How split between Trump supporters and anti-trumpers

My wife’s mother is anti-Trump and she has not spoken to her kids since 2016 all of them supported Trump. She won’t have contact with any of them, all over politics and the only to talk politics when they were together was her mother. They all avoided the subject because of the moms strong feelings.

Bery sad situation.
She's got to be depressed about how they all turned out wrong.
I'm sure what I'm describing is not unique.

There are other families like what I'm about to describe having this same divisive issue.

I know a family that has been given an ultimatum by an anti-trumper member.

Either the other family members stop supporting Trump or the anti-trumper member will severe ALL family relationships.
Meaning contacts. Etc.

An ultimatum by the anti-trumper was made.

There is a lot more to the situation that makes this a little more unique but the over-all point is the
anti-trumper hates Trump so much the member is willing to sacrifice family relationships.

How sad. How ignorant. The sad point is millions of people like me don't like a lot things about Trump. He is a braggart. Loud. Boisterous. Overall personality that most people have problems with including me!
YET Trump is human. Trump is a very sincere family man. Loves his family as I do. Loves his country as I do. Totally respects the military and law enforcement, as I do. Wants America to be great. As I do.
And Trump has been successful. Trump's first 3 years have been a great success for more Americans.
So if you are an anti-Trumper work hard to not get him re-elected.
But remember your family comes first and please don't do as I described above.

How SAD!

YET Trump is human. Trump is a very sincere family man. Loves his family as I do. Loves his country as I do.

Do you pay off porn stars and extort foreign leaders as well?

Both of which are proven to be lies.

But of course being the "PERFECT" human being since Jesus, I'm sure you have done as Matthew 7:3 says..
"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

I'm sure you have a PERFECT life living in your parents basement and complaining about their support of their 30+ offspring?
Both of which are proven to be lies.
This is why never Trumpers give ultimatums to their Trumpist family members. Because they're straight up nuts.

Cohen is in federal prison, convicted of doing just that and Trump was just impeached for doing just that, dope.

How divorced from reality should you be before people cut ties with you?
Your blob is a lying whoremonger. Anyone who supports him should be viewed as someone without good sense.

Very good comment as it shows exactly the mentality of any one who thinks they are smarter than they really are!
Your statement that "blob is a lying whoremonger" I wonder what I wrote was a lie?
But thank you for proving the point that people like you are so emotionally locked into the MSM bias you can't identify the truth!
Thanks for proving my case!
We are all anonymous on USMB. How would you know what candycorn's viewing habits are, or any other USMB member? Should we all assume that you are a believing watcher of Fox News?

Of course you should! As Fox is considered considerable less right wing leaning than the other MSMs are Left wing and
like most good Fox viewers we believe the facts are important to prove what we are saying.
Here are the FACTS...

Examples of Media Bias
If you really are an honest person you will go to the above web site and see the examples.
Use the below how the bias is presented.
View attachment 307115

I consider Fox News to be the network most infested with bias, considering the factors you mentioned. I don't watch much TV news, but I avoid Fox in general, as it appears to be only trump TV. Why put someone like sean hannity out there, when he seems to know nothing and makes big bucks at it.
I watched both CNN and Fox.

Fox News is a good example how a dictator ( Trump) control a news media. He even dictates them who should be invited to their network. Just imagine if we have this kind of news outlet like in Russia.

Fake news lying conspiracy crap is just the normal thing.

And unlike you I respect your opinion even though it is
A) unsubstantiated with the facts.
B) is emotional driven rather than logic.

By the way... I was just watching CNN acknowledge they were "snookered" by believing Avenatti was Trump's worst nightmare and qualified to run for President.
Here let me prove it with the link...
That’s unfortunate, because Wemple’s analysis hits harder than his quip on Twitter suggests. Wemple writes that “there’s a lot to discuss when it comes to Avenatti” regarding CNN and MSNBC specifically, which promoted hundreds of hours of Avenatti appearances before prosecutors caught up with him. Over the period of one year, Avenatti made 254 appearances on cable-TV outlets, all but 25 of which were split between CNN (121) and MSNBC (108). In other words, Avenatti averaged one appearance on cable TV news outlets each weekday for a full year, and two per week or more on CNN and MSNBC each. Some of their own on-air talent don’t get on the air that much.
"Commandeered"? CNN, MSNBC unrepentant for Avenatti promotion

Yes this is the same people that YOU trust for your news!
My wife’s mother is anti-Trump and she has not spoken to her kids since 2016 all of them supported Trump. She won’t have contact with any of them, all over politics and the only to talk politics when they were together was her mother. They all avoided the subject because of the moms strong feelings.

