How Sick Is Hillary?

Sarah Palin analyzed Russia correctly. Clinton had a reset button

She did? Flying over her house Putin was gathering secret info? :lol::lol:

Putin did verify that he could see Palin's house....

I expect her to be pinned down by sniper fire and not show up for the first debate.
The rumors of bad health stem from the tabloids.
These ubiquitous rumors of her health have been fueled in part by the supermarket tabloids. The National Enquirer wrote in 2012 that Clinton had brain cancer, something a spokesman dismissed then as “absolute nonsense.” In January of this year, the Globe claimed that Clinton secretly had a brain tumor.

The reason this is funny is because it proves how connected the Rightwing press is to the tabloids. Robert Murdoch, the owner of FOX NEWS, owns several tabloids. His basic approach to journalism is to titillate the under-educated with fabricated or exaggerated Spectacles. His serious news outlets like FOX are deeply influenced by his tabloids, if not always in content than methodology, in their treatment of facts.
In addition to her age problem and she is not aging well....geeze look at the photos of her that have not been touched up...she has turned into a frumply old woman.......and now it appears her health may be much worse than generally known.

So, the democrats will have to look for someone else most likely....who could it be?

The smart money remains on Jerry Brown.

Rumors persist that Hillary won?t run because health is worse than disclosed | The Daily Caller
"THE DAILY CALLER!" Get back to us when you find this story in a real news source rather than in a right wing sewer site. Maybe I can put this in perspective by noting that given the choice between voting for a dead Hillary or a republican, I choose to vote for a dead Hillary.
I expect her to be pinned down by sniper fire and not show up for the first debate.

Or drunk as a skunk and not able to.....


Hillary Clinton an Alcoholic
I heard she does have a drinking problem.

Apparently, she drank John McCain under the table in a Vodka drinking contest in Estonia when both were senators.
US elections: How Hillary Clinton beat John McCain at vodka drinking - Telegraph

There is even speculation that the unfilmed trip and fall that led to her concussion was the result of another drinking binge. Dehydration caused by a stomach virus is the official excuse as to what led Clinton to pass out in December 2012. She hit her head and was diagnosed with a concussion. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to have knocked any sense into her.
You know, I'm not a Hillary fan and I have no intention of voting for her.

But if all you can come up with against her is that her husband cheated on her and she "looks sick," then I may have to rethink that.

She authored the TPP.

If you could get your hands on the person that authored NAFTA, would you vote for them for President? Yeah, well, the TPP is going to gut the economy twice as badly as NAFTA did. She doesn't work for the nation, she works for the internationalists.
What in the hell does that have with the anything? I seriously doubt anyone would withstand torture. Just the thought of it would have me spilling the beans. Of course we won't know if liberals would succumb to torture they would never be in that position, unless there was a home invasion, (basement)

"What in the hell does that have with the anything?"..., is that in reference to McCain ?

i was with him all the way until he said that, then i knew we had lost the election, would you want a president who was mentally broken ? that is what we got now, well, actually mentally deranged, not broken, how do you like it ??

I don't want a president that admits to being a MJ addict or driving under the influence of alcohol. I didn't want McCain but not because he was "broken" under torture. He "broke" under torture not "broken." There is a huge difference.

FIRST ! why do you have Reagan's photo as an avatar..., making false impressions...., maybe ?

by the drunk MJ user i presume you mean BOOOOOSH ? i take it you voted for Algore and Kerry ?

McCain ? it's obvious then that you threw your vote towards the self admitted drug user, carries an illegal SS number, claimed to be a foreign student from Kenya now claims he was born in Hawaii..., man, you know how to pick'em :up:

oooooh ! don't give me, "i did not vote for Hussein", if you did not vote for Romney or McCain, you "THREW" your vote towards the mulatto. :up:

people like you crack me up :lmao:

another oooooh ! i was going to mention this before, but......,

"What in the hell does that have with the anything?"<-----------<<<< this is some really shitty sentence structure :up: :lmao:

last ooooooh ! "broke" is "broken" any way you look at it. :up:
I don't think that Hillary will run. I think that she knows that, if she runs, she would be elected, but that she is too tired to hold up to the stress of the job, at her age. Being Sec. of State is actually more exhausting than being President, and I think that it pretty much wore her down.
Hillary is too moderate for Dems- they want a wingnut like Fauxahontas Warren.
Hillary is very solid actually. Does that concern you?

