How President Trump turned the tide of illegal immigration in 1 year!

In truth, Trump has been all Big Talk and Little Action on the Immigration front.

He has, indeed, sent a very clear message beyond our borders, that Illegal Aliens will no longer be winked-at or surreptitiously welcomed or tolerated.

But he has done very little of a concrete nature to make such dogma a Reality.
Ofcouse it does...the Plyler case was precedent setting. Allowing foreign children to attend our public schools only created more incentive for our thirdworlders to our south to invade.
FYI- The cost to taxpayers is $10-$12k per year, per child attending public schools.
Allowing children to attend public school may have had vary little to no effect of illegals choices in coming here, in fact, there is no evidence to suggest that any immigrants came to this country to avail themselves of a free education. They are economic refugees, and mostly adults. It is mostly the children born here of those adults that is the drain. Children who are illegally brought here are few compared to those born here.

Is there always evidence? What “evidence” proves the motive of illegals? Isn’t it generally about common sense, connecting dots and plausibility?
I agree, the number of anchor babies born here far exceeds the number of illegal children brought here...but so what..what does that mean? I’d like to see those numbers...I’m sure you have them...right? How many brought their silver tooth’s with them?
Historically the sequence of the illegal invasion went like this....Gustavo migrated here alone to pick crops at harvest time...he sent his earnings home to Guadalupe and their silver tooth babies...Gustavo got word of .GOV making life easier here for school, welfare benefits...etc. These things began to add up...the next thing you know, it made perfect sense for Gustavo to bring Guadalupe and the silver tooth’s over to mooch away.
Plyler simply served as yet another gateway to an easier life for illegals here.
Illegals are a net detriment.
There’s no bigger a net detriment than the entire Trump family costing American tax payers tens of millions of dollars while gallivanting all over the globe with secret service in tow and of course the big fat orange idiot draining us dry on his weekly golf outings.
lying Don said " but nobdy knows about Obama's deportation record ... really Clownboi?

2010: The Washington Post reported that "the Obama administration is deporting record numbers of illegal immigrants."

2012: NPR reported that the Obama administration "deported a record 1.5 million" in his first term.

2014: An analysis by The New York Times found that since Obama became president, "two-thirds of the nearly two million deportation cases involve people who had committed minor infractions, including traffic violations, or had no criminal record at all."

2016: The New York Times reported in June that Obama "has carried out many more deportations than previous presidents, setting a record of more than 2.4 million formal removals."

your RW uneducated voters just cant read,
There’s a new sheriff in town.

Obama might be one of the first leaders of a nation in history that took specific measures to damage the nation he leads.
Is there always evidence? What “evidence” proves the motive of illegals? Isn’t it generally about common sense, connecting dots and plausibility?
I agree, the number of anchor babies born here far exceeds the number of illegal children brought here...but so what..what does that mean? I’d like to see those numbers...I’m sure you have them...right? How many brought their silver tooth’s with them?
Historically the sequence of the illegal invasion went like this....Gustavo migrated here alone to pick crops at harvest time...he sent his earnings home to Guadalupe and their silver tooth babies...Gustavo got word of .GOV making life easier here for school, welfare benefits...etc. These things began to add up...the next thing you know, it made perfect sense for Gustavo to bring Guadalupe and the silver tooth’s over to mooch away.
Plyler simply served as yet another gateway to an easier life for illegals here.
Ol'Gustavo usually quits sending money home and gets with some ugly fat white girl and has children here. His wife back home and his children back home then suffer until he gets deported. He then ends up with his wife back home.

Ol'Maria who comes here leaves her children with her parents back home, usually looking for her husband here. She may end up staying here and sending for her kid(s), or her kids may try to enter on their own once they get older.

There is no evidence or common sense by way of connecting dots regarding illegals coming here for their children to receive a free education.
lying Don said " but nobdy knows about Obama's deportation record ... really Clownboi?

2010: The Washington Post reported that "the Obama administration is deporting record numbers of illegal immigrants."

2012: NPR reported that the Obama administration "deported a record 1.5 million" in his first term.

2014: An analysis by The New York Times found that since Obama became president, "two-thirds of the nearly two million deportation cases involve people who had committed minor infractions, including traffic violations, or had no criminal record at all."

2016: The New York Times reported in June that Obama "has carried out many more deportations than previous presidents, setting a record of more than 2.4 million formal removals."

your RW uneducated voters just cant read,
Would you accept that even Obama says his numbers are deceptive.

Remarks by the President in an "Open for Questions" Roundtable
THE PRESIDENT: Actually, what happened, if you look at the statistics, two things happened: Number one is, is that there was a much greater emphasis on criminals rather than non-criminals. And there's been a huge shift in terms of enforcement, and that began as soon as I came into office. That change has taken place.

Secondly, the statistics are actually a little deceptive because what we’ve been doing is with the stronger border enforcement we’ve been apprehending folks at the borders and sending them back. That is counted as a deportation, even though they may have only been held for a day or 48 hours, sent back -- that’s counted as a deportation.
lying Don said " but nobdy knows about Obama's deportation record ... really Clownboi?

2010: The Washington Post reported that "the Obama administration is deporting record numbers of illegal immigrants."

2012: NPR reported that the Obama administration "deported a record 1.5 million" in his first term.