Bery sad situation.

Good for Mom!

she has decency!

anyone who still supports trump after all the evidence of immoral, unethical, deplorable, cheating, lying, thieving behavior is a POS
My wife’s mother is anti-Trump and she has not spoken to her kids since 2016 all of them supported Trump. She won’t have contact with any of them, all over politics and the only to talk politics when they were together was her mother. They all avoided the subject because of the moms strong feelings.

Bery sad situation.

Good for Mom!

she has decency!

anyone who still supports trump after all the evidence of immoral, unethical, deplorable, cheating, lying, thieving behavior is a POS


My wife’s mother is anti-Trump and she has not spoken to her kids since 2016 all of them supported Trump. She won’t have contact with any of them, all over politics and the only to talk politics when they were together was her mother. They all avoided the subject because of the moms strong feelings.

Bery sad situation.

Good for Mom!

she has decency!

anyone who still supports trump after all the evidence of immoral, unethical, deplorable, cheating, lying, thieving behavior is a POS



"this is what we really think about Trump supporters, the rich, the poor, the malignant and the innocently well-meaning, the ones who think and the ones who don’t.

That when you saw a man who had owned a fraudulent University, intent on scamming poor people, you thought “Fine.”

That when you saw a man who had made it his business practice to stiff his creditors, you said, “Okay.”

That when you heard him proudly brag about his own history of sexual abuse, you said, “No problem.”

That when he made up stories about seeing muslim-Americans [sic] in the thousands cheering the destruction of the World Trade Center, you said, “Not an issue.”

That when you saw him brag that he could shoot a man on Fifth Avenue and you wouldn’t care, you chirped, “He sure knows me.”

That when you heard him illustrate his own character by telling that cute story about the elderly guest bleeding on the floor at his country club, the story about how he turned his back and how it was all an imposition on him, you said, “That’s cool!”

That when you saw him mock the disabled, you thought it was the funniest thing you ever saw.

That when you heard him brag that he doesn’t read books, you said, “Well, who has time?”

That when the Central Park Five were compensated as innocent men convicted of a crime they didn’t commit, and he angrily said that they should still be in prison, you said, “That makes sense.”

That when you heard him tell his supporters to beat up protesters and that he would hire attorneys, you thought, “Yes!”

That when you heard him tell one rally to confiscate a man’s coat before throwing him out into the freezing cold, you said, “What a great guy!”

That you have watched the parade of neo-Nazis and white supremacists with whom he curries favor, while refusing to condemn outright Nazis, and you have said, “Thumbs up!”

That you hear him unable to talk to foreign dignitaries without insulting their countries and demanding that they praise his electoral win, you said, “That’s the way I want my President to be.”

That you have watched him remove expertise from all layers of government in favor of people who make money off of eliminating protections in the industries they’re supposed to be regulating and you have said, “What a genius!”

That you have heard him continue to profit from his businesses, in part by leveraging his position as President, to the point of overcharging the Secret Service for space in the properties he owns, and you have said, “That’s smart!”

That you have heard him say that it was difficult to help Puerto Rico because it was the middle of water and you have said, “That makes sense.”

That you have seen him start fights with every country from Canada to New Zealand while praising Russia and quote, “falling in love” with the dictator of North Korea, and you have said, “That’s statesmanship!”

That you have witnessed all the thousand and one other manifestations of corruption and low moral character and outright animalistic rudeness and contempt for you, the working American voter, and you still show up grinning and wearing your MAGA hats and threatening to beat up anybody who says otherwise.

What you don’t get, Trump supporters in 2018, is that succumbing to frustration and thinking of you as stupid may be wrong and unhelpful, but it’s also…hear me…charitable.

Because if you’re NOT stupid, we must turn to other explanations, and most of them are *less* flattering.

by Adam-Troy Castro (October 2, 2018)
Posted on January 13, 2019 by Thinkwing Radio"

you stink
My wife’s mother is anti-Trump and she has not spoken to her kids since 2016 all of them supported Trump. She won’t have contact with any of them, all over politics and the only to talk politics when they were together was her mother. They all avoided the subject because of the moms strong feelings.

Bery sad situation.

Good for Mom!

she has decency!

anyone who still supports trump after all the evidence of immoral, unethical, deplorable, cheating, lying, thieving behavior is a POS



"this is what we really think about Trump supporters, the rich, the poor, the malignant and the innocently well-meaning, the ones who think and the ones who don’t.

That when you saw a man who had owned a fraudulent University, intent on scamming poor people, you thought “Fine.”

