How Religious Freedom Became A Rightwing Assault On The Rule Of Law

Your link doesn't work. Moron.
Some Christians believe that the Earth is about 6,000 years old. This outlook is largely due to James Ussher (1581-1656), the Anglican Archbishop of Ireland. u were saying? You were saying?
Your trying to defend Fau-Chi's global Covid pandemic where millions died just proves how twisted democrats are.
Trump didn't throw anything out moron, the NIH still has all of their playbooks, duh.
When the GOP takes over the House next year we'll see how long Fau-Chi stays out of prison. Tick-Tock...
Responsible scientists said that gain-of-function research was too dangerous, they were right.
You coming back with bleach huh? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Some Christians believe that the Earth is about 6,000 years old. This outlook is largely due to James Ussher (1581-1656), the Anglican Archbishop of Ireland. u were saying? You were saying?
Oh my, you found a guy from 600 years ago. Get the hell out of here, moron.
Wrong. It is only by including the alleged separation of church and state that religious freedom can be enjoyed by all.

Of course, even that much is misunderstood by you feeble simpletons. It was Jefferson who describes the 1st Amendments religious freedom clause as analogous to a high wall of separation between church and state.

No he didn't.

In reality of course, “IN GOD WE TRUST.” The purpose of the 1st Amendment is to make sure that no religion is outlawed and that no religion may become the “state” religion. But church and state can and do easily coexist. Legally.


Why that clause so confounds you simpleton libtards is a mystery.

Maybe use discussion that doesn't allow people to just dismiss what you say. That's what name calling does.
Trump put Jared Kushner in charge of Middle East peace, prison reform and COVID.
Here is my post that you are trying to dodge:
"Your trying to defend Fau-Chi's global Covid pandemic where millions died just proves how twisted democrats are.
Trump didn't throw anything out moron, the NIH still has all of their playbooks, duh.
When the GOP takes over the House next year we'll see how long Fau-Chi stays out of prison. Tick-Tock...
Responsible scientists said that gain-of-function research was too dangerous, they were right."

So I'l accept that you agree Fau-Chi is responsibhle for the horrible death of millions.

As for your recent post:
ME Peace, (Jarad) true. COVID is a lie, Pence ran Warp Speed. There was no prison reform that I recall, link please.
Here is my post that you are trying to dodge:
"Your trying to defend Fau-Chi's global Covid pandemic where millions died just proves how twisted democrats are.
Trump didn't throw anything out moron, the NIH still has all of their playbooks, duh.
When the GOP takes over the House next year we'll see how long Fau-Chi stays out of prison. Tick-Tock...
Responsible scientists said that gain-of-function research was too dangerous, they were right."

So I'l accept that you agree Fau-Chi is responsibhle for the horrible death of millions.

As for your recent post:
ME Peace, (Jarad) true. COVID is a lie, Pence ran Warp Speed. There was no prison reform that I recall, link please.

She is also dodging the fact Jared did more for peace in the ME than everyone else combined.
Here is my post that you are trying to dodge:
"Your trying to defend Fau-Chi's global Covid pandemic where millions died just proves how twisted democrats are.
Trump didn't throw anything out moron, the NIH still has all of their playbooks, duh.
When the GOP takes over the House next year we'll see how long Fau-Chi stays out of prison.

While I agree he belongs in prison it matters none who wins in November as he isn't going to be going.
Here is my post that you are trying to dodge:
"Your trying to defend Fau-Chi's global Covid pandemic where millions died just proves how twisted democrats are.
Trump didn't throw anything out moron, the NIH still has all of their playbooks, duh.
When the GOP takes over the House next year we'll see how long Fau-Chi stays out of prison. Tick-Tock...
Responsible scientists said that gain-of-function research was too dangerous, they were right."

So I'l accept that you agree Fau-Chi is responsibhle for the horrible death of millions.

As for your recent post:
ME Peace, (Jarad) true. COVID is a lie, Pence ran Warp Speed. There was no prison reform that I recall, link please.

