How Republicans see "gay" people

Because Howey has the HIV... :thup:.

Everything thus far that you have said hs been a lie so thisI assume is as well.

Of course it's a lie. It's also illegal. However, the mods of this forum are too much of pussies to do anything about it.
Meh it doesn't matter, I held (hers/his) argument to the wall and it completely failed than he/she melted down, called me every name in the book I thought it was rather funny.
The message Republicans send out about gay people is so mixed and confusing.

First, you have Republicans, Rick Perry as an example, who see gays as an addiction. The message being, that gay people are so enticing that one "sample" and you will swoon. Once you play gay, you are addicted and the rest of your life is a downward spiral. The only way to break the addiction is rehab up to and involving electric shock therapy. They call it "conversion".

The other is "it doesn't fit". That men's plumbing only fits with women so anything else is wrong. They reduce men and women to "fixtures" and nothing else. No discussion on "feelings" or "love". If it doesn't fit, you must acquit. The problem with that line of reasoning is that they are pretty much telling you that they don't love their women. It's all about the plumbing and there is nothing beyond that. If it was something beyond the plumbing, then gays would also have that "something".

I am a Republican and none of what you say describes me, nor does it describe most all of my Republican friends. You have a wee bit of an agenda.

If you vote for a party but don't believe in it's policies, then you are a hypocrite.
Both parties are out for themselves. You are fooling yourself if you think otherwise.
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I am a Republican and none of what you say describes me, nor does it describe most all of my Republican friends. You have a wee bit of an agenda.

If you vote for a party but don't believe in it's policies, then you are a hypocrite.

None of the BS that you post is part of the Republican Party, dumbshit.

Wrong. I nearly always ad links and video. I want it known I couldn't make this stuff up. It wouldn't occur to me.
If you vote for a party but don't believe in it's policies, then you are a hypocrite.

None of the BS that you post is part of the Republican Party, dumbshit.

Wrong. I nearly always ad links and video. I want it known I couldn't make this stuff up. It wouldn't occur to me.

Oh, you mean links like this, where you claim the Fen River (located in China) is in Dallas, Texas?

You did indeed make that up. You're a pathological liar.

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