How Republicans see "gay" people

I'm really offended by people like rdean who just ASSUMES any person who is Republican hates, looks down at homosexuals

I think someone like me personally, would just like to be LEFT ALONE as they (gay people) once said, they want to live their lives and to stay out of their bedrooms

but no, it's being shoved in our face daily with threads like this..

it's just hateful
You choose to enter this thread, you choose to read it how is anybody shoving anything in your face?

holy smokes
read the damn board first after only 13 post...try search and read back on a few years then you'll have a clue
if I read back 20 years it still would be mychoice to do so nobody is forcinganything on you. You have the right not to read it, that wouldn't change if I had one post or a hundred thousand posts
You choose to enter this thread, you choose to read it how is anybody shoving anything in your face?

holy smokes
read the damn board first after only 13 post...try search and read back on a few years then you'll have a clue
if I read back 20 years it still would be mychoice to do so nobody is forcinganything on you. You have the right not to read it, that wouldn't change if I had one post or a hundred thousand posts

move along newbie or come here and make an ass of yourself right off the get go.
no skin off mine
The message Republicans send out about gay people is so mixed and confusing.

First, you have Republicans, Rick Perry as an example, who see gays as an addiction. The message being, that gay people are so enticing that one "sample" and you will swoon. Once you play gay, you are addicted and the rest of your life is a downward spiral. The only way to break the addiction is rehab up to and involving electric shock therapy. They call it "conversion".

The other is "it doesn't fit". That men's plumbing only fits with women so anything else is wrong. They reduce men and women to "fixtures" and nothing else. No discussion on "feelings" or "love". If it doesn't fit, you must acquit. The problem with that line of reasoning is that they are pretty much telling you that they don't love their women. It's all about the plumbing and there is nothing beyond that. If it was something beyond the plumbing, then gays would also have that "something".
The right-wing idiots always tend to poke their ugly heads out from under the rocks when it comes to the continued marginalization of segments of citizens don't they. They obviously have a one-track mind since they can't fix the real problems of this country. Besides, picking the Gay issue for them is like throwing a lighted torch on gasoline. They love to ignite huge political fires, of that they are really good at. But at fixing the nation's real problems and exhibiting true leadership, they haven't a clue as to what to do. Go figure!
When somebody starts a thread with the title 'How Republicans see "gay" people", you can count on two things. They are neither Republican nor gay. I'm not sure if they're projecting their own desires, wishing to be one or the other or both, or if they're just regurgitating nonsense that they've believed for a long time, but either way, they're just making it all up as they go along.
With RDerp, it's the latter. He's the epitome of the progressive mindset: Doesn't mind lying, stupid enough that his lies are wildly unbelievable, and gullible enough to believe his own lies.
The message Republicans send out about gay people is so mixed and confusing.

First, you have Republicans, Rick Perry as an example, who see gays as an addiction. The message being, that gay people are so enticing that one "sample" and you will swoon. Once you play gay, you are addicted and the rest of your life is a downward spiral. The only way to break the addiction is rehab up to and involving electric shock therapy. They call it "conversion".

The other is "it doesn't fit". That men's plumbing only fits with women so anything else is wrong. They reduce men and women to "fixtures" and nothing else. No discussion on "feelings" or "love". If it doesn't fit, you must acquit. The problem with that line of reasoning is that they are pretty much telling you that they don't love their women. It's all about the plumbing and there is nothing beyond that. If it was something beyond the plumbing, then gays would also have that "something".
The right-wing idiots always tend to poke their ugly heads out from under the rocks when it comes to the continued marginalization of segments of citizens don't they. They obviously have a one-track mind since they can't fix the real problems of this country. Besides, picking the Gay issue for them is like throwing a lighted torch on gasoline. They love to ignite huge political fires, of that they are really good at. But at fixing the nation's real problems and exhibiting true leadership, they haven't a clue as to what to do. Go figure!
Oh, look -- another stupid and gullible progressive.
The message Republicans send out about gay people is so mixed and confusing.

First, you have Republicans, Rick Perry as an example, who see gays as an addiction. The message being, that gay people are so enticing that one "sample" and you will swoon. Once you play gay, you are addicted and the rest of your life is a downward spiral. The only way to break the addiction is rehab up to and involving electric shock therapy. They call it "conversion".