The last crap I took was pretty damn solid - wouldn't want it for President though . Oh wait a minute ... isn't that pretty much what we got right now ?

No, you must be talking about GW, and the lame candidates provided by the right-wing, which FYI, all lost.....Bwahahaha!
Apparently, she drank John McCain under the table in a Vodka drinking contest in Estonia when both were senators.
US elections: How Hillary Clinton beat John McCain at vodka drinking - Telegraph

There is even speculation that the unfilmed trip and fall that led to her concussion was the result of another drinking binge. Dehydration caused by a stomach virus is the official excuse as to what led Clinton to pass out in December 2012. She hit her head and was diagnosed with a concussion. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to have knocked any sense into her.

SPECULATION! There's been a lot of speculation that the right-wing is doing a lot of speculation because they are so desperate.....they don't have anyone to pit against her, now that Christie has become toast.
In addition to her age problem and she is not aging well....geeze look at the photos of her that have not been touched up...she has turned into a frumply old woman.......and now it appears her health may be much worse than generally known.

So, the democrats will have to look for someone else most likely....who could it be?

The smart money remains on Jerry Brown.

Rumors persist that Hillary won?t run because health is worse than disclosed | The Daily Caller

I don't know what's worse, her physical health or her mental health. But then, what difference does it make? The Dems will elect anyone who carries the liberal torch.
In addition to her age problem and she is not aging well....geeze look at the photos of her that have not been touched up...she has turned into a frumply old woman.......and now it appears her health may be much worse than generally known.

So, the democrats will have to look for someone else most likely....who could it be?

The smart money remains on Jerry Brown.

Rumors persist that Hillary won?t run because health is worse than disclosed | The Daily Caller

I don't know what's worse, her physical health or her mental health. But then, what difference does it make? The Dems will elect anyone who carries the liberal torch.

Obama is just a figure head, he has handlers.

Hillary needs handlers :lol:
Isn't Yale one of the Ivies that threw ROTC out?

Yeah, good ole sanctimonious Yale.

/Army brat :muahaha:

Well, it's Hillary's life of opulence and wealth that makes her able to advocate for the underprivileged

Sarah Palin went to community colleges and could NEVER afford Wellesley. Palin never even went to FINISHING SCHOOL, much less the top prep schools serving the Crème de la Crème as Hillary did.

How could a COMMONER like Palin ever understand that plight of the poor the way the elite like Hillary do? I'll bet Sarah never even HAD a real Marxist instructor the way East Coast elite like Hillary were raised on.
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Palin took 6 years to get a journalism degree from a college no one has heard of. Clinton graduated from Welsley and Yale Law. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Isn't Yale one of the Ivies that threw ROTC out?

Yeah, good ole sanctimonious Yale.

/Army brat :muahaha:

All that needs to be known about Hillary>>>>>Articles: Hillary's Oedipal Problem

Thank you for the link, Sawbriers. Mr. Lewis' opinionary based on her accolades of the Alinsky model closely coincides with David Horowitz' expose when he left the Marxist cultists, minus the AK-47 Hillary photograph from when she and her fellow Marxists occupied the Yale administration building back when. The difference is, Mr. Lewis characterizes the accompanying indifference due to the Marxist conditioning exercise to classify all who disagree with their model of the world as "the enemy." Obama seems to fill the bill perfectly by making speeches excoriating and vilifying the best of good Republicans as "the enemy" for the Alinsky Model quest of power over all other human beings. Seems there was something like this back in the time of the Bible. Like then, their tower of Babel has an infirm foundation based on greed, lust, hatred, marginalization, and elimination of higher human reasoning, which is thrown under the bus by the most radicalized of them.

The saddest thing about your link is that it is all true, based on my life's understanding of the American body politic. :(
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In addition to her age problem and she is not aging well....geeze look at the photos of her that have not been touched up...she has turned into a frumply old woman.......and now it appears her health may be much worse than generally known.

So, the democrats will have to look for someone else most likely....who could it be?

The smart money remains on Jerry Brown.

Rumors persist that Hillary won?t run because health is worse than disclosed | The Daily Caller

I don't know what's worse, her physical health or her mental health. But then, what difference does it make? The Dems will elect anyone who carries the liberal torch.

Obama is just a figure head, he has handlers.

Hillary needs handlers :lol:
According to Stephanopoulos' book "All Too Human," Hillary is the handler. Think it was written about 15 years ago.

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