asshole is jealous of you.
Most people who consider themselves liberals are really just useful idiots.

Says a useful idiot. :)
Jake-off has discovered my Achille's heal: off-topic flaming/trolling. He is trying to get me in trouble. In other words, Jake-off is dangling his noodle in the piranha tank. But that's ok because I have better counter strategies than Hillary Clinton at a Benghazi hearing. I will just be sure to saying something about the op. For example, ahem:

There is nothing patriotic about a group of people who would nominate known sociopath and swindler, Hillary Clinton, to be the president of the United States. That act, in itself, invalidates any claim to patriotism the Democrats can make.
Unlike you, I am retired very well off. You are flaming your own thread, which is about patriotism. I have pointed out clearly and correctly you are not a patriot, and that your libel approaches sedition. Best advice to you: tell the truth.
Unlike you, I am retired very well off. You are flaming your own thread, which is about patriotism. I have pointed out clearly and correctly you are not a patriot, and that your libel approaches sedition. Best advice to you: tell the truth.
I didn't know you got a pension from McDonalds. Good for you Jake.
Unlike you, I am retired very well off. You are flaming your own thread, which is about patriotism. I have pointed out clearly and correctly you are not a patriot, and that your libel approaches sedition. Best advice to you: tell the truth.
I didn't know you got a pension from McDonalds. Good for you Jake.
:lol: I hear your home gets 8 miles a gallon.

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