How pompous! How elitist! How stupid!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
“I thought to myself, if a Princeton and Harvard-educated professional woman doesn’t know how to adequately feed her kids, then what are other parents going through who don’t have access to the information I have?” she recalled.
Michelle Obama: I Couldn't Feed My Kids Right?Even with a Harvard Degree

The first lady thinks herself superior.."a Princeton and Harvard-educated" how pompous!

Every time I read/hear pompous self inflated people like Michelle who announce their "education credentials" all I interpret is a very insecure person!
People like Michelle and her husband are like the nouveau riche, so accustomed to an inferior status that once they received a education have to flaunt it because
they constantly think they need to tell people.."look at me...I'm a Princeton and Harvard educated"!

Pompous. Elitist.

All she would need to do is just state the fact regarding how to access the information.
Totally unnecessary to IMPRESS with "education credentials"!

Turns most people off!
Now that she knows how to feed her children, she has to tell everyone else what to do. Big Moo is a disgusting creature, just like her consort.
Now that she knows how to feed her children, she has to tell everyone else what to do. Big Moo is a disgusting creature, just like her consort.

Michelle JUST like Obama so oblivious to their hypocrisy!

Michelle... telling us her educational credentials... "just like us"???
Obama... even more pompous and hypocritical..

"It is that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper —"

YET his brother lives in a $12 hut!


  • $Obamasbrotherhut.pdf
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Educational credentials! Moo should never have been allowed to graduate Princeton.
“I thought to myself, if a Princeton and Harvard-educated professional woman doesn’t know how to adequately feed her kids, then what are other parents going through who don’t have access to the information I have?” she recalled.
Michelle Obama: I Couldn't Feed My Kids Right?Even with a Harvard Degree

The first lady thinks herself superior.."a Princeton and Harvard-educated" how pompous!

Every time I read/hear pompous self inflated people like Michelle who announce their "education credentials" all I interpret is a very insecure person!
People like Michelle and her husband are like the nouveau riche, so accustomed to an inferior status that once they received a education have to flaunt it because
they constantly think they need to tell people.."look at me...I'm a Princeton and Harvard educated"!

Pompous. Elitist.

All she would need to do is just state the fact regarding how to access the information.
Totally unnecessary to IMPRESS with "education credentials"!

Turns most people off!

yes, you're an elitist pompous and stupid.
Considering that 80% of America disagrees with hm's posturing, let's go ahead and delete this OP.
Considering that 80% of America disagrees with hm's posturing, let's go ahead and delete this OP.

Ah... so just like book burners in the past.. based on NOTHING but a personal opinion based ON ZERO facts you like an Ostrich sticking your head in the sand says like Schultz...""I hear nothing, I see nothing, I know nothing"!

Way to go Jerkoff.. figure another way to do communist censuring...see where that takes you!
Your pomposity is showing as well as your ignorance!

Book burner!!!
Considering that 80% of America disagrees with hm's posturing, let's go ahead and delete this OP.

Ah... so just like book burners in the past.. based on NOTHING but a personal opinion based ON ZERO facts you like an Ostrich sticking your head in the sand says like Schultz...""I hear nothing, I see nothing, I know nothing"! Way to go Jerkoff.. figure another way to do communist censuring...see where that takes you! Your pomposity is showing as well as your ignorance! Book burner!!!

You know nothing, HealthMyths Snow. :lol:

Your opinion, son, is not factual, and I have every right to call attention to that point.

Your gang's impact on America has been decreasing at a significant pace since the TP defeats last fall in Congress and in culture.

You are almost to the status of being a footnote in history.
This is the new liberal line. We were poor once just like you.

Oh brother.