That when you saw a man who had made it his business practice to stiff his creditors, you said, “Okay.”

That when you heard him proudly brag about his own history of sexual abuse, you said, “No problem.”

That when he made up stories about seeing muslim-Americans [sic] in the thousands cheering the destruction of the World Trade Center, you said, “Not an issue.”

That when you saw him brag that he could shoot a man on Fifth Avenue and you wouldn’t care, you chirped, “He sure knows me.”

That when you heard him illustrate his own character by telling that cute story about the elderly guest bleeding on the floor at his country club, the story about how he turned his back and how it was all an imposition on him, you said, “That’s cool!”

That when you saw him mock the disabled, you thought it was the funniest thing you ever saw.

That when you heard him brag that he doesn’t read books, you said, “Well, who has time?”

That when the Central Park Five were compensated as innocent men convicted of a crime they didn’t commit, and he angrily said that they should still be in prison, you said, “That makes sense.”

That when you heard him tell his supporters to beat up protesters and that he would hire attorneys, you thought, “Yes!”

That when you heard him tell one rally to confiscate a man’s coat before throwing him out into the freezing cold, you said, “What a great guy!”

That you have watched the parade of neo-Nazis and white supremacists with whom he curries favor, while refusing to condemn outright Nazis, and you have said, “Thumbs up!”

That you hear him unable to talk to foreign dignitaries without insulting their countries and demanding that they praise his electoral win, you said, “That’s the way I want my President to be.”

That you have watched him remove expertise from all layers of government in favor of people who make money off of eliminating protections in the industries they’re supposed to be regulating and you have said, “What a genius!”

That you have heard him continue to profit from his businesses, in part by leveraging his position as President, to the point of overcharging the Secret Service for space in the properties he owns, and you have said, “That’s smart!”

That you have heard him say that it was difficult to help Puerto Rico because it was the middle of water and you have said, “That makes sense.”

That you have seen him start fights with every country from Canada to New Zealand while praising Russia and quote, “falling in love” with the dictator of North Korea, and you have said, “That’s statesmanship!”

That you have witnessed all the thousand and one other manifestations of corruption and low moral character and outright animalistic rudeness and contempt for you, the working American voter, and you still show up grinning and wearing your MAGA hats and threatening to beat up anybody who says otherwise.

What you don’t get, Trump supporters in 2018, is that succumbing to frustration and thinking of you as stupid may be wrong and unhelpful, but it’s also…hear me…charitable.

Because if you’re NOT stupid, we must turn to other explanations, and most of them are *less* flattering.

by Adam-Troy Castro (October 2, 2018)
Posted on January 13, 2019 by Thinkwing Radio"

you stink are really, really triggered

It's amusing and sad at the same time to watch people like you
I'm sure what I'm describing is not unique.

There are other families like what I'm about to describe having this same divisive issue.

I know a family that has been given an ultimatum by an anti-trumper member.

Either the other family members stop supporting Trump or the anti-trumper member will severe ALL family relationships.
Meaning contacts. Etc.

An ultimatum by the anti-trumper was made.

There is a lot more to the situation that makes this a little more unique but the over-all point is the
anti-trumper hates Trump so much the member is willing to sacrifice family relationships.

How sad. How ignorant. The sad point is millions of people like me don't like a lot things about Trump. He is a braggart. Loud. Boisterous. Overall personality that most people have problems with including me!
YET Trump is human. Trump is a very sincere family man. Loves his family as I do. Loves his country as I do. Totally respects the military and law enforcement, as I do. Wants America to be great. As I do.
And Trump has been successful. Trump's first 3 years have been a great success for more Americans.
So if you are an anti-Trumper work hard to not get him re-elected.
But remember your family comes first and please don't do as I described above.

How SAD!

her kids:

"Mom...we agree with Trump and Limbaugh.....YOU are the enemy of America! You are a LIBTARD!
you are SCUM and a NAZI and I would have no problem with you being rounded up and deported to a third world shit hole where you are raped and murdered! My greatest hope is that we will finally have that civil war so I can use your filthy liberal scum body for target practice....

now...please....explain why you no longer want to associate with me? Is it because I am not a filthy piece of libtard shit like you?"

is that how it went down?
My wife’s mother is anti-Trump and she has not spoken to her kids since 2016 all of them supported Trump. She won’t have contact with any of them, all over politics and the only to talk politics when they were together was her mother. They all avoided the subject because of the moms strong feelings.

Bery sad situation.
She's got to be depressed about how they all turned out wrong.

