How Sick Is Hillary?

Benghazi will be too much for her to overcome.

Yeah right. Nobody but Fox and the wingnut brigade even talk about Benghazi.

You guys are a delusional lot.

Fox News and the American people are like the Bailey Building and Loan Association and the good people of Bedford Falls in the classic film, "It's a Wonderful Life."

George Bailey: This town needs this measly one-horse institution if only to have some place where people can come without crawling to Potter.

America needs Fox News if only to have an alternative to the Obama Government news bureau MSM sources.

And to make it even better, Fox News is fair and balanced and you HATE that!

You can't abide the truth being told by Fox News! Your entire scheme depends on the American sheeple being fed a line of B.S. of your manufacture and then your telling them what to think and how to think.

With Fox News the people are told the truth and are encouraged to come to their own conclusions from that truth being broadcast.

With Fox News around, Mr. Potter, you can't have a monopoly on the American people.

And you can't allow that.

So, you attack FNC with all the evil bitterness and contempt as Mr. Potter keeping Uncle Billy's $8,000 bank deposit.


Wait....what? Fox News aka the flagship of Rupert Murdoch's media empire = George Bailey and the Building and Loan in It's A Wonderful Life?


Holy shit, you are fucking nuts, pal.
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The Enquirer has nothing to do with it. Anyone with a retard IQ can see there is something wrong, She has aged ten years in the last three.

Looks the same to me.....she's 66 for crying out loud. She looks in pretty good knick for somebody that age...

Oh my gosh a victim of Obamacare. You really need to go back and have your eyes examined, really.


Now if this picture is air brushed with an industrial air compressor she would look alright. That or a couple of six packs.

compare to this 67 year old:


Yeah I know I cherry picked the pictures but that is what we do.
The Right keeps claiming Hillary's had many face lifts ... obviously she hasn't had any.
Looks the same to me.....she's 66 for crying out loud. She looks in pretty good knick for somebody that age...

Oh my gosh a victim of Obamacare. You really need to go back and have your eyes examined, really.


Now if this picture is air brushed with an industrial air compressor she would look alright. That or a couple of six packs.

compare to this 67 year old:


Yeah I know I cherry picked the pictures but that is what we do.
The Right keeps claiming Hillary's had many face lifts ... obviously she hasn't had any.

I don't think that claim was ever made if it was it was by the Blind Republican coalition.
Yeah right. Nobody but Fox and the wingnut brigade even talk about Benghazi.

You guys are a delusional lot.

Fox News and the American people are like the Bailey Building and Loan Association and the good people of Bedford Falls in the classic film, "It's a Wonderful Life."

George Bailey: This town needs this measly one-horse institution if only to have some place where people can come without crawling to Potter.

America needs Fox News if only to have an alternative to the Obama Government news bureau MSM sources.

And to make it even better, Fox News is fair and balanced and you HATE that!

You can't abide the truth being told by Fox News! Your entire scheme depends on the American sheeple being fed a line of B.S. of your manufacture and then your telling them what to think and how to think.

With Fox News the people are told the truth and are encouraged to come to their own conclusions from that truth being broadcast.

With Fox News around, Mr. Potter, you can't have a monopoly on the American people.

And you can't allow that.

So, you attack FNC with all the evil bitterness and contempt as Mr. Potter keeping Uncle Billy's $8,000 bank deposit.


Wait....what? Fox News aka the flagship of Rupert Murdoch's media empire = George Bailey and the Building and Loan in It's A Wonderful Life?


Holy shit, you are fucking nuts, pal.

Coming from you that is what's REALLY nuckin futz!
In addition to her age problem and she is not aging well....geeze look at the photos of her that have not been touched up...she has turned into a frumply old woman.......and now it appears her health may be much worse than generally known.

So, the democrats will have to look for someone else most likely....who could it be?

The smart money remains on Jerry Brown.

Rumors persist that Hillary won?t run because health is worse than disclosed | The Daily Caller

Funny. She is running, she will get the nomination and she will win the GE with between 56-57% of the NPV. Feel free to bookmark this posting. Thank you.

Oh, and when I want to establish cred, I sure don't quote something like the Daily Caller. I print out copies of the Daily Caller and line my birdcage with it.
In addition to her age problem and she is not aging well....geeze look at the photos of her that have not been touched up...she has turned into a frumply old woman.......and now it appears her health may be much worse than generally known.

