How Religious Freedom Became A Rightwing Assault On The Rule Of Law

You're not even religious, Trumpster. You're just full of paranoid rage, and the closest thing you have to a god is a flamboyant, metrosexual New York City billionaire.

Try your phony righteous indignation on someone else. Tough shit.
Whether I'm religious is irrelevant. I defend everyone's rights, whether it affects me directly or not.

Once again, you post exactly like a deluded prog, but claim you aren't a "winger."
Racists have found that their bigotry is no longer tolerated

But with the TRUMPCourt, they have learned that bigotry in the name of Religion is tolerated
Over here, in reality, I've been called an Islamophobe here by the lefties many times for criticizing the religion and saying it needs a Reformation.

So it looks like you're just another Trumpster who is ignorant about where I stand on issues.
Then you know nothing about Islam, do you?
No. Christians say - in very very complicate words - that anal-sex is a sin. And changing sexual partners are a sin. And so on.

It is clearly to you what seems to be clearly to others. But if a Christian really should say so to you then tell him: A sin is only something what is someone able to do on the own free will. How god made someone or what happens against the own free will with a person is a challenge - often also for others - that's all.
Where does the scripture talk about anal sex?
Not Democrats, their surrogate fake news media, or snowflakes ..

Snowflakes don't convi9nce you? What's wrong with snowflakes? Perhaps god asked an angel to make dry water. The solution 'snowflakes' is astonishing, isn't it? Never two snowflakes are the same.
Once again skews proves he/she/it is a visitor from opposite land. Hang the Ten Commandments on a classroom wall, get fired. Remove the American flag, replace it and pledge allegiance to the Fag flag and get lauded as a hero. Sad.
skews is definitely on a Leftist payroll.
Okay. So... Rights 101. Regardless of where you believe they "originate", whether in Natural Law or whether they are "God given" as some say, or whether they're due to common biology as you suggest - to instantiate a right, it has to become political. It has to be a political right. A natural right is inadequate, it's not enough. As you say, the natural right to life is worthless in the Roman arena.

Perhaps you should come back to planet Earth. To kill a human being is in all cultures of the world since ever a crime and it needs laws specially for the weak and not for the strong. The standard answer why the Romans died out is normally called "degeneration".

So, then, the form of rights depends on the political landscape. In some places, the king says "I declare" and suddenly there are new rights. But here in America, the following statement most closely describes how we handle political rights:

You have no rights except those I choose to recognize.

Here in America, rights are defined by agreement.

Your Supreme Court made a wrong decison in 1973 with Roe vs Ward. Now in 2022 this wrong decision was corrected.

"Overwhelming" agreement. 2/3 of Congress and 3/4 of the State legislatures, must agree.

Then you are able to install Roman arenas with murdereous galdiator fights because "the show must go on"? Degenerated enough that your nation makes entertainement wars.

No one gets to pull rights out of their butt. Abortion is not a right, and never has been. The Supreme Court can not define rights, they are in fact explicitly prohibited from doing so.

Murder is not illegal because it's wrong, it's illegal because it's impractical.

That's not a problem which your brain transplantation is not able to solve.

We simply can't have people running around killing each other all the time, it's bad for the economy


and bad for the stability of society (and bad for politicians who want to be re-elected).

Trump supporters are the kind of people that built this country

To make money with prostitution, to buy with this money houses and to harvest the money of tenants are the idols of people who built the USA?

and made it the greatest in the world.

Ahm ... if you think so. But ever heard something from Europe in your nation who is a child of the enlightenment?

Only a fool would claim that they are a "shame".

What changes nothing in my opinion that everyone who votes for Donald Trump is a shame for the USA.

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