Could be, I don't know, they love and respect her and all are sad however when people can't seem to be tolerant of others beliefs, this can happen.
My wife’s mother is anti-Trump and she has not spoken to her kids since 2016 all of them supported Trump. She won’t have contact with any of them, all over politics and the only to talk politics when they were together was her mother. They all avoided the subject because of the moms strong feelings.

Bery sad situation.

Good for Mom!

she has decency!

anyone who still supports trump after all the evidence of immoral, unethical, deplorable, cheating, lying, thieving behavior is a POS

Yes, intolerance of others opinions is what we want in this day and age. Glad you support splitting up families and promoting hate.
I'm sure what I'm describing is not unique.

There are other families like what I'm about to describe having this same divisive issue.

I know a family that has been given an ultimatum by an anti-trumper member.

Either the other family members stop supporting Trump or the anti-trumper member will severe ALL family relationships.
Meaning contacts. Etc.

An ultimatum by the anti-trumper was made.

There is a lot more to the situation that makes this a little more unique but the over-all point is the
anti-trumper hates Trump so much the member is willing to sacrifice family relationships.

How sad. How ignorant. The sad point is millions of people like me don't like a lot things about Trump. He is a braggart. Loud. Boisterous. Overall personality that most people have problems with including me!
YET Trump is human. Trump is a very sincere family man. Loves his family as I do. Loves his country as I do. Totally respects the military and law enforcement, as I do. Wants America to be great. As I do.
And Trump has been successful. Trump's first 3 years have been a great success for more Americans.
So if you are an anti-Trumper work hard to not get him re-elected.
But remember your family comes first and please don't do as I described above.

How SAD!

It is very sad indeed. Thanks GOD my my whole family are united against Trump.

Trump supporters like you likes his charisma nothing more but ignored his policies and never ending lies.
Trump is a well known corrupted even before he entered politics facing thousands lawsuits till today.

1. Since when a disgusting human brag grabbing pussy acceptable?

2. Buy Americans hire Americans policies. Yet his Maralago golf club and vineyards are full of foreign workers. His products are made overseas. Totally hypocrite. Since when that is acceptable?

3. He accused the Clinton killed Eipstein. Obama has 10 foot tall wall to stop illegal immigrants entering Obama’s mansion. Just imagine the fucking mentality of this moron. Since when that is acceptable?

4. Foreign and domestic policies are nothing but disaster or just pure garbage. 20% of farmers filed bankruptcies 2019 because of trade wars. Since when that is acceptable?

5. Military? You think I’m pissed. Think again.
5.1. DOD Mathis resigned because of military inept foreign policy.

5.2. Navy secretary Spencer resigned because of pardoning a war criminal Gallagher. Undermining the US highest military code honor.

5.3. Latest. Navy seal commander resigned because of Gallagher.

Top Navy SEAL officer to resign after apparent disagreements with Trump - Business Insider

Then he invited and paraded Gallagher to his Christmas party in Maralago. Think hard what the soldiers are thinking about this moron. Since when that is acceptable?

6. Listen to his rallies never ending lies. Attacking Americans that don’t support him. Attacking 16 yo girl because he didn’t get the time cover magazine. Since when that is acceptable?

7. Push for obesity in public school food programs. Since when that is acceptable?

8. EPA policies. Push for dirty air and pollution. Since when that is acceptable?

9. Paid $25 millions for his fake Trump university. Paid $2 millions and ordered to shut down Trump Foundation because of fraud. Proved Trump is a corrupt person. Since when that is acceptable?

10. Hide his tax returns. Since when that is acceptable?

11. Trump is a well known as racist. Sad part of that kids are now using Trump talking points to bully classmates. Since when that is acceptable?

Kids Are Using Trump Talking Points To Bully Classmates

12. Trump made us the laughing stock, bully, racist, liars, making enemies all over. ignorant and stupid around the world. Since when that is acceptable?

These are just an example. Tell me where I’m wrong. Tell me what happened to American decency? Tell me why I shouldn’t hate this inept POTUS.
Trump is bad for America. America deserve better.
Last edited:
Very good comment as it shows exactly the mentality of any one who thinks they are smarter than they really are!
Your statement that "blob is a lying whoremonger" I wonder what I wrote was a lie?
But thank you for proving the point that people like you are so emotionally locked into the MSM bias you can't identify the truth!
Thanks for proving my case!
We are all anonymous on USMB. How would you know what candycorn's viewing habits are, or any other USMB member? Should we all assume that you are a believing watcher of Fox News?

