How relieved are you that you don't live in a big city tonight?

The real threat is not from the rioters and looters but from a totalitarian inclined government that will gradually take away your freedoms.......they really do not know what they are doing....just following their instincts for control .....really not understanding what the ramifications will be.
I don't know. Looks like the people in the few states that have riot torn cities have plenty of freedom. They are given too much latitude in my opinion, but I don't live anywhere like that. How's that working out for you if you live there? You get the mayors and governors you support.
the big cities are all pretty much sheet....still lots and lots of smaller towns that are good places to live
This July it will be 25 years that I have been here in east Tennessee.

God bless you always!!!

In other words....

NOBODY should be relieved that they don't live in a big city.

Because under the plan of sending illegals to ALL places in America ....even to the furthest corner...... it will all be infected.

I'm sorry to say this, but that's how it will be if this madness of open borders is not stopped now.
But we might need to eat them for food if the commie/pinkos crash the economy.

I hate to say it because it sounds so gruesome, but I would love to butcher and eat some commie steaks or grind them into burgers. You would probably catch a good buzz off of it.

never eat rotten commie flesh....just dont do it
Maybe if you test it on your cat or dog first?
I'm also glad to live in an area where I'm not concerned about a hurricane, tornado, avalanche, tsunami, forest fire nor mud slide. We have dust storms, what aggrevates me are weathermen calling it a "haboob".
Assuming you don't of course.

If you do, you realize that you are just one verdict away from seeing your city burned down, right?

I think they will cause violence either way. I have never lived in a big city and I never plan to. So, I am quite happy not to live in one.
The real threat is not from the rioters and looters but from a totalitarian inclined government that will gradually take away your freedoms.......they really do not know what they are doing....just following their instincts for control .....really not understanding what the ramifications will be.
I don't know. Looks like the people in the few states that have riot torn cities have plenty of freedom. They are given too much latitude in my opinion, but I don't live anywhere like that. How's that working out for you if you live there? You get the mayors and governors you support.
the big cities are all pretty much sheet....still lots and lots of smaller towns that are good places to live
Assuming you don't of course.

If you do, you realize that you are just one verdict away from seeing your city burned down, right?

Most people have to work, so they live in big cities (or commute miles to the big city) in order to earn their daily bread.

People (such as retirees) who can afford to live in small towns are so lucky.

It must be nice to live in certain states (I will not name them. I want them to remain unknown) where there are still small towns where people do not lock their doors, where there is plenty of parking, and where you can walk about without fearing that you will be robbed or sucker punched. Where stores are never looted.

We who live in big cities can only envy such people.

Yes, when the verdict in "that" trial is announced, many people here in Los Angeles may decide to stay home that day -- not that home is even particularly safe nowadays with reduced police available.

This poor country. What did it do to deserve this? Oh, that's right: 1619.
You can't live your whole life in fear.

I live in northern Virginia, a ten-minute (outside of rush hour) drive to the White House. I have also lived in DC and Maryland. In my decades here:

- a few years after I worked as a temporary in the DC prosecutor's office, a guy walked in and killed five people
- My date and I were walking back to the car in a parking lot (long built over) in Georgetown when somebody began shooting at the people in a nearby car. We ran like hell, me in heels, and then called the cops. A few days later, a woman called both me and my date, saying that she was the mother of the boys being shot at. My roommates would not allow her to speak to me. The cops must have given her my number. Unsettling.
- I used to drive to work in DC, but I hesitated to go in on 9/11. My route to work included the road next to the Pentagon on the side that the plane came in
- then there was the sniper, whom everyone thought was in a white box truck. You ducked when you got gas. I quickly went to the gas station because some poor guy had just been killed in Fredericksburg and I knew that the sniper had to be stuck in traffic on 95 because the police were stopping everything.
- Richard Spencer showed up in the neighborhood a year or two ago
- somebody distributed KKK literature and candy in a local neighborhood in the dead of night, so we have night creepers
- there have been attacks on churches and mosques
- there has been all of that business in DC, a few rioters out of the thousands who have marched, and some trumpsters acting out, stealing signs and causing fights
- the cretins who attacked Congress on Jan. 6 stayed in motels around here, and I heard that some of them were bringing in high-powered weapons. Some of them even talked about taking weapons across the Potomac by boat.

