How Racist Are We Americans?

How Racist Are We Americans? What an AP Poll Suggests

In November 2012, I wrote about an Associated Press poll, conducted by researchers from Stanford University, the University of Michigan, and NORC at the University of Chicago, which was designed to measure “implicit” racial bias. It did not look at gender bias, but the results of the poll are instructive about how likely it is that all of us share the same racial biases.

To measure racism, respondents were shown neutral images of a Chinese character – or ideograph – right after a photo of a black male or a white male had been flashed on the screen. The respondents were then asked to rate their feelings, positive to negative, about the ideograph.

The assumption of this method, apparently, was that the Chinese character or ideograph would, by itself, elicit a neutral reaction, since most Americans don’t know the meaning of such ideographs. Thus, any positive or negative feeling a respondent gave after the ideograph had been shown would actually reflect the respondent’s positive or negative feeling about the photo that had been flashed on the screen just prior to the ideograph.

Each respondent was shown numerous ideographs. If a respondent gave more positive ratings when the ideographs were preceded by a white man’s face than a black man’s face, the respondent was classified as anti-black. Conversely, respondents who gave more positive than negative ratings when the ideographs were preceded by a black than white face, were classified as anti-white.

Overall, the poll results based on this measure suggested that well over half of all Americans had implicit racial biases against blacks.

“When measured by an implicit racial attitudes test, the number of Americans with anti-black sentiments jumped to 56 percent, up from 49 percent during the last presidential election…the share of Americans expressing pro-black [anti-white] attitudes fell.”**

Although the AP news story did not mention the precise percentage with anti-white attitudes, Josh Pasek of the University of Michigan, the lead researcher, sent me the full results.

As shown in the chart below, the poll revealed that 33% of Americans exhibited anti-white attitudes and 55% anti-black attitudes, while 12% exhibited no racial bias.

Note also that among whites, more respondents revealed anti-black than anti-white attitudes, while among blacks, the reverse pattern is found – although not nearly to the same degree as with whites.

The poll shows that blacks are not as racist as whites. And that was found without factoring in continuing white racism.
I ain’t reading your slanted tirade to excuse your racist bigotry that you believe should excuse your failure in life while putting the blame on White Society!

If you failed in life own it and live with it because no one owes you in life and because I do not shop at a black store, eat at a black restaurant or watch all black tv shows and movies is my choice and no one forces you to partake into white, Hispanic or Asian society!

All humans are racist, so own your own bigotry and racism and stop trying to find a slanted poll to excuse your hatred!
I ain’t reading your slanted tirade to excuse your racist bigotry that you believe should excuse your failure in life while putting the blame on White Society!

If you failed in life own it and live with it because no one owes you in life and because I do not shop at a black store, eat at a black restaurant or watch all black tv shows and movies is my choice and no one forces you to partake into white, Hispanic or Asian society!

All humans are racist, so own your own bigotry and racism and stop trying to find a slanted poll to excuse your hatred!
My failure in life includes a college education 30 years of work in the field at executive level positions and more. I've done better than you and the fact is that white racism is responsible for our problem. Not white society. What you don't watch and where you don't shop is irrelevant but when you vote for racists to make laws, that's the problem and since you are republican, that's pretty much what you're doing. All humans are not racist and I won't be owning what I don't have.
No, they are racists.
How many people have you met in life that isn't racist or bigoted about something?.... look in the mirror... we could all learn something by looking at ourselves....
My failure in life includes a college education 30 years of work in the field at executive level positions and more. I've done better than you and the fact is that white racism is responsible for our problem. Not white society. What you don't watch and where you don't shop is irrelevant but when you vote for racists to make laws, that's the problem and since you are republican, that's pretty much what you're doing. All humans are not racist and I won't be owning what I don't have.
Now see how ignorant you are seeing I am not Republican nor Democrat and your bigoted hatred for those that disagree with you make you rant about stuff you know nothing about!

You are clearly a bigoted racist poster and have been shown many times to be ignorant and a damn liar!

Do you know where Richmond, Texas is at or are you still waiting for it to be moved to Dallas where you claimed it was at when you told me I needed to shop at Black stores and seeing I didn’t I am racist?

See you should own your own racism because you are racist and I can list your threads attacking Asians and Whites and you supporting bigots in the Democratic Party like Biden!

You judge people by their skin color and you have a true hatred for anyone showing you what you really are!

Also everyone is racist and everyone has mental issues, so own it!
Look up and see who on this board brings up race the most...and its you are a racist.....

Wrong. You need to learn what racism really is. Because you're a racist then you whine because I counter your racism by holding a mirror to your face. Brining up rave is not racism dumb ass, making claims that your race is better is. And thats what whites like you do.
How many people have you met in life that isn't racist or bigoted about something?.... look in the mirror... we could all learn something by looking at ourselves....
A whole bunch. I have no problem looking at myself, you however can't say the same.
If I was a racist dragonlady would have included me.
You are a racist and Dragon is as dumb as you seeing she think Dulles Airport is DFW and has no clue about Texas…

Your rants daily are about how White Society should apologize to you and how they caused your life to be a miserable failure, so yes you are a racist bigot!

