How should we approach North Korea, a menace to global society?

We need to let South Korea deliver an appropriate response
Dumbya invaded the wrong country. He should have asked the Chinese if he could go in. I'm sure they would have been happy for him to do that, then a real threat to world peace might have been put to bed.

So you approve of pre-emptive warfare...:lol:....are you a closet neo-con? :lol:

What is pre emptive about a country threatening war. When did Saddam say he was going to war with the US?

Im going to have to agree with Grump with this one point. How is it preemptive when the country is actually threatening war?

Preemptive action requires action before something is an iminent threat.
How should we approach North Korea, a menace to global society?

What's hell of funny is how Dr. Grump thinks that Red China would be happy if we invaded North Korea! LOL!!!!! Did this guy ever study the Korean War? Poor guy. ~BH

Not only did I study the Korean War and China's place in it, I also keep abreast of current events and know what China think of that regime now. Do you?
What's hell of funny is how Dr. Grump thinks that Red China would be happy if we invaded North Korea! LOL!!!!! Did this guy ever study the Korean War? Poor guy. ~BH

Not only did I study the Korean War and China's place in it, I also keep abreast of current events and know what China think of that regime now. Do you?

My Uncle who I have hunted with half my life was a paratrooper and a Sniper in Korea. He would tell me strories about how they would wake up freezing in a Fox Hole in the wee hours of the morning to a charged infantry attack by the North Koreans. Sometimes their Guns would freeze and they would have to piss on them to un-jam and un-freeze them. He also told me that The North Koreans were crazy because they would just charge, charge and charge no matter how many of them they kept killing. However, He did say that the Chinese were much more intelligent and methodical about their attacks, but he said that the North Koreans were stronger and more crazy.

I have also read many books on the subject. So if you think that class has started, I suggest you grab some fucking cush bub, you ain't gonna give a learning to me. North Korea is a puppet State of Red China. They like it that way so that their Northern ass is protected from Us and Japan. Now, what do you have to tell me that you think I don't already know? Give it a shot bro, knock yourself out..........:razz: ~BH
This is just the final throes of a dying regime. "Lil Kim" is dying and there will be a power struggle between his sons(Kim Jong-nam, Kim Jong-chul, Kim Jong-un), Chang Sung Taek, and hell Kim Yong-nam may try to take charge! While all this is going on there will be riots in the street due to North Korea's economic collapse and the lack of food... IMO a decade after the death of "Lil Kim" North and South Korea will finally be whole again.
This is just the final throes of a dying regime. "Lil Kim" is dying and there will be a power struggle between his sons(Kim Jong-nam, Kim Jong-chul, Kim Jong-un), Chang Sung Taek, and hell Kim Yong-nam may try to take charge! While all this is going on there will be riots in the street due to North Korea's economic collapse and the lack of food... IMO a decade after the death of "Lil Kim" North and South Korea will finally be whole again.

Agree.....North Korea is getting ready to implode. There will be a power struggle and maybe a coup. I think it will lead to bloodshed but it will all be internal

South Korea concluded that North Korea staged the alleged attack on the South Korean warship. Since the attack, the North had denied its involvement in the matter. However, after careful investigation, the joint investigation team found critical evidence that it was indeed the North's torpedo which attacked the warship. The US echoed Seoul's assertion that an international investigation had yielded proof of this issue and vowed to help South Korea engage diplomatically on the matter. North Korean nuclear arsenal is a big threat globally. It's hard to say that even the US is safe from harm.
How should we approach North Korea, a menace to global society?
Countries must engage in cooperating with the South as well as form some kind of aggressive sanctions against the North. Currently the US ruled out North Korea from the terrorist nations list, and I believe that we should start out by putting North back in the list.
Letting North, the axis of evil(many called it), be as it may would certainly bring threat to world peace.

Petition :N. Korea back in State Sponsers of Terror list - Petition Spot

this liberal thinks n korea is a dangerous nation.

even if they did NOT sink that s. korea ship they have shown their willingness to use force against "their enemies" (kinda like conservative tea baggers)

they threaten other nations (s. korea, japan, the U.S.) regularly.

The U.S., China, Russia, Japan and S korea should just bomb the crap out of N Korea.

wipe out their armies
completey destroy their government

the planets motto should be

live peacefully
or die

if you can't live in peace
then burn in hell!
North Korea attacked a South Korean ship.

It's up to South Korea to respond.

That is what we are waiting for.

We can't just declare war on North Korea over one of South Korea's ships when they aren't even responding themselves.

What's hell of funny is how Dr. Grump thinks that Red China would be happy if we invaded North Korea! LOL!!!!! Did this guy ever study the Korean War? Poor guy. ~BH

Not only did I study the Korean War and China's place in it, I also keep abreast of current events and know what China think of that regime now. Do you?


Clap away you dipshit. Don't you have the wrong flag for your avatar? :eusa_shhh:~BH
The only thing N Korea will respect is force. I still say a 2,000 pound bomb on one of their government buildings would send a clear message.

I don't see how this can go answered.

Has Barak Hussein made any comment about this or is he still focused on attacking Arizona dealing with it's illegal immigration problem?
Something does need to be done about North Korea. What they did was an act of War. Any moron who actually believes that Red China will have a hand in doing anything to them are historically ignorant though. In fact, Red China would come to their defense more than likely. ~BH
The only thing N Korea will respect is force. I still say a 2,000 pound bomb on one of their government buildings would send a clear message.

I don't see how this can go answered.

Has Barak Hussein made any comment about this or is he still focused on attacking Arizona dealing with it's illegal immigration problem?

I not going to disagree that this shouldn't go unanswered.

But South Korea needs to be the one to do it.

We can defend South Korea, but we can't just start a war in their name.
It all boils down to the propaganda war.

If South Korea acts to retaliate against North Korea's act of aggression, then they are simply defending themselves.

But if we simply act on South Korea's behalf, then we are seen as the aggressors, and North Korea will act like the whole ship torpedoing deal was an elaborate setup ala Gulf of Tonkin.

Get it?

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