"How Republicans Rig The Game" - a MUST Read



How Republicans Rig the Game | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Through gerrymandering, voter suppression and legislative tricks, the GOP has managed to hold on to power while more and more Americans reject their candidates and their ideas


Finally, at least some media is starting to take a gook long look at what the GOP is doing. I was reading about a former Senate Leader who faced a filibuster 1 time during the many years he was Senate Leader. Harry has faced the filibuster over 400 times!


National Republicans have waged an unrelenting campaign to exploit every weakness and anachronism in our electoral system. Through a combination of hyperpartisan redistricting of the House, unprecedented obstructionism in the Senate and racist voter suppression in the states, today's GOP has locked in political power that it could never have secured on a level playing field.


The Republicans' War on Food Stamps | Politics News | Rolling Stone

The GOP is pushing to decimate food-stamp programs, punishing the most vulnerable just out of sheer spite


The GOP has no policy that's worthwhile and that's why they can't win. That's why they take the "low road". We all know the GOP is going to pay for what they are doing to this country. And pay BIG. I can't wait.
Shut up and go breathe the dirty air and drink the dirty water we're churning out 24/7 for your ilk.
Food stamps payments increases dwarf increase to social security and veterans benefits.

Why do Democrats hate the elderly and veterans?
Jesus, help the GOP. They claim to follow you and always end up wallowing in pig shit.


On the bright side, they seem to be happy wallowing.

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