How Republicans see "gay" people

America is the most tolerant Country in the world but that ain't enough for the perpetual victimhood of homosexuality. I reserve my 1st amendment right to laugh at hairy men in dresses even if it offends them. Nobody cares about homosexuals except homosexuals. Get over it.

Typically they don't get offended when they are big hairy men in dresses and you laugh. They are wanting you to laugh.

If only that were true, nobody cared about homosexuals. Maybe threads and posts like these wouldn't exist. It seems people care an awful lot. So much so to literallymake a federal case about it. I would prefer if people don't care.
Hi [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION]
the same way "Republicans" cannot make all people fit this paradigm,
neither can "all Republicans" fit your "generalization" or Perry's either.

There are both kinds of relationships, addicted/abusive or spiritually natural.
You are right you cannot judge all people like a huge group under one rule.
And the same is true of stereotyping all Republicans, which isn't fair either!

If you can understand and drop your bias,
maybe you can encourage others to do the same.

If you keep holding on to your view of ALL Republicans,
that is like Perry holding on to his view of all gays.

Your minds are making a similar generalization and attempting
to paint whole groups of people with one broad brush.
Sorry it doesn't work that way, but people will keep trying to do that for
political expedience. You and Perry are both making similar generalizations.

That is true. I tend to be conservative yet I am homosexual.

Obvious Retread with Obvious Tactics is Obvious... I am pretty Sure I know who you are.


Hi [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION]
the same way "Republicans" cannot make all people fit this paradigm,
neither can "all Republicans" fit your "generalization" or Perry's either.

There are both kinds of relationships, addicted/abusive or spiritually natural.
You are right you cannot judge all people like a huge group under one rule.
And the same is true of stereotyping all Republicans, which isn't fair either!

If you can understand and drop your bias,
maybe you can encourage others to do the same.

If you keep holding on to your view of ALL Republicans,
that is like Perry holding on to his view of all gays.

Your minds are making a similar generalization and attempting
to paint whole groups of people with one broad brush.
Sorry it doesn't work that way, but people will keep trying to do that for
political expedience. You and Perry are both making similar generalizations.

That is true. I tend to be conservative yet I am homosexual.

Obvious Retread with Obvious Tactics is Obvious... I am pretty Sure I know who you are.


Yeah, what's my favorite color?
The message Republicans send out about gay people is so mixed and confusing.

First, you have Republicans, Rick Perry as an example, who see gays as an addiction. The message being, that gay people are so enticing that one "sample" and you will swoon. Once you play gay, you are addicted and the rest of your life is a downward spiral. The only way to break the addiction is rehab up to and involving electric shock therapy. They call it "conversion".

The other is "it doesn't fit". That men's plumbing only fits with women so anything else is wrong. They reduce men and women to "fixtures" and nothing else. No discussion on "feelings" or "love". If it doesn't fit, you must acquit. The problem with that line of reasoning is that they are pretty much telling you that they don't love their women. It's all about the plumbing and there is nothing beyond that. If it was something beyond the plumbing, then gays would also have that "something".

I am a Republican and none of what you say describes me, nor does it describe most all of my Republican friends. You have a wee bit of an agenda.
The message Republicans send out about gay people is so mixed and confusing.

First, you have Republicans, Rick Perry as an example, who see gays as an addiction. The message being, that gay people are so enticing that one "sample" and you will swoon. Once you play gay, you are addicted and the rest of your life is a downward spiral. The only way to break the addiction is rehab up to and involving electric shock therapy. They call it "conversion".

The other is "it doesn't fit". That men's plumbing only fits with women so anything else is wrong. They reduce men and women to "fixtures" and nothing else. No discussion on "feelings" or "love". If it doesn't fit, you must acquit. The problem with that line of reasoning is that they are pretty much telling you that they don't love their women. It's all about the plumbing and there is nothing beyond that. If it was something beyond the plumbing, then gays would also have that "something".

I am a Republican and none of what you say describes me, nor does it describe most all of my Republican friends. You have a wee bit of an agenda.

If you vote for a party but don't believe in it's policies, then you are a hypocrite.
The message Republicans send out about gay people is so mixed and confusing.

First, you have Republicans, Rick Perry as an example, who see gays as an addiction. The message being, that gay people are so enticing that one "sample" and you will swoon. Once you play gay, you are addicted and the rest of your life is a downward spiral. The only way to break the addiction is rehab up to and involving electric shock therapy. They call it "conversion".

The other is "it doesn't fit". That men's plumbing only fits with women so anything else is wrong. They reduce men and women to "fixtures" and nothing else. No discussion on "feelings" or "love". If it doesn't fit, you must acquit. The problem with that line of reasoning is that they are pretty much telling you that they don't love their women. It's all about the plumbing and there is nothing beyond that. If it was something beyond the plumbing, then gays would also have that "something".

I am a Republican and none of what you say describes me, nor does it describe most all of my Republican friends. You have a wee bit of an agenda.

If you vote for a party but don't believe in it's policies, then you are a hypocrite.

I vote for individuals. You are retarded.
The message Republicans send out about gay people is so mixed and confusing.

First, you have Republicans, Rick Perry as an example, who see gays as an addiction. The message being, that gay people are so enticing that one "sample" and you will swoon. Once you play gay, you are addicted and the rest of your life is a downward spiral. The only way to break the addiction is rehab up to and involving electric shock therapy. They call it "conversion".

The other is "it doesn't fit". That men's plumbing only fits with women so anything else is wrong. They reduce men and women to "fixtures" and nothing else. No discussion on "feelings" or "love". If it doesn't fit, you must acquit. The problem with that line of reasoning is that they are pretty much telling you that they don't love their women. It's all about the plumbing and there is nothing beyond that. If it was something beyond the plumbing, then gays would also have that "something".

I am a Republican and none of what you say describes me, nor does it describe most all of my Republican friends. You have a wee bit of an agenda.

If you vote for a party but don't believe in it's policies, then you are a hypocrite.

None of the BS that you post is part of the Republican Party, dumbshit.
Hi [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION]
the same way "Republicans" cannot make all people fit this paradigm,
neither can "all Republicans" fit your "generalization" or Perry's either.

There are both kinds of relationships, addicted/abusive or spiritually natural.
You are right you cannot judge all people like a huge group under one rule.
And the same is true of stereotyping all Republicans, which isn't fair either!

If you can understand and drop your bias,
maybe you can encourage others to do the same.

If you keep holding on to your view of ALL Republicans,
that is like Perry holding on to his view of all gays.

Your minds are making a similar generalization and attempting
to paint whole groups of people with one broad brush.
Sorry it doesn't work that way, but people will keep trying to do that for
political expedience. You and Perry are both making similar generalizations.

That is true. I tend to be conservative yet I am homosexual.
According to progressives, you don't exist.

Oh, I know a few conservative homosexuals. :D
Because Howey has the HIV... :thup:.

Everything thus far that you have said hs been a lie so thisI assume is as well.

Of course it's a lie. It's also illegal. However, the mods of this forum are too much of pussies to do anything about it.

If you don't want people to know about your HIV Status then don't let it out on a Public Messageboard there Cockchugger. :thup:



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