Of course you should! As Fox is considered considerable less right wing leaning than the other MSMs are Left wing and
like most good Fox viewers we believe the facts are important to prove what we are saying.
Here are the FACTS...

Examples of Media Bias
If you really are an honest person you will go to the above web site and see the examples.
Use the below how the bias is presented.
View attachment 307115

I consider Fox News to be the network most infested with bias, considering the factors you mentioned. I don't watch much TV news, but I avoid Fox in general, as it appears to be only trump TV. Why put someone like sean hannity out there, when he seems to know nothing and makes big bucks at it.
I watched both CNN and Fox.

Fox News is a good example how a dictator ( Trump) control a news media. He even dictates them who should be invited to their network. Just imagine if we have this kind of news outlet like in Russia.

Fake news lying conspiracy crap is just the normal thing.

And unlike you I respect your opinion even though it is
A) unsubstantiated with the facts.
B) is emotional driven rather than logic.

By the way... I was just watching CNN acknowledge they were "snookered" by believing Avenatti was Trump's worst nightmare and qualified to run for President.
Here let me prove it with the link...
That’s unfortunate, because Wemple’s analysis hits harder than his quip on Twitter suggests. Wemple writes that “there’s a lot to discuss when it comes to Avenatti” regarding CNN and MSNBC specifically, which promoted hundreds of hours of Avenatti appearances before prosecutors caught up with him. Over the period of one year, Avenatti made 254 appearances on cable-TV outlets, all but 25 of which were split between CNN (121) and MSNBC (108). In other words, Avenatti averaged one appearance on cable TV news outlets each weekday for a full year, and two per week or more on CNN and MSNBC each. Some of their own on-air talent don’t get on the air that much.
"Commandeered"? CNN, MSNBC unrepentant for Avenatti promotion

Yes this is the same people that YOU trust for your news!

Unsubstantiated facts? Like what?
Sad part of your link is one is just an opinion the other one is called Hotair from an unknown link. Problem with unknown media is they prints anything it doesn’t matter if it’s a lie.

Fox is very good in twisting the technicalities but false and away from realities.
Promoting lots of conspiracies just because Trump dictate them. Non stop. And I’m sure most of you believed every single one of Hannity was promoting.
How sad that even kids are now using Trump hatred and racism against minorities.

Kids Are Using Trump Talking Points To Bully Classmates

Kids, especially those who aren’t white, are being bullied and harassed by classmates who use Trump’s racist rhetoric.

In an absolutely heartbreaking report, the Washington Post found that today’s students — especially nonwhite kids — face brutal bullying and harassment from classmates who use the same racist words as President Donald Trump.

Ever since he was on the campaign trail prior to the 2016 election, Trump has used bigoted, racist, and inflammatory language when talking about Muslims, immigrants, and minorities in the U.S. The Post‘s analysis of 28,000 news stories since 2016 shows that the president’s words have been used by fellow students and staff members to mock, bully, or harass children at school more than 300 times. 75 percent of those attacks have been directed at Hispanic, black or Muslim kids. And those are just incidents that made the news. They don’t account for incidents of bullying and harassment that were never publicly reported, as we can assume many weren’t.

Any of you Trump supporters tell me where is there for me to like Trump?

What ever happened to American decency?
I'm sure what I'm describing is not unique.

There are other families like what I'm about to describe having this same divisive issue.

I know a family that has been given an ultimatum by an anti-trumper member.

Either the other family members stop supporting Trump or the anti-trumper member will severe ALL family relationships.
Meaning contacts. Etc.

An ultimatum by the anti-trumper was made.

There is a lot more to the situation that makes this a little more unique but the over-all point is the
anti-trumper hates Trump so much the member is willing to sacrifice family relationships.

How sad. How ignorant. The sad point is millions of people like me don't like a lot things about Trump. He is a braggart. Loud. Boisterous. Overall personality that most people have problems with including me!
YET Trump is human. Trump is a very sincere family man. Loves his family as I do. Loves his country as I do. Totally respects the military and law enforcement, as I do. Wants America to be great. As I do.
And Trump has been successful. Trump's first 3 years have been a great success for more Americans.
So if you are an anti-Trumper work hard to not get him re-elected.
But remember your family comes first and please don't do as I described above.

How SAD!

It is very sad indeed. Thanks GOD my my whole family are united against Trump.

Trump supporters like you likes his charisma nothing more but ignored his policies and never ending lies.
Trump is a well known corrupted even before he entered politics facing thousands lawsuits till today.

1. Since when a disgusting human brag grabbing pussy acceptable?

2. Buy Americans hire Americans policies. Yet his Maralago golf club and vineyards are full of foreign workers. His products are made overseas. Totally hypocrite. Since when that is acceptable?