2014: An analysis by The New York Times found that since Obama became president, "two-thirds of the nearly two million deportation cases involve people who had committed minor infractions, including traffic violations, or had no criminal record at all."

2016: The New York Times reported in June that Obama "has carried out many more deportations than previous presidents, setting a record of more than 2.4 million formal removals."

your RW uneducated voters just cant read,

Nobody sane sees the deportation figures from the Hussein Obeaner administration as anything more than a ploy. Hussein did nothing but waste taxpayer cash by keeping the revolving door at our border moving. He refused to solve the issue at its root for obvious reasons...constituency preservation.
He’d send three back and incentivize ten to come over. Work the math out.
I’ve lived in Southern Mexifornia my whole life....there are far more wetbacks here now than there was nine years ago. So many in fact ...I liquidated 58 property’s in Riverside and San Bernardino alone in the last six years as the only potential renters were filthy beaners that would provide false / fraudulent documentation, fall way behind on rents, ruin the property and inevitably leave me with no recourse.
The only property investors left in those areas are those willing to adhere to Section 8 guidelines and deal with only the filthiest bottom feeders and illegal Mexicans.
How Donald Trump turned tide of illegal immigration in first year: Border crossing hits 45-year low

HAIL GOD EMPEROR TRUMP! This is wonderful news for AMERICANS and horrible news for Democrats! What will they EVER DO without millions more illegals to vote for them!

So how many points would you estimate this awesome accomplishment is adding to Trump's awesome 38% approval rating?

Wow...when will you desperate Loons learn that nobody but you and your lowlife friends give two shits about polls and the popularity contest.
As I’ve said many times before, when we see a rise in his popularity we’ll be pissed off...we’ll know the filthy Left is starting to embrace his policies..that would indicate he’s not fulfilling promises made to his “base” / constituents.
Is there always evidence? What “evidence” proves the motive of illegals? Isn’t it generally about common sense, connecting dots and plausibility?
I agree, the number of anchor babies born here far exceeds the number of illegal children brought here...but so what..what does that mean? I’d like to see those numbers...I’m sure you have them...right? How many brought their silver tooth’s with them?
Historically the sequence of the illegal invasion went like this....Gustavo migrated here alone to pick crops at harvest time...he sent his earnings home to Guadalupe and their silver tooth babies...Gustavo got word of .GOV making life easier here for school, welfare benefits...etc. These things began to add up...the next thing you know, it made perfect sense for Gustavo to bring Guadalupe and the silver tooth’s over to mooch away.
Plyler simply served as yet another gateway to an easier life for illegals here.
Ol'Gustavo usually quits sending money home and gets with some ugly fat white girl and has children here. His wife back home and his children back home then suffer until he gets deported. He then ends up with his wife back home.

Ol'Maria who comes here leaves her children with her parents back home, usually looking for her husband here. She may end up staying here and sending for her kid(s), or her kids may try to enter on their own once they get older.

There is no evidence or common sense by way of connecting dots regarding illegals coming here for their children to receive a free education.

There is no evidence or common sense by way of connecting dots regarding illegals coming here for their children to receive a free education.”

I totally disagree.
While the education part of the motive is likely secondary to other’s extra incentive / motive nonetheless.
As we provide more benefits to foreigners at the expense of our best the perception is that the US is “looking the other way” when it comes to immigration law. A horrible perception to allow unless you’re a Democrat preying on and counting on the ignorant and dependent.
How Donald Trump turned tide of illegal immigration in first year: Border crossing hits 45-year low

HAIL GOD EMPEROR TRUMP! This is wonderful news for AMERICANS and horrible news for Democrats! What will they EVER DO without millions more illegals to vote for them!

So how many points would you estimate this awesome accomplishment is adding to Trump's awesome 38% approval rating?

Wow...when will you desperate Loons learn that nobody but you and your lowlife friends give two shits about polls and the popularity contest.
As I’ve said many times before, when we see a rise in his popularity we’ll be pissed off...we’ll know the filthy Left is starting to embrace his policies..that would indicate he’s not fulfilling promises made to his “base” / constituents.

Yeah, that's the job of a representative of the People... do as much as he can contrary to the will of the People.

lol, PS, Roy Moore, Senator-elect from Alabama, gives you a big Attaboy!! for your contempt for public opinion.
How Donald Trump turned tide of illegal immigration in first year: Border crossing hits 45-year low

HAIL GOD EMPEROR TRUMP! This is wonderful news for AMERICANS and horrible news for Democrats! What will they EVER DO without millions more illegals to vote for them!

So how many points would you estimate this awesome accomplishment is adding to Trump's awesome 38% approval rating?

Wow...when will you desperate Loons learn that nobody but you and your lowlife friends give two shits about polls and the popularity contest.
As I’ve said many times before, when we see a rise in his popularity we’ll be pissed off...we’ll know the filthy Left is starting to embrace his policies..that would indicate he’s not fulfilling promises made to his “base” / constituents.

Yeah, that's the job of a representative of the People... do as much as he can contrary to the will of the People.

lol, PS, Roy Moore, Senator-elect from Alabama, gives you a big Attaboy!! for your contempt for public opinion.

Thats old school novelty....and total bullshit for today’s environment. This admin will never govern on behalf of our filth...Trump like rest of the legitimate citizens of this nation is fed the fuck up with the twisted Loons and the filth. Change...get your shit right or get ran over. We’re “Making America American Again”!

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