How Religious Freedom Became A Rightwing Assault On The Rule Of Law

What do you not understand? The book of the books is an instriment which we made some hundred years after Jesus had been born.

1. When do you think the OT was written? You realize Jesus read from it, right?

2. The Book of Mark was written in about 70 AD, or about 40 years after Jesus' death and resurrection. Definitely and indisputably not "hundreds of years" later. The last book--Revelation--was written before 100 AD.

So you're just wrong about that.
1. When do you think the OT was written? You realize Jesus read from it, right?

2. The Book of Mark was written in about 70 AD, or about 40 years after Jesus' death and resurrection. Definitely and indisputably not "hundreds of years" later. The last book--Revelation--was written before 100 AD.

So you're just wrong about that.
Why do you think did I call in this context here the bible "book of the books"?
I see no mention of it in the Constitution. In fact, birth seems to be the basis of citizenship and therefore rights. Abortion isn’t mentioned nor are any rights prior to birth.
Declaration of Independence says "Right to Life".
To make money with prostitution, to buy with this money houses and to harvest the money of tenants are the idols of people who built the USA?

I said nothing of any of that being "idols" of Trump supporters. You need to stop putting words in my mouth and address what I actually said.

What I said was that Trump supporters are the kind of peopel that built this country. And we are.

Ahm ... if you think so. But ever heard something from Europe in your nation who is a child of the enlightenment?

Is that a reference to the Englightenment era philosophy that was greatly inspirational to our Founding Fathers? If so, yes, but that does not detract from the credit due to the everyday people that build this great nation.

What changes nothing in my opinion that everyone who votes for Donald Trump is a shame for the USA.

Got it. Historical fact, truth, means nothing to you.
Perhaps you should come back to planet Earth. To kill a human being is in all cultures of the world since ever a crime and it needs laws specially for the weak and not for the strong.


That's an entirely delusional statement.

Apparently you know very little about history.

There have been MANY cultures like the old Mongols who glorified killing to the point of practically worshipping it.

And there has been a progression and evolution in the social understanding and implementation of rights, going back to the law of Moses and the code of Hammurabi, proceeding through the Magna Carta, and culminating in the US Constitution.
Did you assault someone? Christians have to obey the law just like everyone else.
The left is moving to criminalize free speech. Slowly at first but it will gather steam

Stupid, uneducated Stalinists trying to destroy our constitutional safeguards yet again.
You failed to present an intelligent argument. Your ad hominem won't cut it chief. Try challenging yourself with debate next time.
Its what the "liberal world order" teaches in public schools.
Can you cite a documented example of this being taught in public schools? I know, you can't. You are a pathetic pos liar.
What rule of law, that 9 people in black robes can over rule the will of the people back in the 1970s because back then abortion wasnt liked by that many people? So now with the 9 people in black robes putting the law back into the will of the people, you being a Marxist doesnt like that ruling? I really do hate you Marxists..

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Abortion is more accepted today than ever before. Get a clue DA.
You might want to read the first 5 words of the 1st Amendment. What you fucking communist are demanding is that congress establish a national religion of secular humanism. Which has been the goal of every socialist/marxist government that has ever existed. The destruction of faith, morals and family is your only path to total control. So just FOAD you commie bastard, we ain't buying your propaganda.

Specifically, how are these so called communists demanding congress establish the destruction of faith exactly? It's the first I hear about this. Who is proposinjg such a thing? Do you have names?

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