How Sick Is Hillary?

Darn that auto correct! I didn't catch it. However, Russia did give obama a nice slap upside the head by firing that missile to which obama's response was another frowny face. I love seeing a real President in action.
Obama is just a figure head, he has handlers.

Hillary needs handlers :lol:
According to Stephanopoulos' book "All Too Human," Hillary is the handler. Think it was written about 15 years ago.

Don't know that particular book , but I find it highly unlikely - Hillary couldn't handle Slick Willy, heck she can barely handle herself. If I had to guess I would say Soros is in the mix.

In 2006, Soros met with Obama in New York . A few weeks later Obama announced that he was contemplating a run for the Presidency. Within hours of the Obama announcement Soros sent the maximum contribution allowable under campaign-finance laws. The NY Daily News followed with a story that Soros would support Obama rather than Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination.

Hillarys fate was sealed at this point , she could beat Obama - a man without a resume seeking the highest office in the land, but she couldn't beat his puppet master. Obamas ideology was wholly aligned with those of Soros, and the Soros doctrine reigns supreme in the Obama regime.

George Soros Philanthropic Psychopath

I don't believe Hillary has been the handler when it comes to the Clintons though I'm sure she did have some clout with him just to keep her playing ball--she almost certainly does know where all the metaphorical bodies are buried. Bill loves the limelight though, and the heady experience of rubbing shoulders with big deal types all across the world. And now Hillary is his ticket to get back into it. So if she runs, he'll be doing some major campaigning for her.

DNC Attendees Can't Name a Single Hillary Accomplishment

March 5, 2014 - 9:27 AM

By Matt Vespa

Last week, the Democratic Party had their winter meeting and MRCTV's Dan Joseph decided to ask DNC committee members and guests if they're ready for Hillary--and why.

Some said she had about a hundred moments of greatness when she served under President Obama - but, strangely, couldn't name a single accomplishment of hers, besides marrying Bill Clinton.

Another attendee mentioned Clinton's stance on abortion as a reason to be super excited for Hillary Clinton in 2016. As for her accomplishments, none came to mind, but she noted that Obama saw a reason for her to be nominated as Secretary of State.

Uh, it's called politics.
.. - See more at: DNC Attendees Can't Name a Single Hillary Accomplishment | CNS News
If she's suffering from neurological disorders now, she ought to be in real good shape by 2016. Not to mention the steady decline in her physical appearance. Yeah, put Jerry Moonbeam up there, that'll work.

Oh dear lord not moonbeam. He's in his 70's. You can't tell me that out of 300 million people we can't come up with one decent person instead of recycling these old has beens.
Every night’s going to be Halloween night for Hillary. The skeletons in her closet are signing up now for the conga line. They’re impatient to put on their dancing shoes for the 2016 presidential campaign. Like it or not, it’s just around the corner.

Even when her friends try to raise their voices in Hillary’s defense, what comes out is mostly static. The attempted whitewash by The New York Times of the hash she made of Benghazi only reminds everyone that she was asleep when the telephone rang at 3 o’clock in the morning.

Robert M. Gates, the former defense secretary, tried to be nice in his bombshell book, “Duty,” but his assertion that she tried to meddle in Iraq war strategy for image-making purposes only confirms the widespread public view that Bonnie and Clod are always looking out only for themselves.

The White House bristled at Mr. Gates‘ description of Joe Biden as the bungling blowhard of his administration, the man with a bizarre quip always at the ready, and the president dispatched a spokesman to defend him, if not necessarily to reassure anyone else: “Joe Biden has been one of the leading statesmen of his time and has helped advance America’s leadership in the world. President Obama relies on his good counsel every day.”

This leading statesman of his time is the party’s fallback if Hillary can’t make the sale, and if the party thinks Chris Christie’s got structural problems, someone should review Hillary’s colorfully checkered past. Gov. Christie might outlive the memory of a traffic jam, but surviving a stampede of skeletons will require luck as well as skill.

A considerably more restrained David Axelrod, who is only a former White House adviser, interrupted his breakfast to tell NBC’s “Today” show that he wouldn’t “suggest” that Mr. Gates “made up things to sell a book,” but the “language that he used … on that Iraq story [about the president and Hillary] was vague and it was subjective.”