So, the democrats will have to look for someone else most likely....who could it be?

The smart money remains on Jerry Brown.

Rumors persist that Hillary won?t run because health is worse than disclosed | The Daily Caller

Funny. She is running, she will get the nomination and she will win the GE with between 56-57% of the NPV. Feel free to bookmark this posting. Thank you.

Oh, and when I want to establish cred, I sure don't quote something like the Daily Caller. I print out copies of the Daily Caller and line my birdcage with it.

I'll do just that. My prediction is that a Dominionist Republican will win. IF there is another election. As nutty as Palin is, she would have a better chance than Hillary.
And you're right, the Daily Caller is only slightly more reliable than the New York Times. That is, slim to none.
Hillary is inexorably connected to the reset button with Russia and all that has come since then. Her public exposure of her health has taken a turn for the worse. The last thing she wants to do is try to win an election with democrat policies in such a catastrophic failure.
Hillary's political career is in it's final death throes....she is trying to take a victory lap before bowing out and it is rather pathetic.

In her younger days before she swung so far to the left(unbelievably she supported Barry Goldwater) she would have made a decent President....someone should do an expose on how she became a running dog for the leftwingers.
In addition to her age problem and she is not aging well....geeze look at the photos of her that have not been touched up...she has turned into a frumply old woman.......and now it appears her health may be much worse than generally known.

So, the democrats will have to look for someone else most likely....who could it be?

The smart money remains on Jerry Brown.

Rumors persist that Hillary won?t run because health is worse than disclosed | The Daily Caller

Is that the new Republican/conservative schtick? Can't get her on Benghazi, can't get her on age, can't get her on intelligence, so let's make her sick....Bwahahahahahaha

Desperate people come up with desperate poop to sling......
You know, I'm not a Hillary fan and I have no intention of voting for her.

But if all you can come up with against her is that her husband cheated on her and she "looks sick," then I may have to rethink that.
In addition to her age problem and she is not aging well....geeze look at the photos of her that have not been touched up...she has turned into a frumply old woman.......and now it appears her health may be much worse than generally known.

So, the democrats will have to look for someone else most likely....who could it be?

The smart money remains on Jerry Brown.

Rumors persist that Hillary won?t run because health is worse than disclosed | The Daily Caller

You would think that being a criminally insane authoritarian sociopath would be enough of a disqualification...

Then again if that was a standard there would be no democrook party.
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Hillary's political career is in it's final death throes....she is trying to take a victory lap before bowing out and it is rather pathetic.
According to who? The sick people over on the conservative side who just saw their most shining star get shot down with his dirty deeds? are the one that is pathetic...Hillary is kicking ass and she hasn't even claimed to be running....your desperation is showing.

In her younger days before she swung so far to the left(unbelievably she supported Barry Goldwater) she would have made a decent President....someone should do an expose on how she became a running dog for the leftwingers.
You're a little late to the party....the right has been trying to smear Hillary and it ain't your little "sick" schtick just makes "you" look the sicko.
Are the Righties STILL wailing and gnashing teeth over here??


It would appear.....they couldn't get Benghazi to stick no matter how many years they dragged it on, so now they're going to invent a deadly disease.....wahhhhhh, she's terminally ill......Bwahahaha!
In addition to her age problem and she is not aging well....geeze look at the photos of her that have not been touched up...she has turned into a frumply old woman.......and now it appears her health may be much worse than generally known.

So, the democrats will have to look for someone else most likely....who could it be?

The smart money remains on Jerry Brown.

Rumors persist that Hillary won?t run because health is worse than disclosed | The Daily Caller

You would think that being a criminally insane authoritarian sociopath would be enough of a disqualification...

Then again if that was a standard there would be no democrook party.

It seems to me that you are thinking of Sarah Palin.....we're not talking about Palin, you criminally insane authoritarian sociopath is being misappropriated here...but considering you're in desperation since your "shining star" got dimmed.....I can understand your flopping about......:badgrin::badgrin:
Trying to start a frothing contest?

Mention Hillary and freedom-loving Americans foam at the mouth.

Mention Palin and Marxists get frothy and responsible adults race for bibs to slap on and avoid having to mop the floor.

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