3. He accused the Clinton killed Eipstein. Obama has 10 foot tall wall to stop illegal immigrants entering Obama’s mansion. Just imagine the fucking mentality of this moron. Since when that is acceptable?

4. Foreign and domestic policies are nothing but disaster or just pure garbage. 20% of farmers filed bankruptcies 2019 because of trade wars. Since when that is acceptable?

5. Military? You think I’m pissed. Think again.
5.1. DOD Mathis resigned because of military inept foreign policy.

5.2. Navy secretary Spencer resigned because of pardoning a war criminal Gallagher. Undermining the US highest military code honor.

5.3. Latest. Navy seal commander resigned because of Gallagher.

Top Navy SEAL officer to resign after apparent disagreements with Trump - Business Insider

Then he invited and paraded Gallagher to his Christmas party in Maralago. Think hard what the soldiers are thinking about this moron. Since when that is acceptable?

6. Listen to his rallies never ending lies. Attacking Americans that don’t support him. Attacking 16 yo girl because he didn’t get the time cover magazine. Since when that is acceptable?

7. Push for obesity in public school food programs. Since when that is acceptable?

8. EPA policies. Push for dirty air and pollution. Since when that is acceptable?

9. Paid $25 millions for his fake Trump university. Paid $2 millions and ordered to shut down Trump Foundation because of fraud. Proved Trump is a corrupt person. Since when that is acceptable?

10. Hide his tax returns. Since when that is acceptable?

11. Trump is a well known as racist. Sad part of that kids are now using Trump talking points to bully classmates. Since when that is acceptable?

Kids Are Using Trump Talking Points To Bully Classmates

12. Trump made us the laughing stock, bully, racist, liars, making enemies all over. ignorant and stupid around the world. Since when that is acceptable?

These are just an example. Tell me where I’m wrong. Tell me what happened to American decency? Tell me why I shouldn’t hate this inept POTUS.
Trump is bad for America. America deserve better.
Because of Trump most or all of these kids will grow up as racist garbage adults. America deserves better.

Kids Are Using Trump Talking Points To Bully Classmates

Trump is inspiring a generation of kids ... to be racist bullies at school

Trump is inspiring a generation of kids ... to be racist bullies at school

Trump certainly has NORMALIZED right wing hate and conservative bullying but the real culprits in raising future nazis are Hate Radio and conservative media.

I'm sure what I'm describing is not unique.

There are other families like what I'm about to describe having this same divisive issue.

I know a family that has been given an ultimatum by an anti-trumper member.

Either the other family members stop supporting Trump or the anti-trumper member will severe ALL family relationships.
Meaning contacts. Etc.

An ultimatum by the anti-trumper was made.

There is a lot more to the situation that makes this a little more unique but the over-all point is the
anti-trumper hates Trump so much the member is willing to sacrifice family relationships.

How sad. How ignorant. The sad point is millions of people like me don't like a lot things about Trump. He is a braggart. Loud. Boisterous. Overall personality that most people have problems with including me!
YET Trump is human. Trump is a very sincere family man. Loves his family as I do. Loves his country as I do. Totally respects the military and law enforcement, as I do. Wants America to be great. As I do.
And Trump has been successful. Trump's first 3 years have been a great success for more Americans.
So if you are an anti-Trumper work hard to not get him re-elected.
But remember your family comes first and please don't do as I described above.

How SAD!

It is very sad indeed. Thanks GOD my my whole family are united against Trump.

Trump supporters like you likes his charisma nothing more but ignored his policies and never ending lies.
Trump is a well known corrupted even before he entered politics facing thousands lawsuits till today.

1. Since when a disgusting human brag grabbing pussy acceptable?

2. Buy Americans hire Americans policies. Yet his Maralago golf club and vineyards are full of foreign workers. His products are made overseas. Totally hypocrite. Since when that is acceptable?

3. He accused the Clinton killed Eipstein. Obama has 10 foot tall wall to stop illegal immigrants entering Obama’s mansion. Just imagine the fucking mentality of this moron. Since when that is acceptable?

4. Foreign and domestic policies are nothing but disaster or just pure garbage. 20% of farmers filed bankruptcies 2019 because of trade wars. Since when that is acceptable?

5. Military? You think I’m pissed. Think again.
5.1. DOD Mathis resigned because of military inept foreign policy.

5.2. Navy secretary Spencer resigned because of pardoning a war criminal Gallagher. Undermining the US highest military code honor.

