How Shutdown Exposed The Lie At Heart Of The Anti Union Right To Work Movement

Unions got greedy and helped their own down fall. yet unions helped build the rise of working Americans into the middle class. now right to work laws & the decline of unions have decreased the ability of working Americans to obtain middle class goals.
That's bullshit.

Unions negotiated for everything they got. If management fucked up and gave away too much it's on THEM for putting short term profit over long term responsibility.

Of note...unions regularly gave away wages and other benefits in return for pensions that were then controlled and mismanaged by MANAGEMENT.

In some cases they offered (or agreed to) pensions that were unaffordable...but expenses that would not show up until years later (when the negotiators were long gone)

Do not confuse the union haters with facts, their masters, the bid corporations will punish them.
There is no question that some union leaders were corrupt, and their actions cast an ugly shadow over the union system. In most cases those guys have been swept away and many are in prison. Are there still corrupt union leaders out there? No doubt there are, and they are the problem. But I've never yet seen a good explanation for why membership in a union for workers is inherently bad. Union workers get more money and better benefits than non union workers by a large margin. And I've never yet seen a good explanation of how the lower pay, worse or non existent benefits, and less job security is better for workers under "right to work" laws. I do see how right to work is far better for the business owners than unions. Possibly someone can explain these things to me.

I've spent many years in industry as a truck driver. I can't even count how many customers we've lost thanks to unions. The companies either moved out of state or out of the country altogether.

Some of those times I was still delivering and picking up from those places until the day they locked the doors. I spoke with supervisors and business owners alike. It's not something they wanted to do but had to do. Unions were costing them too many customers, and they couldn't fairly compete with overseas products.

I'd ask the workers why their unions didn't make concessions to keep the company and their jobs? Most answered that the company was bluffing, or F the company, they have plenty of money they don't want to give us. I don't care, the union will find me another job!

So the best thing that happened was getting rid of unions and getting more Right to Work states, because we can at least keep some of our jobs in the state and country without them.
Unions got greedy and helped their own down fall. yet unions helped build the rise of working Americans into the middle class. now right to work laws & the decline of unions have decreased the ability of working Americans to obtain middle class goals.

Unions don't make your labor more valuable, only you can do that. All unions do is get you more money than your labor is worth.
These are the organizations — unions — that reactionary far-right groups have spent the last seven months urging workers to quit. “Get out now that you can,” the right-wingers calling themselves right-to-work patrons told public sector employees in YouTube videos, Facebook ads, tweets, telephone calls and door-to-door solicitations. They spent millions trying to kill the unions that are now buttressing federal workers. So where were those right-to-work groups during the shutdown? Where was that National Right to Work (RTW) Foundation when hundreds of thousands of federal workers were locked out of their jobs and really wanted the right to work—with pay?

Nobody’s heard a peep from them.

That’s because they’re all bogus. They’re not about a right to work. They’re about destroying unions, and the higher wages and better benefits that collective bargaining gets for workers. They’re not going to help federal workers get back on the job. They’re interested only in ensuring that the millionaires and billionaires that bankroll RTW keep more money in their pockets while workers get less.

How shutdown exposed the lie at the heart of the anti-union ‘right-to-work’ movement

It’s not about a ‘right’ to work – it’s about the ‘right’ to work for low wages, the ‘right’ to be fired for any capricious reason, the ‘right’ to go without health insurance and other benefits.

‘Right to work’ is in fact a lie; it’s about benefiting employers to the disadvantage of workers.

Bull. Back in the later 70's when I was looking for jobs, I often came across union companies. During the interview, it was explained to me I couldn't have the job unless I joined the union; it was by force. The company could not hire me unless I agreed to it.

So if you really wanted the job, you had no choice but to join the filthy union. If you didn't want to join the union, you couldn't get that job you really wanted.
Most conservatives agree that collective bargaining brought us some good things in the past but went too far, there is a valid argument in that, I wonder how far back to the bad old days of the robber barons we need to go before they think we need them again.

Well it was more than just money. Unions virtually took over entire compares. They would tell the company how many workers they were going to have, what their salary would be, who they can hire, who they can fire, and who they can promote or not. It was ridiculous.

