How Represented are You?


Crotchety Olde Man
Apr 30, 2014
Here in the United States we live in whst is supposed to be a Republic. User such a system, I individuals are elected to REPRESENT their constituents in different Government bodies... but how often do they really REPRESENT the peoole of their jurisdiction?

So I ask the USMB populace... How well do you feel you and your interests have been represented by your City, County, Stste and Federal political office holders today and throughout your adult life? Has it changed with different places to ice lived or as you have aved?
I've lived in New England (CT, RI, & MA) my entire life and I can honestly say thst I have only ever felt represented by a single elected official- a former county sheriff here in Massachusetts. Other than that I have not been represented by a single elected official anywhere thst I have lived.
Congress: Single digit approval, 98 percent re-election rate.

Go figure.

You get the politicians you deserve.
"All those other Congressmen spend too much on pork. But MY GUY brings home the bacon!"
i have leahy sanders and welch. ....ah.... yipee

howard dean...

also the resons Vermonters are fleeing Vermont.
i have leahy sanders and welch. ....ah.... yipee

howard dean...

also the resons Vermonters are fleeing Vermont.
The whole Northeast is in serious economic doldrums. I'm thinking of picking up some cheap real estate. You can buy a house in NH, VT, or ME for pocket change.
i have leahy sanders and welch. ....ah.... yipee

howard dean...

also the resons Vermonters are fleeing Vermont.
The whole Northeast is in serious economic doldrums. I'm thinking of picking up some cheap real estate. You can buy a house in NH, VT, or ME for pocket change.
just the kind of people we're hoping will move here. the are some bargains to be had in Derry. tell me ,do you enjoy lobster ?? :)

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