Washington spin is often vague, and it’s always subjective, but when the skirmishes are over and the heavy cannonading begins, nobody will have to make up stuff about the former first lady, former senator, former secretary of state and reigning queen of the feminist wannabes.

The outlines of the Hillary defense are already clear. Her defenders, paid and otherwise, will borrow a page from Barack Obama’s playbook. The Obama campaign enjoyed considerable success early on, painting anyone who noticed his imperfections as an irredeemable racist, a bigot and a zealot who probably trades slaves on the side.

A similar strategy won’t work for Hillary.

Oliver Wendell Holmes, the eminently quotable onetime associate justice of the Supreme Court, once held that a woman demands that every man show cause why he doth not love her, but Hillary is a woman who can’t do that. Most men, according to the early public-opinion polls, would eagerly show cause.

The Hillary campaign will quickly call back old times. The trail of scandal is a long one, beginning when she was a bride in Arkansas and a lawyer at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Bonnie to Bubba’s impersonation of Clod.

She outgrew Arkansas soon enough, and had hardly got to the White House before making mischief. She sacked seven loyal and hardworking employees in the White House travel office to make room for pals and cronies. She insisted that she knew nothing, and The Los Angeles Times discovered “substantial evidence” that she lied under oath.

Laws against perjury are optional in Clinton World.

Hillary’s friends in high places in the media world will paint all criticism — all recollections of the past as prologue — as part of the “war on women.” They’re counting on the Republicans to let the canard go unchallenged, as Mitt Romney, the nicest of the nice Republicans, did.

The Hillary Democrats want equality for women, just not too much of it. They’ll appeal to what the feminist writer Camille Paglia calls Bubba’s “nostalgic popularity” while insisting that criticism, demands that she account for her dreadful irresponsibility, is the work of sexist men and their doxies.

But this time, it won’t work. There’s too much dreadful irresponsibility to account for. That conga line of skeletons is a long one, and they’re eager to do the two-step.

By Wesley Pruden
The Washington Times

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Wesley Pruden is editor emeritus of The Washington Times.

Read more: PRUDEN: Hillary's skeleton stampede - Washington Times
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hillary disapointed me as secretary of state. I really expected more from her. not sure how limited she was by obama. But i was also disapointed with her as senator of NY. I always felt she was a good polititican. I felt she should have the political clout, but the results never matched the expectations. If she becomes president does she assemble the old team? the Larry Summers, Jospeh Stiglitz, Robert Rubin, and a host of others who we see in hindsight were instrumental in the economic crisis we are still suffering through. idk, i think with hillary we will be out of the frying pan and into the fire again
Every night’s going to be Halloween night for Hillary. The skeletons in her closet are signing up now for the conga line. They’re impatient to put on their dancing shoes for the 2016 presidential campaign. Like it or not, it’s just around the corner.

Even when her friends try to raise their voices in Hillary’s defense, what comes out is mostly static. The attempted whitewash by The New York Times of the hash she made of Benghazi only reminds everyone that she was asleep when the telephone rang at 3 o’clock in the morning.

Robert M. Gates, the former defense secretary, tried to be nice in his bombshell book, “Duty,” but his assertion that she tried to meddle in Iraq war strategy for image-making purposes only confirms the widespread public view that Bonnie and Clod are always looking out only for themselves.

The White House bristled at Mr. Gates‘ description of Joe Biden as the bungling blowhard of his administration, the man with a bizarre quip always at the ready, and the president dispatched a spokesman to defend him, if not necessarily to reassure anyone else: “Joe Biden has been one of the leading statesmen of his time and has helped advance America’s leadership in the world. President Obama relies on his good counsel every day.”

This leading statesman of his time is the party’s fallback if Hillary can’t make the sale, and if the party thinks Chris Christie’s got structural problems, someone should review Hillary’s colorfully checkered past. Gov. Christie might outlive the memory of a traffic jam, but surviving a stampede of skeletons will require luck as well as skill.