5.3. Latest. Navy seal commander resigned because of Gallagher.

Top Navy SEAL officer to resign after apparent disagreements with Trump - Business Insider

Then he invited and paraded Gallagher to his Christmas party in Maralago. Think hard what the soldiers are thinking about this moron. Since when that is acceptable?

6. Listen to his rallies never ending lies. Attacking Americans that don’t support him. Attacking 16 yo girl because he didn’t get the time cover magazine. Since when that is acceptable?

7. Push for obesity in public school food programs. Since when that is acceptable?

8. EPA policies. Push for dirty air and pollution. Since when that is acceptable?

9. Paid $25 millions for his fake Trump university. Paid $2 millions and ordered to shut down Trump Foundation because of fraud. Proved Trump is a corrupt person. Since when that is acceptable?

10. Hide his tax returns. Since when that is acceptable?

11. Trump is a well known as racist. Sad part of that kids are now using Trump talking points to bully classmates. Since when that is acceptable?

Kids Are Using Trump Talking Points To Bully Classmates

12. Trump made us the laughing stock, bully, racist, liars, making enemies all over. ignorant and stupid around the world. Since when that is acceptable?

These are just an example. Tell me where I’m wrong. Tell me what happened to American decency? Tell me why I shouldn’t hate this inept POTUS.
Trump is bad for America. America deserve better.

You asked me to tell you where you were wrong.
1, Since when a disgusting human brag grabbing pussy acceptable?
A) It is no better than a cigar being shoved into a young woman in the White House which Clinton did. Since when is that acceptable?
What, Exactly, Is the Cigar Story?

One other point... Do you have any prove regarding

Point 11. Trump is a well known as racist.
,, other than your personal opinion?
According to BLS, the average number of blacks working during 2016, the last year of Obama’s presidency,
was 18.2 million compared with 19.5 million now.
Black Americans Are Doing Great Under Trump

Trump signs executive order on black colleges
President Donald Trump signed an executive order Tuesday aimed at signaling his commitment to historically black colleges and universities, saying that those schools will be “an absolute priority for this White House.”

HBCU presidents are hoping Congress will bolster Trump’s actions to strengthen the schools with dramatically increased funding in the upcoming federal budget. They are calling for $25 billion for infrastructure, college readiness, financial aid and other priorities. Under President Barack Obama’s administration, historically black colleges and universities received $4 billion over seven years
Trump signs executive order on black colleges

That is a "racist" act?

You asked me for proof you were wrong. Now you had just two links to substantiate your points.
I can totally obliterate your other 10 points but FACTS don't have any value to people that don't use facts to support their positions, i.e. like YOU!
How sad that even kids are now using Trump hatred and racism against minorities.

Kids Are Using Trump Talking Points To Bully Classmates

Kids, especially those who aren’t white, are being bullied and harassed by classmates who use Trump’s racist rhetoric.

In an absolutely heartbreaking report, the Washington Post found that today’s students — especially nonwhite kids — face brutal bullying and harassment from classmates who use the same racist words as President Donald Trump.

Ever since he was on the campaign trail prior to the 2016 election, Trump has used bigoted, racist, and inflammatory language when talking about Muslims, immigrants, and minorities in the U.S. The Post‘s analysis of 28,000 news stories since 2016 shows that the president’s words have been used by fellow students and staff members to mock, bully, or harass children at school more than 300 times. 75 percent of those attacks have been directed at Hispanic, black or Muslim kids. And those are just incidents that made the news. They don’t account for incidents of bullying and harassment that were never publicly reported, as we can assume many weren’t.

And from that analysis... GUESS WHAT THE MAJOR point was?
Trump’s surrogates and supporters maintain that his opposition is not to Latinos or immigrants but to illegal immigration.
The problem with that common defense is that the distinction — to the extent that Trump even makes it in some of his remarks — is lost once his rhetoric trickles down to schools, where no one is asking for immigration documentation before violently attacking someone.
Hundreds of Bullies Use Trump's Words to Attack Other Kids

And proof??? The MSM continues to pursue Trump as anti-immigrant BECAUSE they drop the adjective ILLEGAL!!!
Right now Google Search "Trump anti-immigrant" 87,900 results. But "Trump anti-illegal immigrants" 5 RESULTS!!!
Trump and any logical rational person would NEVER say they are "anti-immigrant"... GEEZ how dumb! Trump's married to a LEGAL IMMIGRANT!
His grandmother was a "LEGAL immigrant".

