How Sick Is Hillary?

Chicken Little with an AR-15 eh? And that's all just totally, totally nuts by the way.

No, it is well within the realm of possibility for someone so cavalier with our Constitutional guidelines and laws as to do the things he has done and gotten away with them.

He is a master manipulator and schemer.

For him to have gotten this far and to do all of the obviously anti-American things he has done and you STILL purport to doubt his Machiavellian wiles means you are not just a blind sheep.

You are a willing co-conspirator.

Even IF you have no official connection to him you are, nonetheless, working towards a common goal as he.

To make the USA less free, less prosperous and less strong.

You are as much an ally of Obama and his band of traitors as there can be.

If Obama is who you say he is, why did the election results look like this? That's not really that big a win, maybe 2 or 3%?

Shouldn't he have won by like 90%, if he really plans to take over that is? Wouldn't you be in prison by now?
Obama's the first president to win two terms with 51% since Eisenhower ... not bad.
No, it is well within the realm of possibility for someone so cavalier with our Constitutional guidelines and laws as to do the things he has done and gotten away with them.

He is a master manipulator and schemer.

For him to have gotten this far and to do all of the obviously anti-American things he has done and you STILL purport to doubt his Machiavellian wiles means you are not just a blind sheep.

You are a willing co-conspirator.

Even IF you have no official connection to him you are, nonetheless, working towards a common goal as he.

To make the USA less free, less prosperous and less strong.

You are as much an ally of Obama and his band of traitors as there can be.

If Obama is who you say he is, why did the election results look like this? That's not really that big a win, maybe 2 or 3%?

Shouldn't he have won by like 90%, if he really plans to take over that is? Wouldn't you be in prison by now?
Obama's the first president to win two terms with 51% since Eisenhower ... not bad.
That was before dead people voted.
How about giving us some examples?

"Well, let's see. There's ― of course in the great history of America there have been rulings that there's never going to be absolute consensus by every American, and there are those issues, again, like Roe v. Wade, where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So, you know, going through the history of America, there would be others but ―" --Sarah Palin, unable to name a Supreme Court decision she disagreed with other than Roe vs. Wade, interview with Katie Couric, CBS News, Oct. 1, 2008 (Watch video clip)
Huh uh, you're not getting off that easily. I want some examples of her mashing sentences and paragraphs together and switching to a completely different train of thought in mid sentence like you claimed she does. I'll wait.

Well, if you think her response to the question she was asked was even half way coherent, than I guess I will not convince you that she is never going to speak unscripted without her whole staff biting their nails and holding their breath...

But, if you insist, how about this? It is a real challenge following her thought path through this!

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Hilary is a bad person even worse than Obama and yet the real sick people will vote for without question or reason because of the letter behind her name.
Hillary is indeed old and a woman. So in these troubled times that's two strikes against her. The third strike is how hard she and her husband will be vulnerable to the GOP smear machine as a result of the first two vulnerablilities. After 8 years of Obama's extreme leftist fascism [see gay everything], the public in the middle [you know, the contested votes that aren't guaranteed] is not going to want another 4-8 years of San Francisco style jackboot goosestepping and rainbow Koolaide.

I see Biden is thinking of a bid for 2016. Same problem. He's old, loopy and the GOP will have a field day ridiculing him. The dems once again are acting like this is a popularity pageant and aren't thinking about putting out a candidate with the youth, caliber and pragmatic ferocity like Chris Christie.

If I keep hearing about these "sure to lose" candidacies just to placate the old guard, I'm going to write off 2016 for the dems right now and just give up early. They'd better come up with a middle ground Christie-type candidate or they're dead in the water..
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John McCain couldn't lift his arms over his head, and Sarah Palin is dumber than a box of retarded monkeys.

SO are you saying Hillary shouldn't run or are you saying you support Hillary because she's a Democrat and not McCain or Palin because they are Republicans.

Honest question.
John McCain couldn't lift his arms over his head, and Sarah Palin is dumber than a box of retarded monkeys.

SO are you saying Hillary shouldn't run or are you saying you support Hillary because she's a Democrat and not McCain or Palin because they are Republicans.

Honest question.
I believe he is saying Old GOPer, Stupid Teabagger, I'll vote for Clinton instead.
"Well, let's see. There's ― of course in the great history of America there have been rulings that there's never going to be absolute consensus by every American, and there are those issues, again, like Roe v. Wade, where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So, you know, going through the history of America, there would be others but ―" --Sarah Palin, unable to name a Supreme Court decision she disagreed with other than Roe vs. Wade, interview with Katie Couric, CBS News, Oct. 1, 2008 (Watch video clip)
Huh uh, you're not getting off that easily. I want some examples of her mashing sentences and paragraphs together and switching to a completely different train of thought in mid sentence like you claimed she does. I'll wait.