For instance, I spoke with a driver from a union company. If a customer called in a pickup on the other side of town, the driver with the most seniority had to get the stop even though the company had several trucks in the immediate area. If the company used one of those drivers with less seniority to pickup the freight, they had to (by union contract) pay the senior driver the overtime he otherwise would have made by doing the pickup. How can a company be profitable that way?

I have a million union stories to tell. There are just so many of them.
Unions are a joke. They claim they're working for the little man as they get him an extra nickel an hour while they take millions for themselves. The gullibles eat this up.

Shows how much you know about labor unions. The average pay for a non union electrician is $18-24 per hour. The average pay for a union electrician is $32-45 per hour. With as much as $11 per hour paid toward retirement, and health insurance that is 100% paid for with no out of pocket costs. For the price of one hour of pay per month for dues.

It's the gullibles that are stupid enough to work for non union contractors.

No, the union leaders laugh at you while you throw your worship on them. If anything, Id love to be a union leader, rake in millions and have the employees heap praise when you get them a nickel an hour raise. Good gig.
The hilarious thing is that Democrats think Trump is a mob boss while they worship literal mob bosses in union leaders.
Anti Union is anti worker....some workers hate themselves and fellow workers. Companies generally underpay their workers. Unions Garner the true value.
These are the organizations — unions — that reactionary far-right groups have spent the last seven months urging workers to quit. “Get out now that you can,” the right-wingers calling themselves right-to-work patrons told public sector employees in YouTube videos, Facebook ads, tweets, telephone calls and door-to-door solicitations. They spent millions trying to kill the unions that are now buttressing federal workers. So where were those right-to-work groups during the shutdown? Where was that National Right to Work (RTW) Foundation when hundreds of thousands of federal workers were locked out of their jobs and really wanted the right to work—with pay?

Nobody’s heard a peep from them.

That’s because they’re all bogus. They’re not about a right to work. They’re about destroying unions, and the higher wages and better benefits that collective bargaining gets for workers. They’re not going to help federal workers get back on the job. They’re interested only in ensuring that the millionaires and billionaires that bankroll RTW keep more money in their pockets while workers get less.

How shutdown exposed the lie at the heart of the anti-union ‘right-to-work’ movement

I wouldn't be so interested in killing unions if they didn't suck so much.

Die unions, die!!
You must hate increasing wages too.
Unions are a joke. They claim they're working for the little man as they get him an extra nickel an hour while they take millions for themselves. The gullibles eat this up.

Shows how much you know about labor unions. The average pay for a non union electrician is $18-24 per hour. The average pay for a union electrician is $32-45 per hour. With as much as $11 per hour paid toward retirement, and health insurance that is 100% paid for with no out of pocket costs. For the price of one hour of pay per month for dues.

It's the gullibles that are stupid enough to work for non union contractors.
It is the corrupted unions and the corrupted work rules and any construction contracts they have that has turned taxpayers into eunuchs. There are a lot of projects that take a massive amount of time more to complete then they should. Cities are held hostage and would look a lot better with more resources if not taken to the woodshed. Government unions are the same. I do not blame any worker wanting the money because that is normal. People leave areas because of this or worse are stuck there or live with others who make a good living.
A worker shouldn't want more money...they should want less money so the company gets more. Lmao
Unions are a joke. They claim they're working for the little man as they get him an extra nickel an hour while they take millions for themselves. The gullibles eat this up.

Shows how much you know about labor unions. The average pay for a non union electrician is $18-24 per hour. The average pay for a union electrician is $32-45 per hour. With as much as $11 per hour paid toward retirement, and health insurance that is 100% paid for with no out of pocket costs. For the price of one hour of pay per month for dues.

It's the gullibles that are stupid enough to work for non union contractors.
It is the corrupted unions and the corrupted work rules and any construction contracts they have that has turned taxpayers into eunuchs. There are a lot of projects that take a massive amount of time more to complete then they should. Cities are held hostage and would look a lot better with more resources if not taken to the woodshed. Government unions are the same. I do not blame any worker wanting the money because that is normal. People leave areas because of this or worse are stuck there or live with others who make a good living.

Years ago our then Governor made an offer to our city: If we could get a school levy passed for half of what it cost to build new schools, the state will provide the other half. So failure after failure, the bill finally passed.