I thought you were bright. This is really, really lame.
She is also dodging the fact Jared did more for peace in the ME than everyone else combined.
Along with those billion dollar deals with the Saudis of course, that he benefited from, courtesy of tax payer dollars. Are you a sucker by choice? I'm not.
While I agree he belongs in prison it matters none who wins in November as he isn't going to be going.
True, while Garland is AG. But 2024 is coming and hell is coming with it.
Your accusations are groundless but vicious. Shame on you.

Tell us about the outcome of Trump's promise to investigate and charge Hillary.

When he said it, I said it would never happen.
Religious freedom has long been a shield. It is this right that all Americans possess, and the words etched into the edifice of the Supreme Court tell us, "Equal justice under law." This right applies equally to all of us. It was supported by a strong separation of church and state, but not anymore.

There is a well-funded powerful network of Christian nationalist organizations and judges that are working to weaponize the First Amendment, to turn the protection of religious freedom enjoyed by all of us into a weapon of Christian privilege for the few. The crusaders' religious freedom challenges are superficially about things like Christian crosses and veterans or playgrounds or private school vouchers or bakeries and gay weddings, but really they're about religious privilege, often literally about privileging religion over non-religion, Christianity over other religions and the right kind of conservative Christians over other Christians. At its most basic level, they are trying to turn religious freedom into a weapon to reclaim and entrench their lost status as the dominant caste in American society.

As Seidel notes, 150 years ago the Supreme Court warned that weaponized religious freedom would "permit every citizen to become a law unto himself," so there's much more at stake here than "just" the First Amendment.

"permit every citizen to become a law unto himself"

I guess those "originalists" just conveniently ignored that part of the original intent.
You didn't know that the Constitution was reviewed by dozens of scholarly men to ensure that everything about the Constitution supported the good book? "They felt it was their duty to make sure their Redcoat enemies couldn't come after them based on Biblical teachings. We are still concerned that our nation's people do not get sucked into no-win monarchies, oligarchies, and after WWII where China's Mao erased one hundred million Chinese dissidents with torturous killings to those who did not accept total control over their lives by a strong Marxist gummint. And unbeknownst to most people, Russia did likewise from 1930 to around 1947.***

If you can't get off the back of religious freedom, yes, it is a shield from tyrants, but if you're not convinced of that which the Constitution's authors knew with front row seats to misery inflicted by unfriendly-to-human-being systems, you might consider living in a Marxist state for a few months because too many people here still have family diaries that go way back and instructs them that liberty is preferable to free men and women, and monarchy obedience must bend 180 degrees every other day to the whims of the king and his men. It could be that you LIKE someone else to tell you in minutia what you can and cannot do. Don't get sucked into something you may detest after 10 minutes of living under the thumb of an idiot.

The gruesome details of genocidal maniacs a mile long is here:
***The worst genocides of the 20th and 21st Century
No he didn't.
Yeah. He did. It was his letter to the Danbury Baptists that became the basis for the misbegotten belief that the 1st Amendment is a barrier between church and state. Why do you are the when you obviously don’t know what you’re talking about?
I most often am. Right. As I was here.
Maybe use discussion that doesn't allow people to just dismiss what you say. That's what name calling does.
Or, and try to follow along here, I don’t care what you find it “necessary” to dismiss just because you are unable to handle the truth. The truth is that the First Amendment clauses about religion are actually quite clear. It is astounding how confused you libs can become over clear constitutional provisions.
Yeah. He did. It was his letter to the Danbury Baptists that became the basis for the misbegotten belief that the 1st Amendment is a barrier between church and state. Why do you are the when you obviously don’t know what you’re talking about?

Jefferson was asked to step into the situation of a state that was going to institute a state religion. He said he could not do that. A state religion would be the opposite of a clear wall.

I most often am. Right. As I was here.

Or, and try to follow along here, I don’t care what you find it “necessary” to dismiss just because you are unable to handle the truth. The truth is that the First Amendment clauses about religion are actually quite clear. It is astounding how confused you libs can become over clear constitutional provisions.

How is it that Congress starts every morning with a prayer and has from the beginning?

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