A considerably more restrained David Axelrod, who is only a former White House adviser, interrupted his breakfast to tell NBC’s “Today” show that he wouldn’t “suggest” that Mr. Gates “made up things to sell a book,” but the “language that he used … on that Iraq story [about the president and Hillary] was vague and it was subjective.”

Washington spin is often vague, and it’s always subjective, but when the skirmishes are over and the heavy cannonading begins, nobody will have to make up stuff about the former first lady, former senator, former secretary of state and reigning queen of the feminist wannabes.

The outlines of the Hillary defense are already clear. Her defenders, paid and otherwise, will borrow a page from Barack Obama’s playbook. The Obama campaign enjoyed considerable success early on, painting anyone who noticed his imperfections as an irredeemable racist, a bigot and a zealot who probably trades slaves on the side.

A similar strategy won’t work for Hillary.

Oliver Wendell Holmes, the eminently quotable onetime associate justice of the Supreme Court, once held that a woman demands that every man show cause why he doth not love her, but Hillary is a woman who can’t do that. Most men, according to the early public-opinion polls, would eagerly show cause.

The Hillary campaign will quickly call back old times. The trail of scandal is a long one, beginning when she was a bride in Arkansas and a lawyer at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Bonnie to Bubba’s impersonation of Clod.

She outgrew Arkansas soon enough, and had hardly got to the White House before making mischief. She sacked seven loyal and hardworking employees in the White House travel office to make room for pals and cronies. She insisted that she knew nothing, and The Los Angeles Times discovered “substantial evidence” that she lied under oath.

Laws against perjury are optional in Clinton World.

Hillary’s friends in high places in the media world will paint all criticism — all recollections of the past as prologue — as part of the “war on women.” They’re counting on the Republicans to let the canard go unchallenged, as Mitt Romney, the nicest of the nice Republicans, did.

The Hillary Democrats want equality for women, just not too much of it. They’ll appeal to what the feminist writer Camille Paglia calls Bubba’s “nostalgic popularity” while insisting that criticism, demands that she account for her dreadful irresponsibility, is the work of sexist men and their doxies.

But this time, it won’t work. There’s too much dreadful irresponsibility to account for. That conga line of skeletons is a long one, and they’re eager to do the two-step.

By Wesley Pruden
The Washington Times

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Wesley Pruden is editor emeritus of The Washington Times.

Read more: PRUDEN: Hillary's skeleton stampede - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

I posted more than a year ago that Hillary Clinton can't really point to a single significant accomplishment on her resume going back all the way to her brief stint as congressional counsel to her years in Arkansas to her tenure as Senator of NY to Secretary of State to present. The only thing big she ever attempted was putting together Bill's healthcare reform initiative early in his presidency. It was so bad, a then much more conservative Democratic party wouldn't support it, but it still scared the people so badly that in 1994 they voted the Republicans into power in both houses--I think for the first time since 1933?

Since then, the people are much more significantly dumbed down, the Democratic Party is controlled by mostly much more far left extremists, and the Republican Party is in shambles and inept compared to that bright group of reformers the GOP elected in 1994 that actually saved Bill Clinton's presidency.

I don't know if the electorate is now too far gone to turn it around. If not, and Hillary is well enough to run, she will be elected. And as bad as that will be, it will still be an improvement over what we have. A do nothing President is far better than a destuctively activist one.
I posted more than a year ago that Hillary Clinton can't really point to a single significant accomplishment on her resume going back all the way to her brief stint as congressional counsel to her years in Arkansas to her tenure as Senator of NY to Secretary of State to present. The only thing big she ever attempted was putting together Bill's healthcare reform initiative early in his presidency. It was so bad, a then much more conservative Democratic party wouldn't support it, but it still scared the people so badly that in 1994 they voted the Republicans into power in both houses--I think for the first time since 1933?

Since then, the people are much more significantly dumbed down, the Democratic Party is controlled by mostly much more far left extremists, and the Republican Party is in shambles and inept compared to that bright group of reformers the GOP elected in 1994 that actually saved Bill Clinton's presidency.

I don't know if the electorate is now too far gone to turn it around. If not, and Hillary is well enough to run, she will be elected. And as bad as that will be, it will still be an improvement over what we have. A do nothing President is far better than a destuctively activist one.

