How Perpetual War Became U.S. Ideology


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2017
The Conspiratorium.
Ideological Domination

Neoconservatives of both parties urge war to spread American ideals, seeing it as the duty of a great nation. Liberal interventionists see individuals, not states, as the key global actor and have deemed a Responsibility to Protect those in danger from their own governments, particularly when an international consensus to intervene can be forged. Traditional Realists, meanwhile, initially reject most interventions but are frequently drawn in by arguments that the national interest will be put at risk if the situation spirals out of control.

In a widely discussed March essay, Harvard international relations professor
Stephen Walt wrote of a "neocon-liberal alliance" in support of war, contending, "The only important intellectual difference between neoconservatives and liberal interventionists is that the former have disdain for international institutions (which they see as constraints on U.S. power), and the latter see them as a useful way to legitimate American dominance."

How Perpetual War Became U.S. Ideology

It indeed is "policy".

So, you're okay with genocide?

You're okay with slavery?

You're okay with women being forced into marriages with men twice or even three times their own age?

You're okay with women having their genitalia forcibly mutilated?

You're okay with all the injustice, murder and corruption around the world as long as it doesn't cost you anything, right?

Don't worry, snowflake. No one will ever ask you to man-up and help.

You would be incapable
So, you're okay with genocide?

You're okay with slavery?

You're okay with women being forced into marriages with men twice or even three times their own age?

You're okay with women having their genitalia forcibly mutilated?

You're okay with all the injustice, murder and corruption around the world as long as it doesn't cost you anything, right?

Don't worry, snowflake. No one will ever ask you to man-up and help.

You would be incapable

(smile) I'm quite well trained kid. We cannot be the World's police force.
Ideological Domination

Neoconservatives of both parties urge war to spread American ideals, seeing it as the duty of a great nation. Liberal interventionists see individuals, not states, as the key global actor and have deemed a Responsibility to Protect those in danger from their own governments, particularly when an international consensus to intervene can be forged. Traditional Realists, meanwhile, initially reject most interventions but are frequently drawn in by arguments that the national interest will be put at risk if the situation spirals out of control.

In a widely discussed March essay, Harvard international relations professor
Stephen Walt wrote of a "neocon-liberal alliance" in support of war, contending, "The only important intellectual difference between neoconservatives and liberal interventionists is that the former have disdain for international institutions (which they see as constraints on U.S. power), and the latter see them as a useful way to legitimate American dominance."

How Perpetual War Became U.S. Ideology

It indeed is "policy".
People that support war when our freedom is not at stake are no liberals.
Ideological Domination

Neoconservatives of both parties urge war to spread American ideals, seeing it as the duty of a great nation. Liberal interventionists see individuals, not states, as the key global actor and have deemed a Responsibility to Protect those in danger from their own governments, particularly when an international consensus to intervene can be forged. Traditional Realists, meanwhile, initially reject most interventions but are frequently drawn in by arguments that the national interest will be put at risk if the situation spirals out of control.

In a widely discussed March essay, Harvard international relations professor
Stephen Walt wrote of a "neocon-liberal alliance" in support of war, contending, "The only important intellectual difference between neoconservatives and liberal interventionists is that the former have disdain for international institutions (which they see as constraints on U.S. power), and the latter see them as a useful way to legitimate American dominance."

How Perpetual War Became U.S. Ideology

It indeed is "policy".
They only urge war to seek hegemony and empire. They pretty up their act with wonderful words used as adjectives - human rights, democracy, freedom, to keep the rubes buying the act. Liberals, who once stood up for peace, found themselves marginalized at the polls for this. So they cynically adapted and became as bloodthirsty as the worst Cheney/Rumsfeld/Kristol/Krauthammer chickenhawk.
You go, or you send your kid. I've already done my duty. War is nothing more than a money making enterprise.

I did my duty and I have a CIB to prove it.

Being a non-combatant Medic doesn't count for shit to me.

Let's not go down that road. Just leave it be
Ideological Domination

Neoconservatives of both parties urge war to spread American ideals, seeing it as the duty of a great nation. Liberal interventionists see individuals, not states, as the key global actor and have deemed a Responsibility to Protect those in danger from their own governments, particularly when an international consensus to intervene can be forged. Traditional Realists, meanwhile, initially reject most interventions but are frequently drawn in by arguments that the national interest will be put at risk if the situation spirals out of control.

In a widely discussed March essay, Harvard international relations professor
Stephen Walt wrote of a "neocon-liberal alliance" in support of war, contending, "The only important intellectual difference between neoconservatives and liberal interventionists is that the former have disdain for international institutions (which they see as constraints on U.S. power), and the latter see them as a useful way to legitimate American dominance."

How Perpetual War Became U.S. Ideology

It indeed is "policy".

Before WWII, conservatives had done their best to turn the U.S. into a colonial power. Domination of South America, the Phillipines and westward expansion (Manifest Destiny).

After WWII the U.S. has become the strong arm of European Conservative's colonialism. We destroyed democracy in the 'third world'. Iran, Vietnam, Guatemala...etc

America tends to profess the great ideals of our founding fathers as justification, while imposing brutal dictatorships.

Like so many empires before, the working class pays the taxes to support our empire, and working class kids fight these wars, but only a tiny number of super-wealthy Americans (or Europeans) reap the financial benefits of these 'colonies'. The result is a financial disaster and ultimate collapse.
You go, or you send your kid. I've already done my duty. War is nothing more than a money making enterprise.

I did my duty and I have a CIB to prove it.

Being a non-combatant Medic doesn't count for shit to me.

Let's not go down that road. Just leave it be

Then shut the fuck up and quit trying to be a bad ass. You (like me) are just some schmuck posting anonymously on the internet. Which by the way in no way gives you the right to think your service was anymore important than anyone else's.

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