You mean like bill and hillary coming out of the White House broke and penniless while only making 12million that year? Yeah they really can identify with us little people.
"I went to Harvard and Princeton thanks to being a black woman that could read and write compared to my black peers, so that makes me superior to you honkeys out there." - Moochelle
insecure people don't monitor other peoples lives and sprint to their little computer as fast as they can to report any perceived flaws as SOON as they possibly can or think of them

naw, not at all
Michelle is clearly superior in thinking and writing than 1776, health myths, and cutter.
The really sad part is she is the type of person that gives rise to the stereotype... loud, without a sense of class and definitely so narcissistic she doesn't realize how offensive the first part of her statement was.
If she had NOT said that pompous educational elitist statement where she went to school I had no problem with the rest of her statement!
“I thought to myself, if a Princeton and Harvard-educated professional woman doesn’t know how to adequately feed her kids, then what are other parents going through who don’t have access to the information I have?” she recalled.
Michelle Obama: I Couldn't Feed My Kids Right?Even with a Harvard Degree

The first lady thinks herself superior.."a Princeton and Harvard-educated" how pompous!

Every time I read/hear pompous self inflated people like Michelle who announce their "education credentials" all I interpret is a very insecure person!
People like Michelle and her husband are like the nouveau riche, so accustomed to an inferior status that once they received a education have to flaunt it because
they constantly think they need to tell people.."look at me...I'm a Princeton and Harvard educated"!

Pompous. Elitist.

All she would need to do is just state the fact regarding how to access the information.
Totally unnecessary to IMPRESS with "education credentials"!

Turns most people off!

I think the statement say's a lot about michelle. My Grandmothrt raised 7perfectly healthy kids that lived to be 80yrs or more with just a high school education. You would think someone smart enough to get into Harvard could cook a healthy meal. I guess that's the progressive's way, you can't do anything right with out the government approving it. Grandma didn't think much of politicians.
“Before coming to the White House, I struggled, as a working parent with a traveling, busy husband, to figure out how to feed my kids healthy, and I didn’t get it right. Our pediatrician had to pull me aside and point out some things that were going wrong. I thought to myself, if a Princeton and Harvard educated professional woman doesn’t know how to adequately feed her kids, then what are other parents going through who don’t have access to the information I have?

Pompass , stupid, ignorant, lazy, pretentious and condenscending. Thanks liberals :rolleyes:
“I thought to myself, if a Princeton and Harvard-educated professional woman doesn’t know how to adequately feed her kids, then what are other parents going through who don’t have access to the information I have?” she recalled.
Michelle Obama: I Couldn't Feed My Kids Right?Even with a Harvard Degree

The first lady thinks herself superior.."a Princeton and Harvard-educated" how pompous!

Every time I read/hear pompous self inflated people like Michelle who announce their "education credentials" all I interpret is a very insecure person!
People like Michelle and her husband are like the nouveau riche, so accustomed to an inferior status that once they received a education have to flaunt it because
they constantly think they need to tell people.."look at me...I'm a Princeton and Harvard educated"!

Pompous. Elitist.

All she would need to do is just state the fact regarding how to access the information.
Totally unnecessary to IMPRESS with "education credentials"!

Turns most people off!

Gee, most of us learned about the food groups in grade school. We knew candy was bad for us when we were children. And we all have access to information just in case some have zero common sense. I don't think Michelle has special access to books or other literature that isn't available to the general public.

Either Michelle pulled strings to get into college or she spent the years doing something other than learning. Of course, being educated and being intelligent are two different things, and she proves that.

Anyone who knows how to read can easily determine which foods are best. Every parent I know lectured their children on eating too much junk food and most of us aren't afraid to say 'no' to our kids when they ask for it.

All she has shown here is that she is anything but intelligent and she should be embarrassed. I suspect she is trying to sound like one of the government dependents, who already are convinced that government should lead the way. Perhaps they believe that everyone is really that stupid.

I do know a few people who eat junk and their children are as overweight as they are. Even they know better, but they don't try to break their bad habits. And I doubt that learning about Michelle being just as ignorant is going to make them change their ways. This 'confession' of Michelle's is just a prelude to government seizing a little more control over us. After all, if the educated first lady is too stupid to feed her children, then how can the rest of us possibly survive on our own? That is the message being conveyed here. I hope some speak out publicly to let her know that we're not all as stupid as she is, even without a Harvard education.
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