Who is president doesn't matter. It matters who is calling the shots, who is controlling the president. The same controllers that controlled Bush, control Obama. And they would be the same people controlling her. An oligarchy runs this nation. To say she had no 'real' accomplishment is simply not true. This report to the masters should be titled, "What I did to set up the Global Neo-Feudal Police State for our Corporate Overlords." :lol:

She is widely regarded as the US go to guy and architect for wheeling and dealing what our corporate masters wanted in the TPP. Funny thing is, when she ran for her position in the Senate, she made voters, (the union members) believe she disliked trade deals, that she understood how damaging they are to the common worker. (She spoke out against NAFTA.) After she was in office? She worked for them when all eyes were off her. (After the election she became pro- NAFTA)

America's Pacific Century
The future of politics will be decided in Asia, not Afghanistan or Iraq, and the United States will be right at the center of the action.
BY Hillary Clinton

We are pursuing new cutting-edge trade deals that raise the standards for fair competition even as they open new markets. For instance, the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement will eliminate tariffs on 95 percent of U.S. consumer and industrial exports within five years and support an estimated 70,000 American jobs. Its tariff reductions alone could increase exports of American goods by more than $10 billion and help South Korea's economy grow by 6 percent. It will level the playing field for U.S. auto companies and workers. So, whether you are an American manufacturer of machinery or a South Korean chemicals exporter, this deal lowers the barriers that keep you from reaching new customers.

We are also making progress on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which will bring together economies from across the Pacific -- developed and developing alike -- into a single trading community. Our goal is to create not just more growth, but better growth. We believe trade agreements need to include strong protections for workers, the environment, intellectual property, and innovation. They should also promote the free flow of information technology and the spread of green technology, as well as the coherence of our regulatory system and the efficiency of supply chains. Ultimately, our progress will be measured by the quality of people's lives -- whether men and women can work in dignity, earn a decent wage, raise healthy families, educate their children, and take hold of the opportunities to improve their own and the next generation's fortunes. Our hope is that a TPP agreement with high standards can serve as a benchmark for future agreements -- and grow to serve as a platform for broader regional interaction and eventually a free trade area of the Asia-Pacific.

The fact is, Hillary would make both Stalin and Hitler proud, SHE HAS achieved quite a lot. :eek:

Thanks to WikiLeaks, we see just how bad TPP trade deal is for regular people
The more you know about the odious Trans-Pacific Partnership, the less you'll like it. It's made for corporate intellectual property and profits

The outsiders who understand TPP best aren't surprised. That is, the draft "confirms fears that the negotiating parties are prepared to expand the reach of intellectual property rights, and shrink consumer rights and safeguards," writes James Love a longtime watcher of this process.

Needless to say, copyright is a key part of this draft. And the negotiators would further stiffen copyright holders' control while upping the ante on civil and criminal penalties for infringers. The Electronic Frontier Foundation says TPP has "extensive negative ramifications for users' freedom of speech, right to privacy and due process, and hinder peoples' abilities to innovate". It's Hollywood's wish list.

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Job Loss, Lower Wages and Higher Drug Prices
Although it is called a “free trade” agreement, the TPP is not mainly about trade. Of TPP’s 29 draft chapters, only five deal with traditional trade issues. One chapter would provide incentives to offshore jobs to low-wage countries. Many would impose limits on government policies that we rely on in our daily lives for safe food, a clean environment, and more. Our domestic federal, state and local policies would be required to comply with TPP rules.

The TPP would even elevate individual foreign firms to equal status with sovereign nations, empowering them to privately enforce new rights and privileges, provided by the pact, by dragging governments to foreign tribunals to demand taxpayer compensation over policies that they claim undermine their expected future profits.

This is Hillary's greatest accomplishment, and quite and big secretive accomplishment. Of course, because it is a corporatist project that the establishment is in on, the entire press establishment, both left and right, haven't been saying a peep about it. That is part of the CFR's plan. To say she hasn't done anything would be patently false though. She has destroyed America every bit as much, if not more so than the POTUS has.

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