So when idiots like the MSM and others claim Trump is "anti-immigrant" how stupid do they think Americans are especially the 47 million immigrants as of 2015 in the USA are? Immigration to the United States - Wikipedia

Really these 47 million Legal Immigrants who like a relative of mine spent several years, several thousands of dollars becoming a "LEGAL citizen"
of the USA, do you think these "legal immigrants" are pleased to be lumped as an "anti-immigrant"???

These millions plus millions like me find this dumb totally ignorant effort by the MSM to forget the adjective "ILLEGAL" totally wrong!
I'm sure what I'm describing is not unique.

There are other families like what I'm about to describe having this same divisive issue.

I know a family that has been given an ultimatum by an anti-trumper member.

Either the other family members stop supporting Trump or the anti-trumper member will severe ALL family relationships.
Meaning contacts. Etc.

An ultimatum by the anti-trumper was made.

There is a lot more to the situation that makes this a little more unique but the over-all point is the
anti-trumper hates Trump so much the member is willing to sacrifice family relationships.

How sad. How ignorant. The sad point is millions of people like me don't like a lot things about Trump. He is a braggart. Loud. Boisterous. Overall personality that most people have problems with including me!
YET Trump is human. Trump is a very sincere family man. Loves his family as I do. Loves his country as I do. Totally respects the military and law enforcement, as I do. Wants America to be great. As I do.
And Trump has been successful. Trump's first 3 years have been a great success for more Americans.
So if you are an anti-Trumper work hard to not get him re-elected.
But remember your family comes first and please don't do as I described above.

How SAD!

It is very sad indeed. Thanks GOD my my whole family are united against Trump.

Trump supporters like you likes his charisma nothing more but ignored his policies and never ending lies.
Trump is a well known corrupted even before he entered politics facing thousands lawsuits till today.

1. Since when a disgusting human brag grabbing pussy acceptable?

2. Buy Americans hire Americans policies. Yet his Maralago golf club and vineyards are full of foreign workers. His products are made overseas. Totally hypocrite. Since when that is acceptable?

3. He accused the Clinton killed Eipstein. Obama has 10 foot tall wall to stop illegal immigrants entering Obama’s mansion. Just imagine the fucking mentality of this moron. Since when that is acceptable?

4. Foreign and domestic policies are nothing but disaster or just pure garbage. 20% of farmers filed bankruptcies 2019 because of trade wars. Since when that is acceptable?

5. Military? You think I’m pissed. Think again.
5.1. DOD Mathis resigned because of military inept foreign policy.

5.2. Navy secretary Spencer resigned because of pardoning a war criminal Gallagher. Undermining the US highest military code honor.

5.3. Latest. Navy seal commander resigned because of Gallagher.

Top Navy SEAL officer to resign after apparent disagreements with Trump - Business Insider

Then he invited and paraded Gallagher to his Christmas party in Maralago. Think hard what the soldiers are thinking about this moron. Since when that is acceptable?

6. Listen to his rallies never ending lies. Attacking Americans that don’t support him. Attacking 16 yo girl because he didn’t get the time cover magazine. Since when that is acceptable?

7. Push for obesity in public school food programs. Since when that is acceptable?

8. EPA policies. Push for dirty air and pollution. Since when that is acceptable?

9. Paid $25 millions for his fake Trump university. Paid $2 millions and ordered to shut down Trump Foundation because of fraud. Proved Trump is a corrupt person. Since when that is acceptable?

10. Hide his tax returns. Since when that is acceptable?

11. Trump is a well known as racist. Sad part of that kids are now using Trump talking points to bully classmates. Since when that is acceptable?

Kids Are Using Trump Talking Points To Bully Classmates

12. Trump made us the laughing stock, bully, racist, liars, making enemies all over. ignorant and stupid around the world. Since when that is acceptable?

These are just an example. Tell me where I’m wrong. Tell me what happened to American decency? Tell me why I shouldn’t hate this inept POTUS.
Trump is bad for America. America deserve better.

3. He accused the Clinton killed Eipstein. Obama has 10 foot tall wall to stop illegal immigrants entering Obama’s mansion. Just imagine the fucking mentality of this moron. Since when that is acceptable?

The Daily Caller traveled to Obama’s D.C. neighborhood to find out if the “10-foot wall” existed.
What did we find? Obama does not have one wall.
He has many. He has barricades.
He has armed guards entirely blocking the suburban road where he lives.
Multiple cement and iron barricades block the road leading up to the Obama mansion.
A Secret Service car and agent keep people from entering the stretch of road on both ends approximately 1,000 feet in both directions.
Is There A 10-Foot Wall Outside Obama’s House? We Went There To Find Out

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