The other is "it doesn't fit". That men's plumbing only fits with women so anything else is wrong. They reduce men and women to "fixtures" and nothing else. No discussion on "feelings" or "love". If it doesn't fit, you must acquit. The problem with that line of reasoning is that they are pretty much telling you that they don't love their women. It's all about the plumbing and there is nothing beyond that. If it was something beyond the plumbing, then gays would also have that "something".
The right-wing idiots always tend to poke their ugly heads out from under the rocks when it comes to the continued marginalization of segments of citizens don't they. They obviously have a one-track mind since they can't fix the real problems of this country. Besides, picking the Gay issue for them is like throwing a lighted torch on gasoline. They love to ignite huge political fires, of that they are really good at. But at fixing the nation's real problems and exhibiting true leadership, they haven't a clue as to what to do. Go figure!

wow, that was just so lovely, caring and touching
tolerant too
aren't you just a poor victim all the time or you can man/woman up and get on with trying to be happy, at least sometimes..sheesh
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I'm really offended by people like rdean who just ASSUMES any person who is Republican hates, looks down at homosexuals

I think someone like me personally, would just like to be LEFT ALONE as they (gay people) once said, they want to live their lives and to stay out of their bedrooms

but no, it's being shoved in our face daily with threads like this..

it's just hateful

Stephanie' much like most Republicans prefer their gays in the shadows. They don't mind if you are gay as long as you keep it to yourself. Just keep quiet, no public displays and if someone discriminates against you....just suck it up
Hi [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION]
the same way "Republicans" cannot make all people fit this paradigm,
neither can "all Republicans" fit your "generalization" or Perry's either.

There are both kinds of relationships, addicted/abusive or spiritually natural.
You are right you cannot judge all people like a huge group under one rule.
And the same is true of stereotyping all Republicans, which isn't fair either!

If you can understand and drop your bias,
maybe you can encourage others to do the same.

If you keep holding on to your view of ALL Republicans,
that is like Perry holding on to his view of all gays.

Your minds are making a similar generalization and attempting
to paint whole groups of people with one broad brush.
Sorry it doesn't work that way, but people will keep trying to do that for
political expedience. You and Perry are both making similar generalizations.

That is true. I tend to be conservative yet I am homosexual.
According to progressives, you don't exist.

Actually, according to progressives, it's more like "why suffer being with people that hate you?"

As far as who doesn't want the gays, you only need to look at Mitt Romney. Not just because he assaulted a kid he perceived as gay, but because his gay foreign adviser was run out of Mitt's campaign by other Republicans. That can't be denied.

Fischer Calls Out Romney: 'How Is He Going to Stand Up to North Korea if He Can Be Pushed around by a Yokel Like Me?'

Bryan Fischer poked fun at Mitt Romney today on Focal Point following the resignation of Richard Grenell, an openly gay Romney spokesman on security issues who Fischer and other Religious Right leaders wanted ousted from the campaign. Anti-gay activists celebrated news of Grenell’s resignation as a “huge win,” and the New York Times reported that one Republican adviser claimed the campaign offered no defense of Grenell


USMB Republicans have got to stop being pussies. You can't say, "We don't feel that way" if you support a party that does.
I'm really offended by people like rdean who just ASSUMES any person who is Republican hates, looks down at homosexuals

I think someone like me personally, would just like to be LEFT ALONE as they (gay people) once said, they want to live their lives and to stay out of their bedrooms

but no, it's being shoved in our face daily with threads like this..

it's just hateful

Stephanie' much like most Republicans prefer their gays in the shadows. They don't mind if you are gay as long as you keep it to yourself. Just keep quiet, no public displays and if someone discriminates against you....just suck it up

I disagree. If they don't see a gay target, they go look for one.
America is the most tolerant Country in the world but that ain't enough for the perpetual victimhood of homosexuality. I reserve my 1st amendment right to laugh at hairy men in dresses even if it offends them. Nobody cares about homosexuals except homosexuals. Get over it.
So Gays aren't gonna be gay no more because the GOP doesn't profess their love for them...
They get plenty of that from the Democrats and the media...
Why do homosexuals insist using the word "gay"? You know you are old when you remember when gay used to mean happy. Perhaps homosexuals are engaged in a propaganda war where if they can get one Boy Scout to agree to a sexual experiment with a "gay" (not homosexual) man it makes the propaganda worth while. Homosexuals live among us even though they are afflicted with a condition that would doom society. Modern society tolerates their antics within reason but their is a deep seated fear among normal people that homosexuals molest young boys and the fear is often borne out in situations where homosexual men are allowed to supervise the objects of their sexual fantasies. America no longer tolerates hatred based societies like the KKK but pervert sexual orientated clubs like NAMBLA are major supporters of democrat politics.
That is true. I tend to be conservative yet I am homosexual.
According to progressives, you don't exist.