So they are half-way done with the schools, and the union came out to file a claim against our city because we hired some non-union outfits for the construction of the job. Long story short, we were forced to pay prevailing wage which of course cost us taxpayers a lot more money than we had passed. So they had to make cuts in material and structures to make up that lost money.

If you have a mortgage, you are required to have house insurance. You need to have enough insurance to cover a total loss. They use union companies to decide what your structures are worth. The more the union outfits charge, the more you have to pay for insurance even if you hire non-union companies.

Unions are just a pain in the ass and cost all of us money.
Unions are a joke. They claim they're working for the little man as they get him an extra nickel an hour while they take millions for themselves. The gullibles eat this up.

Shows how much you know about labor unions. The average pay for a non union electrician is $18-24 per hour. The average pay for a union electrician is $32-45 per hour. With as much as $11 per hour paid toward retirement, and health insurance that is 100% paid for with no out of pocket costs. For the price of one hour of pay per month for dues.

It's the gullibles that are stupid enough to work for non union contractors.
It is the corrupted unions and the corrupted work rules and any construction contracts they have that has turned taxpayers into eunuchs. There are a lot of projects that take a massive amount of time more to complete then they should. Cities are held hostage and would look a lot better with more resources if not taken to the woodshed. Government unions are the same. I do not blame any worker wanting the money because that is normal. People leave areas because of this or worse are stuck there or live with others who make a good living.

Years ago our then Governor made an offer to our city: If we could get a school levy passed for half of what it cost to build new schools, the state will provide the other half. So failure after failure, the bill finally passed.

So they are half-way done with the schools, and the union came out to file a claim against our city because we hired some non-union outfits for the construction of the job. Long story short, we were forced to pay prevailing wage which of course cost us taxpayers a lot more money than we had passed. So they had to make cuts in material and structures to make up that lost money.

If you have a mortgage, you are required to have house insurance. You need to have enough insurance to cover a total loss. They use union companies to decide what your structures are worth. The more the union outfits charge, the more you have to pay for insurance even if you hire non-union companies.

Unions are just a pain in the ass and cost all of us money.
Yea...ya probably should have hired illegals to save costs...right?
These are the organizations — unions — that reactionary far-right groups have spent the last seven months urging workers to quit. “Get out now that you can,” the right-wingers calling themselves right-to-work patrons told public sector employees in YouTube videos, Facebook ads, tweets, telephone calls and door-to-door solicitations. They spent millions trying to kill the unions that are now buttressing federal workers. So where were those right-to-work groups during the shutdown? Where was that National Right to Work (RTW) Foundation when hundreds of thousands of federal workers were locked out of their jobs and really wanted the right to work—with pay?

Nobody’s heard a peep from them.

That’s because they’re all bogus. They’re not about a right to work. They’re about destroying unions, and the higher wages and better benefits that collective bargaining gets for workers. They’re not going to help federal workers get back on the job. They’re interested only in ensuring that the millionaires and billionaires that bankroll RTW keep more money in their pockets while workers get less.

How shutdown exposed the lie at the heart of the anti-union ‘right-to-work’ movement

I wouldn't be so interested in killing unions if they didn't suck so much.

Die unions, die!!
You must hate increasing wages too.

Nope, just unions.
These are the organizations — unions — that reactionary far-right groups have spent the last seven months urging workers to quit. “Get out now that you can,” the right-wingers calling themselves right-to-work patrons told public sector employees in YouTube videos, Facebook ads, tweets, telephone calls and door-to-door solicitations. They spent millions trying to kill the unions that are now buttressing federal workers. So where were those right-to-work groups during the shutdown? Where was that National Right to Work (RTW) Foundation when hundreds of thousands of federal workers were locked out of their jobs and really wanted the right to work—with pay?

Nobody’s heard a peep from them.

That’s because they’re all bogus. They’re not about a right to work. They’re about destroying unions, and the higher wages and better benefits that collective bargaining gets for workers. They’re not going to help federal workers get back on the job. They’re interested only in ensuring that the millionaires and billionaires that bankroll RTW keep more money in their pockets while workers get less.

How shutdown exposed the lie at the heart of the anti-union ‘right-to-work’ movement

@skews No personal content. Provide some, or I close the thread

If you want to join a union then join a union, but don't force others to be apart of it and government employees, with a few exceptions, should never be unionized.

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