Own it!
How Racist Are We Americans? What an AP Poll Suggests

In November 2012, I wrote about an Associated Press poll, conducted by researchers from Stanford University, the University of Michigan, and NORC at the University of Chicago, which was designed to measure “implicit” racial bias. It did not look at gender bias, but the results of the poll are instructive about how likely it is that all of us share the same racial biases.

To measure racism, respondents were shown neutral images of a Chinese character – or ideograph – right after a photo of a black male or a white male had been flashed on the screen. The respondents were then asked to rate their feelings, positive to negative, about the ideograph.

The assumption of this method, apparently, was that the Chinese character or ideograph would, by itself, elicit a neutral reaction, since most Americans don’t know the meaning of such ideographs. Thus, any positive or negative feeling a respondent gave after the ideograph had been shown would actually reflect the respondent’s positive or negative feeling about the photo that had been flashed on the screen just prior to the ideograph.

Each respondent was shown numerous ideographs. If a respondent gave more positive ratings when the ideographs were preceded by a white man’s face than a black man’s face, the respondent was classified as anti-black. Conversely, respondents who gave more positive than negative ratings when the ideographs were preceded by a black than white face, were classified as anti-white.

Overall, the poll results based on this measure suggested that well over half of all Americans had implicit racial biases against blacks.

“When measured by an implicit racial attitudes test, the number of Americans with anti-black sentiments jumped to 56 percent, up from 49 percent during the last presidential election…the share of Americans expressing pro-black [anti-white] attitudes fell.”**

Although the AP news story did not mention the precise percentage with anti-white attitudes, Josh Pasek of the University of Michigan, the lead researcher, sent me the full results.

As shown in the chart below, the poll revealed that 33% of Americans exhibited anti-white attitudes and 55% anti-black attitudes, while 12% exhibited no racial bias.

Note also that among whites, more respondents revealed anti-black than anti-white attitudes, while among blacks, the reverse pattern is found – although not nearly to the same degree as with whites.

The poll shows that blacks are not as racist as whites. And that was found without factoring in continuing white racism.

I love colored people. :afro:
Now see how ignorant you are seeing I am not Republican nor Democrat and your bigoted hatred for those that disagree with you make you rant about stuff you know nothing about!

You are clearly a bigoted racist poster and have been shown many times to be ignorant and a damn liar!

Do you know where Richmond, Texas is at or are you still waiting for it to be moved to Dallas where you claimed it was at when you told me I needed to shop at Black stores and seeing I didn’t I am racist?

See you should own your own racism because you are racist and I can list your threads attacking Asians and Whites and you supporting bigots in the Democratic Party like Biden!

You judge people by their skin color and you have a true hatred for anyone showing you what you really are!

Also everyone is racist and everyone has mental issues, so own it!
Yeah right. You're the idiot that assumes I have failed and blame white society for it. For you to believe something like that given the shitload of documentation showing how whites have impeded the progress of nonwhite people is ignorance defined. Please stop misusing King's words you racist piece of shit. I talk only about whites who are racist. That's a character evaluation because all whites aren't racists. Only the racist white get butthurt when white racism is discussed. Everyone is not racist.
You need to look at yourself because you are a hypocrite, racist, bigot and a liar!

All humans are racist and all humans have mental illness, so own it!
I look at myself and know I am just fine.
I've never been physically threatened by Whites. Just a fact.

I would never presume to tell anyone how to feel, I only related my personal story and how I feel. Take it for what it is worth.
You have never been physically threatened by somebody white? I don't think that is true, I've faced white racism in every form, but I won't dare lie and claim nobody black ever threatened me. C'mon man.
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Murica is so racist that its favorite sports heroes have been Derek Jeter, Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan.

So racist that it made Oprah the most wealthy entertainer in Murican history.

So racist that they twice elected a banal mulatto president, even though he openly held over half the nation in total contempt.

Yeah, sooooooooooo racist.
Now do the crime stats.
We are not talking about crime. But hey:

According to the 2020 Uniform Crime Report, there were 7,173,072 crime offenders in the United States. 3,642,932 whites, 2,122,038 blacks. Clearly, the numbers show that 1.5 million more whites were offenders than blacks. Whites were 51 percent of the criminal offenders in 2020. Blacks were 30 percent.

Now here is where your dumb ass comes with the 13 percent excuse.

Let’s return to the 2020 Uniform Crime Report Crime data I just presented. Again, in 2020, there were 7,173,072, crime offenders in the United States. That 7.1 million is 100 percent of the offenders in America. In 2020 according to the census, the U.S. population was 331,449,281. That number is 100 percent of the U.S. population. Out of 331,449,281 citizens, 7,173,072 people or 2.16 percent of the American population were criminal offenders. The 3,642,932 white offenders were 1.09 percent of the American population. The 2,122,038 black offenders were 0.006 percent of the American population. This is where the 13 percent excuse fails. Simple math shows the misuse of percentages. The 13 percent excuse uses the percentage of blacks committing a crime against the percentage of the black population instead of it being used to reflect the percentage of blacks committing a specific violation. The numbers here show that 13 percent of the American people are not committing 50 percent of the crime. Furthermore, they show that 1 percent of the population is 51 percent of the criminal offenders and they are not black.

The 13 percent excuse is a lazy analysis used by idiots and racists to dodge or deny the real problem. High numbers of white crimes.

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