Actually, according to progressives, it's more like "why suffer being with people that hate you?"

As far as who doesn't want the gays, you only need to look at Mitt Romney. Not just because he assaulted a kid he perceived as gay, but because his gay foreign adviser was run out of Mitt's campaign by other Republicans. That can't be denied.

Fischer Calls Out Romney: 'How Is He Going to Stand Up to North Korea if He Can Be Pushed around by a Yokel Like Me?'

Bryan Fischer poked fun at Mitt Romney today on Focal Point following the resignation of Richard Grenell, an openly gay Romney spokesman on security issues who Fischer and other Religious Right leaders wanted ousted from the campaign. Anti-gay activists celebrated news of Grenell’s resignation as a “huge win,” and the New York Times reported that one Republican adviser claimed the campaign offered no defense of Grenell


USMB Republicans have got to stop being pussies. You can't say, "We don't feel that way" if you support a party that does.
It's funny, you complaining about the GOP hating gays -- when the left hates gay Republicans, black Republicans, Republican minorities of any kind.

How DARE they think for themselves?! Right?
Here's the thing,

Most conservatives ARE gay.

On the downlow..

Not as gay as sallow too chicken shit to post his real name swallow. You and your dog need to come proud and loud and own it. :badgrin:
The message Republicans send out about gay people is so mixed and confusing.

First, you have Republicans, Rick Perry as an example, who see gays as an addiction. The message being, that gay people are so enticing that one "sample" and you will swoon. Once you play gay, you are addicted and the rest of your life is a downward spiral. The only way to break the addiction is rehab up to and involving electric shock therapy. They call it "conversion".

The other is "it doesn't fit". That men's plumbing only fits with women so anything else is wrong. They reduce men and women to "fixtures" and nothing else. No discussion on "feelings" or "love". If it doesn't fit, you must acquit. The problem with that line of reasoning is that they are pretty much telling you that they don't love their women. It's all about the plumbing and there is nothing beyond that. If it was something beyond the plumbing, then gays would also have that "something".
The right-wing idiots always tend to poke their ugly heads out from under the rocks when it comes to the continued marginalization of segments of citizens don't they. They obviously have a one-track mind since they can't fix the real problems of this country. Besides, picking the Gay issue for them is like throwing a lighted torch on gasoline. They love to ignite huge political fires, of that they are really good at. But at fixing the nation's real problems and exhibiting true leadership, they haven't a clue as to what to do. Go figure!

wow, that was just so lovely, caring and touching
tolerant too
aren't you just a poor victim all the time or you can man/woman up and get on with trying to be happy, at least sometimes..sheesh
Oh, so it hurts when the shoe is on the other foot huh? But you think it's great for your right-wing wack jobs to take aim at Liberals and it's o.k. it's alright? Not so fast sister!
holy smokes
read the damn board first after only 13 post...try search and read back on a few years then you'll have a clue
if I read back 20 years it still would be mychoice to do so nobody is forcinganything on you. You have the right not to read it, that wouldn't change if I had one post or a hundred thousand posts

move along newbie or come here and make an ass of yourself right off the get go.
no skin off mine]
You are the one saying you are forced to read about this, you don't have to. Seems I am not the one making an ass out of myself.

If you don't want to read about it just don't click on the thread titles that reference homosexuality. It's that simple.

You want to participate in this conversation because you are here doing it. Perhaps you simply don't want people to think you want to be involved.

Oh and that was such a clever way you called me a newbie. That is argument winning marital right there.
Statistics say that one in five girls will be a victim of sexual molestation and one in 20 boys will be a victim of sexual molestation. Statistically all sexual predators are male "about 98%" and the statistics don't lie. Homosexual pedophiles prey on boys and heterosexual pedophiles prey on girls and border line perverts pick the gender that fits in their pervert fantasies. No woman regardless of how liberal would allow a man to supervise her daughter but the same woman influenced by pop-culture and social pressure might be politically correct enough to authorize a homosexual to supervise her son. It's a sad fact of life and the mental and physical well-being of America's boys hangs in the balance.

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