Well, if you think her response to the question she was asked was even half way coherent, than I guess I will not convince you that she is never going to speak unscripted without her whole staff biting their nails and holding their breath...

But, if you insist, how about this? It is a real challenge following her thought path through this!

[ame=]Palin Incoherent Response on her Role as Vice President - YouTube[/ame]
She answered his questions. I think what bothers you about it is that she didn't answer them the way you wanted her to. I had no problem understanding her at all.
Huh uh, you're not getting off that easily. I want some examples of her mashing sentences and paragraphs together and switching to a completely different train of thought in mid sentence like you claimed she does. I'll wait.

Well, if you think her response to the question she was asked was even half way coherent, than I guess I will not convince you that she is never going to speak unscripted without her whole staff biting their nails and holding their breath...

But, if you insist, how about this? It is a real challenge following her thought path through this!

[ame=]Palin Incoherent Response on her Role as Vice President - YouTube[/ame]
She answered his questions. I think what bothers you about it is that she didn't answer them the way you wanted her to. I had no problem understanding her at all.

I am not surprised, because, you know, the great American history of the need for the reform of this country, because of the threat of special interests, that need to be curbed is so great that it takes a person with real courage to ruffle their feathers and follow the intent of the founding fathers who believed in freedom and liberty without government restraint and moral decay, in a nation where some people have lost all of their moral family values and that is why I did not use birth control, even though doctors have determined that one out of every 20 babies born to a woman over 40 has Downs Syndrome. and my pregnant single daughter who had been taught abstinence has nothing to do with it, which is why my family and I decided that we could make a greater impact on this great nation's needs if I resign from the job that I swore on the Bible that I would do in order to get filthy rich making speeches, writing books, and exploiting the media that I love to disparage. Youbetcha! {wink}

(incidentally, the question was, "What would be your roll as VP? The correct answer is, "To preside over the Senate and to cast a vote in the event of a tie")
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Well, if you think her response to the question she was asked was even half way coherent, than I guess I will not convince you that she is never going to speak unscripted without her whole staff biting their nails and holding their breath...

But, if you insist, how about this? It is a real challenge following her thought path through this!

Palin Incoherent Response on her Role as Vice President - YouTube
She answered his questions. I think what bothers you about it is that she didn't answer them the way you wanted her to. I had no problem understanding her at all.

I am not surprised, because, you know, the great American history of the need for the reform of this country, because of the threat of special interests, that need to be curbed is so great that it takes a person with real courage to ruffle their feathers and follow the intent of the founding fathers who believed in freedom and liberty without government restraint and moral decay, in a nation where some people have lost all of their moral family values and that is why I did not use birth control, even though doctors have determined that one out of every 20 babies born to a woman over 40 has Downs Syndrome. and my pregnant single daughter who had been taught abstinence has nothing to do with it, which is why my family and I decided that we could make a greater impact on this great nation's needs if I resign from the job that I swore on the Bible that I would do in order to get filthy rich making speeches, writing books, and exploiting the media that I love to disparage. Youbetcha!
Is that a copy and paste? Just curious.
(incidentally, the question was, "What would be your roll as VP? The correct answer is, "To preside over the Senate and to cast a vote in the event of a tie")

So why is the far left Ok with Biden doing everything but that?

I'll bite. because he doesn't shoot animals from helicopters?:lol:

Typical, run to the tired old talking points that show the far left has nothing in it's arsenal except what they are programmed to say.

Oh well the far left woman bashing is infamous.
So why is the far left Ok with Biden doing everything but that?

I'll bite. because he doesn't shoot animals from helicopters?:lol:

Typical, run to the tired old talking points that show the far left has nothing in it's arsenal except what they are programmed to say.

It sounds like you are seeking a serious answer to your question.

If that is the case, I will give it to you. Biden is not yet running for president, and would not be electable if he did.
I'll bite. because he doesn't shoot animals from helicopters?:lol:

Typical, run to the tired old talking points that show the far left has nothing in it's arsenal except what they are programmed to say.

It sounds like you are seeking a serious answer to your question.

If that is the case, I will give it to you. Biden is not yet running for president, and would not be electable if he did.

Show where Palin is seeking to be elected President, otherwise this is just going to become another far left bashing women thread based on their far left's hate for the opposite sex that does not tow the far left propaganda.
Typical, run to the tired old talking points that show the far left has nothing in it's arsenal except what they are programmed to say.

It sounds like you are seeking a serious answer to your question.

If that is the case, I will give it to you. Biden is not yet running for president, and would not be electable if he did.

Show where Palin is seeking to be elected President, otherwise this is just going to become another far left bashing women thread based on their far left's hate for the opposite sex that does not tow the far left propaganda.

Oh, now, Kosh,

Put your paranoia away and relax. Nobody is after you. We are only trying to separate the wheat from the chaff. I would vote for Hillary, even thou I don't like her very much, but at least she is not as dumb as a sack of hammers...

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