But I grew up in Jersey a few miles from the George Washington Bridge. During the Cold War and the Cuban Missile Crisis we youngsters were taught to duck and cover. If somebody nuked NYC, we would be cooked as well.

You just have to shake it off and learn to duck.

I like cities. There is always something interesting to do or just hang out with friends at some outdoor cafe.
You can't live your whole life in fear.

I live in northern Virginia, a ten-minute (outside of rush hour) drive to the White House. I have also lived in DC and Maryland. In my decades here:

- a few years after I worked as a temporary in the DC prosecutor's office, a guy walked in and killed five people
- My date and I were walking back to the car in a parking lot (long built over) in Georgetown when somebody began shooting at the people in a nearby car. We ran like hell, me in heels, and then called the cops. A few days later, a woman called both me and my date, saying that she was the mother of the boys being shot at. My roommates would not allow her to speak to me. The cops must have given her my number. Unsettling.
- I used to drive to work in DC, but I hesitated to go in on 9/11. My route to work included the road next to the Pentagon on the side that the plane came in
- then there was the sniper, whom everyone thought was in a white box truck. You ducked when you got gas. I quickly went to the gas station because some poor guy had just been killed in Fredericksburg and I knew that the sniper had to be stuck in traffic on 95 because the police were stopping everything.
- Richard Spencer showed up in the neighborhood a year or two ago
- somebody distributed KKK literature and candy in a local neighborhood in the dead of night, so we have night creepers
- there have been attacks on churches and mosques
- there has been all of that business in DC, a few rioters out of the thousands who have marched, and some trumpsters acting out, stealing signs and causing fights
- the cretins who attacked Congress on Jan. 6 stayed in motels around here, and I heard that some of them were bringing in high-powered weapons. Some of them even talked about taking weapons across the Potomac by boat.

But I grew up in Jersey a few miles from the George Washington Bridge. During the Cold War and the Cuban Missile Crisis we youngsters were taught to duck and cover. If somebody nuked NYC, we would be cooked as well.

You just have to shake it off and learn to duck.

I like cities. There is always something interesting to do or just hang out with friends at some outdoor cafe.
I second this.

God bless you always!!!

i live 45 kilometers from a stop sign and 60 from a traffic light. The next traffic light is an hour north ;)
Very glad, especially glad living in a state that has not had any of the crap.

I was thinking you live in Oregon? Apparently not.
Live in Oregon. I don't think so. Homey don't play that. Tennessee, where the normal people live.
If you do, you realize that you are just one verdict away from seeing your city burned down, right?

I can't wait. I look forward to all the liberal media outlets trying to justify and rationalize more violence and riots nationwide over some 2-bit schmuck after violently and vehemently condemning a simple 2-hour long protest at the capitol that they caused.
I'm not in the country right now, so I wasn't worried about it either way
I live in a city and across the street from a police station for the last 14 years without any sort of incident. If I ever feel some sort of way about my safety and my neighbors we would simply bug out to our place in the country.
I bet a lot of people across this country are breathing a sigh of relief right now.
Not for long.

But the scum spreads......all across America....

they send airplanes with loads of illegals to Red states....also

they need to cover the

will patriots let them?

do patriots have a spine to stop them?

we will see....won't we?

in the meantime we eat pop -corn and we observe how the destruction of America by the Left, takes place.:popcorn:
You are exactly right ...
Our conservative friends who bragg about living in conservative areas do not realize that these communist revolutionaries will be coming for them soon enough ...
We ready for them, don't know if we have enough body bags, though. Police and Sherriff won't put up with it and will be the first to ask us to stand up with them.

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